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Live Resin: One-Of-A-Kind Form Of Extract

The live resin extract is an innovative and one-of-a-kind form of extract. It is prepared from freshly picked cannabis as opposed to buds that have been dried, which results in several benefits for medical use. In addition, the THC content of this strain can reach an astounding 95% at times.

Concentrates are exceptionally potent marijuana extractions that have a very high cannabinoid content. They have been given the nickname "the future of cannabis." Live resin is a relatively new form of cannabis concentrate that is catching the cannabis industry by storm. It gets its name from the fact that it is manufactured from cannabis plants that have recently been harvested. And not only does it give a potent concentrate, but it also enables you to enjoy the authentic flavor and scent of the cannabis plant.

Live resin is a form of cannabis concentrate that is obtained using a method that is comparable to the extraction of CO2 or BHO (butane hash oil) concentrates, in the sense that it necessitates the use of the appropriate equipment as well as the expertise of those who are responsible for carrying out the process. However, a significant number of terpenes are lost when using a standard extraction method that is based on these gases. It is because high temperatures are utilized in the process, which dissolves terpenes with a low boiling point.

What is necessary to obtain this kind of concentrates?

In order to obtain this kind of concentrate, the cannabis plant must first be harvested, then it must be dried, and then it must be cured. But this drying and curing process also causes damage to the terpene profile of the plant. This is because, during this period, the trichomes are exposed to elements such as heat, oxygen, physical stimulation, or light. In addition, the cannabis plant absorbs moisture and chlorophyll during this time.

All of these variables contribute to the degradation of the terpenes. As a result, the concentrate that is produced does not have the aroma of the fresh plant, nor does it contain any potentially medicinal components. The terpene content of plant material that has been routinely processed (that is, dried and cured) can be reduced by as much as 60%.

What Exactly Is Live Resin?

In the world of marijuana concentrates, one stands out from the others due to its power, and that concentrate is known as live resin. This product is crafted with freshly picked marijuana flowers and manages to retain all of the beneficial properties of the plant itself. A general overview of how to create it and how to drink it is going to be presented to you in this article.

Live resin concentrate

According to marijuana experts, live resin is the most vigorous and flavorful concentration available. In point of fact, it is difficult to find a method that is superior to this one if the goal is to ingest marijuana in a way that is more faithful to the original essence of the living plant. Because live resin keeps as much of its terpenes and cannabinoids as it possibly can, the extraction procedure essentially does not do any damage to these highly desirable ingredients, and the resulting product is one that is both extraordinarily potent and incredibly tasty.

Live Resin: Creation Of A Marijuana Product That Is Pristine And Full Of Terpenes

As its name suggests, live resin is extracted immediately from the newly harvested flowers of the marijuana plant. Unlike traditional resin, live resin is not subjected to the drying and curing processes that are required for traditional resin. No matter how carefully you dry and cure the marijuana, the process will invariably change the chemical composition of the terpenes and cannabinoids that the marijuana contains. This will affect both the potency and the flavor of the finished product.

Marijuana buds

Fresh buds are not suitable for smoking, chemical extraction may be challenging for inexperienced users, and fresh marijuana cannot be stored for an extended period. Therefore, although the living products are far more potent, you should not block yourself off the traditional drying and curing techniques.

Extracting the resin directly from the live marijuana plant results in a concentrate that avoids the processes that destroy weed that has been dried and cured, thereby producing a marijuana product that is pristine, full of terpenes, and can have a THC concentration of up to 95%! But achieving this is, of course, not a simple task.

How Is It Made?

The method of making live resin is not overly complicated in and of itself, but it does require materials that are technically advanced, expensive, and difficult to work within a domestic setting. Even while it is theoretically possible to complete the task at home, most people will not even consider doing so because of the inherent risks involved. Therefore, below is not a step-by-step tutorial on manufacturing live resin; instead, it is just an explanation of the process in a broader sense.

Process Of Making Live Resin

You must immediately freeze the fresh buds after collecting them to preserve their quality. This can't be a typical freezer; rather, it must be an industrial-grade unit that makes use of dry ice or liquid nitrogen. As a result of this process, the trichomes, which are glands that carry resin, become brittle and can more easily detach from the plant substance.

In the following step, a solvent is required to separate the frozen trichomes from the plant matter, as it is with the majority of marijuana concentrates. In this particular instance, the difference is that both the plant matter and the solvent are chilled to an approximate temperature of -40 degrees Celsius.

The finished extract is then processed so that the solvent may be removed. It also takes place when the temperature is extremely low.

What Does It Look Like?

"The concentration that is referred to as "live resin" is a dark yellow or orange color, has a more plastic-like consistency than the ordinary form of BHO, and has a viscosity that is somewhere between that of a sauce and that of wax. It is not overly thick, unlike sweets, it does not break easily.

It is incredibly sticky, therefore you will need a tool in order to process it, just like other cannabis concentrates. Depending on the manufacturer, some of these resins may have a liquid consistency, while others may have a firmer or waxier texture. The consistency of these resins can also vary from batch to batch. Having said that, this differs from one product to the next. The fluidity and plasticity of the concentrate will be determined by the concentration of the terpenes; the better the concentrate, the greater the concentration should be.

And because the number of terpenes can have an effect on the viscosity of the extraction, full-spectrum extracts using whole plants (including branches and leaves) can frequently have a more complex terpene profile than extracts using solely fresh and frozen flowers. This is due to the fact that the concentration of terpenes has been shown to have an effect on the extraction's viscosity.

The History Of Live Resin

There is a lengthy and rich history associated with the marijuana plant on this planet (and often obscure). Therefore, even though cannabis enthusiasts have been working with the plant itself for thousands of years, the live resin is merely a zygote at this point (not even a fruit).

In 2013, a small group of growers and extractors came up with the notion of employing fresh, frozen plant material in the extract as opposed to dried and cured plant material. This was done in order to improve the quality of the extract. They did what was required to fulfill this idea and created a unique butane extractor.

live resin dab

The new substance continued to perform the role of an extractor, but in addition to that, it was now able to keep the frigid temperatures that were required to keep the frozen plant material stable. The inventors were able to develop a resin that had a chemical profile that was significantly more similar to that of a living plant as a result of this novel function, which involved freezing the plant. The live resin emerged from the process described above.

One Of The Most Significant Benefits

This concentration, which is in the form of resin pieces, can be ingested with a bong, a dabbing machine, a vaporizer, or even a vaporizer that allows you to utilize concentrates instead of a cartridge. The resin fragments are what give the concentrate its form. In order to boost the flavor and potency of the yoke, you may further enhance it by mixing in a small amount of "live resin."

One of the most significant benefits of using this extraction method is that it enables users to take in a substantial quantity of THC in a single session (if you wish). There are some varieties that contain as much as 95% THC. Users without sufficient expertise should exercise extreme caution because an excessively high concentration of THC might cause unpleasant side effects such as paranoia, hallucinations, or nausea.

What Are The Advantages Of Dealing With Live Resin?

There are primarily two advantages to using live resin:

  • Power
  • Flavor

Because fresh marijuana plants are used to make live resin, as was discussed earlier, this means that at the beginning of the extraction process, you have 100% of what the plant has generated. This allows you to get the most out of the process. During the regular extraction methods, up to sixty percent of the terpenes can be lost while they are being dried and cured, which results in a considerable reduction in the flavor of the concentrate once it has been completely processed. Because nothing is wasted during the process of extracting the live resin, you have a greater quantity of it.

In addition, you may extend the life of live resin by storing it in a container that is dark, sealed, and placed in a relaxed environment. Another benefit of these items is their ability to be stored for extended periods of time, provided, of course, that they are used in a moderate manner.

Is It Possible To Get High With Live Resin?

Not only does live resin make you high, but it also has the ability to make you really high. Because live resin concentrates contain up to 95% THC and a significant quantity of terpenes, they are one of the most potent forms of marijuana that can be purchased and should be treated with the utmost respect as a result of their potency.

Prepare yourself for some powerful and robust effects. If you have never used this kind of concentrate before, you should proceed with extreme caution and only use a tiny amount of it each time you dab or vape. If you choose to consume or inhale the substance, on the other hand, you run the risk of the adverse effects wearing off quite quickly and only lasting for a short period of time.

What Are The Characteristics Of Fresh Resin Extracts?

The aroma and chemical profile of these concentrates set them apart from those other cannabis concentrates. They frequently have a rich golden color, which is caused by pigments that are present in the fresh plant resin before the resin has had the opportunity to oxidize. The consistency of fresh resins has been described as waxy, and they can also be slippery.

live resin cartridge

Wax, shatters, dabs, pen vaporizers, and pre-filled cartridges are some of the forms in which fresh resin extracts can be found on the market. The rate at which fresh resin extracts and traditional concentrates degrade over time is one of the most significant distinctions between the two types of products.

Fresh resin extracts can change over time, beginning with a smooth texture, then developing a hazy appearance, and finally taking on a more granular appearance. Regular frags and waxes will keep their color and consistency without change, but fresh resin extracts can. This shift happens as a result of the terpenes evaporating, which in turn causes the stability of the resin to start breaking down.

Fresh resin extracts can be used at any stage, but it is generally agreed that they taste and function best when eaten fresh. The fact that live extracts are of such high quality and freshness results in their having a relatively short shelf life.

What Are The Similarities Between Live Resin Similar To Other Concentrates?

To begin, the production process for the live resin is very similar to those of other types of concentrates, such as honey oil, shatter, and wax. The THC, CBD, terpenes, and other chemical components that give marijuana its allure are extracted from the plant material by passing a solvent through it.

Butane is by far the most widely used solvent, which is why most concentrates are also referred to as butane hash oil, or BHO for short. However, butane is not the only solvent that can be used, and certain live resins can be manufactured with the help of other liquids besides butane. Isopropyl alcohol and chloroform are two further examples of potential solvents in addition to carbon dioxide (CO2).

Buds, which can be smoked or combined into edible goods, have a lower THC level than live resins, which have a significantly higher THC content than other concentrates. Live resins are similar to other concentrates in this regard. The THC level of concentrates, like live resin, can range anywhere from 80 to 90 percent. When compared to smoked plants, which can contain up to 25% THC, it is simple to understand why live resin is in such high demand.

THC levels, on the other hand, have nothing to do with the presence of live resins. It's possible that the amount of THC found in some live resins is even somewhat lower than what you'd find in concentrates made using traditional methods. The preservation of the terpenes that would otherwise be destroyed in the usual decarboxylation process is the true objective of live resins.

Differences Between Live Resin And Other Concentrates

Live resin can be differentiated from other concentrates in a number of ways, including the process by which it is produced and the fact that it is extracted from fresh buds that have not been cured in any way; nevertheless, the fundamental differentiation resides in the fact that it is called "live resin."

The vast majority of cannabis concentrates begin as dried and cured flowers, which are then put through a process called solvent extraction in order to obtain the cannabinoids and terpenes that are desired. In some situations, such as when creating rosin, for example, a dried bud is used, and the resin is removed from it by immediately subjecting it to heat. This process is similar to how it is done while making hashish. Because this approach does not involve the use of any solvents, it can be carried out considerably more easily in the comfort of one's own home.

How Is Live Resin Consumed?

Consumption of live resin is comparable to that of other extracts in its flexibility. Ingesting live resin can be accomplished mostly through dabbing or vaping, with dabbing representing the more cost-effective choice most of the time. Instead of smoking or even consuming edibles, dabbing and vaping keep the full flavor and power of the live resin.


Dabbing necessitates the use of a dab rig, which is a straightforward piece of equipment that functions like a bong but vaporizes the concentrate rather than burning it. The bang, also known as the nail, is heated to the desired temperature using either an electric heater or a blowtorch. After that, the resin is dabbed on with the assistance of a dabber, vaporized, and inhaled; however, it must first go through the water before reaching the lungs.


To consume cannabis concentrates in the form of rosin or live resin by vaping them, preferably with a vaporizer developed specifically for marijuana concentrates. It's possible that the only thing you'll need to do is pour the resin into the chamber of the chosen device, select the temperature you want it to be, wait for it to heat up, and then take a drag.

The flavor and strength of live resin can be enjoyed in this way, which is arguably the easiest way to do so; however, vaporizers can be quite expensive. Nevertheless, if you intend to make the use of concentrates a regular part of your routine, it is in your best interest to make the purchase of a vaporizer. Additionally, much different equipment is suitable for the consumption of dried flowers, which means they can get the most out of your buds.

How To Store Live Resin

It is essential to store the live resin in containers that are both airtight and dark if one wishes for the quality of the resin to be preserved over time. On the other hand, because it is viscous and sticky, you will need a container that is made of a specialized type of silicone. Because these containers are non-stick, they prevent the concentrates from sinking to the bottom of the bottle. This eliminates the danger that the concentrates will contaminate the subsequent batch when the bottle is refilled.

Packed Full Of Terpenes

It is conceivable that the majority of newcomers will have a difficult time acquiring live resin, particularly those who live in regions where it is illegal to sell marijuana goods in stores (which is the case in the majority of countries). If, on the other hand, you are in a position to purchase or manufacture this kind of concentrate, you really ought to do so because it is something that is well worth the effort.

If you want your cannabis product to provide you with a sufficient amount of cannabinoids and terpenes, this is the method that you should consider using. And if you ever get the opportunity to let loose and have some fun, make sure you don't push yourself too hard because the potency of live resin is on an entirely different level.

What Benefits Do Fresh Resin Extracts Have?

When compared to other concentrates, fresh resin extracts have an unusually high concentration of terpenes. This is due to the fact that terpenes quickly evaporate after the plant has been picked, dried, and processed, which results in just a portion of the plant's original terpene profile being present in the finished product. 

Some experts think that standard resin extracts only include roughly 5 percent of the terpene profile that was initially present. The amount of the plant's native terpene that is found in fresh resin extracts is closer to 90 percent. The process of working at a reduced temperature is essential to the preservation of the terpene profiles.

Terpenes are chemicals that are known to be unstable, which means that they are of a molecular size that allows them to evaporate when exposed to high temperatures. Since most terpenes can be evaporated at temperatures as low as room temperature, a simple fresh resin extraction will need both the plant and the solvent to be cooled to very low temperatures.

Fresh Resin Extracts Have Higher Quantities Of Both CBD And THC

Cannabinoid profiles have the potential to deliver benefits that are comparable to those of fresh resin extracts, and this is something that should be taken into consideration. These components begin to degrade almost immediately after the plant has been harvested and undergo transformations when the plant starts to die. 

This process continues while the plant continues to decompose. When there is a great deal of heat, this phenomenon also occurs. One of the most important shifts that has taken place is the change of CBD and THC into a third cannabinoid known as CBN. This is a metamorphosis that has taken place (cannabinol).

The sedative effect of CBN is significantly stronger than that of CBD, and the presence of CBN in the final concentrate contributes to an increased feeling of tiredness. Additionally, it indicates that the final product will include a lower concentration of CBD or THC than you might desire.

What Exactly Is The Purpose Of Live Resin?

It is well known that live resin has a calming and relaxing impact on a wide variety of minor diseases. Cannabis consumers frequently select live resin because of its potent analgesic, anti-nausea, and anti-tension benefits. Live resin calms the body from head to toe and significantly reduces inflammation in the joints and muscles.

 In comparison to other cannabis products, live resin is particularly well-known for the anti-inflammatory benefits it possesses. Even though chronic cannabis users eventually build up a significant tolerance to the drug, live resin is still capable of providing some relief from discomfort. The effects of live resin strains can include the relaxation of the body and mind as well as the treatment of aches and pains in the muscles and joints. 

Strong strains of Sativa might inspire you to be more creative and give you more drive. Whatever you use cannabis for, the live resin has the potential to improve the experience, and it is an excellent choice to consider if your typical dose of the flower isn't producing the desired effects as it used to. When experiencing live resin for the first time, you should start cautiously and with the least amount possible because the impact of live resin is unlike anything else.

Some Pros And Cons Of Using Live Resin

The advantages of using live resin are really remarkable and considerable. It is impossible to ignore the medical and therapeutic benefits of live resin due to the high terpene level as well as the even higher THC content.

After just a few puffs, a lot of people say they get an immediate rush of happiness, along with less tension and clearer thinking. The use of live resin is something that many people do in order to give themselves a boost of joy and to divert their attention away from the worries of daily life that can hold them back. Live resin has the potential to deliver significant mental and physical relaxation for the day when it is both breathed and exhaled.

Man exhaling live resin cartridge

Concentrates of cannabis, such as Live Resin, can be of assistance:

  • Sleep
  • Pain
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Substance abuse
  • Depression

Because the live resin contains such a high concentration of active ingredients, you need to be on the lookout for any potential negative effects it may have. It is possible to have feelings of worry or discomfort if you consume too much live resin or if you are simply not accustomed to the way that it affects your body. This is especially true if you have never consumed live resin before. People have reported that in addition to their already elevated levels of anxiety, they are additionally suffering from feelings of panic, stomach problems, tremors, and a parched mouth.

If you experience any of these unfavorable side effects, it is imperative that you eat something, drink some water, or even take a shower as soon as possible in order to alleviate the symptoms. You may be brought back down to earth and made aware of the fact that you have just absorbed an unsafe amount of tar as a result of any one of these typical behaviors.

Thanks To Fresh Resin Extracts, It Is Difficult For Businesses To Use Low-Quality Hemp

By giving the end product a flavor profile that is virtually identical to that of the fresh plant, which makes it simpler to detect extracts that were made from low-quality plants, using live plants throughout the extraction process offers the product this flavor character. It will be evident to the consumer if the company is not making use of the best plants available when they are making these extracts.

Isolates, on the other hand, have none of these different components because they are stripped from the extract entirely. Without a certificate of analysis, it is tough, if not impossible, to identify the quality of the hemp that was used to manufacture the isolates. The great majority of CBD products are from low-quality plants that have been "recovered" by merely being converted into an isolate. These plants were used to make CBD products. 

Raw flowers, full-spectrum extracts, and fresh resin extracts are the only kind of materials that are considered to be of high quality. In addition, several businesses recombine the terpenes that are present in their products in order to recover a flavor profile. These products are referred to as full-spectrum extracts. 

The difficulty is that these terpenes are frequently synthetic or come from plants that are entirely unrelated to cannabis. If you purchase a product that was manufactured using a fresh resin extract, there is a much-increased likelihood that the product will be of high quality.

You Will Experience An Incredible High

People appreciate resin because it is strong, which is one of the primary reasons for this preference. There are concentrations that have as much as 95% THC. The method of creating live cannabis resin was invented in Colorado shortly after cannabis was legalized there. Live cannabis resin is widely considered to be among the most potent forms of cannabis now.

Live cannabis resin

This result would be desirable for you for two different reasons. The benefits of cannabis are significantly diminished when compared to the initial high experienced when the herb was initially smoked. This is especially true for long-term cannabis users. Concentrates, many users tell, gives them the impression that they are experiencing the effects of being high for the very first time. One additional advantage of increasing intoxication is the enhanced potential for medical use of cannabis. It is a fast and straightforward way to experience the high that cannabis provides, and the effects remain for a considerable amount of time.

The Advantages Of Using Cannabis Extracts

All cannabis concentrates can be thought of as refined forms of cannabis byproducts. In order to achieve a greater level of "purity" in the end product, each of the production processes is tailored to eliminate as much plant matter as possible. Its potency is increased, and specific benefits related to the absorption of THC and CBD are provided.

When Live Resin is heated in dabbing or bong equipment, users inhale the vapor that is produced by the Live Resin. Nicotine, tar, and other poisons are not present in the steam produced by combustion because there is no "smoking" involved in the process. The intensity of the concentrated THC ensures that the effects will continue for a more extended period of time, while the concentrated CBD offers more immediate medical benefits.

Consumption is not as convenient as smoking a joint or vaporizing an oil, but the concentration of the elements can alleviate symptoms associated with a wide variety of conditions, including Alzheimer's disease, nausea induced by chemotherapy, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, epilepsy, and other forms of involuntary spasticity, insomnia and sleep disturbances, chronic and situational stress, and more.

It is precisely this strength that presents a challenge. It is not recommended for first-time cannabis consumers to try Live Resin. It is not cheap, and you are required to have adequate experience before using it. You have an obligation to educate yourself about the product and the options that are open to you.

When you are at the dispensary, you need to look at the label very carefully and search for the components as well as the results of any third-party tests. The best products are typically offered at rates that are likely to be shocking to customers. Anyway, many people prefer to consume live resin made from fresh cannabis. Live resin extracts from freshly harvested cannabis are the best for cannabis lovers.

You also need to focus on the intensity of the effect. Your body will feel the effects of THC and/or CBD almost immediately and intensely, and these effects will be amplified if you get rid of any other components first. If you are new to using Live Resin or any other concentrates, you should consult with an experienced user who can teach you how to use each of the numerous forms of the product.

It is essential that you do not start on this attempt on your own. You ought to collaborate with a friend or mates who are able to assist you if the experience proves to be challenging. Before moving on to an amount with which you are more at ease, you should, as a general rule, give some thought to beginning with a concentrate of lower strength or with a lesser quantity.

The Bottom Line

The recently harvested flowers of the marijuana plant are processed very quickly in order to remove the live resin. Live resin, as opposed to traditional resin, does not need to go through the steps of drying and curing before it can be used. These steps are necessary for traditional resin. No matter how carefully you dry and cure the marijuana, the process will invariably result in a change in the chemical composition of the terpenes and cannabinoids that are included in the marijuana. This is true even if you dry and cure the marijuana for a very long time. This will have an impact not just on the completed product's strength but also on the way it tastes.

Fresh marijuana cannot be stored for an extended period of time, is not suited for smoking when it is in its raw form, and chemical extraction can be difficult for users with little to no prior knowledge. Therefore, despite the fact that live products have a significantly higher concentration of active ingredients, you should not limit yourself to the more conventional methods of drying and curing.

Having said that, the process of extracting the resin directly from the live marijuana plant results in a concentrate that avoids the processes that destroy weed that has been dried and cured. This results in the production of a marijuana product that is unadulterated, full of terpenes, and can have a THC concentration of up to 95%!

The process of creating live resin is not too complicated in and of itself; nonetheless, it does require materials that are technologically advanced, expensive, and difficult to work within a residential context. Even though it is technically possible to finish the task at home, the vast majority of people will not even explore the possibility due to the inherent hazards that are involved.

Disclaimer: This material is for informational purposes only and should not be relied on for legal, medical, financial, or any other professional advice.

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Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Sleep Soundly, Flavor: Berry
Mendo Berries Live Resin Mendo Punch x Beary White Indica Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier consistency...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Sleep Soundly
Flavor: Berry
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy, Happy, Flavor: Cannabis Flower, Strawberry, Diesel
Banner OG Live Resin OG Kush x Strawberry Diesel Pheno Indica Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier...
Brands: Raw Garden
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy, Happy
Flavor: Cannabis Flower, Strawberry, Diesel
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Energetic, Happy, Creative, Flavor: Honey

Introducing Colombian Cookies Live Resin, the perfect way to experience the high quality and THC potency of Cannabis. Made with pure Cannabis flowers, these cookies are deliciously rich and flavorful. They're also professionally tested to ensure you get the most out of your experience. With a tone that's professional yet relaxed, Colombian Cookies Live Resin is perfect for cannabis enthusiasts who want to enjoy their herb in a unique way.

Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Energetic, Happy, Creative
Flavor: Honey
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Buddies Brand, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Calming, Sleepy

Starting with hand-selected strains, fresh frozen cannabis enables Buddies Brand™ to lock in the raw expression of the cultivar and maximize the terpene profile of the plant.

Brands: Buddies Brand
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Calming, Sleepy
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Pine, Citrus, Sweet, Smooth
Our Live Resin Diamonds are curated specifically for usability, you will find right-sized diamond crystals suspended in our terpene packed sauce. Some Cannabis strains lend themselves particularly well to diamond creation, like they were intended for it. We let Mother Nature tell us which strains and batches are best suited for our Live Resin Diamonds. SUNDAE FLOAT / HYBRID · Taste:  Citrus, Sweet, Pine · Feeling:  Blissful, Balanced, Giggly · Description:  Refresh yourself with Sundae Float, a citrusy hybrid ideal for an afternoon session.
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Pine, Citrus, Sweet, Smooth
Brands: West Coast Cure, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Talkative, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Strawberry, Apple, Sweet
Apple Fritter Live Resin Badder is 'as American as apple pie'! As a flower, Apple Fritter is a slightly Indica-dominant hybrid strain. Bred by NorCal's Lumpy's Flowers, Apple Fritter is a cross of Sour Apple and Animal Cookies. Harvested at peak maturation, the flowers are then frozen before being processed into these delicious extracts. The smell is sweet, funky, and fruity, with hints of earthiness and a taste to match. A gassy hit of cheese and apples, the flavor is a low-calorie treat for the taste buds. Works great as a day or night time dab. About this strain: Apple Fritter  Apple Fritter was created in the wine regions of...
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Talkative, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Strawberry, Apple, Sweet
Brands: Dripp Extracts, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Sedating, Flavor: Sugary, Sour, Berry
Dripp Extracts Live Resin Sour Berry Sugar is made from a combination of fine THCa crystals drenched in live resin, cannabis derived, terpenes. The size of these crystals allows for maximum saturation. Therefore giving this extract a very distinct and robust flavor, to go along with its high levels of THC. This is perfect for a consumer looking for something potent without having to sacrifice the fulfilling pleasure of great flavor. This strain is characterized by a vibrant backbone of raspberry and boysenberry flavors balanced by subtle aromatic notes of citrus. Sour Berry contains significant amounts of the humulene terpene, which...
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Sedating
Flavor: Sugary, Sour, Berry
Brands: BAREWOODS, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Pain Relief, Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy, Flavor: Chemical, Diesel, Earthy

Experience the power of THC in a concentrated pod designed to be easy to use and portable. This has been one of the highest quality pods on the market for some time.

Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Pain Relief, Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy
Flavor: Chemical, Diesel, Earthy
Brands: Raw Garden, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Euphoric, Relaxed, Calm, Flavor: Cannabis Flower, Flowery
Mandarin Mist Live Resin Orange Cookies x Key Lime x Lemonberry Sativa Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers, or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and...
Brands: Raw Garden
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Euphoric, Relaxed, Calm
Flavor: Cannabis Flower, Flowery
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: West Coast Cure, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused, Energetic, Happy, Flavor: Pine, Earthy, Citrus, Spicy/Herbal
Ultra Jack Live Resin Sugar is a vigorous Sativa-dominant concentrate that instills a distinct cerebral energy. A terpy extract with a pronounced nose, Ultra Jack’s flavor profile smacks of pine, sandalwood, citrus, and sweet chai. The effects provide an energized and euphoric high that works perfectly as a mid-day motivator. An ideal choice for social activities or providing creative inspiration, Ultra Jack melts inhibition and relaxes the ego - allowing for contemplative moments. About this strain: Jack Herer  Named after the late, legendary cannabis activist and author of the 1985 book “The Emperor Wears No Clothes,” Jack Herer has...
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused, Energetic, Happy
Flavor: Pine, Earthy, Citrus, Spicy/Herbal
Brands: Raw Garden, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Energetic

Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. Raw Garden Live Resin™ Diamonds contain varietal-specific terpenes and THCa crystallines for the ultimate dabbing experience.

Brands: Raw Garden
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Energetic
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Elevated Experience, Happy, Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Kosher Kush #10 Live Resin Kosher Kush Pheno Indica Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from Cannabis flower grown by Raw Garden in Central California using entirely organically-based and Clean Green-certified farming techniques that is...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Elevated Experience, Happy
Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: ROACH, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Focused, Happy, Flavor: Chemical, Earthy, Sweet
Guava Cashmere is an Indica-dominant hybrid live resin that is created with guava and cashmere strains. Sweet floral aromas mixed with fresh pine, leaving a lingering earthy flavor on the exhale. Prepare to disengage from your daily routine: sit back, relax, and enjoy the good vibes. About this strain: Guava  A cross between Stardawg with Afghani indica, the cannabis breeder Flavour Chasers are the original creators of the indica-leaning hybrid Guava. According to the breeder, Guava carries a fruity and tropical flavor found on both the plant and buds, and provides THC levels of up to 21%.
Brands: ROACH
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Focused, Happy
Flavor: Chemical, Earthy, Sweet
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: ROACH, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Tropical, Earthy, Sweet
Tropic melon is an indica-dominant strain created by crossing watermelon and zkittlez. It has a citrusy, candy-like profile with a sweet, earthy aftertaste that smacks your melon's taste buds. A euphoric head rush will make your head soar higher and higher; your body will think you are sipping a mai tai on a private island. About this strain: Watermelon Zkittlez  Watermelon Zkittlez is an indica-dominant strain from Purple City Genetics (PCG), based out of Oakland, California. The top reported aromas are true to its name — very fruity, sweet, and candy-like. The top reported flavors are fruity watermelon and sweet candy.
Brands: ROACH
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Tropical, Earthy, Sweet
Blood Orange Live Resin Budder is an evenly balanced hybrid extract that expresses all of the sweet and citrusy flavors you’re craving. Loaded with tart and sour undertones, it’s a delicious dab with a toothsome flavor and powerful effects. Motivated by the budder’s invigorating terpene content of tropical fruit and cool earth, Blood Orange provides uplifting effects and a full-body buzz. This live resin budder makes an excellent daytime dab.
Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy, Flavor: Tropical, Strawberry, Sweet
Our Curated Live Resin captures the true essence of the plant in extract form. The whole plant is cut and harvested then immediately flash frozen, preserving the full spectrum of cannabinoids and flavor. This process delivers the pinnacle of potency, flavor and consistency.
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy
Flavor: Tropical, Strawberry, Sweet
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Select Oil, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Diesel, Citrus, Lemon, Sour
Introducing Select Elite Live Oil. Elite Live combines the same quality oil you’ve come to know from Select, now infused with freshly harvested live resin terpenes. The combination results in a high quality, high potency oil with a wide variety of strain-specific flavor and effects- so sativas feel more stimulating and indicas more sleepy. Now that’s better. About this strain: Sour Diesel  Also known as Sour D and East Coast Sour Diesel (or ECSD,) Sour Diesel is a prolific strain with somewhat tumultuous origins. According to online sources, Sour Diesel gained prominence in New York in the mid-90s when breeder AJ (short for A**hole...
Brands: Select Oil
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Diesel, Citrus, Lemon, Sour
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: West Coast Cure, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy, Flavor: Earthy, Citrus, Berry
Do-si-dos Live Resin Sugar is an Indica-dominant extract that boasts a floral and petrol aroma with a powerful effect. A hybrid cross between Face Off OG and OGBK, it expresses a subtle taste of fresh earth and pine. A small dab of these potent extracts is rewarded with an intense and gassy flavor with a distinctly petrol-filled exhale. Long-lasting and vibrant, the dabs' effects provide a persuasive and easygoing high for the seasoned consumer. Best utilized as a post-work indulgence, a dab of Do-si-dos Live Resin Sugar minimizes physical discomfort and allows the relaxed mindset to flourish.
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy
Flavor: Earthy, Citrus, Berry
Weight: 1 g
Brands: Raw Garden, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Uplifted, Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards.  Live Resin™ Diamonds are 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices.  Live Resin™ Diamonds contain varietal-specific terpenes and THCa crystallines for the ultimate dabbing experience.
Brands: Raw Garden
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Uplifted
Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Hybrid, Effects: Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Sleepy, Flavor: Banana, Citrus

Our Bahama Mama #3 Live Resin is made from pure, top-quality Cannabis flowers. It's a delicious, potent product that's perfect for enjoying the benefits of cannabis. Our Live Resin is 100% Cannabis, with no additives or fillers, and it's grown using sustainable farming practices. So you can trust that you're getting a high-quality product that's good for you and the environment.

Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica, Hybrid
Effects: Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Sleepy
Flavor: Banana, Citrus
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Kiva Confections - Verified ☑️, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric, Tingly, Happy, Flavor: Diesel, Sweet, Fruity, Vegan, Flowery, Grape, Vanilla
This indica-dominant hybrid strain is a cross between Wedding Cake and Watermelon Zkittlez. It's characterized by its sweet, fruity and floral flavors atop an earthy, spicy background. Playing off these fruity, floral flavors, this fruit chew boasts a juicy, melon flavor with fresh cucumber notes. About this strain: Wedding Crasher  Wedding Crasher, by Symbiotic Genetics, was produced from a crossbreed of Purple Punch and Wedding Cake. Though classified as a hybrid, up to 45% of the plant has indica properties. It has a THC content upwards of 20% while having minimal CBD content. Wedding Crash reportedly taste like a combination of...
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric, Tingly, Happy
Flavor: Diesel, Sweet, Fruity, Vegan, Flowery, Grape, Vanilla
Effects: Euphoric, Flavor: Berry

While the sedative effects of Purple Punch's parents Larry OG and Granddaddy Purp are in full force, the energizing effects of THC Bomb slowly settle in through the fog.

Effects: Euphoric
Flavor: Berry
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy, Flavor: Orange, Strawberry
SYV Breeze Live Resin Kosher OG x Orange Glue x Strawberry Jack Indica Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy
Flavor: Orange, Strawberry
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Hybrid, Effects: Happy, Giggly, Get Active, Motivate Your Mind, Uplifted, Energetic, Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Slymextreme Live Resin Slymer x Extreme OG Sativa Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier consistency...
Brands: Raw Garden
Cannabis Type: Sativa, Hybrid
Effects: Happy, Giggly, Get Active, Motivate Your Mind, Uplifted, Energetic
Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Elevated Experience, Flavor: Lime, Citrus
Limetini Live Resin Slymer x Citrus Sap x Key Lime Cookies Sativa Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from Cannabis flower grown by Raw Garden in Central California using entirely organically-based and Clean Green-certified farming techniques...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Elevated Experience
Flavor: Lime, Citrus
Weight: 1 g
Acai Kush Live Resin Badder is a unique 50/50 hybrid extract. While the flower's lineage remains a bit cloudy, its concentrates are nothing short of breathtaking! The badder enjoys a combination of aroma, aesthetics, and potency. It's nose is sweet and fruity with a nice kushy finish. A creatively relaxing extract, this calming hybrid mix is a HIGHly enjoyable, multipurpose dab that works morning, noon, and night.
Brands: Raw Garden, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Energetic, Happy, Euphoric, Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards.   Live Resin™ THC Vape Cartridges are 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers, or artificial flavors. Made from Cannabis flower grown in Central California using entirely organically-based and Clean Green-certified farming techniques that is Cryogenically Flash-Frozen immediately at harvest. These cartridges are high in THC and contain all the natural aromas, flavors, and terpenes of the high-quality source flower from which they are extracted.
Brands: Raw Garden
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Energetic, Happy, Euphoric
Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Skunk, Woody, Earthy
Our Curated Live Resin captures the true essence of the plant in extract form. The whole plant is cut and harvested then immediately flash frozen, preserving the full spectrum of cannabinoids and flavor. This process delivers the pinnacle of potency, flavor and consistency. BANANA PIE / INDICA · Taste:  Banana, Herbal, Sweet · Feeling:  Relaxed, Happy, Euphoric · Description:  This mellow hybrid offers a smooth smoke with a tasty finish. Banana Pie by Crockett Family Farms is a combination of Key Lime Pie and a Banana OG x OG Kush hybrid. The top reported aromas of the Banana Pie strain are berries, herbs, and spices....
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Skunk, Woody, Earthy
Weight: 1g
Brands: West Coast Cure, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Euphoric, Relaxed, Flavor: Flowery, Fruity
Peach Rings Live Resin Badder from WCC is an Indica-dominant concentrate that’s packed with copious amounts of THC and a loud fruit flavor. The effects from these dabs produce a strong, euphoric high that generates a relaxing and tranquil mindset. With a gassed-up peachy exhale, this live resin badder provides comfort for the distressed high-tolerance consumer.
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Euphoric, Relaxed
Flavor: Flowery, Fruity
Brands: BAREWOODS, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Happy, Giggly, Flavor: Vanilla, Sweet, Berry, Cereal

With a balanced blend of sativa and indica, this strain will help you unwind and relieve anxiety. Our Cereal Milk BARE Pod offers a powerful flavor profile with an earthy taste and citrusy-pine fragrance that will leave your mouth watering.

Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Happy, Giggly
Flavor: Vanilla, Sweet, Berry, Cereal
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Big Chief
Triple Scoops Live Resin Diamonds
Brands: Big Chief
Weight: 1g
Brands: West Coast Cure, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Energetic, Flavor: Diesel, Pungent, Earthy, Spicy/Herbal
GMO Live Resin Badder is a terpene-rich, Indica dominant hybrid concentrate that benefits from its stellar gene pool. A powerful mashup of Girl Scout Cookies and ChemDawg’s elevated genetics, the badder produces a pungent garlic nose with undertones of petrol and earth. This intriguing concentrate has a savory blast of spicy decadence that provides a therapeutic dab.
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Energetic
Flavor: Diesel, Pungent, Earthy, Spicy/Herbal
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Creative, Energetic, Happy, Flavor: Earthy, Fruity, Berry, Herbal, Spicy
Blue Dream is a popular strain with various sources of origin. Below are several anecdotes about the strain's inception. Origin 1: Blue Dream by Unknown The clone-only version of Blue Dream is a sativa-dominant hybrid that was first cultivated in Northern California. A cross of DJ Short’s Blueberry F5 strain and Santa Cruz Haze, Blue Dream produces several noteworthy phenotypes and is known to produce varied phenotypes with heavy yields. Origin 2: Blue Dream by Mystic Seeds Blue Dream by Mystic Seeds is an indica-dominant cross of DJ Short’s Blueberry strain crossed with a powerful OG Kush from Los Angeles. Origin 3: Blue...
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Creative, Energetic, Happy
Flavor: Earthy, Fruity, Berry, Herbal, Spicy
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Hybrid, Effects: Sleepy, Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric, Flavor: Raspberry
Raspberry Clouds Live Resin Raspberry Punch x Cloud Chaser Indica Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica, Hybrid
Effects: Sleepy, Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric
Flavor: Raspberry
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Cannabiotix, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Chemical, Pine, Coffee
Through the process of hydrocarbon extraction our solvent-based concentrates consistently deliver a single-sourced high quality experience that captures the essence of some of our most unique in-house genetics. We have adopted a variety of tools and methods to ensure that all the indoor flower we use for our concentrates is harvested at the appropriate time, freshly frozen, and immediately processed at cryogenic temperatures to capture the full flavor of each extracted strain. Our extracts then undergo a low temperature, low vacuum purge process, to clean our concentrates of all remaining solvent while also preserving the highest level of...
Brands: Cannabiotix
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Chemical, Pine, Coffee
Weight: 1 g
Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Aroused, Euphoric, Creative, Flavor: Earthy, Citrus, Sweet, Lavender, Mint
Our Curated Live Resin captures the true essence of the plant in extract form. The whole plant is cut and harvested then immediately flash frozen, preserving the full spectrum of cannabinoids and flavor. This process delivers the pinnacle of potency, flavor and consistency. WHITE PAPAYA / HYBRID · Taste: Citrus, Minty, Sweet · Feeling: Uplifted, Peaceful, Euphoric · Description: White Papaya has a citrusy, tart flavor profile, with hybrid effects ideal for an afternoon session. About this strain: White Papaya  White Papaya by Oni Seed Company is a combination of Kromes White and Papaya. The top reported aromas of the White Papaya...
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Aroused, Euphoric, Creative
Flavor: Earthy, Citrus, Sweet, Lavender, Mint
Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Talkative, Relaxed, Creative, Hungry, Happy, Flavor: Pine, Tropical, Citrus, Spicy/Herbal

This premium product captures the true essence of the plant in extract form, preserving the full spectrum of cannabinoids and flavor. Curated Live Resin is perfect for professionals looking for the best quality and consistency possible.

Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Talkative, Relaxed, Creative, Hungry, Happy
Flavor: Pine, Tropical, Citrus, Spicy/Herbal
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: West Coast Cure, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Energetic, Happy, Flavor: Orange, Citrus, Sweet
Desert Lime Live Resin Wet Badder provides a bright mental treat with a vibrant and euphoric effect. A Sativa leaning Hybrid concentrate with a citrus and pine nose, this wet live resin badder has a spiced up, sour lime flavor. Terpy and moist with deep yellowish-orange hues, its texture – based on product temperature – can range from sticky and viscous to slightly oily. Like finding water in the desert, this Wet Live Resin Badder delivers sustenance for the fatigued mind.
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Energetic, Happy
Flavor: Orange, Citrus, Sweet
Weight: 1g
Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Diesel, Earthy, Citrus
 Live Resin captures the true essence of the plant in extract form. The whole plant is cut and harvested then immediately flash frozen, preserving the full spectrum of cannabinoids and flavor. This process delivers the pinnacle of potency, flavor and consistency. Prepare to laze and slow down with the help of Banana Mac, an indica rich in earthy sweetness.
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Diesel, Earthy, Citrus
Brands: Dripp Extracts, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Flowery, Honey, Earthy
Dripp Extracts Live Resin Papaya Delight Sugar is made from a combination of fine THCa crystals drenched in live resin, cannabis derived, terpenes. The size of these crystals allows for maximum saturation. Therefore giving this extract a very distinct and robust flavor, to go along with its high levels of THC. This is perfect for a consumer looking for something potent without having to sacrifice the fulfilling pleasure of great flavor. Bursting with the essence of its namesake, Papaya Delight delivers a strong and fruity flavor complimented by a sweet, earthy aroma. The terpene content consists of linalool and grail, which contributes to...
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Flowery, Honey, Earthy
Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Euphoric, Energetic, Flavor: Tree Fruit, Diesel, Berry
Curated Live Resin captures the true essence of the plant in extract form. The whole plant is cut and harvested then immediately flash frozen, preserving the full spectrum of cannabinoids and flavor. This process delivers the pinnacle of potency, flavor and consistency. It has a sweet and spicy berry taste that's accented by touches of diesel upon exhale Berry sundae's high is perfect for a day when you have a lot to get done.
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Euphoric, Energetic
Flavor: Tree Fruit, Diesel, Berry
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Lift Your Spirits, Sleep Soundly, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy, Happy, Flavor: Sherbet, Banana, Orange

Banana Punch Sherbert Live Resin is a strain that delivers the calming, centered effects of indica while simultaneously providing the invigorating energy of sativa. It is the perfect combination for those days in which you need to maintain focus but also allow yourself to relax.

Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Lift Your Spirits, Sleep Soundly, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy, Happy
Flavor: Sherbet, Banana, Orange
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Happy, Giggly, Get Active, Uplifted, Energetic, Flavor: Citrus
Pomelo Jello Live Resin Guava Haze x Skywalker x Sour Crack Sativa Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Happy, Giggly, Get Active, Uplifted, Energetic
Flavor: Citrus
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Pure Vape, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Euphoric, Energetic, Giggly, Flavor: Chemical, Woody, Earthy
There is no waiting for effects to kick in. These 300-milligram weed pens are insanely potent. Because of its Sativa genetics, Trainwreck Haze is uplifting, motivating, creative, energizing, sociable, and ideal for daytime use. You will not sleep after a puff or two of this vaping oil, so unless you have projects to complete overnight, it is best so avoid this cartridge when you need to get some much-needed shuteye. About this strain: Trainwreck  Trainwreck is a cultivar with mysterious origins, most particularly about the meaning behind its name. Legend has it Trainwreck was so named because the original cut grew on a hill the same...
Brands: Pure Vape
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Euphoric, Energetic, Giggly
Flavor: Chemical, Woody, Earthy
Brands: Raw Garden, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy, Flavor: Sweet, Fruity
East Bay Punch Live Resin (East Bay OG x Yukmouth) x Dosi Punch Indica Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in...
Brands: Raw Garden
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy
Flavor: Sweet, Fruity
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Euphoric, Happy, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Lemon Juice Jones Live Resin Orange Juice Jones x Lemonade Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Euphoric, Happy, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted
Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Weight: 1 g
Brands: Raw Garden, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Sleepy, Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Cloud Chaser Live Resin aka Skywalker Indica Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier consistency than...
Brands: Raw Garden
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Sleepy, Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed
Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Get elevated with WCC’s SFV OG Live Resin Sugar. A Sativa dominant extract, it delivers a relaxing dab with a complex flavor profile. The sugar’s aroma has a potent and earthy nose with hints of citrus and petrol. A great mid-day dab, SFV OG Live Resin Sugar delivers an immediate sense of bliss and produces a Zen-like state of mind. Introspective and thought-provoking, the overall effect is uplifting and reflective.
Brands: Jetty Extracts, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Tropical, Earthy, Citrus
 Cannalope Haze is big on the fruity notes. Because it’s single source 100% live resin, you’ll definitely catch some notes of cantaloupe, honeydew and mango with a little bit of earthiness behind it, while the Haze brings out the uplifting, energetic vibes. The craft approach is taken to concentrates with small batches made from premium fresh frozen cannabis.The aim is for big flavor and broad terpene profiles, and never start out with a set menu. That means a variety of concentrate types like rosin, badder, sauce, sugar or diamonds, and quantities that may be limited.
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Tropical, Earthy, Citrus
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Grape, Sweet, Berry
Our Curated Live Resin captures the true essence of the plant in extract form. The whole plant is cut and harvested then immediately flash frozen, preserving the full spectrum of cannabinoids and flavor. This process delivers the pinnacle of potency, flavor and consistency. PURPLE HAZE / INDICA · Taste:  Sweet, Earthy, Spicy · Feeling:  Happy, Euphoric, Uplifted · Description:  Purple Haze delivers a potent mind and body high. Purple Haze is a cultivar with uncertain origins. Its name first appeared around the time that purple LSD caps -- also called Purple Haze -- were sold in the 1960s and 70s. The potent flower earned...
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Grape, Sweet, Berry
Weight: 1g
Brands: West Coast Cure, Cannabis Type: CBD, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy, Happy, Flavor: Citrus, Sweet, Berry, Grape, Earthy
Zkittlez Live Resin Badder is an Indica-dominant extract with a slight Sativa kick. A perennial winner at many of North America’s High Times Cannabis Cups, the Zkittles strain, is a hybridized cross between Grapefruit and Grape Ape. Ture to the strains flavor profile, Zkittlez Live Resin Sauce maintains a sweet and sour taste with a discreet smell and a fruity flavor. While the effects are physically relaxing, they also allow the consumer to remain motivated, observant and alert. About this strain: Zkittlez  Zkittlez (formerly spelled Skittles and Zkittles) is an Indica-dominant hybrid cultivated by California-based seed company 3rd...
Cannabis Type: CBD
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy, Happy
Flavor: Citrus, Sweet, Berry, Grape, Earthy
Brands: Cali Kosher, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Happy, Giggly, Flavor: Woody, Earthy, Nutty, Peanut Butter, Lavender, Orange, Limonene
Peanut Butter Breath- Peanut Butter Breath is a hybrid marijuana strain known for its sedating effects. Crossed with Do-Si-Dos and Mendo Breath, Peanut Butter Breath has a unique nutty and earthy terpene profile when smoked. Beyond the terps, this strain will bring you down into a quality state of chill and relaxation. Originally from Thug Pug Genetics, Peanut Butter Breath is very popular and there are many Do-Si-Dos and Mendo Breath crosses out there—breeders Clout King have one called “Peanut Butter Cup.” Single Source. EnvirOganic Certified by EnviroCann. Kosher Certified. About this strain: Peanut Butter Breath  The breeders at...
Brands: Cali Kosher
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Happy, Giggly
Flavor: Woody, Earthy, Nutty, Peanut Butter, Lavender, Orange, Limonene
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Big Chief
Chief OG Live Resin Diamonds
Brands: Big Chief
Weight: 1g
Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Diesel, Earthy, Berry
Ammo is a no-frills approach to cannabis. No shake, no trim. All of our flowers and concentrates are selected with a blend of science and soul. It has to look good, taste good, and meet the rigorous testing standards to make the cut. We aim to provide top-shelf consistency at an unbeatable price. All manufacturing is done in-house by our team ArcataX in Humboldt County. #SmokeAmmo
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Diesel, Earthy, Berry
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Satisfied, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Flavor: Rose, Sweet, Fruity, Floral
Our Curated Live Resin captures the true essence of the plant in extract form. The whole plant is cut and harvested then immediately flash frozen, preserving the full spectrum of cannabinoids and flavor. This process delivers the pinnacle of potency, flavor and consistency. PINK ROSAY / HYBRID · Taste:  Sweet, Floral, Rose · Feeling:  Relaxing, Uplifting, Euphoric · Description:  Pink Rosay - fruity and sweet, giving you a tingly daze that leaves you happy and satisfied.
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Satisfied, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric
Flavor: Rose, Sweet, Fruity, Floral
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Hybrid, Effects: Sleepy, Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric, Flavor: Banana
Sunrise Papaya Live Resin Papaya x (Banana OG x Dos y Dos) Indica Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica, Hybrid
Effects: Sleepy, Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric
Flavor: Banana
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Jetty Extracts, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Uplifted, Relaxed, Energetic, Happy, Giggly, Flavor: Cheese, Blueberry, Apple
Despite this strain being popularized for its high THC content, THC Bomb has pleasantly surprising mellow and relaxing effects. We keep it UNREFINED so the citrusy, spicy and earthy tasting notes stand out. JETTY UNREFINED is 100% live resin that’s uncut and never mixed with distillate. Our premium fresh-frozen cannabis is cryoextracted with minimal processing to preserve more terpenes, cannabinoids, and other natural plant compounds for a true flower high. Dose up a joint. Direct dab without any tools. Add to flower. However you use it, the Jetty Dablicator™ Oil Applicator is a better way to dispense oil. About this strain: THC Bomb...
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Uplifted, Relaxed, Energetic, Happy, Giggly
Flavor: Cheese, Blueberry, Apple
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused, Creative, Happy, Flavor: Woody, Coffee, Sweet, Chemical, Pine
Our Curated Live Resin captures the true essence of the plant in extract form. The whole plant is cut and harvested then immediately flash frozen, preserving the full spectrum of cannabinoids and flavor. This process delivers the pinnacle of potency, flavor and consistency. WHITE WALKER / INDICA · Taste: Pine, Sweet, Woody · Feeling: Relaxed, Focused, Creative · Description: This relaxing yet focused hybrid is ideal for your daily recharge. White Walker provides a satisfying smoke with a piney finish. About this strain: White Walker OG  White Walker OG (not to be confused with White Walker Kush) is a California native created by the...
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused, Creative, Happy
Flavor: Woody, Coffee, Sweet, Chemical, Pine
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Dripp Extracts, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Talkative, Relaxed, Euphoric, Energetic, Happy, Flavor: Tropical, Sweet, Berry, myrcene, Rose, Honey, Cherry
Dripp Extracts Live Resin Cherry Bomb Diamonds are made from exclusively high quality Cannabis flower frozen immediately upon harvest, never dried or cured. The result is an extremely potent full spectrum extract of the highest quality. With an initial explosion of well-aged and ripened cherry flavor, Cherry Bomb imparts an unmistakably crisp finish to an otherwise honeyed profile. The minor constituent terpene bisabolol is commonly utilized as an anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant compound. About this strain:  Cherry Bomb Cherry Bomb by Bomb Seeds Bomb Seeds says it crossed its Big Bomb with a fruity mother to create this version of...
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Talkative, Relaxed, Euphoric, Energetic, Happy
Flavor: Tropical, Sweet, Berry, myrcene, Rose, Honey, Cherry
Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Pine, Woody, Sweet
Our Curated Live Resin captures the true essence of the plant in extract form. The whole plant is cut and harvested then immediately flash frozen, preserving the full spectrum of cannabinoids and flavor. This process delivers the pinnacle of potency, flavor and consistency.
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Pine, Woody, Sweet
Weight: 1 g
Brands: Buddies Brand, Effects: Calm, Flavor: Blueberry
1G Dripper – Liquid Diamonds™ Live Resin. Liquid Diamonds™ begin with fresh frozen, whole-plant inputs. Uncut live resin with no distillate or cutting agents. We developed a proprietary Liquid Diamonds process that brings you uncut live resin, with no additives, distillate, or non-cannabis adulterants. Always fresh frozen flower, sourced from Buddies Farms or partner farms. That's the Buddies Brand™ Soil-to-Oil ethic. These drippers are perfect for adding dabs onto your bowl, joint, or whatever. Crafted from high quality heat-resistant borosilicate glass, each syringe is medical grade, ultra-hygienic, and easy to clean.
Brands: Buddies Brand
Effects: Calm
Flavor: Blueberry
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Focused, Sleepy, Energetic, Flavor: Spicy/Herbal, Herbal, Sweet
Live Resin captures the true essence of the plant in extract form. The whole plant is cut and harvested then immediately flash frozen, preserving the full spectrum of cannabinoids and flavor. This process delivers the pinnacle of potency, flavor and consistency. Cool down and recharge with the help of Dreamsicle, a sativa whose sweet, floral terpenes and uplifting effects will refresh your day.
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Focused, Sleepy, Energetic
Flavor: Spicy/Herbal, Herbal, Sweet
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Elevated Experience, Happy, Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Dream Team Live Resin Double Dream x GG4 Indica Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier consistency than Raw...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Elevated Experience, Happy
Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Hybrid, Effects: Elevated Experience, Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Purple Patrick Live Resin Starburst X Purple Punch F2 Indica Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica, Hybrid
Effects: Elevated Experience
Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy, Flavor: Sugary, Creamy, Earthy
Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier consistency than Raw Garden Sauce.
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy
Flavor: Sugary, Creamy, Earthy
Weight: 1g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Lift Your Spirits, Euphoric, Creative, Energetic, Happy, Flavor: Citrus, Lemon, Fruity
Lemon Gas Live Resin Chemdawg x 4 A.M. x Triangle Kush Sativa Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier...
Brands: Raw Garden
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Lift Your Spirits, Euphoric, Creative, Energetic, Happy
Flavor: Citrus, Lemon, Fruity
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Sleep Soundly, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy, Happy, Flavor: Pine, Nutty, Sweet
Mendo Sunset Live Resin Mendo Punch x Skydoggie x Chemdogging Indica Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Sleep Soundly, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy, Happy
Flavor: Pine, Nutty, Sweet
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Happy, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Flavor: Cannabis Flower, Banana
Banana OG Live Resin Banana x OG Kush Indica Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier consistency than...
Brands: Raw Garden
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Happy, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric
Flavor: Cannabis Flower, Banana
Sold by : 1 seller
Lemon Mints Live Resin Sugar by WCC is a hybrid extract that offers a complex flavor profile. Loaded with a floral and earthy zest with fresh citrus undertones, its flavor lingers on the palate while serene effects relax the psyche. A relaxing and refreshing sugar, the flavor offers a pine vape with a lemony backend. This pacifying concentrate leans towards the Indica side of the effects spectrum and tends to be more relaxing than stimulating.
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: FIELD Extracts, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Focused, Happy, Flavor: Chemical, Earthy, Sweet
Take yourself on a tropical vacation with this Guava Fig flavor. Heavy on the terps and rich with notes of juicy guava and sweet stone fruit, get ready for a sugar high that will leave you feeling buzzed, bright, and energized.
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Focused, Happy
Flavor: Chemical, Earthy, Sweet
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: West Coast Cure, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Giggly, Flavor: Chemical, Flowery, Earthy

Platinum OG Live Resin Sauce is an Indica dominant concentrate. The genetics used to create the Platinum OG strain are believed to be a combination of Master Kush, OG Kush, and an undisclosed “purple” strain. Potent and pungent, the Live Resin Sauce smells of sweet diesel with tropical notes. Offering a complex flavor profile that lingers on your tongue, these powerful concentrates should be dabbed with discretion.

Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Giggly
Flavor: Chemical, Flowery, Earthy
Weight: 1 g
Brands: Dripp Extracts, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Relaxed, Focused, Aroused, Euphoric, Creative, Tingly, Flavor: Pungent, Earthy, Sweet, Grape Soda, myrcene, Grape, Limonene, Woody
Dripp Extracts Live Resin Grape Soda Live Resin Diamonds are made from exclusively high quality Cannabis flower frozen immediately upon harvest, never dried or cured. The result is an extremely potent full spectrum extract of the highest quality. This strain carries rich grape nectar notes with a mellow, woody body. A minor constituent terpene of Grape Soda knowns as alpha-ocimene has been studied for its novel anticonvulsant properties. About this strain: Grape Soda Grape Soda is an Indica-dominant hybrid from Oregon-based growers Taste Budz. A phenotype of Tahoe OG Kush, Grape Soda features strong citrus and pine smells and bursts...
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Relaxed, Focused, Aroused, Euphoric, Creative, Tingly
Flavor: Pungent, Earthy, Sweet, Grape Soda, myrcene, Grape, Limonene, Woody
A cross between Granddaddy Purple and Larry OG, the original Purple Punch strain was claimed to be bred by the Hawaiian breeders at Supernova Gardens. Regardless of its origins, Purple Punch has made its way into the hands of the world’s most renowned growers, such as the Los Angeles-based Jungle Boys. With an aroma of blueberries and grape soda, this Indica-leaning strain might sound sweet, but it also tends to pack a potent punch, with some strains reportedly carrying THC levels that range between 20% to 25%.
Brands: Buddies Brand
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Dime Bag, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Energetic, Happy, Flavor: Grapefruit, Orange, Lemon
All of the bang and none of the buck. Dab your favorite strains at a price point California loves. About this strain: Dream Queen  Reportedly hailing from Southern California, Dream Queen is a cross of Space Queen and Blue Dream, two popular strains that combine to make a heady sativa-leaning flower. Carrying a purported aroma of tropical fruits with floral undertones, Dream Queen has a flavor often described as bubblegum-like. One sample of Dream Queen, tested by the cannabis testing lab Analytical 360, demonstrated high THC levels that exceeded 21%. The same lab results also showcased a terpene profile primarily consisting of...
Brands: Dime Bag
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Energetic, Happy
Flavor: Grapefruit, Orange, Lemon
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Almora Farm, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Earthy, Citrus, Sweet
Almora makes high-quality, fresh, consistent cannabis for everyone who wants great weed. Almora cannabis is lovingly grown at our beautiful, bustling farms in California's finest agricultural regions, resulting in some of the highest-quality sun-grown California cannabis available. Despite what the name would suggest, Nuclear Winter is a far cry from apocalyptic - in fact, it’s downright enjoyable. Relax your evening away in this sweet, citrusy cloud, but be advised: The fallout from this strain is likely to make you centered, sedated, and ready for bed. Strain Type: Hybrid Taste Profile: Citrus, Sweet, Earthy Effect Profile: Relaxed,...
Brands: Almora Farm
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Earthy, Citrus, Sweet
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Euphoric, Happy, Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed, Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Beach Party Live Resin Cindy Punch x Slymer x Kosher Chem Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Euphoric, Happy, Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed
Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Weight: 1 g
Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Giggly, Flavor: Citrus, Sweet, Berry, Spicy/Herbal, Blue Cheese, Earthy
Our Curated Live Resin captures the true essence of the plant in extract form. The whole plant is cut and harvested then immediately flash frozen, preserving the full spectrum of cannabinoids and flavor. This process delivers the pinnacle of potency, flavor and consistency.
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Giggly
Flavor: Citrus, Sweet, Berry, Spicy/Herbal, Blue Cheese, Earthy
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Sleepy, Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Flavor: Sweet
Sweet Leeroy Live ResinLeeroy OG x Jack PunchIndica Hybrid<br>Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. <br><br> Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis.<br><br> Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Sleepy, Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed
Flavor: Sweet
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Talkative, Happy, Giggly, Flavor: Blueberry, Apple, Berry
Live Resin captures the true essence of the plant in extract form. The whole plant is cut and harvested then immediately flash frozen, preserving the full spectrum of cannabinoids and flavor. This process delivers the pinnacle of potency, flavor and consistency. Blueberry Shortcake is an earthy, sweet sativa as enticing as its name, perfect for any daytime session. Blueberry Blast is the creation of breeders at SnowHigh Seeds. It’s a cross of Blue Dream (Super Silver Haze cut) with Johnny Blaze designed to combine two strains with blueberry and haze genetics known for high yields.  The top reported aromas of Blueberry Blast are...
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Talkative, Happy, Giggly
Flavor: Blueberry, Apple, Berry
Brands: Dripp Extracts, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Cherry, Tropical, Sweet, Honey
Dripp Extracts Live Resin Cherry Bomb Sugar is made from a combination of fine THCa crystals drenched in live resin, cannabis derived, terpenes. The size of these crystals allows for maximum saturation. Therefore giving this extract a very distinct and robust flavor, to go along with its high levels of THC. This is perfect for a consumer looking for something potent without having to sacrifice the fulfilling pleasure of great flavor. With an initial explosion of well-aged and ripened cherry flavor, Cherry Bomb imparts an unmistakably crisp finish to an otherwise honeyed profile. The minor constituent terpene bisabolol is commonly utilized...
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Cherry, Tropical, Sweet, Honey
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Gassy, Earthy, Sweet
Diesel Chaser Live Resin Leeroy OG x Cloud Chaser (Diesel / Sugary / Citrus) Indica Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7%...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Gassy, Earthy, Sweet
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy, Giggly, Flavor: Earthy, Sweet, Candy, Herbal, Diesel
Live Resin captures the true essence of the plant in extract form. The whole plant is cut and harvested then immediately flash frozen, preserving the full spectrum of cannabinoids and flavor. This process delivers the pinnacle of potency, flavor and consistency. Settle in for the night with White Runtz, a flavorful strain with notes of candy and herbs.
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy, Giggly
Flavor: Earthy, Sweet, Candy, Herbal, Diesel
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Sleepy, Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Funkin' Amazing Live Resin Leeroy OG x GG4 Pheno Indica Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier consistency...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Sleepy, Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed
Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Giggly, Get Active, Uplifted, Energetic, Happy, Flavor: Lemonade, Lemon
Lemon Tart Live Resin Key Lime Cookies x Lemonade x Badlands Walker Sativa Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Giggly, Get Active, Uplifted, Energetic, Happy
Flavor: Lemonade, Lemon
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Orange, Citrus, Berry
Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier consistency than Raw Garden Sauce.
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Orange, Citrus, Berry
Weight: 1g
Brands: Cannabiotix, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Happy, Giggly, Flavor: Chemical, Ammonia, Pine, Fuel
Through the process of hydrocarbon extraction our solvent-based concentrates consistently deliver a single-sourced high quality experience that captures the essence of some of our most unique in-house genetics. We have adopted a variety of tools and methods to ensure that all the indoor flower we use for our concentrates is harvested at the appropriate time, freshly frozen, and immediately processed at cryogenic temperatures to capture the full flavor of each extracted strain. Our extracts then undergo a low temperature, low vacuum purge process, to clean our concentrates of all remaining solvent while also preserving the highest level of...
Brands: Cannabiotix
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Happy, Giggly
Flavor: Chemical, Ammonia, Pine, Fuel
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Euphoric, Happy, Relaxed, Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Saltwater OG Live Resin Saltwater OG x Ruderalis Indica Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier consistency...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Euphoric, Happy, Relaxed
Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Happy, Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Flavor: Cannabis Flower, Cherry
Lamb's Dream Live Resin Lambsbread x Double Dream x Cherry Slurm Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a...
Brands: Raw Garden
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Happy, Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric
Flavor: Cannabis Flower, Cherry
Sold by : 1 seller
Chemdog Live Resin Sugar is a balanced hybrid extract that delivers a thick vapor of the popular and pungent Sour Diesel taste. The flower used to create the extract is a cross between OG Kush and Sour Diesel strains which combines both terpenes profiles to produce a diesel nose with earth and pepper-like flavors. A happy and euphoric dab for the high-tolerance patron, Chemdog’s zest lingers on the palate as consumers feel an invigorating stream of cerebral energy.
Brands: FIELD Extracts, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Energetic, Flavor: Diesel, Citrus, Coffee

MAC 1 is a potent live resin concentrate that delivers powerful aromas of dank musk, gasoline, and citrus. This hybrid strain was first bred by Oregon-based Capulator and is a cross between Alien Cookies and a Colombian x Starfighter. MAC 1 tastes in oranges, flowers, and earth, making it a perfect choice for cannabis connoisseurs looking for a unique and flavorful experience.

Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Energetic
Flavor: Diesel, Citrus, Coffee
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Happy, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Euphoric, Flavor: Cannabis Flower, Banana
Banana Cookies OG Live Resin Banana OG x Kimbo Cookies x Dos y Dos Indica Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Happy, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Euphoric
Flavor: Cannabis Flower, Banana
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Dripp Extracts, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Giggly, Flavor: Pungent, Spicy, Lemon, LINALOOL, myrcene, Skunk, Mint
Dripp Extracts Live Resin Kush Mints Diamonds are made from exclusively high quality Cannabis flower frozen immediately upon harvest, never dried or cured. The result is an extremely potent full spectrum extract of the highest quality. The widely recognized Kush Mints strain exhibits a full-bodied floral flavor paired with a tart aromatic finish. The terpenes found in Kush Mints, mycrene and caryophyllene, contribute to a nostalgic profile of classic Kush.Dripp Live Resin 1g Diamonds Kush Mints About this strain: Kush Mints Kush Mints is a cross of Bubba Kush pollen and the clone-only Animal Mints strain bred by Seed Junky Genetics in...
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Giggly
Flavor: Pungent, Spicy, Lemon, LINALOOL, myrcene, Skunk, Mint
Brands: Buddies Brand, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy, Flavor: Mango, Earthy, Sweet

Our Mango Cookies - Diamonds and Sauce, Live Resin Dabs are made with only the finest ingredients, including real diamonds and our secret sauce. Live resin dabs of this potent Indica-leaning strain are perfect for those in need of high CBD levels and relief from pain or anxiety. The gourmet cannabis connoisseur will be pleased to know that our Mango Cookies - Diamonds and Sauce, Live Resin Dabs are sure to meet their expectations.

Brands: Buddies Brand
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy
Flavor: Mango, Earthy, Sweet
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Cheese, Sweet, Berry
Banana Cream OG Live Resin Banana OG x Extreme OG Indica Raw Garden aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Raw Garden cryogenically flash-freezes the flower at harvest to preserve the plant’s unique cannabinoid and terpene profiles. Contains approximately 4-7%...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Cheese, Sweet, Berry
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Pure Vape, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Flowery, Honey, Earthy
Papaya is an indica-dominant hybrid cannabis strain that is known for producing a mental calmness, though many consumers also find that this strain makes them energetic and productive. About this strain: Papaya  Breeder Nirvana Seeds crossed the legendary Jack Herer with Skunk #1 to get the tropical blend that is Papaya. As its name indicates, the breeder claims that Papaya has a tropical fruity aroma along with a spicy taste, as well as average THC levels that hover around 20%.
Brands: Pure Vape
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Flowery, Honey, Earthy
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Sleepy, Hungry, Happy, Flavor: Diesel, Earthy, Berry
Sequoia Gas Live Resin Lime OG x Sour Crack x Top Dawg Indica Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Sleepy, Hungry, Happy
Flavor: Diesel, Earthy, Berry
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy, Happy, Flavor: Diesel, Earthy, Citrus, Pine
Our Curated Live Resin captures the true essence of the plant in extract form. The whole plant is cut and harvested then immediately flash frozen, preserving the full spectrum of cannabinoids and flavor. This process delivers the pinnacle of potency, flavor and consistency.
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy, Happy
Flavor: Diesel, Earthy, Citrus, Pine
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Tropical, Pineapple, Sweet
Banana Punch Live Resin Banana OG x Mendo Punch Pheno Indica Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Tropical, Pineapple, Sweet
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Creative, Happy, Flavor: Spicy/Herbal, Pine, Sweet

Dolato is made with the highest quality live resin available, so it's perfect for connoisseurs who are looking to experience the authentic aroma of cannabis. Our expertly curated extracts preserve the plant's full spectrum of cannabinoids and flavor, producing a potent, flavorful high that can't be matched. This Indica-dominant strain provides a sweet and earthy taste with hints of pine and herbal notes. Dolato is loved by those looking for a relaxed, happy feeling as well as those who want to unwind at the end of the day.

Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Creative, Happy
Flavor: Spicy/Herbal, Pine, Sweet
Brands: Dripp Extracts, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Relaxed, Aroused, Euphoric, Flavor: Grape Soda, Grape, Earthy
Dripp Extracts Live Resin Grape Soda Sugar is made from a combination of fine THCa crystals drenched in live resin, cannabis derived, terpenes. The size of these crystals allows for maximum saturation. Therefore giving this extract a very distinct and robust flavor, to go along with its high levels of THC. This is perfect for a consumer looking for something potent without having to sacrifice the fulfilling pleasure of great flavor. This strain carries rich grape nectar notes with a mellow, woody body. A minor constituent terpene of Grape Soda knowns as alpha-ocimene has been studied for its novel anticonvulsant properties. About this...
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Relaxed, Aroused, Euphoric
Flavor: Grape Soda, Grape, Earthy
Brands: Cannabiotix, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Giggly, Flavor: Vanilla, Sweet, Berry
Through the process of hydrocarbon extraction our solvent-based concentrates consistently deliver a single-sourced high quality experience that captures the essence of some of our most unique in-house genetics. We have adopted a variety of tools and methods to ensure that all the indoor flower we use for our concentrates is harvested at the appropriate time, freshly frozen, and immediately processed at cryogenic temperatures to capture the full flavor of each extracted strain. Our extracts then undergo a low temperature, low vacuum purge process, to clean our concentrates of all remaining solvent while also preserving the highest level of...
Brands: Cannabiotix
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Giggly
Flavor: Vanilla, Sweet, Berry
Weight: 1 g
Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused, Flavor: Floral, Citrus, Berry
Live Resin captures the true essence of the plant in extract form. The whole plant is cut and harvested then immediately flash frozen, preserving the full spectrum of cannabinoids and flavor. This process delivers the pinnacle of potency, flavor and consistency. Known for its sweet aroma of berries and citrus. A sativa blast that turns almost completely Indica, causing heavy relaxation and a lazy, goofy, near-euphoric state. A great choice to unwind at any time of the day.
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused
Flavor: Floral, Citrus, Berry
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Hybrid, Effects: Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy, Flavor: Sour, Gelato
Gelato Clouds Live Resin Gelato 41 x Skywalker x Sour Stomper Indica Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica, Hybrid
Effects: Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy
Flavor: Sour, Gelato
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Elevated Experience, Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Mystic Meadow Live Resin Happy Hound x Beary White Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Sauce is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 7-14% terpenes and comes in a wetter consistency...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Elevated Experience
Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Sugary, Earthy, Citrus
Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier consistency than Raw Garden Sauce.
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Sugary, Earthy, Citrus
Weight: 1g
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Aroused, Happy, Flavor: Blueberry, Earthy, Sweet
Humboldt Seed Co. calls this one of its Signature Strains, saying growers created it by crossing Purple Panty Droppers with Razzleberry. Blueberry Muffin’s purplish buds smell like the fresh baked goods they’re named for and deliver 20% THC and 0.05% CBD, according to the breeder.
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Aroused, Happy
Flavor: Blueberry, Earthy, Sweet
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Cannabis Flower
THC Bomb Live Resin Gorilla Bomb x Atomic Hybrid Raw Garden aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Raw Garden cryogenically flash-freezes the flower at harvest to preserve the plant’s unique cannabinoid and terpene profiles. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Weight: 1 g
Brands: ROACH, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy, Flavor: Diesel, Pungent, Earthy
GMO Cookies is a heavy indica-dominant hybrid strain created by crossing Chemdawg and GSC. Savory garlic flavor with a variety of strong earthy spices that lingers on the palate, so grab a breath mint! If Dracula is your cousin or garlic ain't your thang, then stay away or you might end up sleeping all day in a coffin. About this strain: Garlic Cookies  Divine Genetics created Garlic Cookies, also known as Chem Cookies. It’s an indica-dominant cross of Chem Dog #4 and GSC. Chem Cookies/Garlic Cookies are often called GMO Cookies but that’s a slightly different strain from breeder Mamiko Seeds. The top reported aromas of Garlic Cookies...
Brands: ROACH
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy
Flavor: Diesel, Pungent, Earthy
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: West Coast Cure, Flavor: Earthy
Biscotti Live Resin Budder is an Indica-leaning concentrate that expresses a complex aroma of berries, skunk, and petrol. And not to be outdone by the intoxicating aroma, the flavor hits like a revved-up fruit treat with a gassy exhale and spicy undertones. * West Coast Cure concentrates are tested in compliance with California's Bureau of Cannabis Control requirements.
Flavor: Earthy
Brands: Korova, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Euphoric, Happy, Relaxed, Flavor: Fruity
Whether it’s terpene drenched live resin or easy to dab shatter, we run the gamut on quality concentrates with a focus on high terpene content. Forgotten Fruit is a Sativa dominant flower that was tested at 71.51% THC.
Brands: Korova
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Euphoric, Happy, Relaxed
Flavor: Fruity
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Happy, Giggly, Motivate Your Mind, Uplifted, Energetic, Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Slymer Live ResinTrainwreck x Jack the Ripper x TrinitySativa<br>Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. <br><br> Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis.<br><br> Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Happy, Giggly, Motivate Your Mind, Uplifted, Energetic
Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Brands: Dripp Extracts, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Creative, Happy, Flavor: Tropical, Sweet, Berry, myrcene, Tree Fruit
Dripp Extracts Live Resin Sour Berry Diamonds are made from exclusively high quality Cannabis flower frozen immediately upon harvest, never dried or cured. The result is an extremely potent full spectrum extract of the highest quality. This strain is characterized by a vibrant backbone of raspberry and boysenberry flavors balanced by subtle aromatic notes of citrus. Sour Berry contains significant amounts of the humulene terpene, which creates a distinct profile with sedative ad anti-inflammatory effects.
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Creative, Happy
Flavor: Tropical, Sweet, Berry, myrcene, Tree Fruit
Diamonds and Sauce, Live Resin Dabs. Glass or Ceramic Puck with CR Lid. Hand-selected strains, fresh frozen cannabis, enables us to lock in the raw expression of the cultivar and maximize the terpene and cannabinoid profile of the plant. Preserved and processed at sub zero allows the strain to express itself in a variety of consistencies, from terpene-rich sauce to cannabinoid-rich diamonds.
Brands: Buddies Brand
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Get Active, Uplifted, Energetic, Happy, Giggly, Flavor: Floral, Tea, Citrus
Lemon Blossom Live Resin Super Lemon Haze x (Slymer x Sour Stomper) (Citrus / Floral / Tea) Sativa Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7%...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Get Active, Uplifted, Energetic, Happy, Giggly
Flavor: Floral, Tea, Citrus
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Euphoric, Happy, Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed, Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Agave Glue Live Resin GG4 x Sour Crack x Chemdawg Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier consistency...
Brands: Raw Garden
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Euphoric, Happy, Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed
Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Euphoric, Happy, Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed, Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Chasing Legends Live Resin Legend OG x Cloud Chaser Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Euphoric, Happy, Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed
Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Weight: 1 g
Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Sleepy, Hungry, Happy, Flavor: Pine, Mint, Earthy
Our Curated Live Resin captures the true essence of the plant in extract form. The whole plant is cut and harvested then immediately flash frozen, preserving the full spectrum of cannabinoids and flavor. This process delivers the pinnacle of potency, flavor and consistency.
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Sleepy, Hungry, Happy
Flavor: Pine, Mint, Earthy
Brands: West Coast Cure, Cannabis Type: Sativa, CBD, Effects: Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused, Energetic, Happy, Flavor: Earthy, Citrus, Lemon
West Coast Cure’s Sour Lemon Live Resin Sugar is a Sativa leaning hybrid that combines the delicious and refreshing flavors of lemons and fruit punch. Generating an upbeat mindset with a creative kicker, this citrus-centric sugar is known to energize, motivate, and arouse the consumer’s creative juices. A great daytime dab, Sour Lemon’s effects create a sense of inspired relaxation that motivates the psyche. About this strain: Lemon  Lemon, also called Lemon OG, was created by the team at DNA Genetics. The strain combines a Las Vegas-raised Lemon Skunk with the OG #18 phenotype of OG Kush. True to its name, Lemon features overpowering...
Cannabis Type: Sativa, CBD
Effects: Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused, Energetic, Happy
Flavor: Earthy, Citrus, Lemon
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Citrus, Sweet, Berry, Flowery, Pepper
Our Curated Live Resin captures the true essence of the plant in extract form. The whole plant is cut and harvested then immediately flash frozen, preserving the full spectrum of cannabinoids and flavor. This process delivers the pinnacle of potency, flavor and consistency. SUNSET SHERBET / INDICA · Taste: Peppery, Citrus, Hoppy · Feeling: Relaxed, Happy, Euphoric · Description: A cross between GSC and Blackberry Kush, this tasty hybrid delivers a well-balanced high. About this strain: Sherbet  Also known as Sherbert or Sunset Sherbert, this strain is an Indica-leaning hybrid that crosses a female GSC (Girl Scout Cookies) with a Pink...
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Citrus, Sweet, Berry, Flowery, Pepper
Brands: Dripp Extracts, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Giggly, Relaxed, Aroused, Flavor: Sugar Sweet, Mint

Our live resin sugar kush mints are perfect for experienced consumers seeking a high-quality product. Made from a combination of fine crystals drenched in live resin, our extracts provide a robust and distinct flavor that is sure to satisfy. Plus, thanks to their high THC levels, our mints are perfect for those looking for a strong dose of cannabis. Whether you're a professional looking for the best products available or a recreational user looking for an intense experience, Dripp Extracts has what you need.

Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Giggly, Relaxed, Aroused
Flavor: Sugar Sweet, Mint
Brands: Raw Garden, Cannabis Type: Indica, Hybrid, Effects: Sleepy, Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Kimbo Cookies Live Resin Kimbo Kush x Dos y Dos Indica Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier...
Brands: Raw Garden
Cannabis Type: Indica, Hybrid
Effects: Sleepy, Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed
Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Brands: Raw Garden, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted
Beach Party 2 Live Resin Cindy Punch x Slymer x Kosher Chem Pheno Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. These products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and...
Brands: Raw Garden
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Elevated Experience, Happy, Flavor: Mango
Green Mango Live Resin Green Mango x Kush Clouds Sativa Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier consistency...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Elevated Experience, Happy
Flavor: Mango
Weight: 1 g

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