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Vape Pens

Cannabis Vape pens are similar to electronic cigarettes that vaporize cannabis concentrates. They are a safer and healthier way to consume cannabis than smoking it. It is also a more discreet way of consuming cannabis in public places.

The use of vape pens has increased over the past few years, with many people switching to vaping because it is healthier and easier to use than smoking. There are many different types of vape pens for the different needs of the consumer, such as oil vape pens for those who want a stronger hit or flavor, or dry herb vape pens for those who want to smoke their weed instead of vaporizing it.

The cannabis vape pen is a relatively new innovation, and it's still unclear how they will impact the industry. On one hand, they offer a discreet and convenient way to consume cannabis. On the other hand, they are expensive and may not be as effective as smoking weed.

Vaping is becoming more popular among young people for its perceived health benefits. Cannabis vape pens are an emerging product in this space.

Vape Pens

Vape pens, or pen vaporizers, are small vaporizers styled like pens or electronic cigarettes. For obvious safety reasons, you should learn how to use a pen vaporizer before attempting to vape anything else, as pens typically use conduction heating (instead of the recommended convection heating). These days, you can choose from a dizzying array of vapor pen models.

Woman smokes weed vape pen

Herbs, oils, and waxes can all be enjoyed with the convenience of rechargeable vape pens. They are very similar to electronic cigarettes and can be recharged with liquid, making them a great alternative to joints or pre-rolls. When shopping for a pen vaporizer, you can select between vape pens made by a variety of companies that are made specifically for use with dry herbs, dab pens made specifically for use with concentrates, and hybrid devices that are compatible with a wide range of substances.

Vape pens have gained popularity in recent years. This is mostly due to how discreet they are and how easy they are to operate. They can be found in many different forms and sizes, and they can process many different materials. Another benefit of vaping is financial savings.

What Is A Vape Pen?

A vape pen is a portable vaporizer that resembles a pen and may be used with either concentrates or dry herbs. However, it is common practice to use the term to refer to numerous technological developments. What we now call an electronic weed cigarette was first referred to as a weed vape pen.

Many years later, Snoop Dogg released the popular G-Pen. A device that permitted the discreet vaporization of dry herb vaporizer ingredients wherever, anytime, even while on the go. From a more contemporary point of view, the G-Pen looks more like an e-pipe than a vape pen. The idea of using a vape pen, however, became more widely known.

Since then, "vape pen" has become a generic term for any device capable of creating vapor. However, the phrase has been further divided to differentiate it from herbal devices with the advent of concentrated waxes and oils.

What Is A CBD Vape Pen?

Cannabidiol (CBD) can be vaporized with a special vaporizer. The resultant extract of the hemp plant is safe for human consumption. There is a wide selection of vaporizer designs to suit your preferences.

Distinguished by:

  • the battery
  • the range of functions
  • the size of the device
  • the construction

The portable vaporizers, also known as CBD diffuser pens, are becoming increasingly popular. They are handy, and CBD liquid may be applied precisely where it is needed. As a result, the pen-like appearance is the inspiration for the name.

Vape Pens Safety About Battery Voltage, Output Voltage, And Charging

To get the most out of a product, you should learn all you can about it before you ever use it. Knowing what terms like output power, output voltage, and battery voltage means is important if you want to purchase a model that uses replaceable battery cells. You can get the most out of your batteries this way, or you can catch a dying one before it's too late to save it. You shouldn't leave your battery-equipped pen vaporizer on overnight or while you're gone because the charging process produces a lot of heat.

Although USB cables for charging are typically included with electronic gadgets, it is recommended that batteries be charged in an external charger to prevent voltage maintenance issues. They have less of an effect on the battery's capacity because the cells are charged equally and gently. A short circuit can be caused by storing rechargeable batteries in a pocket or alongside other conductive items like coins or a key ring.

Complementary Items

You should keep a few vape pen extras on hand at all times. A herb grinder is helpful for those who enjoy vaping. Vaporizers typically come with a storage compartment for dry herbs or concentrate. In addition to a protective case for transporting and stowing the vape pen, a dabbing tool or filling assistance is a must-have accessory. Carrying spare batteries or a portable charger for use while on the go is the best way to keep your vape pen fully functional at all times.

What To Do When You Have Concentrates And A Vape Pen

First, check to see whether different concentrates will work in the vaporizer. It's important to choose a vaporizer carefully because not all concentrates work with every model. Turn the device on for one to two seconds before your first use to preheat the chamber and prime the vape pen for optimal vapor production. With this method, you may expect a sufficient amount of vapor to be produced from your first inhale.

Woman tokes weed vape pen

Dosing is simplified when using a dabbing device, and only a small amount of wax or oil, around the size of a pea, is required. Either can be used to clean the coil in the chamber, either by applying it directly to the coil or by wiping it down. Pieces of shatter can be easily picked apart.

Use Of A Herbal Vaporizer Pen

Verify that the equipment is suitable for usage with herbs. Herbs that have been dried and finely ground are more effective than wet herbs in releasing their active ingredients when inhaled through a mouthpiece. The chamber is filled by gently squeezing the herbs with the filling device so as not to block the airflow. Vapor is best enjoyed by taking long, steady draws.

Wear Parts Of Vape Pens

Batteries, vaporizer heads (coils), and chambers in vape pens all eventually wear out and need to be replaced. Depending on the model and manufacturer, pen vaporizer replacement components might be quite pricey. If you're in the market for a vape pen, quality is an absolute essential. The longevity of your vape pen will enhance if you take care of it regularly. The atomizers can be cleaned with alcohol, although most cartridges are disposable.

General Cleaning Tips

When heated, the vape pen may be cleaned in a matter of minutes. Hotter temperatures help to break up residue in the heating chamber, but they won't warm up an empty one. This may impede normal functioning. You may be able to soak the device's heating chamber and coil in isopropyl alcohol, although this varies from device to device.

A cotton swab dampened with isopropyl alcohol will do the trick for cleaning the enclosure. This process is always done with the device upside down. This protects the vaporizer's hardware from the damaging effects of alcoholic beverages. Turn the vaporizer on its side and set it on a hot plate (burner) at a low temperature. Let it stay there for a few minutes. When the vaporizer is turned on, oil and liquids are vaporized and then released as liquids.

Cleaning vape pens are essential. The device's life will be prolonged, and it will continue to function optimally.

How Do Vape Pens Work?

Vape pen kits are relatively simple designed devices. When oils or concentrates are vaporized, the pen corresponds to the battery that powers the cartridge filled with the concentrate. The battery is equipped with either a button to control the device or an automatic draw function or auto-puff function.

Wax vape pens also have an atomizer that absorbs and vaporizes the wax. Otherwise, as with the Oil Pen, the big part of the pen is the battery that supplies the Atomizer with energy to heat up. Wax Pens are usually operated by a multifunction button, a knob. Our guide to buying wax pens explains this in more detail.

Wax vape pens

Vape pens for herbs have a heating chamber built in, which is heated to a certain temperature for the duration of the session. The resulting vapor can then be inhaled through the mouthpiece. More on this in our guide to buying vaporizers.

Vaping Has Several Positive Effects

Cannabidiol (CBD) can be inhaled using several different technologies. If you want to take advantage of the medicinal benefits of cannabis extracts while you're on the road, a CBD vape pen is a great choice. After all, the pen shape makes it exceptionally convenient to hold and use. The advantages of inhaling CBD include its ability to work through the respiratory system.

Therefore, the effects may be experienced considerably more rapidly than with products absorbed through the digestive system. In addition, vaporizers don't require much maintenance. Tank and mouthpiece care can be accomplished with minimal effort. Thereafter, routine battery charging is all that's required.

1. Safety

The Royal College of Physicians of London estimates that vaping is 95% less harmful than smoking other products. The senses of taste and smell, as well as lung capacity, circulation, skin health, and oral health, can all improve.

2. Negative aromatic odors are not present

These products also have the added benefit of not giving off any unpleasant odors, which is a huge plus. The good news is that, depending on which flavor you choose, these pens release a pleasant scent. There is no evidence of marijuana use. Quite a few consumers report being unable to even detect the vapor's aroma. There will be a noticeable difference in aroma even if you select the particular flavor.

3. Increased control

Vaping pens provide a convenient and discreet way to manage your nicotine consumption. You can choose from a variety of strengths depending on your taste. There's also a nicotine-free alternative available. The nicotine concentration in most of these products is highest at first and subsequently decreases with time. To suit your tastes, though, you can make the required adjustments. It's not a good idea to start with a huge dose of marijuana and gradually increase it.

4. Adjustable vapor output

The ability to control how much vapor is inhaled is another major benefit of these gadgets. Devices of this size are more comfortable and use less steam than larger ones. However, powerful gadgets are recommended for cloud chasing.

5. Collection of flavors

Many different flavor combinations are available to suit your tastes. Manufacturers also regularly provide new flavor options. You can experiment with various tastes whenever you choose. Terpenes, mint, food, beverage, dessert, and fruit are all examples of delicious flavors. So, even if you use a vape pen regularly, you won't become tired of it. Many varieties are available from various manufacturers. These e-liquids for electronic weed pen collections should keep you busy for quite some time.

6. Satisfaction

Because of the comfort they provide, many vape pens might help you satisfy your needs. Most high-quality gadgets are pre-filled and ready to use after the minimal first adjustment. Inhalation is as simple as pressing the button on the gadget after it is prepared. Another big advantage of using these devices instead of smoking traditional joints or pre-rolls is the rapid enjoyment they provide.

Disadvantages Of A Stationary Vaporizer

A stationary vaporizer is only intended for use at home. While nothing is stopping you from taking it to a party at a friend's house, it must only be used in rooms that have an electrical outlet. As a result, the first disadvantage of stationary vaporizers is the lack of mobility - inhalations are only possible in the location where the vaporizer is located.

Large weed vape pen

The second disadvantage of almost every stationary vaporizer is its size - they are usually quite large devices that you would rather not hide in a drawer of a bedside table. This can be a problem if we need to conceal our vaporizer for some reason, such as if we have children, guests, or pets in the house.

Disadvantages Of A Portable Vaporizer

The vast majority of currently marketed devices are battery-powered mobile vaporizers. This provides excellent mobility, but there is a disadvantage: most batteries only allow for continuous vaporization for about an hour (sometimes less, sometimes more), after which they must be recharged. This means that people who inhale heavily will have to recharge the vaporizer during the day. Worse, if we forget to charge the vaporizer before leaving the house, a discharged battery can be an unpleasant surprise.

If you have a portable vaporizer that can be charged via USB, we can solve the battery life problem with the help of a power bank. Another disadvantage is the somewhat poor performance of mobile devices - the heating element will inevitably have less power than a stationary vaporizer, which negatively affects performance. Though this is changing, the vast majority of mobile devices are still conduction vaporizers (the herbs are heated by a heated chamber), which offer slightly poorer taste and performance than the convection heating of dried herbs.

As you can see, deciding between a stationary and a mobile vaporizer is not easy. The stationary ones serve their purpose admirably at home, while the mobile ones are indispensable on a trip.

Approved CBD Treatment For Anxiety

CBD oil from cannabis has been used to calm anxious minds for decades. Recent studies have shown that cannabis can help with several anxiety illnesses, including generalized anxiety disorder, seasonal affective disorder, panic disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Sixty per cent or more of trial participants reported reduced tension and anxiety after taking cannabidiol. However, they must ensure that they are taking the proper dosage. Therefore, purchasing vapor pens that allow for more precise dosing is a choice.

CBD Vape Pens Are More Efficient And Provide More Terpenes

Bioavailability refers to the extent to which cannabidiol is absorbed by the blood after oral delivery. In comparison to tinctures, oil, or edibles, this is by far the highest concentration found in CBD vape pens. When you inhale from one of these pens, the cannabinoids are taken up by your lungs instantly and at a considerably higher rate than when taken orally. It just takes about 15 to 30 minutes for you to feel the effects, which is significantly faster than with other CBD products.

In addition, terpene-enhanced most vape pens are now commercially accessible, making their energetic and upbeat effects even more potent. Terpenes produce incredibly delicate scents. Most significantly, CBD vape pens are 100% THC-free, so you won't get high from using them.

A Better Alternative To Smoking

A vaporizer provides a cleaner, more authentic taste than smoking. Without actually burning the cannabis, it warms it to the point where the cannabinoids vapor. Unlike smoke, the vapor does not include tar, carbon monoxide, or other dangerous chemicals. When marijuana is burned normally, around 88% of the particles that are expelled are not cannabinoids. That's why just a few of them burn up in the chimney.

When cannabis is burned, most cannabinoids are deactivated by the high temperatures, rather than producing harmful toxins. Vaporized cannabis contains approximately 95% of the cannabinoid, with the remaining 5% being a non-toxic essential oil. So you may experience additional benefits from using pure cannabis vapor. And the smoky odor in your home and on your clothes has vanished. Second, it allows you to enter a "stealth" mode because you won't draw as much attention to yourself if the vapor doesn't spread too far.

You Can Take CBD Vape Pens Anywhere You Go

Using a vape pen makes vaping even more covert than it already is. It's simple to conceal the vape pen when required because the odor doesn't spread far, linger, or smear. A portable vaporizer is a great tool for people who want to take their vaporizing experience with them wherever they go. Vape pens come in a wide variety of styles and materials, including disposable and refillable varieties. You can pick the best vape pens, keep it hidden in your pocket, and have a tasty snack whenever you want.

You'll End Up Saving Money Thanks To This

To get the most out of cannabis, vaporizers appear to be the most effective method. Vaporizers are at least 30–40% more effective than other ways of CBD consumption, such as oil, tincture, or edibles. Additionally, considering the 30% efficiency, you'll use roughly 30% less cannabis than usual.

Over time, it might add up to a lot of money saved. With the money you'll save, the vaporizer will quickly pay for itself. Depending on how much energy you typically consume, you may be able to return the cost of the unit in under six months. You should give CBD vape pens some deep attention if you haven't already.

cbd vape pen

If you're persuaded, now is the time to acquire a CBD vape pen and start enjoying the advantages. When you first try using a vape pen, you might be left wondering why you waited so long to do so. Like with any novel experience, it's best to ease into cannabidiol use by starting with a small dose and working up to the desired effect. It is not intended that you use more than the prescribed dose of CBD in your vape pen.

CBD Vape Pen: Fields Of Application

The versatility of CBD makes it an ideal candidate for delivery through portable inhaler. It has been stated that the CBD Vape Pen is useful for a variety of conditions, including the ones listed below, which are encountered by consumers.

1. Pain, anxiety, nervousness and inflammation

No therapeutic or active claims may be made about vape concentrates or a CBD vape pen. Personal opinions are the only ones conveyed in experience reports. Although many have not had success with cannabidiol vaporization, it is still worth a shot.

2. When using a CBD vape pen, how to refill the cartridge?

The CBD vape pen often has a tiny tank that can be unscrewed for refilling. Typically formed of transparent glass, this allows for easy monitoring of the liquid inside. CBD Liquid refills are possible once the tank has been taken apart. Essentially, both CBD Liquid and CBD Oil can be vaporized, but regular CBD oil is too thick to use with a vape pen. To avoid damaging the vape pen, it is recommended to use only "vaporizer goods" with the ideal solubility and viscosity.

3. How much CBD oil should I put into my vape pen?

The CBD Diffuser Pen has a limited capacity for liquid. As a result, it is impossible to drink massive quantities without constantly having to reload the gadget. To get the most out of your CBD experience, it is essential to pay close attention to the % value when dosing. An amount of cannabidiol included in a 10 ml bottle containing 5% CBD is about equal to 500 mg. 

CBD liquid is typically dosed much lower, between 30 and 100 milligrams per 10 milliliters. As a result, the correct CBD dosage will vary greatly from person to person. If you've never tried it before, it's best to start with just a few puffs and wait a few hours before judging how you feel. Increasing usage at a comfortable pace is an option.

CBD Liquid

To get the most out of your vape concentrate, you need to pay attention not only to how long you leave it on and how much you use it but also to how you inhale it. Deep, steady breaths are recommended by experts so that the CBD's full effects may be felt.

How To Identify High-Quality CBD Pens 

The gadgets are sold both online and in specialty stores. The following is of utmost importance for anyone interested in this topic:

  • viable options for cleaning
  • excellent component construction
  • nice CBD vape concentrates 

Vaporization is the route by which many drugs enter the body, hence they must be of high quality and if you want to acquire high-quality concentrates, consider these suggestions.

  • Find a trustworthy dealer.
  • Learn where the CBD you're buying comes from and how it's processed 
  • sufficient CBD content
  • without the use of any synthetic ingredients.

Before purchasing a CBD vape pen, it is important to do some research. Countless online resources such as discussion boards, how-to manuals, and user accounts are available. With the right amount of information, picking the right gadget is a breeze. When in doubt, compare multiple options to get the right one for you. 

Effects Of CBD Vape Pen

Cannabidiol is inhaled using a vape pen. The desired effects are thus derived from the properties that CBD is said to have. Cannabidiol is a cannabinoid that is extracted naturally from the hemp plant. Cannabinoids are thought to have beneficial effects on the body. Cannabidiol has been shown in studies to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and sedative properties. Cannabidiol is said to have these effects because it interacts with the body's endocannabinoid system. Cannabidiol (CBD), unlike the cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), does not produce intoxicating effects.

Man smokes CBD vape pen

To better understand the effects of CBD, you should first learn about our body's endocannabinoid system (ECS). This is a type of internal communication network comprised of several receivers. CBD or cannabinoids dock onto these interfaces, triggering a wide range of processes such as emotions, pain sensation, or sleep behavior.

CBD enters your bloodstream directly through your lungs when vaporized. Depending on the extract's bioavailability, 50-60% of the cannabidiol it contains enters your body in seconds. This is probably the fastest absorption of CBD when compared to CBD drops or capsules, which must pass through the oral mucosa and many other areas of the body before reaching your blood. Orally administered products, on the other hand, have a slightly longer duration of effect, lasting about 2-3 hours longer.

Smoking Vs. Vaping

In comparison to smoking joints or pre-rolls, 'vaping' has far fewer negative health effects. Many reports from the field of toxicology from throughout the world confirm this. However, vaping just cannot be ignored. Smoking generates far more pollutants than vaping. And it has it's own risk.

The combustion of a substance, such as cannabis or the paper that goes with it, produces smoke. The increased temperatures produce hazardous substances that are harmful to one's health and have. The active ingredients are fully preserved and the vapor production remains pleasantly cool when inhaled because the temperature during vaporization is significantly lower - ideally 180 - 200 °C.

Is A Vaporizer Effective As A Smoking Cessation Aid?

In the long run, vaping can assist smokers: inside quit smoking. There are nicotine-free and nicotine-containing vape liquids. If you wish to break away from your nicotine addiction, you can use nicotine-free vape liquids. The body may gradually wean itself off nicotine in this manner. Furthermore, several vape liquids do not contain any nicotine at all.

If you are a frequent smoker who does not want to give up your relaxing routine, a nicotine-free e liquid vape pen can help you. CBD Liquids, in particular, can be beneficial in nicotine withdrawal since the calming effect that many smokers get from nicotine can also be ensured by CBD.

When Vaping, How Is CBD Taken Into The Body?

The fact that vaping reaches circulation directly through the lungs is a significant benefit. CBD, unlike capsules, does not need to travel through the gastrointestinal tract first. A considerable impact is thus immediately visible within a few minutes - and so ideal for on the road. Because the chemicals enter the organism directly when vaping, the body's absorption capacity is substantially higher with this administration approach than with other CBD products.

CBD hemp oil

While CBD oils have an absorption rate of 5 to 25%, vaporizers have an absorption capacity of 50-60%. However, there is a little downside to this type of application in that the efficiency flattens out the fastest with this absorption strategy. How quick is it exactly? That is difficult to say because the duration of action is highly individual and depends on the respective bioavailability and lifestyle.

Vaping Has Similar Risks To Traditional Use

The inhalation of vaporized substances, like the inhalation of combustible cannabis particularly when infused when concentrates, can be hazardous to health. This means that breathing in the vapor can cause damage to the respiratory system and raise the chance of developing respiratory illnesses. Inhaling oxygen is the lungs' primary function. Tolerating any further exposure may lead to inflammation.

Dangers abound from using illicit CBD liquids as an example. Lab-grown synthetic cannabinoids are often fortified with flavored and colored chemicals. Dealing with illegal goods requires a heightened level of vigilance. The packaging and labels are nearly identical to those of legitimate items, making it difficult to tell them apart. Extreme toxicity can result from obtaining such a manufactured substance.

What Kinds Of CBD Vape Pens Are Available Today?

CBD pens are classified into three types: disposables (also known as e-shisha), vape pens with replaceable cartridges, and vaporizers. Disposables are the most cost-effective option in the short term and are ideal for experimenting with CBD vaping. You will receive an "all-in-one kit" that is intended for a limited number of inhalations - typically around 100 puffs. When the extract is depleted, the entire battery carrier, including the cartridge, is discarded. Please make sure to properly dispose of it for the sake of the environment.

weed vape cartridge

If you want a more environmentally friendly option, look for vape pens with replaceable cartridges, such as the freight CBD Pen. Because the battery and cartridge can be purchased separately, these are much more environmentally friendly and cost-effective in the long run. Insert the cartridge into the charged pen and slowly pull the top of the mouthpiece to activate the automatic draw and generate vapor. Some models require you to press a button while inhaling. It is best to consult the vaporizer's instruction manual for this.

Vaporizers are intended for use with solids such as herbs and flowers. The application is a little more complicated than previously filled systems. Furthermore, the price is relatively high, making it unsuitable for beginners. Vaporizers, on the other hand, provide the most "natural" taste because the flowers are directly heated or vaporized. 

Just What Is It About The CBD Vape Pen That Makes It So Potent And Effective?

To guarantee that customers always receive the highest quality CBD vaporizer products, third-party lab testing is essential. Lab results show what other substances are included in the CBD vape juice. The test findings will inform consumers about the product's efficacy and the existence of any impurities.

Product labeling and ingredients: Both can provide more insight into what shoppers might expect from the goods they're about to acquire. Customers should go for a product line that lists all of the ingredients. Labels can provide much more information for vape pen users. This includes details such as the CBD kind, dose, and other factors. All of this material is vital for making sure a customer buys the right vape pen.

Most vape pen companies are open to discussing where their hemp is sourced from. This is necessary to determine the quality of the hemp available there. To maintain strict quality standards, some manufacturers grow their hemp.

The Bottom Line 

Vape pens, also known as pen vaporizers, are tiny vaporizers that resemble pens or electronic cigarettes. You should learn how to operate a pen vaporizer before attempting to smoke anything else for obvious safety reasons, as pens often employ conduction heating. You may now select from a bewildering number of vapor pen devices.

If possible, you should clean it after each usage. In turn, the longevity of use is greatly enhanced. With repeated use, the gadget becomes clogged with debris. Over time, when residue builds up, the heating element's efficiency drops and it risks breaking. Moreover, the liquid's flavor is altered, and there are health considerations involved as well. Clean equipment means clean vapor.

A variety of methods are available for inhaling cannabidiol (CBD). A CBD best vape pen is an excellent solution for reaping the medical advantages of cannabis extracts while on the go. After all, the pen design makes it extremely easy to grip and operate. The capacity of (CBD to function through the respiratory system is one of the benefits of breathing it. As a result, the benefits may be felt faster than with goods taken through the digestive system. Furthermore, vaporizers do not require much upkeep. Tank and mouthpiece care may be done with little effort. Following that, ordinary battery charging is all that is necessary.

Cannabis BD oil has been used for decades to calm anxious brains. Recent research has revealed that cannabis can aid with a variety of anxiety conditions, including generalized anxiety disorder, seasonal affective disorder, panic disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

A vaporizer delivers a purer, more realistic flavor than smoking. It heats the cannabis to the point when the cannabinoids vaporize without really burning it. Unlike smoke, vapor has no tar, carbon monoxide, or other hazardous substances. The THC content of vaporized cannabis is typically 95%, with the remaining 5% being a non-toxic essential oil. As a result, consuming pure cannabis vapor may provide extra advantages.

A vape pen is used to inhale cannabidiol. The expected benefits are thus obtained from CBD's alleged characteristics. Cannabidiol is a naturally occurring cannabinoid derived from the hemp plant. Cannabinoids are considered to have medicinal properties. Studies have demonstrated that cannabidiol has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and sedative qualities. These effects are attributed to cannabidiol's interaction with the body's endocannabinoid system. Unlike the cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD does not induce intoxication effects.

'Vaping' has considerably fewer negative health impacts than smoking joints or pre-rolls. This is supported by several toxicological reports from throughout the world. Vaping, on the other hand, cannot be disregarded. Traditional weed pens use produces significantly more toxins than vaping.

Smoke is produced when a material, such as cannabis flower or the paper that goes with it, is burned. The higher the temperature, the more toxic compounds are produced, which are dangerous to one's health. Because the temperature of vaporization is substantially lower - ideally 180 - 200 °C - the active components are entirely retained, and the vapor remains delightfully cold when breathed.

Disclaimer: This material is for informational purposes only and should not be relied on for legal, medical, financial, or any other form of professional advice.

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Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Earthy, Citrus, Lemon

A pure Indica strain that starts in the back of the head and slowly makes its way to the rest of the body. The strain took 3rd place at the High Times Cannabis Cup in 2012.

Vape pens are a convenient and easy-to-use option for vaping, and they come in various styles and designs. This ultraportable, disposable vaporizer offers an outstanding balance of great taste and large clouds for the most satisfying vaping experience. In addition to its simplicity, LIIILI STIIIZY makes for the perfect on-the-go vape device due to its portability and convenience. 

Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Earthy, Citrus, Lemon
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Indulge in a golden cross of zesty tropical flavors and uplifting effects. Golden Pineapple is a hybrid cross of the strains Golden Goat and Pineapple Express, delivering a terpene profile full of vibrant fruity flavors and a sweet pineapple aroma. Made with a majority of the terpene Terpinolene, Golden Pineapple is our recommended strain for boosting creativity, energy, and euphoria. BLOOM Live is the best tasting fresh flower vape in CA. Every month, our team of strain curators finds a variety of exotic strains from growers in Humboldt to Santa Barbara. Each cartridge is made from potent buds and crafted into pure oil containing a wide...
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric
Flavor: Apricot, Blueberry, Pineapple
Weight: 1 g
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This GG4 Cruisers Vape is your dusky co-pilot when the horizon nips at the sun and the leg of today’s journey is closing out. As Uncle Jack used to say, “There’s nothin’ like ramblin’ roads to destination nowhere.” This body-buzzing hybrid’s diesel flavor will get you there, and then some. So, hit the high road, Jack, and skid in sideways in a cloud of smoke when you arrive. • Full gram vape • Body-buzzing hybrid - great for a leisurely late-afternoon • Earthy, sour diesel • Universal 510 cartridge NOTE: THC/CBD content is approximate, individual items may vary.
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Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: California Dab Company, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Creative, Energetic, Flavor: Mint, Earthy, Lemon
XJ-13 is a true Southern California clone-only variety, bred when the green thumbs at Orange County’s Patient Care in Santa Ana pollinated a G-13 female with pollen from a male Jack Herer (courtesy of Paradise Seeds), then re-pollinated a cutting of the new plant with Jack Herer again to give the strain a sweeter scent and more Sativa-dominant properties. Orange County’s Patient Care reports a sweet citrus aroma from XJ-13, with effects both energetic and stress-relieving. The strain won bronze for Best Sativa at the 2012 High Times’ Cannabis Cup and took silver for Best Concentrate in 2014.
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Creative, Energetic
Flavor: Mint, Earthy, Lemon
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: ROVE, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Citrus, Sweet, Berry, Sherbet, Flowery, Skunk
An Indica-leaning Hybrid , Sherbet delivers a powerful, heady buzz. The creamy aroma is accented with notes of skunky citrus, berry, and a candy-like sweetness similar to its parent strain, Girl Scout Cookies. Stress, tension, and sour moods melt away with the carefree mindset and physical relaxation that comes with this rich concentrate. About this strain: Sherbet  Also known as Sherbert or Sunset Sherbert, this strain is an Indica-leaning hybrid that crosses a female GSC (Girl Scout Cookies) with a Pink Panties male. Sherbert was accidentally produced in San Francisco Bay when Mr. Sherbinski introduced a male Pink Panties into a...
Brands: ROVE
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Citrus, Sweet, Berry, Sherbet, Flowery, Skunk
Effects: Happy, Flavor: Lemon

LIIIL STIIIZY is the ultimate portable, disposable vape device that delivers an unexpected vaping experience with great taste and bigger clouds.

Effects: Happy
Flavor: Lemon
Brands: Dime Industries, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy, Flavor: Tropical, Strawberry, Sweet
A deliciously sweet combination of Watermelon with hints of cucumber, this refreshing hybrid will keep you puff puff passing. During consumption, a relaxing and happy feeling will overwhelm your body, reminding you of a time when you were drinking refreshments on a summer day at the pool. As one of our first strains, there’s a reason it’s here to stay. It’s just that good. Watermelon is an all-around mystery strain created from unknown parents in an anonymous breeder’s garden. It reportedly tastes and smells like sweet tropical fruit with an earthy background. The cultivar also reportedly tests at an average of 17% THC and 3-10% CBD.
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy
Flavor: Tropical, Strawberry, Sweet
Weight: 1g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: PLUGplay, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy, Flavor: Mango, Earthy, Sweet

Mango has a skunky and hashy aroma, while its Afghani lineage makes it resistant to mold and fungus. This indica-leaning strain is said to have high CBD levels.

Brands: PLUGplay
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy
Flavor: Mango, Earthy, Sweet
Brands: ROVE, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Flavor: Pineapple, Sweet, Fruity, Tropical
Now comes in a convenient, rechargeable, compact, and disposable size Classic and simple, with its tropical flavors and stress-relieving qualities, Waui is a vacation in every puff. Let the sweet pineapple and high-energy euphoria of this native Hawaiian strain wisp your creative spirit to beautiful places.
Brands: ROVE
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric
Flavor: Pineapple, Sweet, Fruity, Tropical

Bloom Classic Vape | GSC is a true-to-name vaporizer designed to deliver the benefits of cannabis oil minus the drawbacks. Crafted with 99% pure terpenes and a broad spectrum of cannabinoids, each vape delivers bold flavor and consistent effects. It is the perfect blend of aromatherapy with your favorite strain.

Brands: Select Oil, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy, Flavor: Blueberry, Sweet, Berry
The ease of oil the feeling of the flower. Introducing Select Elite Live Oil. Elite Live combines the same quality oil you’ve come to know from Select, now infused with freshly harvested live resin terpenes. The combination results in high quality, high potency oil with a wide variety of strain-specific flavor and effects- so Sativas feel more stimulating and Indicas more sleepy. Now that’s better. Blueberry, also known as "Berry Blue," is an Indica marijuana strain made by crossing Purple Thai with Thai. A true A-List cannabis strain, Blueberry’s legendary status soared to new heights after claiming the High Times’ Cannabis Cup...
Brands: Select Oil
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy
Flavor: Blueberry, Sweet, Berry
Weight: 5g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Select Oil, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Focused, Happy, Flavor: Chemical, Earthy, Sweet
The ease of oil the feeling of the flower. Introducing Select Elite Live Oil. Elite Live combines the same quality oil you’ve come to know from Select, now infused with freshly harvested live resin terpenes. The combination results in high quality, high potency oil with a wide variety of strain-specific flavor and effects- so sativas feel more stimulating and indicas more sleepy. Now that’s better. A cross between Stardawg with Afghani indica, the cannabis breeder Flavour Chasers is the original creator of the Indica-leaning hybrid Guava. According to the breeder, Guava carries a fruity and tropical flavor found on both the plant and...
Brands: Select Oil
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Focused, Happy
Flavor: Chemical, Earthy, Sweet
Weight: 1g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: HIFLY, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Flowery, Earthy, Sweet
According to breeder Seed Junky Genetics, Wedding Cake, also known as Pink Cookies, is a phenotype of Triangle Mints. This delectable treat is rich with tangy sweet earth and pepper, taking notes and dimensions from its OG lineage. Enjoy this double dose of dense dankness with care, as certain farms have noted its extremely high THC content. Pink Cookies, also commonly known as Wedding Cake, is reportedly a cross of Cherry Pie and GSC (also known as Girl Scout Cookies).
Brands: HIFLY
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Flowery, Earthy, Sweet
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Earthy, Citrus, Lemon, Mango
Bloom Classic highlights the compounds that make up each strain. Crafted with 99% pure terpenes and a broad spectrum of cannabinoids, each vape delivers bold flavor and consistent effects. Available in 1000mg and 500mg cartridges, and 350 mg Surf.he strain has a short stature that is common on strains with Indica lineage and is known for its tight internodal structure, which creates its iconic spear-shaped flowers with lavender calyxes. The most popular phenotype produced by the first batch of GSC seeds was Thin Mints.
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Earthy, Citrus, Lemon, Mango
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: ROVE, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy, Flavor: Pine, Earthy, Citrus
Sherbet Cartridge 1.025g - CAAn Indica-leaning Hybrid , Sherbet delivers a powerful, heady buzz. The creamy aroma is accented with notes of skunky citrus, berry, and a candy-like sweetness similar to its parent strain, Girl Scout Cookies. Stress, tension, and sour moods melt away with the carefree mindset and physical relaxation that comes with this rich concentrate.
Brands: ROVE
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy
Flavor: Pine, Earthy, Citrus
Brands: Raw Garden, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Happy, Sleep Soundly, Euphoric, Sleepy, Flavor: Cannabis Flower, Flowery
Campo de Flores Refined Live Resin™ 1.0g Cartridge Jack Punch x Skywalker x Skystomper Indica Hybrid Raw Garden aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more.  Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis.  Raw Garden high-potency Refined Live Resin THC Vape Cartridges are 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers, or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and...
Brands: Raw Garden
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Happy, Sleep Soundly, Euphoric, Sleepy
Flavor: Cannabis Flower, Flowery
Weight: 1.0g
Brands: ABX / absoluteXtracts, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Limonene, Earthy, Berry, Blueberry

This Sativa-dominant hybrid delivers swift balancing and focus-enhancing effects, perfect for enjoying during the day. With its tantalizing blueberry flavor, you'll love every minute of your Blue Dream experience.

Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Limonene, Earthy, Berry, Blueberry
Weight: 1 g
Brands: West Coast Cure, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Soothing, Relaxed, Calm, Flavor: Watermelon, Grape, Fruity
The Watermelon Sorbet CUREpen Cartridge contains a highly effective, high-terpene oil that's considered a Sativa leaning hybrid of Mango and Watermelon Zkittlez. A virtual vacation for the senses, the full gram cartridge provides a fruity aroma that merges tones of tart berries, grapes, and watermelon. With a slightly slow onset, the effects from the Watermelon Sorbet 510 Cartridge transport the tired body and worn psyche to a soothing place. 
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Soothing, Relaxed, Calm
Flavor: Watermelon, Grape, Fruity
Weight: 1g
Brands: PLUGplay, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Flavor: Grape, Woody, Berry
Never fear, Purple Wreck is here! Purple Wreck’s sativa dominance in the hybrid family gives off an organic taste with a sweet undertone to it. From its dense and plentiful buds to its hard hitting blinkers, Purple Wreck will surely become that favorite. About this strain: Purple Trainwreck  Purple Trainwreck (also called Purple Wreck) is a cross of Mendocino Purps, also known as Mendo Purps, and Trainwreck bred by the Humboldt Seed Organization in Northern California. Purple Trainwreck tends to produce cerebral, psychotropic effects that taper off into a heavily relaxing high. Giving off a spicy citrus scent, this popular purple...
Brands: PLUGplay
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric
Flavor: Grape, Woody, Berry
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy, Happy, Flavor: Vanilla, Earthy, Sweet

Kimbo Cake Ready-to-Use Refined Live Resin™ Pen is the newest and most powerful pen on the market. This product comes with a high-quality, molecularly distilled live resin concentrate that will be ready to use in just 30 seconds. It is so easy to use that you can place your order and get this discreet, THC-packed pen delivered overnight.

Brands: Raw Garden
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy, Happy
Flavor: Vanilla, Earthy, Sweet
Weight: 0.333 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Alpine Vapor - Verified ☑️, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Earthy, Citrus, Lemon
GSC | Hybrid | 0.55g | Premium Cannabis Oil Vape Cartridge A multiple award winner and perennial patient favorite, GSC is a cross between OG Kush and Durban Poison that pairs a euphoric mind high with deep relaxation. Flavor | Sweet and spicy. Notes of spicy flower and tangy diesel. Effects | Cerebral, invigorating, relaxed. Alpine Premium Cannabis Oil is pure expertly distilled cannabis oil that is true to strain with natural plant-derived terpenes and no added flavors. With 90%+ cannabinoids in every batch, this product line is for consumers seeking the highest potency experience. About this strain: GSC  GSC, which was originally...
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Earthy, Citrus, Lemon
Weight: 1/2g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Jetty Extracts, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Cheese, Tropical, Berry
"This strain is like a 70's island beach party, a whole lot of tropical with a little bit of funk. We wanted to craft a strong indica that's not too heavy on the effects but still leaves the user with a euphoric sense of relaxation and focus. Papaya Punch is just that. Jetty Solventless Vape is made from live rosin that’s extracted using only ice, water, heat, and pressure. Purified for maximum potency, it delivers the true essence of the plant from start to finish. Premium cartridge with Jetty signature wood tip. Works with any 510-thread battery. " About this strain: Papaya Punch  Papaya Punch is a cultivar of unknown origins...
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Cheese, Tropical, Berry
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Papa's Herb, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Earthy, Sweet, Berry, Gelato, Diesel
Gelato (also referred to as "Larry Bird") is a tantalizing hybrid cannabis strain from Cookie Fam and Sherbinski, following in the footsteps of its parents Sunset Sherbet and Thin Mint GSC. T his Bay Area, California native gets its name from the fruity, dessert-like aroma, a common genetic thread among the Cookie family. Her buds tend to bloom in dark purple hues illuminated by fiery orange hairs and a shining white coat of crystal resin. Novice consumers may want to approach this THC powerhouse with caution, but those armed with a high tolerance will delight in Gelato’s heavy-handed euphoria. Physical relaxation comes on strong, but...
Brands: Papa's Herb
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Earthy, Sweet, Berry, Gelato, Diesel
Weight: 1/2g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: SAUCED, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Spicy/Herbal, Blueberry, Earthy
Among the most famous strains worldwide is White Widow, a balanced hybrid first bred in the Netherlands by Green House Seeds. A cross between a Brazilian sativa landrace and a resin-heavy South Indian indica. Its buds are white with crystal resin, warning you of the potent effects to come. A powerful burst of euphoria and energy breaks through immediately, stimulating both conversation and creativity. -Leafly About this strain: White Widow  White Widow is a cross of two landrace strains, Brazilian and south Indian, from Green House Seed Company in Amsterdam. Green House breeder Arjan Roskam reports having developed White Widow in the...
Brands: SAUCED
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Spicy/Herbal, Blueberry, Earthy
Weight: 1/2g
Brands: ROVE, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Energetic, Happy, Flavor: Woody, Earthy, Berry, Limonene
Strain: Crescendo Farm: THC Design State: CA Genetics: Chem Dawg x I-95 x Mandarin Cookies Type: Hybrid Resin: Cured Total Cannabis %: 94 THC %: 87 CBD %: 0.4 Total Terpene %: 2.8 Top Terpenes: Caryophyllene, Limonene, Myrcene Tastes: Earthy, Berry, Woody Effects: Happy, Euphoric, Energetic About this strain: Crescendo  Crescendo is named after the musical term that signifies a gradual increase in intensity or loudness. This highly potent strain is originally crossbred in Denver, Colorado, by Ethos Genetics. Chemdog, I-95, and Mandarin Cookies to form this unique Sativa-dominant hybrid strain. The effects have been described by...
Brands: ROVE
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Energetic, Happy
Flavor: Woody, Earthy, Berry, Limonene
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Bloom Farms, Effects: Euphoric, Flavor: Mint
The lingering bite of refreshing wintergreen is the signature of this Indica-leaning cross of Bubba Kush and Animal Mints. The cool, sweetly herbal bouquet tantalizes the taste buds while its strong body-soothing effects deliver a heavy punch of relaxation that’s perfect for a chill evening.
Brands: Bloom Farms
Effects: Euphoric
Flavor: Mint
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: KINGPEN, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Aroused, Happy, Flavor: Citrus, Sweet, Berry, Tropical

The Jilly Bean 1 Gram Vape Cartridge is a potent and flavorful strain that’s perfect for vaping. It has also been specifically designed to provide a mellow and fulfilling experience.

Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Aroused, Happy
Flavor: Citrus, Sweet, Berry, Tropical
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Focused, Sleepy, Flavor: Tar, Pepper, Citrus, Spicy/Herbal
Extracted from a variety of natural flora, STIIIZY’s botanically derived terpenes offer balanced aroma and taste to deliver a consistent experience every time. Our premium quality concentrates uphold a high level of purity, setting the industry standard to influence and inspire through innovative methods.
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Focused, Sleepy
Flavor: Tar, Pepper, Citrus, Spicy/Herbal
Weight: 1/2 g
Brands: Dripp Extracts, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Cherry, Tropical, Sweet, Honey
Dripp Extracts Live Resin Cherry Bomb disposable Vape Pens are made from exclusively high quality Cannabis flower frozen immediately upon harvest, never dried or cured. The result is an extremely flavorful and smooth vape experience of the highest quality. Our Live resin disposables offer some of the most robust terpene profiles on the market. With an initial explosion of well-aged and ripened cherry flavor, Cherry Bomb imparts an unmistakably crisp finish to an otherwise honeyed profile. The minor constituent terpene bisabolol is commonly utilized as an anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant compound. Strain: Indica
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Cherry, Tropical, Sweet, Honey
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Elevated Experience, Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Sleeroy Refined Live Resin™ 0.5g CartridgeSlymer x Leeroy OGSativa Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden high-potency Refined Live Resin™ THC Vape Cartridges are 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers, or artificial flavors.  Made from Cannabis flower grown by Raw Garden in Central California using entirely...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Elevated Experience
Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Weight: 1/2g
Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Balanced, Relaxed, Euphoric, Flavor: Pine, Mint, Woody
Extracted directly from local single-sourced cannabis plants, STIIIZY’s Cannabis Derived Terpenes preserve the natural terpene profile of each flower strain to deliver optimum synergy in both flavor and potency. DOUBLE MINTZ / INDICA · Taste: Woody, Pine, Mint · Feeling: Balanced, Relaxed, Euphoric · Description: Double Mintz packs double the relaxation, making this indica perfect for your nightly session. About this strain: Double Mint  Double Mint by Spanish company Natural Genetics Seeds (NG Seeds) is a combination of Sin Mint Cookies and Mint Chocolate Chip. The top reported aromas of the Double Mint strain are menthol, lemon, and...
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Balanced, Relaxed, Euphoric
Flavor: Pine, Mint, Woody
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Sleepy, Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric, Flavor: Banana
Skynana Refined Live Resin™ 1.0g Cartridge Skywalker x Banana OG x Dos Y Dos Indica Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden high-potency Refined Live Resin™ THC Vape Cartridges are 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers, or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Sleepy, Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric
Flavor: Banana
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Earthy, Citrus, Lemon
SFV OG Jeeter Juice Liquid Diamonds Cartridge:  1000 mg | Hybrid | % TH95.71C (Per Cart) About this strain: SFV OG  SFV OG - or San Fernando Valley OG - began as a phenotype of OG Kush. A grower named Swerve at Cali Connection Farms in Southern California’s San Fernando Valley bred it with an Afghani from Homegrown Fantaseeds. The resulting strain takes its initials from its parent strain, as well as the abbreviated location of its seed bank. Breeders created the strain after selecting OG Kush for its earthy, lemony smell and sedating properties, which are the result of high levels of myrcene, limonene and caryophyllene. The strain...
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Earthy, Citrus, Lemon
Weight: 1 g
Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Happy, Uplifted, Creative, Flavor: Earthy, Citrus
Extracted directly from freshly harvested, flash-frozen cannabis plants, STIIIZY’s Live Resin preserves the authentic taste profile and delivers a full spectrum cannabis extract. Introduced seasonally, in small batches, this craft cannabis provides a synergy between cannabinoids and terpenes for the ultimate entourage effect. CHERRY CAKE / INDICA · Taste: Berry, Woody, Herbal · Feeling: Relaxing, Sleep, Euphoric · Description: A slice of Cherry Cake is all you’ll need for this powerful, relaxing indica to ease your night away.
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Happy, Uplifted, Creative
Flavor: Earthy, Citrus
Brands: Kurvana, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Flavor: Spicy/Herbal, Earthy, Berry
ASCND - Amnesia Haze Sativa | Citrus, Lemon, Earthy Pungent, lemony overtones give way to an unmistakably earthy aroma that perks up your vitality. ASCND: ASCND live whole plant oils are high cannabinoid, full spectrum, single origin extracts. These oils have an ideal composition for users who appreciate heavy psychoactive effects and a true-to-strain flower or weedy taste profile, while still retaining crucial bioactive terpenes and flavonoids. Hardware : From high-quality stainless steel to our BPA-free tank, we kept safety in mind. Our latest premium ceramic heating element features new material composition and refinement that...
Brands: Kurvana
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric
Flavor: Spicy/Herbal, Earthy, Berry
Weight: 0.5ml
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Hybrid, Effects: Happy, Giggly, Get Active, Uplifted, Energetic, Flavor: Natural Cannabis
Key Lime Cookies Refined Live Resin™ 0.3g Cartridge Slymer x Forum Cookies Sativa Hybrid  Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. These products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden high-potency Refined Live Resin™ THC Vape Cartridges are 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers, or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable...
Brands: Raw Garden
Cannabis Type: Sativa, Hybrid
Effects: Happy, Giggly, Get Active, Uplifted, Energetic
Flavor: Natural Cannabis
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: PAX, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Calm, Flavor: Orange, Woody, Citrus, Flowery
California Orange, also known as “Cali Orange” and “Cali-O,” is a classic hippie-era hybrid. Legend has it that the phenotype was selected for its unmatched citrus flavor profile and bred by backcrossing the original Skunk #1 variety of the late ‘70s to early ‘80s. California Orange has an intense orange peel flavor with the slightest hint of woody musk on the exhale. It’s ideal for a clear-headed and calm experience. The presence of terpinolene and limonene brings out the fresh citrus aromas as well as the relaxing effects of the strain. Available in 0.5G and 1G PAX Era pods.
Brands: PAX
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Calm
Flavor: Orange, Woody, Citrus, Flowery
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: FUZED, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Happy, Giggly, Flavor: Mango, Woody, Sweet
Enjoy the adventure in a tropical paradise. Get naked, sleep under the palm tree, and even befriend a monkey!  Who cares?? You’re in a jungle.
Brands: FUZED
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Happy, Giggly
Flavor: Mango, Woody, Sweet
Weight: 1000mg
Brands: dompen, Cannabis Type: Sativa, CBD, Effects: Get Active, Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Focused, Euphoric, Creative, Energetic, Flavor: Tree Fruit, Orange, Citrus
About dompen  dompen all-in-one cannabis vaporizers contain a total of .5g of high-grade cannabis oil. dompen has established itself as a leader in the all-in-one vaporizer category over the past decade, with growing sales across North America. With optimized airflow, clog-prevention technology, and a next-generation proprietary ceramic wick, dompen has been designed for performance. Additionally, with no buttons or charging necessary, dompen is an easy way to consume cannabis on the go, without hassle. About The Strain California Citrus is a bright and tangy sativa-dominant strain that is perfect for discreet daytime use and from our...
Brands: dompen
Cannabis Type: Sativa, CBD
Effects: Get Active, Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Focused, Euphoric, Creative, Energetic
Flavor: Tree Fruit, Orange, Citrus
Brands: West Coast Cure, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Upbeat, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Lemon, Sweet, Fruity, Smooth
The 1 gram Lemon Cooler CUREpen Cartridge by West Coast Cure is a 50/50 Hybrid that enjoys a sweet lemon flavor with a smooth fruity finish. An intoxicating dessert for the head, the oil in this 510 Cartridge has a motivational nature that makes it a terrific mid-day vape that creates a happy and upbeat headspace.
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Upbeat, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Lemon, Sweet, Fruity, Smooth
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: PLUGplay, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Euphoric, Happy, Relaxed, Flavor: Earthy

Brands: PLUGplay
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Happy, Relaxed, Euphoric
Flavor: Earthy
Color: Gray
Brands: Dime Industries, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Euphoric, Creative, Energetic, Flavor: Pear, Honey, Sweet
Royal Pear is a combination of two renowned strains: "Royal Wedding Cake" and "Pink Panther". The result of combining these two strains is a crisp and fruity flavor, with exceptionally smooth taste. Our new limited edition flavor Royal Pear will have you relaxing in your throne. About this strain: Pink Panther  Pink Panther boasts genetics nearly as elusive as its namesake pink feline. Some online sources hypothesize that it is a phenotype of the Pink Plant strain. True to its name, Pink Panther boasts a sweet, fruity smell of grapefruit layered with diesel and pine.
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Euphoric, Creative, Energetic
Flavor: Pear, Honey, Sweet
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Energetic, Happy, Flavor: Mango, Skunk, Citrus
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Energetic, Happy
Flavor: Mango, Skunk, Citrus
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Alpine Vapor - Verified ☑️, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, CBD, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused, Flavor: Moody, Earthy, Sweet

A CBD-rich strain that's perfect for managing stress and relieving pain. With Targeted CBD to THC ratios, this product line is for those looking to experience the benefits of CBD.

Cannabis Type: Hybrid, CBD
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused
Flavor: Moody, Earthy, Sweet
Weight: 1g
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Energetic, Happy, Get Active, Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Focused, Euphoric, Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Citron Soda Refined Live Resin™ 1.0g Cartridge Lemonade x Skywalker Sativa Raw Garden aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden high-potency Refined Live Resin THC Vape Cartridges are 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers, or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. These...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Energetic, Happy, Get Active, Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Focused, Euphoric
Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Select Oil, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy, Flavor: Spicy/Herbal, Flowery, Earthy
Quality is essential. With Select Essentials, you don t need to choose between the strains you love and quality oil. Essentials deliver a high potency oil with exceptional flavor and a wide variety of your favorite strains. Available in our newly enhanced Gravity cartridge that gives you less waste and more taste. Northern Lights is one of the most famous and sought-after “Indica” strains of all time. Considered a descendant of Afghani and Thai landrace strains, the exact origin of the Northern Lights remains a bit of a mystery. It may have originated in Washington in the 1970s, prior to reaching the Netherlands, where breeder...
Brands: Select Oil
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy
Flavor: Spicy/Herbal, Flowery, Earthy
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: COLDFIRE Extracts, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Focused, Energetic, Flavor: Earthy, Sweet, Fruity

Triple Lindy Juice Vape Cart (BLUEPRINT Collab - Cured) - 1g is a cannabis vape cart with a mix of CBD and THC to give you the perfect buzz. The CBD helps with depression, anxiety and PTSD while the THC gives you a euphoric and uplifted feeling

Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Focused, Energetic
Flavor: Earthy, Sweet, Fruity
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Energetic, Flavor: Diesel, Earthy, Citrus
Extracted from a variety of natural flora, STIIIZY’s botanically derived terpenes offer balanced aroma and taste to deliver a consistent experience every time. Our premium quality concentrates uphold a high level of purity, setting the industry standard to influence and inspire through innovative methods.
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Energetic
Flavor: Diesel, Earthy, Citrus
Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy, Flavor: Gassy, Earthy, Sweet
· Taste:  Sour, Tangy, Sweet · Feeling:  Energetic, Focused, Uplifting · Description:  Triangle Mintz Solventless Pods give you the full flavor profile similar to that of a spiced herbal tea. A mixture of spice, herbal and diesel flavor, this strain is authentic in keeping you feeling focused and lifted. Triangle Mintz Solventless Pods are extracted using high-quality flowers and without the use of harmful chemicals and additives. Our extraction methods have kept Triangle Mintz concentrate authentic and true to its strain flavor
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy
Flavor: Gassy, Earthy, Sweet
Weight: 0.5g
Brands: Flav, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Euphoric, Energetic, Giggly, Flavor: Pine, Woody, Earthy
Ultra-slim, disposable & rechargeable, all in one oil pod and battery. Trainwreck is a cultivar with mysterious origins, most particularly about the meaning behind its name. Legend has it Trainwreck was so named because the original cut grew on a hill the same summer there was a train crash in the Humboldt region. Other sources claim the strain was named for the immediate slam of mental invigoration it had on users, which hit the mind like a runaway train. According to the Seedsman blog, Trainwreck first emerged sometime in the 1980s from the Emerald Triangle region of Northern California. Trainwreck itself is thought to be a cross...
Brands: Flav
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Euphoric, Energetic, Giggly
Flavor: Pine, Woody, Earthy
Weight: 1g
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Happy, Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Our variable voltage battery works with all Raw Garden™ 510 threaded cartridges. Easily adjust three different temperature settings to personalize your flavor experience. Rechargeable with USB Adapter. Press the button 5 times in quick succession to turn the battery on/off. Adjust the temperature in three different ways to optimize your flavor experience: 2.9V = Blue LED 3.1V = Green LED 3.3V = Red LED Press and hold the button down while inhaling on the cartridge mouthpiece. Release the button to deactivate and stop inhaling.
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Happy
Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Brands: PLUGplay, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Earthy, Coffee, Sweet
More Biscotti for me please! Our newest Livest PLUG has sweet and spicy properties, and will have you feeling calm and chilled out for the night. Biscotti is an indica dominant hybrid so it’s perfect for those who are looking to relax after a long day. About this strain: Biscotti  A creation of the iconic Cookies Fam genetics, founded by Berner and legendary grower Jigga, Biscotti is a tasty combination of their flagship GSC (formerly Girl Scout Cookies ), Gelato #25, and South Florida OG. Biscotti is said to have a sweet and buttery aroma, translating into a slightly bitter taste reminiscent of coffee.
Brands: PLUGplay
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Earthy, Coffee, Sweet
Weight: 1/2g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: PLUGplay, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Cheese, Tropical, Berry
We just got punched by Papaya Punch and we ain't complaining! This indica heavy hybrid is the perfect ratio of mellowness without feeling too heavy. The flavor profile includes a fruity aroma that is perfect to end the day with. About this strain: Papaya Punch  Papaya Punch is a cultivar of unknown origins thought to be a combination of Papaya and Purple Punch. The top reported aromas of Papaya Punch are fruit candy and fresh berries. It is said to taste of berries with a hint of cheese.
Brands: PLUGplay
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Cheese, Tropical, Berry
Weight: 1 g
Brands: PLUGplay, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Positive, Elevated, Refreshed, Relaxed, Creative, Flavor: Orange, Citrus, Sweet
Smooth Citrus Overtones, Elevating, Yet Refreshing. We keep it JUICY! This 50/50 hybrid is going to keep you feeling refreshed and relaxed, just like that delicious sip of OJ we all crave in the morning. Flavors include luscious orange and the perfect blend of tart and sweet citrus to bring you thatJUICE-y experience we know you want. A few puffs will bring you to a creative and positive headspace, while also helping treat depression and fatigue.    Total THC 85.4%
Brands: PLUGplay
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Positive, Elevated, Refreshed, Relaxed, Creative
Flavor: Orange, Citrus, Sweet
Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Restorative, Uplifted, Relaxed, Calming, Happy, Flavor: Blueberry, Woody, Earthy, Honey, Pine

Cannatonic crossed with Ruderalis, Heavy Hitters' AC/DC is a 1:1 THC/CBD hybrid, featuring a flower-forward taste profile paired with a mild, restorative high.  

Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Restorative, Uplifted, Relaxed, Calming, Happy
Flavor: Blueberry, Woody, Earthy, Honey, Pine
Brands: ROVE, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Apple, Citrus, Sweet
Brunching this weekend? Be sure to BYOB - Bring Your Own Bellini! A sweet peachy puree of fruity flavor, our Bellini vape is so easy to smoke you may want to grab two. Developed for its mellow buzz, this pen boasts citrus rind aromas. The Bellini is an all-time Rove favorite. Cheers to a truly great vape!
Brands: ROVE
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Apple, Citrus, Sweet
Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Citrus, Lemon, Berry
London Pound Cake exists to give you a hazy high on a summer night. BLOOM Live is the best-tasting fresh flower vape in CA. Every month, our team of strain curators finds a variety of exotic strains from growers in Humboldt to Santa Barbara. Each cartridge is made from potent buds and crafted into pure oil containing a wide range of cannabinoids and more than 150 live resin terpenes. About this strain: London Pound Cake An Indica-dominant hybrid from the breeders at California-based Cookies Fam Genetics, London Pound Cake is a cross between Sunset Sherbet and an unknown hybrid strain (the breeders have kept the strain's true lineage...
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Citrus, Lemon, Berry
Weight: 1g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: KINGPEN, Cannabis Type: Indica, Hybrid, Effects: Carefree, Head High, Relaxed, Sleepy, Tingly, Happy, Flavor: Spicy/Herbal, Pine, Coffee

Introducing the KINGPEN Rainbow Belts 1g Vape Cartridge!This top-of-the-line cartridge is filled with premium Rainbow Kush oil extracted from the finest quality plants. Rainbow Kush is renowned for its robust and memorable aroma and spicy, piney taste. It's the perfect choice for cannabis lovers who want a truly unique experience. The KINGPEN Rainbow Belts Cartridge is designed for optimal performance and durability. It's excellent for those who want to get the very best. Order now and enjoy the highest quality Rainbow Belts oil available!

Cannabis Type: Indica, Hybrid
Effects: Carefree, Head High, Relaxed, Sleepy, Tingly, Happy
Flavor: Spicy/Herbal, Pine, Coffee
Weight: 1 g
Brands: New Normal, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy, Flavor: Diesel, Pungent, Earthy
Our Enhanced Live Resin Pods are crafted with ingredients from bear extraction. GMO Cookies is made by crossing Girl Scout Cookies with Chemdawg. This strain produces a euphoric high with mentally uplifting effects. Divine Genetics created Garlic Cookies, also known as Chem Cookies. It’s an indica-dominant cross of Chem Dog #4 and GSC. Chem Cookies/Garlic Cookies are often called GMO Cookies but that’s a slightly different strain from breeder Mamiko Seeds. The top reported aromas of Garlic Cookies are plums, coffee, and fuel. It is said to taste of spices, stone fruit, and coffee.
Brands: New Normal
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy
Flavor: Diesel, Pungent, Earthy
Weight: 1g
Brands: CRU Cannabis, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Orange, Earthy, Fruity
The new rechargeable 0.5ml disposable vape featuring a special ceramic design for ultimate flavor and performance consistency. The porous ceramic heating technology effectively absorbs the oil while also providing superior heat conductivity and distribution. The latest upgrades also include a micro-USB port so you'll never run out of juice before the tank is empty.
Brands: CRU Cannabis
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Orange, Earthy, Fruity
Brands: West Coast Trading Company, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Energetic, Happy, Flavor: Mint, Earthy, Citrus

Copilot Sour Jack Live Resin Diamond Vape Cartridge | 1G are made from 100% pure cannabis and high terpene extracts; these cartridges are sure to give you an unforgettable vaping experience. And with 90%+ THC, they pack quite a punch! So if you're looking for maximum potency and flavor, give Copilot Sour Jack Live Resin Diamond Vape Cartridges a try.

Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Energetic, Happy
Flavor: Mint, Earthy, Citrus
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Twenty Two K / 22k, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, CBD, Effects: Talkative, Uplifted, Relaxed, Aroused, Euphoric, Creative, Tingly, Happy, Flavor: Mint, Blueberry, Sweet, Lime
22K Premium Line  Made in small batches using rich cannabis oil and high quality cannabis terpenes. A consistent benchmark of 90% THC packed with flavor, it is often the strongest medication on the shelf of any shop. Highest quality delivery system using CCELL hardware, and triple testing by third party labs to ensure quality product. A go to for patients coping with chronic pain, and conditions such as Fibromyalgia, Parkinson's, Cancer and Neuropathy. The high potency also offers a great experience for heavy users that need a discrete and tasty way to medicate on the go. Melon Mojito is a 22K original strain, using a blend of cannabis...
Cannabis Type: Hybrid, CBD
Effects: Talkative, Uplifted, Relaxed, Aroused, Euphoric, Creative, Tingly, Happy
Flavor: Mint, Blueberry, Sweet, Lime
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Motivated, Relaxed, Creative, Happy, Flavor: Lime, Strawberry, Sweet, Mojito
Strawberry Lime Mojito Refined Live Resin™ 1.0g Cartridge Strawberry Jack x Lime Mojito (Berry / Citrus / Spice) Sativa Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden high-potency Refined Live Resin™ THC Vape Cartridges are 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers, or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Motivated, Relaxed, Creative, Happy
Flavor: Lime, Strawberry, Sweet, Mojito
Weight: 1g
Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Flowery, Diesel, Earthy
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Flowery, Diesel, Earthy
Sold by : 1 seller

Made from Cannabis flower using entirely organically-based and Clean Green-certified farming techniques that is Cryogenically Flash-Frozen immediately at harvest. 

Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Creative, Sleepy, Happy, Flavor: Vanilla, Earthy, Sweet, Flowery
Extracted directly from freshly harvested, flash-frozen cannabis plants, STIIIZY’s Live Resin preserves the authentic taste profile and delivers a full spectrum cannabis extract. Introduced seasonally, in small batches, this craft cannabis provides a synergy between cannabinoids and terpenes for the ultimate entourage effect. CAKE FROSTING / HYBRID · Taste: Floral, Sweet, Spice · Feeling: Creative, Relaxing, Sleepy · Description: Sweet and creamy overtone accented by spicy flowers and lavender with full-bodied effects that hit hard as you race through giddy thought, your body will settle further and further into the couch. About this...
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Creative, Sleepy, Happy
Flavor: Vanilla, Earthy, Sweet, Flowery
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Crystal Clear, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused, Euphoric, Creative, Flavor: Citrus, Sweet, Berry, Tropical

Gusherz is a potent, rechargeable disposable vape pen accessible on the throat and discreetly. It is perfect for cannabis enthusiasts who want to enjoy a robust and full product without having to deal with the hassle of refilling cartridges or batteries.

Brands: Crystal Clear
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused, Euphoric, Creative
Flavor: Citrus, Sweet, Berry, Tropical
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Big Chief, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Diesel, Citrus, Lemon
Sour Diesel, sometimes abbreviated as Sour D, is an extremely popular strain, distinguished by the fuel-like chemical smell of its flowers. It has a mostly sativa head high with some subtle physical indica relaxation, making it popular among recreational and medical users alike. This is a potent strain, with a THC content that had been measured at between 20% and 25%. About this strain: Sour Diesel  Also known as Sour D and East Coast Sour Diesel (or ECSD,) Sour Diesel is a prolific strain with somewhat tumultuous origins. According to online sources, Sour Diesel gained prominence in New York in the mid-90s when breeder AJ (short for...
Brands: Big Chief
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Diesel, Citrus, Lemon
Weight: 1 g
Brands: Heavy Hitters, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Stress Alleviation, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Calming, Happy, Flavor: Grape, Citrus, Berry, Floral, Cherry
 Ultra pure, ultra potent. Heavy Hitters is made with 100% cannabis native terpenes and contains up to 95% THC. Heavy Hitters' Forbidden Fruit is a spirit-lifter that alleviates stress with a sense of euphoria before leaving you in a heavy, calming state. It has a delicious and complex combination of cherry and citrus flavors, with lingering floral notes.  About this strain: Forbidden Fruit A descendant of Tangie and Cherry Pie, Forbidden Fruit is a strain that is both named after sweets and is sweet in flavor. The origins of this indica-leaning strain are difficult to pin down, but the original Forbidden Fruit was reportedly bred by a...
Brands: Heavy Hitters
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Stress Alleviation, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Calming, Happy
Flavor: Grape, Citrus, Berry, Floral, Cherry
Weight: 1g
Brands: HIFLY, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Tropical, Sweet, Berry
Users can expect generally pleasant high from this strain. Typically, it hits like an indica. Expect decent pain relief as a smooth, easy sensation rolls through your body. About this strain: Runtz  Coming out of LA, this strain's candy-like smelling sweetness and colorful nugs lead to its naming. A mix of Zkittlez and Gelato #33, this strain has a smooth flavor that mostly matches the smell, with additional tropical and earthy hints. With a few different phenotypes, this hybrid strain can lean to either a more dominant sativa or indica. These nugs produce thick resin layers, making it extremely potent in any form. Perhaps that is why...
Brands: HIFLY
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Tropical, Sweet, Berry
Weight: 1/2g
Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy, Flavor: Tropical, Strawberry, Sweet
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy
Flavor: Tropical, Strawberry, Sweet
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Pure Vape, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Aroused, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Grapefruit, Citrus, Lemon
Live resin  is added to terpenes extracted from fresh frozen cannabis plants to an award winning cannabis oil to bring you the best of both worlds. HIGH POTENCY & LIVE CANNABIS FLAVOR!!! The disposables all test over 85% THC. Don't settle for low potency live resin that tastes like dried hay, taste the freshness and enjoy the high! Grapefruit is reportedly a sativa cross of Cinderella 99 (C99) and an unknown strain, possibly a Thai landrace sativa. Unsurprisingly, Grapefruit is often said to give off a aroma close to the citrus fruit it’s named after. It's known for its energizing effects and tropical, citrusy, grapefruit-like aroma.
Brands: Pure Vape
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Aroused, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Grapefruit, Citrus, Lemon
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Get Active, Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused, Euphoric, Energetic, Happy, Giggly, Flavor: Kiwi, Pine, Pepper
Kiwi Kobbler Refined Live Resin™ 1.0g Cartridge Pomelo Jello x Animas Valley Sativa Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden high-potency Refined Live Resin™ THC Vape Cartridges are 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers, or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices....
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Get Active, Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused, Euphoric, Energetic, Happy, Giggly
Flavor: Kiwi, Pine, Pepper
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Euphoric, Creative, Energetic, Flavor: Earthy, Citrus, Sweet, Pine, Orange
Extracted from a variety of natural flora, STIIIZY’s botanically derived terpenes offer balanced aroma and taste to deliver a consistent experience every time. Our premium quality concentrates uphold a high level of purity, setting the industry standard to influence and inspire through innovative methods. ORANGE SUNSET / SATIVA · Taste: Citrus, Sweet, Pine · Feeling: Creative, Euphoric, Uplifting · Description: Orange Sunset is known for its vibrant citrus aroma accented with pine and earthy flavors. Every exhale is accompanied by sweet and sour flavors of tangy oranges. As Orange Sunset brings you a cerebral and uplifting experience, it...
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Euphoric, Creative, Energetic
Flavor: Earthy, Citrus, Sweet, Pine, Orange
Weight: 1 g
Brands: Mad Labs, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Focused, Happy, Flavor: Orange, Earthy, Citrus

Mad Labs Tangie Berry Cartridge is a CBD oil cartridge that is designed to provide users with the benefits of CBD in a convenient and easy-to-use manner. The cartridge contains 500mg of pure CBD oil and is intended to be used with a standard 510-thread vaporizer. The cartridge is also fitted with a glass mouthpiece for easy inhalation.

Brands: Mad Labs
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Focused, Happy
Flavor: Orange, Earthy, Citrus
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Hollowtips, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Productivity, Euphoric, Energetic, Flavor: Tropical, Sweet, Fruity

Introducing Hollowtips Sweet Shot Cartridge 1000mg! This delicious cartridge provides a sweet and fruity pineapple note that will remind you of a white gummy bear. Perfect for enjoying while staying productive, this cartridge is ideal for cannabis users looking for a professional mental high.

Brands: Hollowtips
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Productivity, Euphoric, Energetic
Flavor: Tropical, Sweet, Fruity
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Diesel, Woody, Earthy
Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden high-potency Refined Live Resin™ THC Vape Cartridges are 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers, or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. These cartridges are high in THC and contain all the natural aromas, flavors,...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Diesel, Woody, Earthy
Weight: 0.5g
Sold by : 1 seller

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