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Cannabis pre rolls are a type of cannabis products that is becoming more and more popular. They are pre-rolled and come in different flavors. It is often hand-rolled with cannabis flower or kief that has been ground into a fine powder.

Currently, almost every cannabis brand manufactures pre rolled cannabis. A pre-roll is a type of cannabis product that has been rolled up, typically with cannabis flower, and sealed with paper before being placed into a container. Pre-rolls are usually sold at dispensaries as they are easier to carry and store than loose leaf marijuana.

A pre-roll is often called a joint, but this term does not have the same meaning as it does when referring to marijuana cigarettes. A joint refers to a single cigarette of marijuana, whereas a pre-roll will refer to an entire package of them.

Pre Rolls

Joints made from cannabis that has already been rolled for the user are called "pre-rolls." A typical pre-roll consists of just cannabis, rolling paper, and a mouthpiece filter. Pre-rolls may be augmented with infusions or other forms of cannabis for greater effect. Buying a pre-roll eliminates the need for any special tools or preparation (beyond a lighter, of course) in comparison to using a bowl, bong, or vape. To smoke it, you just need to light the tip like a cigarette and inhale deeply.

What Exactly Is Cannabis?

THC, or delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is a psychoactive compound found in the cannabis plant, which is believed to have been originally developed in India. This substance has a psychoactive effect. Marijuana grass is any part of the plant that has been dried and used for recreational purposes. Hashish, often known as dope, crap, or a piece, is the dried resin produced by the glandular hairs of the female plant. 

Cannabis Oil

Sativa Hemp

Cannabis, or Cannabaceae, is a family of hemp plants that includes psychoactive cannabinoids. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the most powerful component of THC. More than 60 different cannabinoids exist in cannabis, some of which have psychoactive properties. There are both female and male forms of the plant, with some kinds being hermaphroditic. To get high, you need to use the female cannabis Sativa plant.


Medical and therapeutic uses for cannabis have been known since ancient times. Growing hemp for textiles and ropes dates back to the early third millennium BC in China. It has also been used medicinally since about 2000 B.C.

According to popular belief, the cannabis plant first made its way to the Middle East and Near East from India, before making its way through Asia, Europe, and the Americas. For centuries, Indian cults have used cannabis usage as a means of inducing ceremonial intoxication. It was not until the eighteenth century that Europeans learned that cannabis could produce an intoxicating effect. In many Western industrialized countries, including Germany, cannabis has replaced alcohol as the substance of choice for recreational use since the 1970s. 

Use Of Marijuana

Hashish oil is used only seldom, although marijuana (dried cannabis flowers and leaves) and hashish (made from the plant's resinous inflorescences) are the most common forms of cannabis use (concentrated extract of the cannabis resin).

Man smoking joint

Joint smoking is the most common cannabis consumption technique. During this process, the marijuana or hashish is crushed, then mixed with tobacco and wrapped into a cigarette. The use of different pipes (both pure and water) to consume cannabis products can considerably heighten the sensation of smoking. On rare occasions, people consume cannabis products in the form of tea with a cannabis concentrate or cannabis oil, or the form of baked goods like cookies ("space cakes").

Joints Compared Pre-Rolls

One of the most well-known ways to consume cannabis is through the use of a joint, sometimes known as a "marijuana cigarette" to those who are unfamiliar with the term. In light of the recent legalization of marijuana, the term "joint" has been replaced with "pre-roll," which refers to the rolled-up cannabis that customers purchase before they leave the dispensary. Both uniformly wide and "cone" pre-rolls with a wider end that tapers down to a smaller mouthpiece are available.

The Meaning Behind The Word

The English word "joint" was originally borrowed from the French. It comes from the Old French word joint, which in turn comes from the Latin word ictus, meaning "joined" or "connected," from the verb hunger. This American-born slang term first appeared in usage in 1877 to denote a specific type of establishment. 

In 1935, the term was originally applied to hypodermic needles for injecting heroin and other substances. In 1938, the term "marijuana cigarette" first appeared in print, coinciding with the first use of the term.

A "spliff," which can also mean "joint with tobacco" was first used in the West Indies. Several countries in the West have caught it, particularly in Europe and North America. The origin, however, is unclear. In 1936, it had its first print appearance in a publication.

The establishment has several aliases and scene names, used for both anonymity and publicity; some of these names draw significantly on regional dialect. In many cases, they are allegories or make references to the shape itself (as in "bag"). The act of smoking a joint is often referred to by many other terms. Kief, which is a concentrate of cannabis, is frequently used to add to a pre rolled joint. 


The burning end of a joint is often thicker than the rest, giving the joint a conical form. Quantity, variety, and quality all affect how much tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is present in cannabis. Use of hashish or marijuana often involves anywhere from a few tenths of a gram to several grams.

The narrow end of a cardboard tube is often where a mouthpiece (sometimes called a filter or tip) is incorporated (for example, made from the cardboard of a cigarette box, train or bus tickets, or an index card, but usually by specially produced filter tips that can be purchased in tobacco shops). The joint's stability and grip are improved as a result. The smoke is cooled in part because of the length of the filter.

Activated carbon can also be added to special tip tubes for use in this context. The purpose of the activated carbon is to remove harmful substances from the (tobacco) smoke while still letting the active ingredient, THC, through. 


For rolling a joint, there are specific cigarette papers available from a variety of manufacturers, each with its unique dimensions (length, width, and paper texture). The most frequent types of cigarette paper used are long paper (extra-long papers) and rips (brand name; continuous papers from the roll). The other option is to glue together many regular cigarette papers to make a larger one (two sheets, three sheets, etc.) or to combine multiple long papers (e.g. L-sheet).

Man rolling joint

There's also the option of plugging. To do this, you must first twist the filter-equipped leaf without any cannabis or tobacco, and then use a thin implement to insert the marijuana, tobacco, or a mixture of the two within. You may find empty pre-twisted leaves in joint shape (so-called cones) for sale at places dubbed "smoke shops," along with other accessories like plastic stable filters and active filters. A connection can also be made using a specialized lathe. 

Possible Adverse Consequences 

Paranoia, hallucinations, "horror trips," forgetfulness, and other unpleasant mental experiences are some of the acute potential cannabis hazards. Heart palpitations, nausea, and even a collapse of the circulatory system are all possibilities. Due to its ability to increase blood pressure and pulse rate, cannabis may create temporary health issues. Therefore, cardiac patients should consult a professional before using this substance. 

This effect's sporadic nature is cause for concern. Those who have never used cannabis before cannot predict how it will affect their physiology or psychology. There are psychological, social, and physical effects of long-term cannabis use, while the veracity of these risks remains unclear. 

It is commonly believed that cannabis smoke is harmful to the lungs (especially if tobacco is also mixed in). Smoking cannabis reduces lung function and raises the risk of lung cancer because it contains more carcinogenic substances than the same amount of cigarette smoke.

Growth throughout puberty may be slowed by marijuana exposure. Negative consequences on the mother and her unborn child are unknown even though there is indication of an adverse impact particularly at the time of pregnancy. Cannabinoids in cannabis have been found to have a cumulative negative effect on cognitive abilities including memory and learning. On the other hand, new studies show that traumatic brain injuries do not lead to long-term effects.

A "a motivational state" is often reported by those who have used cannabis for extended periods, however, this widely held belief has yet to be supported by any hard scientific evidence. A lack of care about one's physical appearance is taken as evidence of an ongoing state of indifference to one's appearance.

Man smoking and drinking

When compared to other substances, cannabis has a lower potential for psychological and physiological dependency. In some respects, marijuana resembles to alcohol and nicotine to some extent due to its relaxation effects. However, cannabis may lead to psychological and light physical dependence in the long term. 

The Main Types Of Cannabis Plants: Indica And Sativa

Almost a thousand distinct cannabis strains have been identified, each with its own set of benefits. There are two main families of cannabis plants, and all strains fall under one of them: Sativa and Indica.

In 2700 BC, a Chinese emperor reportedly started using cannabis for medicinal purposes. In many parts of Asia, cannabis was considered a medicinal plant used to alleviate insomnia, muscle tension, nausea, asthma, and even despair. In several additional sources from a more distant past, marijuana is portrayed as an indispensable therapeutic cannabis.

  1. The Cannabaceae family includes the widely recognized Cannabis sativa

Sativa is the most common kind of marijuana strain (lat. for produced, nurtured). Plants of this species are often grown in countries with warmer climates. The extended growing seasons and bountiful harvests made possible by Cannabis Sativa's thin, long, finger-like leaves make it a highly sought-after crop. Sativa contains a high concentration of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and a low concentration of cannabidiol (CBD), which may lead to the following effects:

  • Drowsiness, euphoria, or intoxication (stimulating, activating, motivating)
  • An uptick in ingenuity and enthusiasm
  • Improvements can be seen in both focus and awareness
  • Suppressing Nausea
  • Encouragement of Appetite
  • Increased Optimism Promotion

2. The Indica type of cannabis is the second most prevalent

When compared to their Cannabis Sativa counterparts, Indica plants are shorter and bushier, with wider leaves. Afghanistan and Pakistan, both in the subtropics, are where they first appeared. When compared to other cannabis strains, Indicas feature much wider leaves.

Cannabidiol (CBD) in the Indica strain of cannabis is well acknowledged. Thus, Cannabis Indica is also employed to lessen the psychoactive effects of THC. This means that the following cannabis effects can be provided by Indica:

  • Physiological intoxication
  • Eliminating Inflammation
  • Reduction of Soreness Aiding Slumber
  • Encouragement of Appetite
  • The soothing impact on stress and worry (calming effect)
  • It's recommended that you let your muscles loose

Indica and Sativa are the two most common kinds of cannabis grown commercially. Since the two species share so much genetic material, it shouldn't be too difficult to breed them together. 

When Cannabis Sativa Was Discovered

Cannabis sativa is a plant that naturally occurs in latitudes between 30 degrees south and 30 degrees north of the equator. As a result, the countries of origin include Thailand, Jamaica, Colombia, and Mexico. Kali Mist, Dutch Haze, and Durban Poison are examples of Sativas that are either pure or almost pure and are used for recreational purposes.

Where Did The Indica Cannabis Strain Originate?

In subtropical regions, cannabis Indica grows to its full potential. Medicinal cannabis, or "Indica," was first uncovered in India. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Morocco, and Lebanon are all ideal environments for Indica plants (e.g. the Hindu Kush). The Indica-dominant strain Northern Lights is quite popular. Up to 1.2 meters in height have been predicted for the plant. In addition, it has a high tolerance to environmental stresses and a short flowering period, making it an excellent candidate for outdoor cultivation.

To put it in perspective, you can grow sour diesel and kosher kush in both outdoor and indoor facilities or farms. You can smell it, and the flavor is fantastic when you hit hard. Many popular hybrid strains, such as Super Silver Haze and Shiva Skunk, may trace their ancestry back to Northern Lights. In addition, the medical sector makes use of the Northern Lights strain because of the high THC content it has. Depending on the breed, this might be anywhere from 16 to 26 percent. 

The Variation Between Indica And Sativa Cannabis

The effects and heights of plants can be very different from Indica to Sativa. For instance, the Sativa strain is claimed to produce a more intellectual and energizing high, one that might lead to spontaneous bouts of laughter or the emergence of novel ideas. In contrast, the effects of cannabis Indica are sedative and calming. Therefore, Indica strains are perfect for calming you down, like before bed.

The differences between Indica and Sativa's effects come down to their respective cannabinoid profiles. It's common for Sativa strains to have a high THC level and a low CBD content, whereas Indica strains are the other way around.

Marijuana Strain

It's no secret that the White Widow cannabis strain is a popular choice among those looking for a balanced Indica-Sativa mix. To this day, this 1990s invention remains one of the most popular recreational strains available for sale. Here, the flower's THC content averages out to about 12%. The Indica-dominant, high-THC strain OG Kush is widely used for medical purposes. Both Jack Herer and Amnesia Haze can be categorized in the same way as a Sativa-dominant hybrid.

Different Kinds Of Weed Products And Their Effects

There are a wide variety of weed products available, each of which serves a unique purpose in its own right. There are many different delivery methods accessible, some of which include cannabis flower, cannabis oil, CBD, edibles, and cannabis topicals. These are just some of the options. The type of cannabis product you wind up buying is influenced not only by the reason you smoke weed but also by the type of assistance you require and your own personal tastes.

Cannabis Blossom

Marijuana flower is a widely used form of the substance. It's convenient, and it offers a fast and pleasurable way to consume food. To enjoy it, light up a pipe, fill up a bong, or roll a joint. The smokable part of a cannabis plant is the flower, sometimes called a bud or nug.

The virtually instantaneous effects of smoking cannabis flowers are a major draw for many users. After inhaling your bud, you should begin to experience its therapeutic effects almost immediately. However, the positive effects of smoking often disappear after a few hours.

The characteristics of cannabis are in part determined by the many strains of the plant's flowers, including Indica, Sativa, and hybrids. In contrast to Sativa strains, which are known to stimulate mental and physical activity, Indicas calm the body and mind. 

If you're looking for a relaxing and restful night's sleep, roll yourself a blunt of Indica flower. Hybrids are a strain in and of themselves that offers the best of both worlds, stimulating mental and physical activity while still providing the full-body relaxation effect.

Weed Extract

Some individuals use alcohol as the base for their weed oil, while others use hemp seed oil or coconut oil to dilute the cannabinoids extracted from the cannabis plant. Cannabis oil contains just pure cannabinoids because the rest of the plant is discarded during production. You might be wondering, "What sort of extract?" The maker generally has the final say on what strain to extract from and how to preserve the THC content!

Cannabidiol oil is easily administered and has a rapid and potent absorption rate. The included dropper makes it easy to provide the correct dose. The oil will begin to work almost immediately. Since studies have shown that weed oil may alleviate symptoms of chronic pain and anxiety, it is gaining popularity, especially in the health and wellness industry.

Edible Cannabis

Marijuana may be consumed in many forms, including baked goods, sweets, and even gummies. Items of this type are those that are ingested orally and then waited on for their intended effects. Edibles, as opposed to flowers, oils, or other forms of cannabis, provide stronger and more long-lasting effects.

Cannabis Cookies

Keep in mind that you can choose not to get high if you so want. Edibles infused with CBD are trending upwards in the market. Not only are these edibles delicious, but they also supply your recommended daily allowance of cannabidiol.

Topicals Containing Cannabis

When it comes to cannabis, topical treatments are those that are administered directly to the skin. Everything that can be put on one's skin is included. To alleviate pain or inflammation in a specific location of the body without having it diffuse throughout the body, many people with arthritis turn to cannabis-based topical treatments.

For instance, the effects of topical cannabis products are localized to the area in which they are administered. Furthermore, you may feel the effects of a cannabis topical treatment within minutes, and you won't get high. These substances are ideal for those with chronic, severe pain that conventional NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances) have not been able to alleviate. 

Pre-Roll Preferences

As is the case with other types of cannabis flower, pre-rolls may be purchased in a dizzying array of sizes and shapes. When making a purchase of cannabis, a customer's first consideration should be the result that they hope to get from their high.

Most of the time, pre-rolls only contain a single strain. In addition, the following classifications are frequently employed for classifying strains:

  • The calming and reassuring properties of Indica strains are well-known. Pre-rolls made from Indica cannabis are the best choice for those looking for a relaxing high, sleep, or stress reduction.
  • When it comes to serotonin and energy, Sativa varieties do better. For many people with medical marijuana cards, pre-rolls containing Sativa are a helpful tool because of their ability to reduce pain and increase appetite.
  • A hybrid strain, often known as a hybrid pre-roll, is the result of breeding an Indica with a Sativa. When searching for hybrid pre-rolls, it's important to remember that each cannabis strain is unique.

You'll need to do some further research to figure out which one will have the effects you're looking for because each one will have its special combination of Indica and Sativa qualities. It is dependent on your goals as to which pre-roll is best for you.

Despite their pervasiveness, these designations have long since become irrelevant. Patients seeking relief from insomnia, chronic pain, or a lack of enjoyment typically select a strain that has a certain terpene profile. It's also important to remember that different strains have different effects on different people.

Buying Pre-Rolls

One of the advantages of pre-rolls is that they may be purchased via a variety of different methods. It is not a problem to purchase just one pre-roll if you are unsure about testing them out or are inquisitive about the impact they have. If you are certain that you will utilize the things and wish to maintain a consistent supply, it is possible to save money by making bulk purchases. 

Cannabis Cream

These choices provide you some latitude to experiment with different ways of smoking cannabis, and they need very little financial investment on your part while you figure out which method suits you best. Due to the fact that they are more cost-effective than other techniques, experimenting with marijuana flowers through the use of pre-rolls is highly recommended.

Tips For Smoking A Pre-Roll

The drawing end of most pre-rolls is reinforced with a crutch for added strength. Turn it around, light the other end, and smoke it like a regular joint. It may take many lights to catch, and if it does, it may burn unevenly or go out if the middle of the pre-roll wasn't rolled perfectly. If your pre-roll is "running," or burning at a faster rate on one side than the other, you can stop the fire by applying a little saliva from a lick of your finger to the smoldering paper.

Minutes, at most, will pass before you notice the difference. Put out the starter cigarette and save the rest for later. But if you've never smoked a pre-rolled joint before, you probably have some concerns about doing so safely.

  • Act in a dependable manner

When lighting joints, it is really necessary to keep this piece of advice in mind, despite the fact that it covers a lot of information. There is a considerable risk that the light will not come on in your pre-roll right away. You may merely watch cigar smokers for a while to get an idea of the normal amount of time they have to wait until their products are ready to be ignited.

  • Shine a lamp on the end of the joint

Always start by lighting the end of the joint, just like you would if you were lighting an ordinary cigarette. Because of this, you can be sure that the burn will be beautiful. When smoking cannabis, some individuals like to roll the tip of the joint into a point. This produces an overlap in the paper, which results in a slower and more steady burn. The tip of the joint should never be removed under any circumstances.

  • Rotate the joint slowly

Before putting the joint in your mouth, give it a quick spin between your thumb and index finger to provide an even burn. Your other hand can be used to light the end. Remember that you don't have to contact the flame to the tip of the joint. It's also OK to keep your lighter at arm's length from your joint. As long as your fingers aren't hovering directly over the tip, you shouldn't have to worry about burning them.

  • You should start with little puffs

After you have ignited your joint, you are free to begin smoking on it right away. It is advised that you ease into smoking by taking little breaths that are shallow rather than taking massive gulps of smoke all at once. This will help reduce the likelihood of you coughing up a lung. If you begin with a large puff, you run the risk of causing harm to your lungs.

  • Do not take a drag from the joint while lighting it

To that end, if you smoke a joint, never inhale while doing so. This is one of the differences between cannabis pre-rolls and ordinary cigarettes. Not only will it be hard to keep an eye on things at the very end, but the burn will be harsh and uneven.

If you're smoking a joint, remember to bring the smoke up into your mouth before inhaling. When breathing and exhaling, remember to use your diaphragm.

Pre-Roll Advantages

Pre-rolled blunts are still often used to smoke marijuana. They provide inexperienced cannabis consumers access to items that seasoned consumers have never had the chance to try. Pre-rolled joints are convenient for sharing with others and generally cheaper than other methods of consuming cannabis.

THC Cannabis plant

Like other forms of consuming cannabis, pre-rolls have their benefits. While the smoker should err with caution with pre-rolls, the advantages may outweigh the potential downsides for most people.

You Stay Away From The Mess

If you're a fan of cannabis joints, you know that rolling your own might be a bit of a chore. Marijuana is easily accessible, but the process of rolling joints results in a lot of waste. In comparison to rolling your joint, pre-rolls are the most hygienic option. As a bonus, rolling a joint is trickier than it seems, regardless of how long you have been smoking pot.

You May Take Them Everywhere You Go

Like a pack of cigarettes, a single or pack of pre-rolls is compact and easy to transport. People who have medical marijuana cards will benefit greatly from this option. If you rely on medicinal cannabis for pain relief or treatment of another ailment, portability is essential (as is always abiding by state regulations regarding use). Pre-rolls are a convenient and efficient way to do this anywhere.

Prices For Them Are Fair

It might be eye-opening to see the price tag on high-quality marijuana equipment when you're just starting in the cannabis industry. It's not wise to drop a lot of cash on a fancy bong, vape pen, or dab rig if you haven't found your preferred method of inhalation yet. Pre-rolls are far cheaper than buying a huge jar of flowers, and you can occasionally buy them in singles, making them perfect for testing out a new strain before committing to a larger purchase.

They're Quite High-Quality

It's fun to roll your joints, but it's easy to mess up. People frequently waste cannabis because they roll their joints improperly, either too loosely or too firmly. If you buy pre-rolls, you know your joint will be rolled perfectly and that you'll get the most for your money.

Easy To Use And Throw Away

One of the most noticeable benefits of using pre-rolls is how easy they are to use. This is the ideal option if you're not confident in your ability to roll a joint neatly. Like regular cigarettes, blunts are single-use only and hence not worth preserving. These days, pre-rolls are almost always machine-loaded and rolled, rather than loaded and rolled by hand.

Cigar and whiskey

What's more, pre-rolls are so unobtrusive that you may even mistake them for regular cigars. It is possible to mask the smell of marijuana with clever packaging in some situations.

Knowing Precisely What It Is That You Are Buying

Cannabinoids are placed on a small piece of paper before being rolled into pre-rolled blunts. Pre-rolls provide a guarantee of transparency. Trim, a mixture of cannabis bud pieces and leaf bits are the base of pre-rolls. Filling trim may be done using cannabis flowers or popcorn buds. They may also be mixed with various strains or infused with concentrates like resin or wax.

Efficient And Reasonably Priced

The quality of pre-rolled blunts is far more constant than that of hand-rolled joints. Buying a pre-roll from a dispensary might give you the confidence that you know exactly how much cannabis you are inhaling when you can expect to feel a "high," and how long this sensation will last. A knowledgeable budtender can tell you just how much cannabis you need to have the desired effect, saving you money.

Disadvantages Of Pre-Rolls

There are numerous advantages to buying pre-rolled cannabis joints, but there are also some disadvantages. It's important to do your research before trying anything new, and that includes cannabis. All of these things are bad about buying pre-rolls.

Pre-Rolls Require Proper Storage

All cannabis products should be stored in airtight containers to prevent drying out, but this is especially important for flower products. Mason jars are popular, but it's important to remember that they're easily broken. If you shatter your storage container, its contents will be lost forever.

Marijuana jar

Even if you smoke half of a pre-rolled joint, the other portion will remain fresh since it is stored in an airtight plastic tube that can be easily opened and closed. Pre-rolls that don't come with their containers should be kept in a zipped bag or a temperature-controlled container to prevent them from drying out.

Variable Rate Of Burn

Many smokers of cannabis feel cheated by pre-rolled joints because they tend to burn unevenly. You may have a more uniform burn if you smoke from a high-quality blunt. You might try using a different rolling sheet or twisting the joint while you smoke it if your pre-rolls are burning unevenly.

Is It Worth It To Buy Pre-Rolled Joints?

Don't let the risks keep you from giving pre-rolls a go. Pre-rolls offer a convenient and accessible alternative for many cannabis consumers, and some even prefer them to other methods. Each individual must decide for themselves if they are "worth it." There may be cheaper options worth looking into for chronic cannabis users.

Pre-rolls might be the best option for those who want to sometimes smoke but also use alternative methods such as edibles or tinctures. Besides knowing which strains will meet your needs, a knowledgeable patient care professional may also help you figure out the optimum method of administration.

The Bottom Line

"Pre-rolls" are cannabis joints that have already been rolled for the user. A standard pre-roll is made up of cannabis, rolling paper, and a mouthpiece filter. For a stronger impact, pre-rolls can be supplemented with infusions or other types of cannabis. When compared to utilizing a bowl, bong, or vape, purchasing a pre-roll eliminates the need for any additional utensils or preparation (apart from a lighter, of course). To smoke it, simply light the tip like a cigarette and take a deep breath.

The most popular method of intake is joint smoking. For example, a spliff is a marijuana or hashish is crushed, blended with tobacco, and rolled into a cigarette. The use of different pipes (both pure and water) to ingest cannabis products can significantly enhance the sense of smoking. On rare occasions, individuals ingest cannabis products such as tea with a cannabis concentrate or cannabis oil.

Specific cigarette papers from various manufacturers are available for rolling a joint, each with its dimensions (length, width, and paper texture). The most common varieties of cigarette paper are long paper (extra-long papers) and rips (brand name; continuous papers from the roll). Another method is to glue together many standard cigarette papers to produce a larger one (two sheets, three sheets, etc.) or to combine numerous long papers (e.g. L-sheet).

Long-term cannabis usage has psychological, social, and physical consequences, although the truth of these hazards is unknown. It is often assumed that cannabis smoking is detrimental to the lungs (especially if tobacco is also mixed in). Because cannabis contains more carcinogenic elements than cigarette smoke, smoking marijuana impairs lung function and increases the risk of lung cancer.

Pre-rolls have the advantage of being accessible for purchase in a variety of ways. If you are unsure about trying pre-rolls or are inquisitive about their effects, purchasing only one is entirely fine. If you know you'll utilize the things and want to keep the supply stable, buying in bulk may save you money. These alternatives provide you flexibility as you experiment with different methods to smoke cannabis and need very little input of money as you discover what you enjoy most. Because they are less expensive than other ways, pre-rolls are an excellent way to explore marijuana blossoms.

To smoke marijuana, pre-rolled blunts are still popular. They provide newbie cannabis users access to products that seasoned customers have never tried. Pre-rolled joints are handy for sharing with others and are often less expensive than other ways of cannabis consumption.

Pre-rolls may be the greatest solution for individuals who wish to smoke sometimes but also utilize other techniques, such as edibles or tinctures. A skilled patient care provider can help you figure out the best route of administration in addition to understanding which strains will match your needs.

Disclaimer: This material is for informational purposes only and should not be relied on for legal, medical, financial, or any other form of professional advice.

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Brands: Island, Flavor: Vanilla
Sweeten your evening with Island Donut Shack Minis. This five-pack contains the perfect pre rolls in a smaller size, individually sealed for maximum freshness. Each Mini is freshly hand packed with Donut Shack, Island’s dessert strain sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. As we’re located in the donut capital of the country, this Indica is a welcome fit as a celebration of all things indulgent. This delectable strain carries fragrant notes of sugar that’ll surely make you melt. The well-rounded sugary goodness of Donut Shack's terpene profile consists of beta caryophilene, humulene and limonene. No trim, no shake, no blends. Only...
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Kingroll Juniors | Northern Lights x Blackberry Kush 4pk (3g) INDICA Introducing Kingroll Juniors, your new favorite multipack. Every box of Juniors contains 4 individual .75 gram kief coated pre-rolls, infused with Kingpen’s award-winning cannabis oil and combined with high-quality flower. Great for multiple clean, slow burning seshes. WHY IT HITS DIFFERENT. Kingpen Oil  - Kingrolls are infused with Kingpen's award-winning oil in strains you know and love. Kief-Coated  - Golden kief, sourced from premium flower, for an added punch of cannabinoids and natural terpenes. Natural Rolling Paper  - Super thin, unbleached...
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Aroused, Happy
Flavor: Blackberry, Sweet, Berry, Gassy
Weight: 3g
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Your Presidential Preroll consists of Top-Shelf Organic Flower INFUSED with Premium Clear Distillate, then Coated in the Highest Quality Kief. Our innovative proprietary infusion process allows us to permeate the flower all the way to the stem. Presidential is Committed to creating the most innovative, highest quality cannabis products guaranteed to provide a reliable and consistent dose with each use.
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Effects: Sleepy, Tingly, Motivate Your Mind, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Focused, Euphoric
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Gelato Cake is a combination of Wedding Cake and Gelato #33. The top reported aromas of this strain are vanilla, gas, and citrus. It is said to taste of vanilla, berries, and pepper.

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Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
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The perfect way to wind down after a long day is with this Indica joint pre-roll. Smoke it and let your worries melt away.
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Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Creative, Sleepy, Happy, Sleep Soundly, Uplifted, Relaxed
Churros Jeeter Infused Rolled Joint: 1g | Indica | 35% THC Indoor Grown Infused with Distillate Oil & Kief Mood: happy, uplifted, energetic Churros is an indica strain made by crossing Face Off OG x SFV OG x OG Kush. Like its parent strains, it provides heavy indica effects that are calming in nature. This strain is a great choice for consumers attending to physical discomfort or for relaxing on a lazy weekend. You can experience body high, happy, creative, euphoric, relaxing, uplifting and hunger inducing effects. Churros helps with chronic pain, headaches, insomnia, loss of appetite, inflammation, depression, PTSD, and stress.
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Creative, Sleepy, Happy, Sleep Soundly, Uplifted, Relaxed
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Creative, Uplifted, Relaxed, Flavor: Blueberry, Berry
Stiiizy is setting the standard in the pre-roll game with the most revolutionary and innovative products. Elevate your pre-roll game. Stiiizy 40s pre-rolls are setting the standard with high potency, cannabis infused joints coated evenly with kief. Using our proprietary live resin infusion methods, we’ve designed every pre-roll to offer 40%+ THC potency with a unique flavor profile. With a smooth inhale and tasteful exhale, each and every Stiiizy 40 is packed with indoor grown flower, specifically made to ensure a potent and long-lasting high. Spark up the 40s. BLUE BURST / HYBRID Taste: Blue Raspberry Description: Named for its delicious...
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Creative, Uplifted, Relaxed
Flavor: Blueberry, Berry
Weight: 2.5g
Effects: Focused, Flavor: Pineapple
Pineapple OG by Wonderbrett is an indica-dominant hybrid of OG Kush and Sour Grape. The top reported aromas of Pineapple OG are diesel, guavas, and sour grapes. And it is said to taste like ripe fruits and gas and provide relaxing, appetite-boosting effects. 
Effects: Focused
Flavor: Pineapple
Brands: Napalm, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Flowery, Earthy, Sweet
5 Pack of Infused Pre-rolls Each pre-roll has 0.6g of premium indoor flower and 0.1g of high quality live resin. 3.5g total in each pack About this strain: Pink Cookies Pink Cookies, also commonly known as Wedding Cake, is reportedly a cross of Cherry Pie and GSC (also known as Girl Scout Cookies). The strain is reported to grow dense, teardrop-shaped buds with orange stigma hairs and shades of pink and red in a 56-day flowering period. Pink Cookies is best grown indoors in soil, though a warm, moderately humid outdoor environment is also suitable. Under the name Wedding Cake, this strain won First Place in the Hybrid category at the...
Brands: Napalm
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Flowery, Earthy, Sweet
Weight: 1/8 oz
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Punch Edibles & Extracts, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Wine, Honey, Grape
1.3gs of Honey Wine premium flower infused with .3gs of Tropicanna Grapes tier 1 rosin.
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Wine, Honey, Grape
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Floral, Earthy, Berry
Day Trooper RLR™ Crushed Diamonds Infused (3) 0.5g Joints (Dark Trooper x Emerald Bay Purps) x (Slymer x Charlize OG) (Earthy / Floral / Berry) Hybrid Raw Garden aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. 100% Pure Cannabis Joints Infused with Micronized Refined Live Resin™ Crushed Diamonds, and Nothing Else. Only the finest whole flowers grown on our...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Floral, Earthy, Berry
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Pain Relief, Flavor: Lavender, Pine, Orange, myrcene
Mojilato Jeeter Joint Infused - 1.0 g Joint | Hybrid | 37.04% THC Indoor Grown Infused with Liquid Diamonds & Kief While this strain is typically sought out for its incredible flavor profile, medical marijuana patients choose Mojilato to help relieve symptoms associated with headaches, inflammation, & depression. A shining star when it comes to aromas as well, Mojilato features citrus notes & floral undertones.
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Pain Relief
Flavor: Lavender, Pine, Orange, myrcene
Brands: Froot, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Blueberry, Sweet, Berry
The best-tasting naturally infused preroll ever! Froot Premium Solventless Naturally INfused Pre-Rolls are made from the best plants on Earth! We use only the highest quality cannabis and cannabis oil to naturally infuse into Froot Pre-rolls, creating an incredibly smooth pleasurable tasting long-lasting infused pre-roll, every time. Daytime, Nighttime, or Anytime … Enjoy Froot! 100% Indoor Flower Testing @ 40% +
Brands: Froot
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Blueberry, Sweet, Berry
Weight: 1g
Brands: Dime Bag, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Aroused, Tingly, Flavor: Mango, Pineapple, Coffee
Cannabis for the people who want to get high and have fun. The flower is grown in sunny California. Incredible value brought to you at an affordable price. Spark it, smoke it, pass it and let's get high. The top reported aromas of the Alien Bubba strain are musky earth, wood, and creamy hash. And it is said to taste like musty loam, sweet wood, and mild fruit.
Brands: Dime Bag
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Aroused, Tingly
Flavor: Mango, Pineapple, Coffee
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: KINGPEN, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Hungry, Happy, Flavor: Honey, Earthy, Sweet

The Jelly Breath x Cannalope Kush Kingroll is the perfect way to enjoy your favorite strains together. The kief-coated preroll is infused with oil and combined with high-quality flowers, making it an excellent choice for cannabis enthusiasts who want to enjoy a delicious, potent experience.

Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Hungry, Happy
Flavor: Honey, Earthy, Sweet
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Dime Bag, Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Cannabis for the people who want to get high and have fun. All Dime Bag flower is grown in sunny California. Incredible value brought to you at an affordable price. Spark it, smoke it, pass it and let's get high  • Can’t roll? Don’t want to roll? No problem, grab a 1 gram Dime Bag pre-roll • Pocket friendly, protected by Dime Bag’s doob tube packaging  • So affordable you might want to buy 2  • Fresh Dime Bag quality flower rolled in unbleached rolling papers
Brands: Dime Bag
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: West Coast Cure, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Happy, Relaxed, Sleepy, Flavor: Diesel, Earthy
OG Mix .35g mini pre-rolls by West Coast Cure contain 6 personal-sized joints. Rolled from the same de-stemmed, 100% top-shelf flower utilized in WCC’s full-sized CUREjoints, they’re perfect for single-use sharing or that solo smoke session. A covid compliant pre-roll, the flower used is a blend of several of our favorite OG Kush strains. Providing further proof that ‘big things come in small packages,’ these mini joints offer a gassed-up OG flavor and strong Indica high.
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Happy, Relaxed, Sleepy
Flavor: Diesel, Earthy
Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Talkative, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Strawberry, Apple, Sweet
Apple Fritter Infused Rolled Joint:  1.0 Gram | Hybrid | 40.21% THC Indoor Grown About this strain: Apple Fritter  Apple Fritter was created in the wine regions of Northern California where Lumpy’s Flowers bred together Sour Apple and Animal Cookies to create one of the most potent strains on the market. According to Lumpy’s Flowers the strain is primarily an indica. Like most potent strains, not much growing information is available on this strain. Lumpy’s claims that Apple Fritter tends to bring about feelings of euphoria, steadiness, and relaxation. Apple Fritter won 2nd place for Hybrids at the 2016 High Times Northern California...
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Talkative, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Strawberry, Apple, Sweet
Brands: Eureka, Effects: Euphoric, Flavor: Earthy
Total THC 35.66% Total CBD 0.47% 1 Gram Infused / Distillate Infused / Classic Strains / Hand Crafted / High Potency / Smooth Burn
Brands: Eureka
Effects: Euphoric
Flavor: Earthy
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Sublime, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Euphoric, Uplifted, Relaxed, Flavor: Earthy, Fruity
Shorties pack a mighty high. Flower-infused with live resin distillate, rolled in cannabis concentrate, and generously coated in kief. Consistently testing at 40+% THC.
Brands: Sublime
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Euphoric, Uplifted, Relaxed
Flavor: Earthy, Fruity
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: West Coast Cure, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Flowery, Earthy, Sweet
The Wedding Cake CUREjoint is an indica dominant hybrid cross between Cherry Pie and Girl Scout Cookies. When lit, hit, held and exhaled, Wedding Cake produces a superior flavor that exudes a smooth sweetness with an earthy palette. Great medicine for those with jitters on their big day, this Wedding Cake has the ability to soothe and relax. With a hint of honeyed citrus crossed with a blast of skunk-funk decadence, the strain provides a holistic toke for a more relaxed mindset known to heighten the enjoyment of many nocturnal activities. * West Coast Cure CUREjoint is tested in compliance with California’s Bureau of Cannabis Control...
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Flowery, Earthy, Sweet
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Effects: Euphoric, Flavor: Earthy

Honeydew Baby Jeeters are Sativa dominating mini roll coated with Oil and rolled inkief. This sativa strain is very stimulating and can be used as an excellent strain for an afternoon activity or creative escape. This fruit is rich in fruit flavor with melon and citrus. You will experience uplifting, positive, euphoric, and relaxation. 


Honeydew is helpful in treating anxiety, pain & depression. This powerful pre-roll starts with a 5kg high grade floral coated in oil and kief. Each box includes 5.5% infused baby joints and all that is needed is an electric lighter! JEETER was born in South Florida's urban areas and suburbs.

Effects: Euphoric
Flavor: Earthy
Save up to 13%
Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Blue Cheese, Skunk, Earthy
Flo was created by breeder DJ Short in the 1990s when he crossed a hybrid of Highland Thai with Purple Thai (a cross of Chocolate Thai with Oaxacan Gold,) with an Afghani landrace strain. There are two main Flo phenotypes, one with light-green coloring, and the other selected for its blue pigmentation.
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Blue Cheese, Skunk, Earthy
$3900 $4500
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Good Brands, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Stress Free, Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused, Euphoric, Flavor: Orange, Citrus, Lemon
 Lemonade OG, a strain from UK-based Real Gorilla Seeds, is a sativa-dominant hybrid (it's a cross between Lemon OG and Gorilla Haze) known for an instantly recognizable one-two punch of lemonade aroma and flavor.  This strain produces a potent, euphoric head high—but without any of the anxious side effects, thanks to the strain's relatively high CBD content. The strain also has a reputation for producing a relaxed body high—which makes it a favorite for people with chronic pain, muscle tension, and migraines.  Iced Lemonade offers an energizing, uplifting euphoria that can help you focus and remain stress-free as you tackle your...
Brands: Good Brands
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Stress Free, Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused, Euphoric
Flavor: Orange, Citrus, Lemon
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Heavy Hitters, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Grounded, Relaxed, Euphoric, Calming, Happy, Flavor: Flowery, Earthy, Sweet, Floral
Diamond harmonizes ULTRA premium flower and ULTRA potent 98%+ THC-A diamonds, providing a deep balanced body effect and flavorful filled smooth smoke flow.  The current strain offerings test at up to 55% THC!  Diamond is the latest offering from the ULTRA line, an elite collection that embodies the core of Heavy Hitter’s brand principles: To create the purest, most potent cannabis products on the market.  Folded Tip | Concentrate Infused | Limited Drops | Hand Crafted | Ready-To-Smoke   Rise up from the ashes of the ordinary and treat yourself to Phoenix, a complex and enjoyable hybrid. Phoenix (also known as Phoenix OG) leans...
Brands: Heavy Hitters
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Grounded, Relaxed, Euphoric, Calming, Happy
Flavor: Flowery, Earthy, Sweet, Floral
Weight: 1 g
Brands: Good Tree, Effects: Happy, Flavor: Woody
Triangle Kush is an Indica that provides relaxing effects and is known to stimulate creativity. Some people say smoking Triangle Kush makes them extra chatty.
Brands: Good Tree
Effects: Happy
Flavor: Woody
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: KINGPEN, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Tropical, Pineapple, Sweet
Introducing Kingroll Juniors, your new favorite multipack. Every box of Juniors contains 4 individual .75 gram kief coated pre-rolls, infused with award-winning cannabis oil and combined with high-quality flower. Great for multiple clean, slow burning seshes. Maui Wowie is a Sativa-dominant landrace strain that originated in the 1970s on the Hawaiian island for which it’s named. The strain has been cultivated for more than four decades.  Although it carries some Indica genetics, the growth pattern of this Sativa-dominant strain produces tall, lanky plants that provide a pine-infused flavor and inspiring effects. While the strain’s...
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Tropical, Pineapple, Sweet
Brands: Lift Tickets, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Elevated, Flavor: Banana

The Banana Jealousy x Fresco Infused Pre-Roll Pack is a unique experience unlike any other. The packs contain 5 pre-rolled infused joints with a variety of high-quality products to pick from. There are 3 types of flavors available - fruity, earthy and pungent, which suits all tastes!

Brands: Lift Tickets
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Elevated
Flavor: Banana
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Sessions Supply Co, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Focused, Flavor: Pineapple, Citrus, Sweet, Lavender
Chem Driver is a Sativa strain that has been crossed by the classic Chem 91 and Sundae Driver. This strain offers a creative cerebral high which can be very motivating, and help with focus, making this strain good for productivity. The buds are made up of pear-green leaves, short pumpkin-orange hairs, and cloudy white trichomes. The nugs grind down into a sticky fluffy crumble which is easy to manipulate and roll by hand. Chem Driver has a pleasant aroma of sweet, citrus, pine, and lavender with a matching flavor profile. You’re in for a treat!
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Focused
Flavor: Pineapple, Citrus, Sweet, Lavender
Weight: 1g
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Tropical, Pineapple, Citrus
STIIIZY 40’s Mini Blunts Multipack is filled with premium grown STIIIZY cannabis and packed in individual glass vials to maintain freshness and potency. Each 40’s Mini Blunt is rolled with 100% tobacco free, kief dusted hemp wraps which packs a flavorful and potent punch with every exhale, and the tightly secured custom glass tips have been perfected to provide an amazing and consistent burn every time. The STIIIZY 40’s Mini Blunts Multipack is reinventing your high experience by being one of the first to introduce 40% THC and total cannabinoids potency with special live resin infusion. PINEAPPLE EXPRESS TASTE:  Fruity, Tropical,...
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Tropical, Pineapple, Citrus
Weight: 0.5g
Effects: Happy, Flavor: Earthy
Stimulate your mind. White Widow is a great conversation starter for your next social outing. Reported effects leave smokers feeling a powerful boost in creativity and conversation. Each joint contains 1 gram of perfectly ground, high potency (20%+), premium flower for a clean, smooth burn, and unforgettable high.
Effects: Happy
Flavor: Earthy
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Loudpack, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Focused, Euphoric, Energetic, Uplifted

Pre-rolls are individually packaged in doob tubes to ensure freshness. All stored in a recyclable and reusable Loudpack tin. From seed to sale, from farm to feeling good.

Brands: Loudpack
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Focused, Euphoric, Energetic, Uplifted
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Elevated Experience, Happy, Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Champurrado Refined Live Resin™ Infused (3) 0.5g Joints GG4 x Gorilla Breath x Gelato Indica Raw Garden aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. 100% Pure Cannabis Joints Infused with Micronized Refined Live Resin™ Crushed Diamonds, and Nothing Else. Only the finest whole flowers grown on our farm, freshly dried and cured. No trim. No additives....
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Elevated Experience, Happy
Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Andretti Cannabis Co., Cannabis Type: CBD, Effects: Relaxed, Mood Enhancer, Flavor: Sweet, Berry
1 Gram preroll in a RAW cone. This tasty Berry Beignet is our newest edition to our New Orleans inspired brand. Sweet and tasty this strain is cross between Skittlez and Animal Cookies
Cannabis Type: CBD
Effects: Relaxed, Mood Enhancer
Flavor: Sweet, Berry
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: ROVE, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Earthy, Sweet, Berry, Pine, Blueberry
Strain: Blue Diamond Farm: Neptune Valley State: CA Genetics: Diamond OG x Blue Dream Type: Hybrid Total Cannabis %: 34.3 THC %: 31.5 CBD %: 0.1 Total Terpene %: 0.45 Top Terpenes: Myrcene, Pinene, Caryophyllene Tastes: Berry, Pine, Sweet Effects: Happy , Relaxed, Sleepy About this strain: Blue Diamond  Blue Diamond is a cultivar as rare as its namesake. Created by the team at BioQueen Seeds, it's a cross of Diamond OG and Blue Dream that captures its predecessors' fruity, hashy aroma and pineapple flavors. Online reports claim this strain tests around 18% THC on average.
Brands: ROVE
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Earthy, Sweet, Berry, Pine, Blueberry
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Loudpack, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Talkative, Energetic, Flavor: Berry
Loudpack | Malawi Gold 5pk Pre-roll Multipack (2.5g) SATIVA Loudpack flower is everything we stand for. It’s the basis for everything we make and it represents absurd levels of quality. From the way in which it’s grown to the way in which it’s enjoyed, our flower represents California at its finest. About this strain: Malawi Gold  Malawi Gold is a landrace strain from Malawi in Southeast Africa. The top reported aromas of the Malawi Gold strain are mint, floral, and wood. It is said to taste of herbs, soil, and menthol.
Brands: Loudpack
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Talkative, Energetic
Flavor: Berry
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Focused, Hungry, Happy, Flavor: Grapefruit, Pungent, Citrus
This strain is a descendant of the popular strains Romulan and Grapefruit. They combine to create a strong strain with both mental and physical effects. It can be used effectively as medicine for a wide range of other health problems, such as anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, lack of appetite, nausea, chronic pain, insomnia, and everyday stress. The high is calming and focused, with a mood boost, increased sociability, and physical relaxation, as well as a strong case of the munchies. Romulan Grapefruit, not surprisingly, has a strong aroma and flavor of grapefruit.
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Focused, Hungry, Happy
Flavor: Grapefruit, Pungent, Citrus
Brands: KINGPEN, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Pine, Citrus, Lemon
Lemon Haze x Lemoncello 1.3 Gram Kingroll SATIVA WHY IT HITS DIFFERENT. The Kingroll is a 1.3 gram, kief-coated pre-roll, infused with Kingpen's award-winning oil and combined with high-quality flower. Kingpen Oil - Kingrolls are infused with Kingpen's award-winning oil in strains you know and love. Kief-Coated - Golden kief, sourced from premium flower, for an added punch of cannabinoids and natural terpenes Natural Rolling Paper - Super thin, unbleached paper with the highest quality-control standards, so you only taste the terps, not the paper. Premium Flower - High quality, single strain, never shake. About this strain: Lemon Haze...
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Pine, Citrus, Lemon
Sold by : 1 seller
Save up to 5%
Brands: West Coast Cure, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Earthy, Citrus, Lemon
SFV OG - or San Fernando Valley OG - began as a phenotype of OG Kush. A grower named Swerve at Cali Connection Farms in Southern California’s San Fernando Valley bred it with an Afghani from Homegrown Fantaseeds. The resulting strain takes its initials from its parent strain, as well as the abbreviated location of its seed bank. Breeders created the strain after selecting OG Kush for its earthy, lemony smell and sedating properties, which are the result of high levels of myrcene, limonene and caryophyllene. The strain took 3rd place in the Indica category at the High Times Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam in 2012, and 1st place at the Denver...
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Earthy, Citrus, Lemon
Weight: 1g
$950 $1000
Brands: Presidential, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Sleepy, Happy, Motivate Your Mind, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric, Flavor: Pineapple
Your Presidential Blunt consists of Top-Shelf Organic Flower INFUSED with Premium THC Distillate and then Coated in the Highest Quality Kief. Our innovative proprietary infusion process enables us to permeate the flower all the way to the stem! Our Moonrocks our ground and wrapped in a 100% tobacco FREE blunt wrap! Presidential is committed to creating the most innovative, highest quality cannabis products guaranteed to deliver a reliable and consistent dose with each use.
Brands: Presidential
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Sleepy, Happy, Motivate Your Mind, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric
Flavor: Pineapple
Flavor: Sweet
Introducing Above Top Shelf Galaxy's newest pre-roll addition, the Moonrock Pre-roll! Brought to you by popular demand, the perfect blend of indoor Indica flower mixed with hash oil and rolled in golden kief. Try Galaxy Moonrock Pre-rolls today for an out of this world experience! Introducing Above Top Shelf Galaxy's newest pre-roll addition, the Moonrock Pre-roll! Brought to you by popular demand, the perfect blend of indoor Indica flower mixed with hash oil and rolled in golden kief. Try Galaxy Moonrock Pre-rolls today for an out of this world experience!
Flavor: Sweet
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Baker's Cannabis, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Talkative, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Strawberry, Apple, Sweet
Our Infused Pre-Roll Pack comes with three .8g pre-rolls. Each is coated in distillate and rolled in kief, giving them 28-44% THC and a rich, bold flavor. This portable pack has a total of 2.4 grams and comes in popular strains. About this strain: Apple Fritter  Apple Fritter was created in the wine regions of Northern California where Lumpy’s Flowers bred together Sour Apple and Animal Cookies to create one of the most potent strains on the market. According to Lumpy’s Flowers the strain is primarily an indica. Like most potent strains, not much growing information is available on this strain. Lumpy’s claims that Apple Fritter tends...
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Talkative, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Strawberry, Apple, Sweet
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Happy, Relaxed, Sleepy, Flavor: Spicy/Herbal, Peach
Peach Ringz Jeeter XL Infused Rolled Joint:  2g Joint | Indica | 39.89% THC Indoor Grown Infused with Distillate Oil & Kief Mood: relaxed, sleepy, happy Peach Ringz, is an indica dominant strain created through crossing the delicious Marionberry X Eddy OG strains. With this bud, the name says it all in the flavor department. Peach Ringz packs a super sweet and slightly sour peachy flavor into each and every toke. The aroma is very similar, although with a touch of spicy flowers to it, too. Peach Ringz brings on a super relaxing high that’s ideal for a night when you want to get to sleep but need to kick back and chill before you do....
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Happy, Relaxed, Sleepy
Flavor: Spicy/Herbal, Peach
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: KINGPEN, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Energetic, Happy, Flavor: Honey, Tropical, Sweet

This massive 1.3-gram joint is coated in kief and infused with award-winning Kingpen oil, making it one of the strongest prerolls on the market. The natural rolling paper ensures a smooth, even smoke, while the kief adds an extra punch of cannabinoids and terpenes. So if you're looking for a preroll that packs a serious punch, the Cannalope AK x Cannalope Kush Kingroll is perfect.

Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Energetic, Happy
Flavor: Honey, Tropical, Sweet
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Sour, Peach, Sweet
Raw Garden aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. 100% Pure Cannabis Joints Infused with Micronized Refined Live Resin™ Crushed Diamonds, and Nothing Else. Only the finest whole flowers grown on our farm, freshly dried and cured. No trim. No additives. Ever. Infused with Crushed Diamonds and rolled in small batches to lock in the flower’s...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Sour, Peach, Sweet
Weight: 1.5g
Sold by : 1 seller

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