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Cannabis Candy: A Different Taste To Try

Products that are made from hemp are becoming more and more popular as a direct result of the plant's numerous beneficial qualities and attributes. As a result of this factor, the demand for items made from hemp, such as lip balm and body butter, as well as cannabis-based supplies for pets, continues to increase.

The rate at which consumers are looking for fashionable new candy derived from hemp has constantly been increasing. But how exactly does one go about making hemp candy? What are the benefits of utilizing them, and what are some potential problems resulting from doing so?

What Exactly Are Hemp Candies? The Distinguishing Features

Because hemp has a high sugar concentration, candies from this plant tend to have a lot of sugar. Fans of cannabis sweets now have access to a wide variety of alternatives, giving them more freedom of choice in terms of the candy's size, flavor, and appearance. Sweet soft candies like gummies, lollipops, and other similar candies are currently the most popular candy derived from hemp.

What Are The Pros Of Eating Candies Made From Hemp?

Cannabidiol, or CBD, is the compound responsible for the euphoric effects of marijuana; however, many additional benefits can be gained by consuming products made from hemp. Despite this, very few people know that CBD is a chemical that must be stored in an environment that is dry and free of moisture.

cannabis candy

This implies that adding beneficial unsaturated fatty acids to candy-containing cannabis improves the body's ability to absorb the cannabinoids in cannabis. This indicates that the body absorbs and utilizes less sugar in cannabis candy than it would if it were to consume conventional gummy candies, even though THC candy includes a lot of sugar.

What Exactly Is THC Hard Candy?

Candy bars that have been infused with cannabis taste sugary and chewy at the same time. Cannabidiol (CBD) concentrations in cannabis hard candies are generally lower than in other sweets. A small quantity of THC gives chocolates infused with cannabis a strong psychoactive impact, although the amount of THC in the consumable is minimal.

Candies can range widely in the quantities of THC and CBD they contain. The amount of THC or CBD present may be higher in some instances compared to others. Make sure you give the product's label a good read to determine how much THC or CBD it contains. Tetrahydrocannabinol (also known as THC) and cannabidiol (sometimes CBD) are cannabinoids.

THC is more widely known for its euphoric properties, while CBD garners attention for its growing number of medicinal applications. Both of these cannabinoids have potential medical use for a wide variety of disorders. Consult your primary care physician before using any new medicine, including CBD and THC products. Inquire about any potential adverse reactions that may occur as a result of taking THC or CBD, and make sure to heed any warnings that are included in the product's package.

How To Make Lollipops And Hemp Candy

A simple recipe is perfect for you if you want edibles on the sugary side and cannabis. Sugary snacks that are quick and easy to consume, such as caramels, candy canes, gummy bears, and sour gummy candies, are an excellent method to reawaken your taste receptors. But what if you took your interest in hemp and mixed it with your craving for sweets? If you are willing to put in the necessary labor and have the appropriate equipment, you may produce cannabis lollipops at home.

What Makes Foods Made From Hemp So Trendy?

Before being used orally, hemp was frequently smoked or evaporated first. It is not difficult to accomplish, and the results are satisfactory. Unfortunately, it comes with a lot of negative side effects. Therefore, the most prudent course of action would be to experiment with cannabis in various ways.

cannabis edibles

An emerging trend in the cannabis industry is edible cannabis. Edibles are a fantastic alternative to smoking for individuals who want to cut back on their cannabis use or who want to consume cannabis in a manner that is less noticeable to others. You may get this effect by ingesting a tincture or applying it topically to your skin. However, including cannabis in your cuisine is an excellent method to enhance the food's flavor profile and the entire experience.

Making Mistakes

Most individuals fall victim to the common pitfall of lacking sufficient patience. Many people who experiment with edible cannabis for the first time are unaware of how potent the products are; as a result, they take just a tiny quantity, and even an hour later, they do not feel the effects of their use. They decide to take two doses, but just a few minutes later, they begin to experience the impact of the first one.

You presumably are aware of what is going to take place in the following stage at this point. Consuming excessive food can make you uncomfortable, even if doing so is not harmful to your health. The best strategy for preventing oneself from overindulging in food is to wait. At the very least, one and a half hours should have passed before one ever considered administering a dosage.

When making an infusion of cannabis, many individuals neglect or omit the process of decarboxylation of the plant, resulting in a weaker and less powerful brew than it could have been. This critical step makes the entire infusion process move much more quickly while also keeping it simple to carry out. Another typical error is not utilizing cannabis of the highest grade while preparing edibles. Edibles can be manufactured from various cannabis-derived components, including vaporized cannabis, cannabis-infused liquids, and even cannabis leaves.

However, the process of cooking cannabis for an extended period removes so much of it that even a low-quality strain will provide you with a whole symphony of terpenes, flavonoids, and cannabinoids. Remember to release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere! Cannabinoids cannot be extracted from cannabis by simply placing the plant parts in a large pot filled with heated oil and giving the mixture a couple of good stirs here and there. Decarboxylating cannabis is necessary before it can provide the benefits individuals look for in their high.

Some Background On The Decarboxylation Process

When you smoke cannabis, the process of decarboxylation starts very instantly due to the heat. The chemical process of carboxylation in cannabis typically begins between 105 and 120 degrees Celsius and takes at least 30 minutes to complete. The temperature range at which the process starts might vary.


You may preserve a greater quantity of the beneficial terpenes in cannabis by cooking it at a somewhat lower temperature and over a longer period. Cannabutter, tinctures, and oils may all be made from cannabis by following the steps outlined in this article. Cannabutter is the kind of cannabis oil utilized most frequently in cannabutter-based cannabis candy recipes; however, tinctures are also frequently asked for (cannabutter).

How To Make A Tincture Of Cannabis

Tinctures are cannabis extracts preserved in alcohol and may be taken orally or placed sublingually. Tinctures can be taken either way. Imagine them to be the equivalent of vanilla essence in the cannabis industry.


Hemp flower with 3.5% THC (hemp flower) 113 grams of alcohol that has an alcohol content of 80 percent. A canning jar that has been covered with cheesecloth and may be ground into flour using a grinder. Tincture vials are often rather tiny and opaque.

To extract the cannabinoids from hemp, you must grind up the flower into a very fine powder and then bake it in an oven at a high temperature for some time. After the hemp has gotten cold, the alcohol should be combined, and then the mixture should be placed in a container with a secure lid. After giving it a good shake, put the mixture somewhere cool and dark. It must be stirred once daily, then sit undisturbed for 24 hours (or weeks or months).

When the liquid has thickened to the consistency of cheesecloth, strain it into a pipette using the cheesecloth. On the other hand, fat is often what is utilized in cannabis-based edibles. This is because THC dissolves in fat, which implies that it must be consumed with fat for it to be absorbed. Making edibles requires several steps, but after you've infused a fat, such as cannabutter or cannabis oil, you'll have everything you need to produce additional goodies.

Instructions On How To Get Cannabis Oil

  • 7–14 grams of cannabis flower decarboxylated and ground, along with 1.25 ounces of oil, such as olive or coconut oil
  • A spot for stowing away a slow cooker, bain-marie, or another cooking vessel
  • Cheesecloth

There are primarily three ways that cannabis may be mixed into fat or oil: 


The method that makes use of the kettle is almost certainly the simplest one to carry out. It is necessary to place the oil and cannabis that has been decarboxylated in a container and heat it for roughly an hour at a temperature ranging from fifty five to sixty five degrees Celsius. Maintain a low temperature, and make sure to stir the meal frequently while it's cooking in a pot with a stirrer. Because of this, the food will not catch fire.

Soaking In Water

The oil and cannabis are combined and heated in a water bath at temperatures ranging from fifty five to sixty five degrees Celsius for around an hour. The pan that is on the bottom should have water put into it.


Cannabis and oil should be combined in a slow cooker and allowed to simmer for roughly one hour once the heat has been turned down to a low setting. Even if you don't decarboxylate the cannabis beforehand, you may still use it to make oil; the procedure, however, will be significantly more time-consuming and might take several hours. After the cannabis oil and marijuana have been cooked together, allow them to cool. It is important to strain the cannabis and then store it in a safe place that is out of the reach of children.

How To Make Cannabis Butter

Cannabutter is superior to regular butter for the preparation of baked products like chocolate chip cookies due to the butter it contains. Because it is a fat infused with cannabis, it is helpful to keep some on hand in the kitchen to prepare delightful edibles.

What You Need And How To Make Cannabis Butter

Cannabutter is created by melting one cup of butter and one cup of water in a saucepan over low heat. While the liquid is still hot, incorporate the cannabis that has been decarboxylated using a stirring motion. For approximately two hours, maintain a low simmering heat of 70–80 degrees Celsius and occasionally whisk the mixture. After two to three hours, remove the pot from the heat and strain the contents through the cheesecloth into a storage container.

THC decarboxylation

It may also be prepared with a slow cooker or an infuser if you like. Put the cup of butter and half an ounce of decarboxylated cannabis into the cooker. Cook the mixture at a temperature of between 70 and 80 degrees Celsius while stirring it often. The food should be cooked for around three hours, and stir it regularly while cooking. Once it has reached the desired temperature, the butter may be poured into the jar and covered with the cheesecloth.

How To Make THC Or CBD Candy

Even though there have been many advancements in confectionery manufacturing over the past several decades, the traditional lollipop is still quite popular. Several recipes call for cannabis tincture. However, other individuals believe that plain cannabutter would be sufficient in its place.

Cannabidiol can be found in the following kinds of candy:

  • There are 14 ounces of water equivalent to one cup of sugar.
  • Cannabinoid tincture, between two and four drops of one tablespoon of butter (or cannabutter) plus anything from one to four drops of food coloring (optional)
  • a quantity of corn syrup equal to twelve cups
  • 1 Citrus extract, one teaspoonful for seasoning (or other flavorings of your choice)

Essential Tools

  • Temperature gauge for sweets
  • Candies' wrappings
  • To produce candy, molds are required
  • It has room for a great number of lollipop sticks


Spread some butter or cannabis butter on the bottom of the container you will be using. In a saucepan, combine the sugar, corn syrup, and filtered water, and then melt the mixture while swirling it constantly and over medium heat. After adding a few drops of food coloring to the mixture, it may be cooked to high temperatures. After the ingredients have been brought to a boil, insert the candy thermometer and continue cooking the mixture until the temperature reaches 150 degrees Fahrenheit.

The cannabis tincture will be combined with an aromatic substance in the following stage. When pouring the mixture into the candy molds, do it slowly and gently. To manufacture lollipops, you must ensure that each candy mold contains a stick before filling it with candy. This is necessary to make lollipops. If the candy does not remain in its proper position when it hardens, lay a sheet of aluminum foil over the top of the mold and poke the stick through it.

How To Take Hemp Candy And Lollipops

The amount of cannabis that is included in the combination that is used to manufacture the lollipop will fully determine the level of potency that it has. The same will occur with a weaker tincture or less liquid overall. The method's effectiveness is significantly altered when ordinary butter is utilized rather than cannabutter. If, on the other hand, this is your first time preparing them, it is recommended that you begin with a lower quantity.

If you can, halve the candy and eat it in that form. It's possible that lollipops are more entertaining and simple to use. Still, manufacturing smaller candies provides you with more alternatives and makes it simpler to determine the appropriate dosage for each individual. Cannabutter is used to make the hemp caramels included in this category, making them particularly easy to portion.

Why Are Hemp Candies Becoming More Popular?

It is also important to note that choosing this type of cannabis product has additional advantages, such as reducing the likelihood of experiencing the adverse health effects often connected with eating excessive sugary foods. People who take sweets made from hemp regularly indicate that it is much simpler, more discreet, and portable to acquire the relaxing advantages of cannabis via a product that is already dosed, portable, and easily available. This is according to many of these same people.

Cannabis is generally avoided despite its popularity owing to the soothing and medicinal characteristics it possesses because of its flavor, which is often described as being unpleasant. They find it to be either irritating or excessive in its potency. You won't have to suffer through the normal aftertaste of the drug while you delight in the delectable flavor of candy.

cannabis color candy

Candies made from hemp are becoming more and more popular, and several causes are contributing to this trend. These aspects should be addressed. It has to do with the myriad customization choices at your disposal when you use this product. Customers can experiment with various flavor profiles with candies derived from hemp.

What Are The Effects Of Hemp-Based Candy?

In addition to the most obvious advantage, which is that they let people indulge in sugary delicacies without the negative effects of doing so, sweets made from hemp also provide a wide range of additional advantages. Evidence from several studies carried out over the years shows that regularly partaking in the consumption of candies and beverages made from hemp may have the same relaxing effects as smoking cannabis.

Consuming one of these delectable candies manufactured from hemp will satisfy your sweet tooth and reduce inflammation. Getting to and staying asleep will be much simpler for you, so you won't have to worry about having trouble sleeping or suffering from insomnia. It seems to be a reason to experience the benefits of cannabis candy. You would need to ingest a certain amount of it over the day. According to several research findings, all that is required to feel the soothing advantages of the plant is 15 milligrams of hemp-based sweets daily.

When And How To Consume Hemp-Based Sweets

Candies made from hemp are more enticing than other types of cannabis because of their mobility compared to other kinds. As a result, there is a lot of interest in finding the best way to consume hemp candy regularly. You may consume the sweets continuously throughout the day so long as you spread them out and have one every few hours. As a consequence of this, the sedative effects of cannabis may last with you throughout the day.

The usual manifestations of CBD's effects might often be delayed by several hours compared to the effects of other types of cannabis. It is essential to have a conversation about dose when discussing goods that include cannabis. However, because cannabis-based candies are now being produced on a massive scale, you are no longer at risk of ingesting a hazardous dose or an inadequate amount of CBD if you consume these candies anywhere in the world. For this reason, to consume hemp candy, the candy must have a certain amount of CBD.

Cannabis Candy And Its Use In Everyday Life

It is becoming increasingly common for people to utilize sleep aids like sleep jellybeans to achieve a calm state in the hours leading up to bedtime. The new market may be receptive to these tendencies, but customers seeking sleep chews still have to find a solution to an essential problem. Is there an added benefit to using melatonin or marijuana (or any other substance)?

Cannabis has been used for a long time as a means of inducing sleep and relieving tension. THC relieves pain and has a soothing effect, making it an excellent choice for those who are exhausted and ready to sleep. Cannabidiol (CBD) and other cannabinoids can assist the body in coping with stress and worry, two of the most prevalent factors contributing to an inability to sleep.

Consumers need help determining what to do due to the increasing number of options available to them on the market. Finding the correct chewable for you could need you first to determine how well you can handle THC and CBD while sleeping. You can sleep whenever you want to and (more importantly) for as long as you want.

Cannabinoid-Infused Edibles For Use As A Sleep Aid

Chewable forms of cannabis are ideally suited to the role of sleeping tablets for two reasons:

To begin, you will find the most success with them when you are fatigued and only want to sleep. It would help if you always had some cannabis chewables available in case you need a pick-me-up at the end of a long day or a comfortable sleep in the hours leading up to a significant occasion.

Second, by incorporating chewable sweets into your evening routine, you may develop a regular sleeping pattern. Improving one's sleeping patterns is a fantastic way to reduce the likelihood of such disruptions occurring.

cannabis mix candy

Find some cannabis-infused sweets that you can nibble on, and then go to sleep. It is good to start weekend mornings with a piece of sweets in your mouth. This is a nice way to spend the weekend, even if you don't like being around other people and don't get out frequently. After that, give marmalade a shot throughout the week when you are at work or school, whichever applies more to your situation.

Just set the alarm for a few minutes after dinner, and then consume a cannabis chew. This will assist you in winding down, settling down, and getting a decent night's sleep without causing you to worry about sleeping in for an excessive amount of time. When using cannabis, you should exercise caution and consume the necessary amount. It's possible that cannabis marmalades, despite their delicious flavor, won't help you get to sleep.

If such is the case, you need to consult a medical professional. People who have discovered that cannabis usage helps them sleep might benefit from the following suggestions: Chewing CBD gum before bed may help you get deeper sleep. You need to get some rest. Therefore, you should first think about the symptoms that keep you up.

It is essential to remember that CBD is not a cure-all magical substance. It's possible that trying CBD and melatonin gummies would be a good starting step. You can acquire these chews, which do not contain THC, anyplace on the internet. If you are unable to obtain this material immediately away, keep trying; keep trying. Try to find an alternate relaxing method with a higher ratio of CBD to THC.

Candies that have THC added to them will put you to sleep. You can try slipping some THC into chewable sweets if you need comfort from pain or your mind is racing before you sleep. Sativa-infused marshmallows that are chewy and full of psychoactive ingredients will not necessarily send you to sleep, but they are typically the most effective way to begin the day. Avoid chewy candies with energy strains since they may keep you awake but also produce tension, which will make it much more difficult for you to achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

It would be best if you looked for chews that have been prepared expressly for sedation or that have been manufactured from strains that have been intended exclusively for sleep. If you've never had one of these candies before, it's advisable to begin with, one that has between one and two and a half milligrams of THC so that you can get a feel for how you respond to it. If you want to increase the amount of THC you consume daily, you should start with chewables that contain between 2.5 and 15 mg of the substance.

Advantages Of Cannabis Hard Candy

The inhalation of cannabis smoke or consumption of cannabis in edible form is only two of the numerous potential applications for the substance. Cannabis hard candy is an excellent place to start owing to the simplicity of its manufacture and the extensive number of advantageous qualities it possesses.

1. A Less Dangerous Alternative To Smoking

Switching from smoking marijuana to consuming it in candy has several advantages for users of all experience levels. Cannabis usage has numerous benefits; nevertheless, smoking the substance may have detrimental consequences on your lungs. Cannabis use has many beneficial effects.

It's possible that the smoke can irritate your respiratory system, which will cause you to cough more frequently. Ingestion of cannabis, as opposed to smoking it, has not been shown to have any adverse effects or damage, making it a preferable method, particularly for people who use marijuana for medical purposes.

2. Rapid Pain Relief

Cannabinoid-infused edibles are unlike anything else you've experienced in terms of flavor. Even though oil candy is solid, it quickly melts in the mouth and on the tongue despite its consistency. The absorption of THC and CBD into your circulation is sped up, and you may begin to experience the effects of the substance almost immediately.

A speedy, risk-free, and natural approach to reducing inflammation and persistent pain. It might take up to two hours for the effects of other meals to become apparent after they have been consumed. You should use them if you do not require immediate relief.

3. Assists With Insomnia

You should try cannabis-infused sweets made with an Indica strain to calm your body and thoughts. Eating a piece of candy half an hour before bed could be beneficial if you have trouble falling asleep. Unlike sleeping drugs, eating sweets won't leave you groggy in the morning.

4. Beneficial To Your Stomach

After using antibiotics, cold medicines, or any other medication, you have most likely experienced nausea or vomiting. This is rather frequent, particularly among those taking opioids over an extended period. One of the potential adverse effects is irritation of the lining of the stomach.

cannabis cake

When consuming edible forms of cannabis daily, there is no need to be concerned about developing gastrointestinal issues because there are none that may occur. Instead, the food will provide happiness to anyone who consumes it, making them wish there was more of it.

Who Can Benefit From Marijuana Candy?

Consuming edibles laced with cannabis comes with a plethora of potential benefits. Candies made from marijuana that is known to settle an upset stomach and can relieve symptoms of both acute and chronic disorders. How the body metabolizes marijuana candies can help alleviate symptoms of chronic pain, autoimmune diseases, insomnia, nausea, muscle inflammation, nervous system issues, and muscle spasms.

Consumption of marijuana in the form of sweets and other edibles may greatly assist patients suffering from gastrointestinal conditions such as Crohn's disease. Because Crohn's disease is an autoimmune condition of the digestive tract, which is one of the reasons it occurs. Cannabinoids, which are included in marijuana candies, go directly to the source of discomfort, lowering inflammation and pain.

Concerns About Weed Candy Quality

There will invariably be problems with the quality of the marijuana that is being offered for sale. It is important to ensure that your medication is of good quality, whether you smoke it or ingest it. Cannabidiol-infused edibles must be prepared following a few fundamental instructions before they can be consumed.

There is currently no governing body to monitor the distribution of candy containing marijuana. As a result, it is not feasible to guarantee compliance with the same criteria for the commercial preparation of food as in other regions. It is, therefore, feasible for marijuana sweets to include trace levels of allergens such as gluten, nuts, animal hair, and lactose. People who are allergic to these components can develop severe responses, which would nullify the benefits of using weed candies as a medicine.

This cannabis cannot be sold as smoking material. In the same vein, it remains a mystery which strain of cannabis was utilized in the production of the candy. Because the cannabis is masked in the combination, confectionery companies can dispose of useless cannabis rejected for sale as smoking material. It is preferable to buy marijuana candy that has been lab-tested for potency and impurities, although this is not always available.

If possible, it is best to buy candy that has been tested. At the absolute least, you should obtain your marijuana candy from a trustworthy supplier. You should start your search at the nearby dispensary that you have been going to regularly over the previous several years. If they do not currently offer candy made from marijuana, they might be able to locate a dependable supply of the product.

The Bottom Line

As a direct result of the various positive traits and characteristics that hemp possesses, the plant's by-products derived from hemp are gaining more and more popularity. As a consequence of this feature, the demand for products derived from hemp, such as lip balm and body butter, as well as products derived from cannabis for animals, is expected to continue to rise.

Candies and chewy bars that have been infused with cannabis have a flavor profile that is reminiscent of both sugar and cannabis. Although there is only a trace amount of THC present in the edible product, the chocolates infused with cannabis have a potent euphoric effect due to the modest amount of THC present in the product. The amounts of cannabidiol (CBD) found in cannabis hard candy are generally lower than those found in other types of sweets.

Despite the various developments that have taken place in the confectionery industry over the last few decades, the classic lollipop is still very well-liked. There are a few dishes that require cannabis tincture. On the other hand, some people feel that using a simple cannabutter in its stead would be adequate.

The degree of strength that a lollipop has will be completely determined by the quantity of cannabis in the mixture used to make it. The same thing will happen with a tincture with less strength or less liquid. When regular butter is used instead of cannabutter, the efficiency of the approach is greatly diminished.

When considering products that include cannabis, it is necessary to discuss the appropriate dosage. Compared to the effects of other forms of cannabis, the typical manifestations of CBD's effects may sometimes be several hours later than they would be otherwise. If, on the other hand, you were to consume these candies anywhere in the globe, you would no longer put yourself at risk of consuming a dangerous dose or an insufficient quantity of CBD because cannabis-based sweets are now being made on a global scale.

Cannabinoid-infused edibles have a taste profile completely different from anything else you have tried. Although oil candy has a solid form, it dissolves rapidly in the mouth and on the tongue despite its state. The rate at which THC and CBD are absorbed into your circulation increases, and you may begin to feel the effects of the chemical almost immediately. An expedient, all-natural, and risk-free method for lowering inflammatory levels and relieving persistent pain.

Cannabis consumption is associated with a wide variety of positive outcomes. There are several benefits that come with eating marijuana in the form of candy rather than smoking it, and these benefits apply to users of all experience levels. Cannabis use offers several potential health advantages; smoking the plant might harm your lungs. The smoke could probably irritate your respiratory system, which will result in an increase in the number of times you cough.

There will inevitably be issues with the quality of the marijuana being made available for purchase. It is essential to ensure that the medication you use, whether you smoke it or eat it, is of a high enough grade. Cannabidiol-infused edibles must be prepared per a few primary directions before they can be taken.

At the bare minimum, you should get your marijuana sweets from a vendor that you can trust. Although it is not always possible to do so, it is best to purchase marijuana-infused candies that have been independently lab-tested for both their purity and their level of strength. It is preferable to purchase candy that has been examined if at all feasible.

Disclaimer: This material is for informational purposes only and should not be relied on for legal, medical, financial, or any other form of professional advice.

Brands: Kiva Confections - Verified ☑️, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Sleepy, Flavor: myrcene, Sweet, Berry, LINALOOL

Our Midnight Blueberry gummies pair relaxing terpenes with a hint of chamomile and lavender for a soothing, restful effect that’s boosted by a key ingredient- CBN.

Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Sleepy
Flavor: myrcene, Sweet, Berry, LINALOOL
Brands: Uncle Arnies, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Euphoric, Relaxed, Flavor: Orange, Pineapple
Packed with 100mg of THC in every bag, Uncle Arnies products are a trip worth taking man.... Our Pineapple Orange Blitz is bursting with orange and pineapple notes, so close your eyes and take a trip to the tropics with every bite. All our Products are Nano infused for a 20-40 minute onset time.
Brands: Uncle Arnies
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Euphoric, Relaxed
Flavor: Orange, Pineapple
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: WYLD, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Happy, Uplifted, Euphoric, Flavor: Coconut, Peach
Peach 2:1 CBD:THC gummies are made with more CBD than THC, making them a great option for easing into edibles. They are made with real fruit and enhanced with a balanced Hybrid terpene profile that may assist in creating a sense of ease and overall well being. It’s a little like a vacation for your body. Enjoy!
Brands: WYLD
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Happy, Uplifted, Euphoric
Flavor: Coconut, Peach
Brands: Flav, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Watermelon

Watermelon Sour Gummy Belts are the result of a field test the nation's #1 edibles company, Flav. They started with a 'little list of flavors' and after 100 field tests and one master recipe, they've perfected their process to create America's best edible.

Brands: Flav
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Watermelon
Brands: Flav, Effects: Happy, Flavor: Raspberry
Flav Blue Raspberry Rings combine the sweetness and tart flavors of blueberry and raspberry in a single, decadent cannabis experience. These gummies boast fruity flavors coated in sugar and infused with a full ten (10) mg of THC per piece. With ten (10) gummies per package, these infused rings make cannabis dosing a delicious, long-lasting breezeb.com/flower/pacific-stone-blue-dream-sativa-3.5g
Brands: Flav
Effects: Happy
Flavor: Raspberry
Brands: Kushy Punch, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Elevated Experience, Flavor: Gelatin, Flowery
COMING SOON! 100mg Peach Passion Fruit Gummy. Safe from harsh chemicals, Potent, Portable, All-Natural, and crafted by professional confectionery chefs, for superb quality and taste. Kushy Punch uses high grade gelatin leaf, natural flavor extracts, and essential oils. All the candy is made with the terpenes inside to give you the depth of experience you’re looking for.
Brands: Kushy Punch
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Elevated Experience
Flavor: Gelatin, Flowery
Brands: Good News, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Happy, Giggly, Get Active, Uplifted, Energetic, Flavor: Sour
Chew & swallow, good times follow. Our gummies are consistently dosed, convenient, and always super discreet. No matter what the occasion, Good News gummies were created to help elevate it.* Proud to Partner. Good News is partnering with Center on Halsted and SF LGBT Center to support LGBTQIA+ community meeting and gathering spaces. 10 pack, 100mg THC 1.1oz (30g) 10mg THC per serving (per gummy)
Brands: Good News
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Happy, Giggly, Get Active, Uplifted, Energetic
Flavor: Sour
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Kanha, Cannabis Type: CBD, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused, Flavor: Pineapple, Lemon, Sweet, Sour

These tasty treats are infused with all-natural ingredients and contain 5mg of CBD and 5mg of THC per gummy. Made with a professional tone, these gummies are perfect for cannabis enthusiasts looking for an easy way to take their medication.

Brands: Kanha
Cannabis Type: CBD
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused
Flavor: Pineapple, Lemon, Sweet, Sour
Brands: Highatus, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Productivity, Uplifted, Creative, Happy, Flavor: Orange, Citrus, Lemon
10mg THC per gummy - Sativa  A mouth-watering citrus flavor fueled by an energizing Sativa blend and THC makes for this winning combination of lemon and orange. A tasty, invigorating, and creative high, our L’Orange sour gummy is a must-have for your daytime escapades!
Brands: Highatus
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Productivity, Uplifted, Creative, Happy
Flavor: Orange, Citrus, Lemon
Weight: 10mg
Brands: Highatus, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Sleepy, Flavor: Watermelon, Sour, Sweet
10mg THC per gummy - Indica  Infused with THC and a soothing Indica blend, our Watermelon gummy is intended for those seeking a tranquil escape full of inspiration and calm. Melt your stress away with this classic sour gummy flavor that makes for the perfect nightcap!
Brands: Highatus
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Sleepy
Flavor: Watermelon, Sour, Sweet
Weight: 10mg
Brands: Kushy Punch, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Sour Apple, Sweet, Berry
With its sour flavor the "Kushy Punch" will refresh your day. It has a Hybrid mixture of cannabis. Sour apple flavor contains a full spectrum oil, fast activation and 100mg THC.
Brands: Kushy Punch
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Sour Apple, Sweet, Berry
Weight: 100mg
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: 710 Labs, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Tropical, Lemon, Berry, Blackberry

Pielatti x Dolato Hash Rosin Gummies | 710 Labs contains 10mg of THC, so it is important to start slow and see how you react. The effects of hash rosin can be very intense, so it is best to enjoy these edibles in moderation.

Brands: 710 Labs
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Tropical, Lemon, Berry, Blackberry
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Flav, Effects: Happy, Flavor: Blueberry
Flav Cannabis gummy strips are made by using only natural ingredients in their manufacturing process. They come in various sizes ranging between 30 – 60 mg per strip. Each batch is tested twice before being shipped out to ensure quality standards at all times. Their products contain no artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners or preservatives making them safe for consumption even if they were meant as an edible product. All our batches white_check_mark eyes raised_hands 11:17 Flav Cannabis gummy strips are made in Canada using organic ingredients including blueberries. They contain THC at 0.4% per serving (100 mg) as well as CBD. These...
Brands: Flav
Effects: Happy
Flavor: Blueberry
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Froot, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Happy, Flavor: Pineapple
The best tasting infused gummy ever! Froot Premium froot chews are made from the best plants on Earth! We only use the highest quality cannabis oil to infuse into Froot, creating an incredibly tasty consistently dosed Froot chew every time. Daytime, nighttime, or anytime... Enjoy Froot!  Vegan, Gluten Free, Dairy Free  100mg total THC - 10mg x 10 pieces
Brands: Froot
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Happy
Flavor: Pineapple
Brands: Kushy Punch, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Strawberry, Lemon, Fruity
 Private Reserve has been called “the dab of edibles”. With 95%+ pure THC and none of the cannabis taste, PR promises a super clean, knockout punch in 60 minutes. When a regular edible just isn’t quite cutting it, look no further than Private Reserve. This is perfect for anyone that can’t do the taste of full-spectrum oil.
Brands: Kushy Punch
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Strawberry, Lemon, Fruity
Weight: 100 mg
Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Euphoric, Energetic, Flavor: Orange, Pineapple, Citrus
90MG GUMMY TRIANGLES - CARIBBEAN BREEZE - SATIVA · Taste: Citrus, Pineapple, Orange · Feeling: Energetic, Uplifting, Euphoric · Description: Float on with Caribbean Breeze, a tropical-flavored delight sure to boost your day with its uplifting Sativa effects. Enjoy every bite with STIIIZY Edibles, our new line of fast-acting Nanomolecular-Enhanced Live Resin gummies. Each bag contains 90 mg of THC — three 30mg triangles, which each are segmented into three 10mg doses. - 90MG Total THC - 30MG Per Piece - Segmented into Three 10MG Servings - Fast-acting Nano-molecular Enhanced - Made with Live Resin
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Euphoric, Energetic
Flavor: Orange, Pineapple, Citrus
Weight: 90mg
Brands: Froot, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Orange
Product description The best tasting infused gummy ever! Froot Premium froot chews are made from the best plants on Earth! We only use the highest quality cannabis oil to infuse into Froot, creating an incredibly tasty consistently dosed Froot chew every time.
Brands: Froot
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Orange
Brands: Heavy Hitters, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Energetic, Happy, Flavor: Grape, Blueberry, Berry
20MG THC & 20MG CBN per piece Using a powerful combination of THC and CBN delivered by the velvety flavor of black cherries, Lights Out Midnight Cherry is the undisputed Heavyweight Champion of night-time confections, pummeling you with right hooks of heavy relaxation and always winning with a stunning KO. Strain Type: Indica Flavor: Sweet and velvety midnight cherry Terpene Blend: Myrcene, Caryophyllene, Humulene About this strain: Midnight  With a name as mysterious and intriguing as Midnight, it’s no wonder two iterations of the strain exist on the cannabis market. MIDNIGHT BY TIKUN OLAM The strains Israel-based breeder Tikun Olam...
Brands: Heavy Hitters
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Energetic, Happy
Flavor: Grape, Blueberry, Berry
Brands: Kiva Confections - Verified ☑️, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Euphoric, Energetic, Happy, Giggly, Flavor: Cinnamon, Spicy, Sweet, Cranberry, Herbal
Get all the feels of Christmas morning with Kiva's limited edition Holiday Punch gummies. Energizing terpenes with notes of cranberry and cinnamon will have you leaping out of bed with joyful anticipation. Since 2010, Kiva’s goal has been to create an edible that redefines what a cannabis confection can be. From our artisanal approach to making chocolates to our inventive take on gummies, we’ve dedicated ourselves to crafting delicious, trustworthy, and premium edibles you can feel good about eating. 20 servings per package. Each serving contains 5mg THC and a custom blend of terpenes, for a uniquely uplifting experience....
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Euphoric, Energetic, Happy, Giggly
Flavor: Cinnamon, Spicy, Sweet, Cranberry, Herbal
Brands: Flav, Effects: Calming, Flavor: Peach
Flav Peach Rings is the fun, fruity cannabis treat you need to make medicating enjoyable. Delicious peach flavors in a sour gummy ring and coated with sugar and infused with 10 or 25mgs per ring. With 10 rings per package, these gummies make it easy and safe to medicate at a level you feel is most comfortable for your medical needs. Get Flav Peach Rings and medicate in a fun, safe way today.
Brands: Flav
Effects: Calming
Flavor: Peach
Brands: Deli, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Euphoric, Sleepy, Happy, Flavor: Blueberry, Sweet, Berry, Strawberry
Worth more than their weight in gold, these sugar-dusted MIXED BERRY gummies blend a burst of berry flavor with a sweetness that’s just right. An indica blend with 5mg of THC per nickel and 20 nickels per pouch, you’ll be hard pressed to find a better bang for your buck.
Brands: Deli
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Euphoric, Sleepy, Happy
Flavor: Blueberry, Sweet, Berry, Strawberry
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Kiva Confections - Verified ☑️, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Sleepy, Flavor: Sour Berry, Citrus, Berry
A pungent, earthy palate reveals the OG Kush roots of the indica-dominant hybrid strain Legend OG, which is converted into 100% Live Resin by Jetty Extracts. With tart, juicy berry flavors on a background of citrus, this limited fruit chew is ripe for the picking.
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Sleepy
Flavor: Sour Berry, Citrus, Berry
Weight: 100mg
Brands: Mindy’s Edibles, Cannabis Type: CBD, Effects: Refreshed, Flavor: Earthy, Sweet, Fruity, Honey
A DOSE OF DECADENCE James Beard award-winning master chef Mindy Segal has created precisely dosed, decadently delicious artisanal edibles to delight your tastebuds and invigorate your soul. Each flavor highlights a distinct memory for Mindy's culinary journey. Bright, clean, and refreshing yet earthy. Flavors of honeydew & cantaloupe with a touch of honey. Balanced with slight fruity-floral lychee notes.
Cannabis Type: CBD
Effects: Refreshed
Flavor: Earthy, Sweet, Fruity, Honey
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Flav, Effects: Happy, Flavor: Apple
Flav Apple Rings provide the sugary sour experience you want to combine with your medication. With the sour apple flavored gummy rings coated in sugar, combined with 10mg of cannabis goodness per ring, these snacks allow you to medicate in a manner that you’re most comfortable with. Bursting with flavor and hitting just the right amount of weed goodness is what Flav does best with their Flav Apple Rings.
Brands: Flav
Effects: Happy
Flavor: Apple
Brands: Kiva Confections - Verified ☑️, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Uplifted, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Limonene, Pineapple, Sweet, LINALOOL, Spicy/Herbal, Tropical

Kiva’s Pineapple Habanero Camino gummies pair energy-stimulating sativa terpenes with ripe pineapple and a touch of heat. Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free.

Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Uplifted, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Limonene, Pineapple, Sweet, LINALOOL, Spicy/Herbal, Tropical
Brands: Uncle Arnies, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Flavor: Cherry, Sweet
Packed with 100mg of THC in every bag, Uncle Arnies products are a trip worth taking man.... Our Cherry Cola Gummies are sweet with a hint of cola soda and a blast of Cherry! All our Products are Nano infused for a 20-40 minute onset time.
Brands: Uncle Arnies
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed
Flavor: Cherry, Sweet
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: WYLD, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Euphoric, Uplifted, Relaxed, Flavor: Coconut, Berry
 Huckleberry Hybrid gummies are made with real fruit and enhanced with a balanced hybrid terpene profile that may assist in creating a sense of cheerfulness and overall well being. Ideal for your day-to-day adventures!
Brands: WYLD
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Euphoric, Uplifted, Relaxed
Flavor: Coconut, Berry
Brands: Kushy Punch, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Energetic, Relaxed, Flavor: Cannabis Oil, Raspberry
KushyPunch’s 100mg hybrid gummy’s juicy raspberry flavor pairs perfectly with our famous full-spectrum oil, delivering a down-the-line, head-body high that is like nothing else out there. Those that are new to KushyPunch love the Choose Your Own Adventure vibes that come with the hybrid. It’s also a hit with those that are sensitive to straight sativas, and need a counterweight to that effervescent high.  Raspberry flavor 100mg THC (10 x 10mg doses) Full-spectrum oil w/ cannabinoids, flavonoids + lipids Low calorie, low sugar 100% organic colors & flavors Non-GMO, free from peanuts, dairy, gluten, and fat.
Brands: Kushy Punch
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Energetic, Relaxed
Flavor: Cannabis Oil, Raspberry
Weight: 100mg
Brands: Flav, Effects: Happy, Flavor: Banana
A delicious duo of strawberry and banana join forces in these sugarcoated belts infused with premium cannabis.
Brands: Flav
Effects: Happy
Flavor: Banana
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Kushy Punch, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Flavor: Strawberry, Earthy, Fruity

Our succulent strawberry flavor is perfectly blended with our earthy, potent full-spectrum oil, giving you a great taste and a rich high that truly stands out from other edibles. 

Brands: Kushy Punch
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric
Flavor: Strawberry, Earthy, Fruity
Weight: 100 mg
Brands: Good News, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Giggly, Get Active, Uplifted, Energetic, Happy, Flavor: Sour, Grape
Chew & swallow, good times follow. Our gummies are consistently dosed, convenient, and always super discreet. No matter what the occasion, Good News gummies were created to help elevate it.* Legendary stories start with VEGAS. It’s time to go all in on your night out. Legendary stories start with Vegas. *Individual results may vary 10 pack, 100mg THC 1.1oz (30g) 10mg THC per serving (per gummy)
Brands: Good News
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Giggly, Get Active, Uplifted, Energetic, Happy
Flavor: Sour, Grape
Brands: Kanha, Cannabis Type: CBD, Effects: Sleepy, Uplifted, Relaxed, Flavor: Blue Raspberry, Sweet
 Need Sleep? Try Tranquility! Blue Raspberry Tranquility gummies are the satisfyingly sweet calm you've been seeking. These 1:1:1 gummies are specially formulated to give you a restful night's sleep, with more sleep-inducing CBN than any other edible, 1mg of melatonin per gummy, and a blend of terpenes and essential oils that provide a relaxing and soothing effect. Gummies are made with all-natural ingredients, coloring, and flavoring. Each gummy is infused with the highest quality cannabis oils to provide the most consistent, safe experience on the market.
Brands: Kanha
Cannabis Type: CBD
Effects: Sleepy, Uplifted, Relaxed
Flavor: Blue Raspberry, Sweet
Brands: Highatus, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Energetic, Active, Talkative, Creative, Flavor: Sour, Pineapple
10mg THC per gummy - Hybrid Balanced formula for those that like having the flexibility to enjoy edibles at any time, our Pineapple gummy is infused with THC and a targeted Hybrid blend, creating a perfect fusion of bliss and serenity. No matter what the occasion, our Pineapple sour gummies will take you on a fun and flavorful journey! 
Brands: Highatus
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Energetic, Active, Talkative, Creative
Flavor: Sour, Pineapple
Weight: 10mg
Brands: Highatus, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Giggly, Uplifted, Happy, Flavor: Sour, Apple
10mg THC & 5mg CBD per gummy (2:1 THC / CBD) - Sativa  Created to promote healing and aid with the everyday stresses of life, our Green Apple gummy is infused with THC, CBD, and a harmonious Sativa blend. Made to be enjoyed frequently, let this sour gummy take you on a soothing and euphoric adventure! 
Brands: Highatus
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Giggly, Uplifted, Happy
Flavor: Sour, Apple
Weight: 10mg
Brands: Kushy Punch, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy, Flavor: Mango, Woody, Sweet, Peach
Mango was created by the Dutch breeder KC Brains, which crossed its own KC-33 with an Afghani. According to the breeder, Mango has a skunky and hashy aroma, while its Afghani lineage makes it resistant to mold and fungus. This indica-leaning strain is said to have high CBD levels, making it an ideal candidate for medical cannabis products.
Brands: Kushy Punch
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy
Flavor: Mango, Woody, Sweet, Peach
Weight: 100mg
Brands: 710 Labs, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Tropical, Lemon, Berry, Blackberry

Randy Watson Hash Rosin Gummies | 710 Labs contains 5mg of hash rosin, which is a form of concentrate that captures all.

Brands: 710 Labs
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Tropical, Lemon, Berry, Blackberry
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Flav, Effects: Happy, Flavor: Limonene
Reminiscent of your favorite summertime beverage, these sugarcoated belts infused with premium cannabis are a sweet and refreshing treat.
Brands: Flav
Effects: Happy
Flavor: Limonene
Brands: Froot, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Lemon
The best tasting infused gummy ever! Froot Premium froot chews are made from the best plants on Earth! We only use the highest quality cannabis oil to infuse into Froot, creating an incredibly tasty consistently dosed Froot chew every time.
Brands: Froot
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Lemon
Brands: Kushy Punch, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Energetic, Flavor: Peanut, Raspberry, Fruity

Kushy Punch provides a unique, full-spectrum cannabis oil with cannabinoids, flavonoids, and lipids. This product is perfect for those looking for a professional tone without the harshness of some sativas. Additionally, it is low in calories and sugar, organic, and non-GMO.

Brands: Kushy Punch
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Energetic
Flavor: Peanut, Raspberry, Fruity
Weight: 100 mg
Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Calm, Hungry, Giggly, Flavor: Strawberry, Sweet, Berry
90MG GUMMY TRIANGLES - SOUR STRAWBERRY - INDICA · Taste: Berry, Sweet, Strawberry · Feeling: Giggly, Hungry, Calm · Description: With delicious taste and relaxing, euphoric effects, Sour Strawberry is a delightful dessert edible. Enjoy every bite with STIIIZY Edibles, our new line of fast-acting Nanomolecular-Enhanced Live Resin gummies. Each bag contains 90 mg of THC — three 30mg triangles, which each are segmented into three 10mg doses. - 90MG Total THC - 30MG Per Piece - Segmented into Three 10MG Servings - Fast-acting Nano-molecular Enhanced - Made with Live Resin
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Calm, Hungry, Giggly
Flavor: Strawberry, Sweet, Berry
Weight: 90mg

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