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Cannabis Tablets, Pills, Soft Gels, and Capsules

Cannabis capsules are often gelatinous capsules that are filled with oil that has been infused with cannabis. The body can absorb a steady amount of cannabinoids and terpenes from cannabis. Consuming cannabis capsules may be done in the same manner as taking any other kind of nutritional supplement, in contrast to smoking joints or using vaporizers.

After being taken orally, cannabidiol capsules undergo fast metabolisms at the hands of digestive enzymes. Tablets, which also fall under the wider category of capsules, are often simpler to break down, although edibles may contain extra minerals and compounds that are more difficult to digest. Capsules are available in both liquid and solid forms.

cannabis capsules

The cannabinoids and terpenes contained within the capsules may excite receptors located in various regions of the digestive system when the pills are broken down in the stomach. The remainder of the cannabinoid will be metabolized in the liver, after which it will be absorbed into the circulation and distributed throughout the body, where it will interact with cannabinoid receptors. If you reside in a state that has legalized the consumption of marijuana plants for recreational purposes, you might be able to buy cannabis tablets at local dispensaries or pharmacies. If you don't, you always have the option of trying your hand at producing your cannabis tablets.

What Exactly Are THC Pills?

Cannabidiol pills are another form for cannabis capsules. Cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol, both psychoactive components of cannabis, could be present in these pills. THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol. Consuming THC in tablets is an easy, precise, and safe way to become high and maintain the effects for extended periods. This article provides an in-depth review of THC tablets and their possible value in the toolbox of medicinal marijuana.

Tablets and capsules containing THC have the same general appearance as any other pill or capsule. Patients who use marijuana for medical purposes can more easily take their medication and experience immediate and long-lasting comfort if the THC is compressed into tablets. They might look quite different from one another and have very different ingredients, but they all have one thing in common: they contain THC. It's likely that some have a higher concentration of CBD, while others may have a higher concentration of terpenes or flavonoids.

Can Cannabis Capsules Be Made With Any Strain?

Yes! You can produce your own cannabis capsules as long as you have enough flowers or trimmings. However, because various strains have varying chemical make-ups, tablets that are created with several strains will have effects that are noticeably distinct from one another.

THC-dominant strains, for example, are certain to get you high, while CBD-dominant strains provide more mellow and understated effects. Although cannabis capsules made from powerful and sedative strains of the plant may leave you feeling stoned. Canna capsules offer a handy method for ingesting cannabinoids and terpenes, but it is vital to select the appropriate strain before using them.

Compared To Edibles, How Potent Are Cannabis Pills?

There is no inherent difference in potency between ingesting cannabis as edibles or capsules. The amount of cannabinoids that are present in a certain product directly relates to how potent that product is. It's possible that cannabis is still illegal in most parts of the world because there is no recommended dose for cannabis consumption. On the other hand, nothing can prevent you from making or consuming capsules containing a different quantity for each serving.

While some individuals could be ok with a smaller dose, others might want to experience the benefits more quickly by consuming 25 mg or more in each meal. It is essential to remember that the THC found in cannabis oil capsules has already been converted into the far more psychoactive chemical known as 11-hydroxy-THC, making these products significantly more potent than smoking or vaping flowers. Therefore, do not hurry into anything, and never take on more responsibility than you can manage.

Because the effects of cannabis capsules take effect more rapidly than those of cannabis edibles, some individuals are under the impression that cannabis capsules are more powerful than cannabis edibles. In contrast to edibles such as baked products, in which the effects of cannabis can take up to an hour to become noticeable, cannabis pills can be taken and absorbed very fast.

Types Of Cannabis Tablets

Tablets containing THC may usually be purchased in one of three distinct varieties at most retail locations that sell the substance. The golden oil distillate included in THC oil capsules is visible through the straightforward gel capsules utilized for the product's packaging. They are available with different levels of THC, ranging anywhere from 5 mg to 25 mg and even more.

THC Tablets

Flowers included in flower capsules have been subjected to high temperatures in order to convert the THCA in their composition into the psychoactive form of THC. These tablets are made using decarboxylated flower, which contain all of the cannabinoids that are found in flowers but may be absent in concentrates due to the decarboxylation process. Isolate pills contain only just THC and no other plant material or terpenes of any kind.

Benefits And Potential Uses

Pills are an excellent choice if you want to take THC regularly but don't want the additional carbohydrates and calories that come with edibles. Because they are unnoticeable and easy to take, the tablets make it possible for those who rely on cannabis for medical purposes to continue doing so even while they are traveling. Tablets are a safer and more precise alternative to smoking or vaping cannabis, and they come in a broad variety of formulas to meet the requirements of a diverse spectrum of patients.

Possible Benefits

THC tablets are absorbed in the stomach much like other edibles. However, in contrast to other edibles, they have a relatively low amount of sugar and calories (e.g., brownies, although some healthier versions are available). This choice can appeal to individuals who are keeping a close eye on the number of calories they consume.

THC tablets provide a number of benefits that make them an excellent alternative for certain people who are cannabis consumers. Taking a pill is a more responsible and less hazardous alternative to smoking marijuana. Even though it may appear safer to smoke marijuana than tobacco, the combustion process still results in producing harmful byproducts, including carbon monoxide. Users can avoid breathing the cancer-causing byproducts of burning by taking THC in tablet form, which they can then swallow.

If you don't breathe in smoke, there will be fewer negative effects on your health. Even though studies have shown that inhaling marijuana is less hazardous than tobacco smoke, those who partake in practice are nonetheless subjected to potentially dangerous quantities of carbon monoxide and other toxins. On the other hand, consuming cannabis in the form of a pill results in a more accurate dosage than any other way of consumption. Because they are so much less obvious than smoking a joint, capsules are a far better choice for people who prioritize maintaining their identity.

In contrast, consuming cannabis in the form of a tablet or capsule allows for a far higher level of discretion than smoking the drug. Another thing that contributes to the covert nature of pills is the strong smell that comes from actual cannabis. Tablets provide a number of benefits, one of which is the ability to precisely dose THC. Although it may be challenging to determine the strength of a cannabis pill that has been created, most commercial choices have been developed and tested in laboratories to guarantee that they are accurate.

Those who have a low tolerance for THC, such as patients who use marijuana for therapeutic purposes, might benefit from having the capacity to readily track their own THC use. Additionally, the fats and sugars that are often contained in cannabis edibles are not present in the tablet or pill form of THC. This is an excellent resource for diabetics as well as anyone else who is attempting to keep track of the calories they consume.

Factors To Consider

When used in tablet form, THC provides a danger that, while low, is nevertheless there. Despite this, extreme caution is required to test a brand-new medical marijuana product. THC can produce drowsiness, fluctuations in body temperature, and an elevated heart rate when taken in large doses. Because the effects of cannabis tablets take anywhere from 45 to 120 minutes to reach their peak and can last for as long as five hours, it is advised to begin with a lesser dose and monitor how your body reacts to the substance.

Cannabis plant

It is crucial to understand how your body processes THC and how you prefer to ingest it. Taking THC in tablet form comes with several obvious risks. The vast majority of online materials are illegal and may sell dubious products. Even in jurisdictions where the possession and sale of marijuana are legal, it may be challenging to find.

If you don't produce your own THC capsules, purchasing them might be expensive. It is possible that the cost of twenty medicines will be more than one hundred dollars. It doesn't take much of them to achieve an excellent high, whether you're using them for medical purposes or for recreational purposes. Still, they're often relatively strong, and their effects are long-lasting.

As is the case with other forms of cannabis use, such as edibles, the effects of marijuana capsules can not become apparent for at least 45 minutes. To feel the benefits of taking THC tablets, your body needs to convert the chemical into 11-hydroxy-THC. It is essential to keep in mind that the effects of consuming an excessive amount of this cannabinoid might be far more intense than those of smoking marijuana.

Taking Doses With THC Capsules

THC pills may be swallowed either with or without water, just like any other kind of medication or vitamin you could take. People who have never used it before should start with a single low-dose tablet that contains 5 to 10 mg. Because eating might potentially postpone the beginning of the effects of the THC pill by around 30 minutes, it is possible that taking the pill on an empty stomach could speed up the process by which the effects begin to take effect.

If you already have one THC tablet, you should hold off for at least two hours before consuming another one. It might take anywhere from half an hour to a couple of hours for the effects of THC to become noticeable. THC pills have a longer half-life in the body as compared to smoking or vaporizing, with an effect that can persist for up to five hours or even longer.

A THC tablet can be a better option if you enjoy edibles but prefer not to overindulge in sweets. THC tablets can be an effective alternative to existing cannabis-based medicines, provided they are taken with caution and monitored adequately for any adverse effects.

Why Do People Use Cannabis Capsules?

Cannabis pills, a type of natural pharmacological therapy, are now the subject of research to determine their potential in treating various medical diseases. Researchers have been looking into it for many years to understand more about its potentially helpful therapeutic capabilities. Cannabinoids, which can number anywhere from one hundred to more than one hundred, are only one of more than five hundred chemical components that can be discovered in cannabis.

Drugs derived from this plant have been credited, depending on the active cannabinoid, with helping to treat chronic pain, inflammation, depression, anxiety, and seizures, as well as improving the quality of life for people who suffer from these disorders. In addition, they are utilized in treating various illnesses that affect the neurological system. This naturally occurring molecule protects cells from oxidative stress's potentially harmful effects, which helps lessen the need for additional therapeutic approaches.

Is It Safe To Use Cannabis Capsules?

Multiple studies have demonstrated the medicinal benefits of cannabis, and some manufacturers of natural medicines use its active ingredients to create pharmaceuticals that help cure a broad spectrum of disorders. These medications are human-safe capsules that do not produce any euphoric effects on the user.

What Side Effects Do You Get From Using Cannabis Pills?

They create a wide array of effects by stimulating the cannabinoid receptors throughout the body, including in the brain. When the THC protein, which may be found in cannabis tablets, connects to its receptors on particular nerve cells, a broad variety of reactions, ranging from pleasure to relaxation, are induced within the body. In addition, it assists in maintaining the body's regular functions and alleviating the symptoms of sickness.

The majority of the pharmaceuticals on the market have been developed to alleviate sleep problems by treating insomnia and enhancing the overall quality of sleep. Because they do not result in dependency as smoking does, cannabis tablets are an excellent choice for those seeking a less harmful alternative to the practice.

Cannabis Tablets: An Alternative To Other Dosing Forms?

The great majority of people who want to use cannabis for medical purposes opt to consume it by inhaling cannabis flowers, and a wide variety of cannabis strains may be used for medical purposes. It is possible to use a vaporizer to evaporate the cannabis blossoms. On the other hand, cannabinoid-based medicines and full-spectrum extracts are the methods of administration for medicinal cannabis that are most frequently employed.

THC Capsules

As a result of the fact that the active components are usually absorbed through the oral mucosa, the commencement of action can be evaluated fifteen to twenty minutes after ingestion. The administration of cannabis in tablet form is not yet an option for patients seeking medical treatment; however, capsules are an option.

Benefits Of Cannabis Pills

Even in today's modern society, a negative connotation remains attached to the idea of utilizing cannabis for therapeutic purposes. When cannabis is inhaled, its effects can be felt instantly and inside. However, it may take some skill to get the appropriate dosage.

Consuming cannabis in the form of a tablet might give a standardized way of administration that is not only simple to use but also allows for accurate dosing. The general public's receptivity to medicinal marijuana may also be bolstered by the availability of cannabis in tablet form, which is both discrete and widely used. If cannabis treatment were to be standardized in the form of tablets, it's likely that associated expenses, such as those paid for medical marijuana, may be decreased.

There is no reason to rule out the possibility that ingesting cannabis in pills or capsules may have a more lingering effect. Comparatively, the results of inhaling cannabis only endure for two to three hours, whereas swallowing it might last anywhere from four to eight hours. Tablets of cannabis are not recommended for those who have difficulty ingesting the medicine. To get the desired result, it would be essential to renounce substantial customization of the treatment, which is something that may be done, for example, with cannabis flowers.

Cannabis Oral Capsules

Oral capsules that contain cannabis that has either been partially or completely decarboxylated are a relatively recent innovation in the pharmaceutical business. Consumption through the mouth and inhalation of cannabis, either by smoking cannabis or vaporization, are well-established and conventional ways of eating cannabis. (especially in herbal tea). In large part due to the following issues, addressed at length in contrast to the constraints and problems of cannabis herbal tea, many patients find it difficult to consume cannabis via inhalation.

This is related to the inhalation method not being as common. A method of dosage is frequently considered inefficient and quick to act. The costs associated with vaporizers are significantly higher than average.

Cannabis oil, specifically cannabis oil made with olive oil (Cannabis Olive Oil), has been used medicinally for centuries. Despite its long history of efficacy, this treatment method has recently been met with several obstacles. There are no pharmacies left that keep it in stock since it requires titration by the pharmacist.

The preparation and subsequent extraction methods have a significant impact on the final product's composition, which varies widely. Increasing the amount of cannabis oil diluted in olive oil results in a product known as Cannabis Olive Oil. This product has several advantages, including that it is easier to consume, has greater bioavailability, and speeds up the decarboxylation process.

CBD Capsules

But there are other situations in which the patient and the doctor would instead not use oil (for example, problems with taste, pharmacokinetics, fluid transport, or fat malabsorption), even if they require the precision and dependability of the cannabis dose, which herbal tea cannot supply. At Farmagalenica's Preparatory Pharmacy, pharmacists can produce decarboxylated oral cannabis capsules in this location. These capsules do not contain cannabis oil but rather the actual cannabis plant (the female flower). These capsules are correctly prepared to offer the exact dosage that the physician requested.

Suppose the physician recommends a "dosage" of, for example, 100mg of medical cannabis. In that case, the decarboxylated cannabis oral capsules will contain exactly 100mg of cannabis without any extraction or loss of substance. For example, let's imagine that your physician has recommended that you take 100 mg of cannabis thrice daily.

 While the patient waits for the herbal tea to brew (which can take anywhere from half an hour to an hour), they blindly ingest the tablets. It would help if you were sure you do this three times per day. The patient places a preset number of drops of cannabis olive oil beneath their tongue at the beginning of each of the three meals they consume daily. A usual dose is closer to 100 mg. However, this number might vary depending on how the pharmacy diluted the oil.

It is recommended that one 100-mg capsule be taken orally three times per day. Or, to put it another way, in contrast to the herbal tea openable capsules, in which the pulverized cannabis contained in the capsule still needed to be placed in water and warmed before use, the cannabis capsule, in this case, only needs to be swallowed with some liquid (water or another liquid) in accordance with the dosage that the doctor established.

In More Specific Terms, What Is It?

Regarding a pill that is composed of three components: Cannabidiol is in the exact dosage that my primary care physician recommended. Maltodextrins, a kind of sugar substitute, is utilized throughout the cannabis extraction process. Coconut oil, which the pharmacist afterward added on his initiative after it had already been prepared.

Certain pharmacists and laboratories add coconut oil into the capsule in specific ratios and doses to significantly increase the bioavailability of therapeutic cannabis. This refers to the number of active ingredients that are absorbed. To put it another way, the more cannabis is "soaked" in fat, the more it is absorbed, and as a result, the more "potent" it is.


There are many different kinds of marijuana, and each has its own set of specialist terms to describe its effects and uses. What precisely do we mean when we refer to things like "marijuana," "hemp," or "cannabis"? Can you explain the various applications of different varieties of hemp plants and their characteristics?

First things first, we have to acknowledge that hemp and cannabis are not the same things. Both are linked to Cannabis Sativa. The plant used to make cannabis initially. Even though this might very rapidly lead to misunderstandings, it is essential to maintain them separately because their duties are incredibly distinct from one another.

The THC content of resin extracted from cannabis flowers is significantly higher than that of other cannabis resin. The first step in producing marijuana is drying the flowers into a powder. These substances are also known as weeds or grass. Marijuana can have undertones of white or purple, depending on the type, country of origin, method of growing, and degree of drying.

The color of marijuana can range from green to brown, with either white or purple highlights. When smoked in a joint or bong, potent cannabis is typically mixed with tobacco. It's possible that marijuana was cut up for sale on the black market in a variety of different methods, some of which could have involved the utilization of inert plant pieces. Dried flowers risk being tainted with potentially hazardous compounds, including potassium fertilizer, glass, lead, talc, sand, and hairspray.

Hashish is the name given to the resin produced by the hemp plant, and it is often eaten in a crushed form. In addition to flowers, resin-coated foliage has the potential to be a source. It may be anything from a gray-brown to a matte-black color, depending on the materials utilized and the procedure used to produce it. Hashish is more potent than marijuana in terms of its psychotropic ingredients.

The Cannabis Plant

Cannabis is a plant that has been cultivated and processed for thousands of years for use in various products. Hemp, which is derived from the cannabis plant, has a wide array of utilities ranging from food and clothing to rope and paper. It is sometimes referred to as "industrial hemp." Over the last 10,000 years, people have been cultivating plants belonging to the hemp family, of which this plant is a member. This makes the hemp family one of the oldest cultivated plant families in the world.

For a significant amount of time, it was an essential component in the manufacturing process of various objects, playing the role of raw cannabis plants. After being removed from the plant, hemp fibers may be used for many applications, such as in producing textiles, ropes, and structural components. Additionally, hemp may be consumed; it is utilized in cooking oil and hemp products and is even regarded as a superfood in some circles.

There are male and female forms of the hemp plant. It's common for female plants to be bigger and have fuller foliage than their male counterparts. These plants have the potential to generate a resin that is both sticky and has a high THC content. The hemp plant develops a leaf that is both visually beautiful and functional.

hemp seeds

These leaves appear like fingers and often have seven individual leaves divided by finely serrated edges. This plant thrives in the warm, sunny climate of the tropics, the Mediterranean, or even a temperate zone like Central Europe, where it may be grown outside from the beginning of spring to the end of October. The plant's fiber and oils (produced from the seeds) are used in modern industry. However, it is against the law to own or trade the blossoms.


Cannabis is the name given to hemp in Latin. On the other hand, in several countries, this term refers to cannabis products with the psychoactive component known as THC. Cannabis refers to any female plant that produces blooms that contain intoxicating compounds. As a result of selective breeding, as opposed to hemp used for industrial purposes, it is easy to identify.

Cannabis grows to a height of 0.5 to 2 meters and produces many branches, while the latter develops to a height of up to 4 meters and has several side shoots. Cannabis is substantially shorter. Cannabinoids are present in every kind of marijuana, but tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the psychoactive component that causes users to feel high (THC).

On the other hand, cannabidiol, more often known as CBD, has gained popularity in recent years due to its potential to alleviate tension, pain, and anxiety. Both cannabinoids can be found in practically every variety of hemp, albeit in different amounts. Hemp grown for commercial purposes has a THC content that is less than 0.2% of that of marijuana used for recreational purposes.

Cannabis In Medicine

However, the psychoactive chemical has several applications in the medical and recreational sectors. It is pretty similar to the cannabinoid CBD, which may be used for recreational purposes as well as for medicinal purposes. Lavender oil has been demonstrated to help treat various health conditions, including insomnia and migraines, in addition to its traditional use as a stress reliever. After chemotherapy, it is given in high doses to patients as a medication to aid in managing chronic disorders.

Is Medicinal Cannabis The Same As Recreational Cannabis?

There is a widespread consensus that cannabis strains may be classified as either Indica, Sativa, or hybrid. The majority of individuals like Indica strains because of the relaxing effect they have on the body. As a result, smoking Indica may be an excellent way to wind down and catch some shuteye.

When spasticity and stiffness in the muscles are caused by conditions such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson's disease, medical professionals often resort to Indicas as a therapy option. They help alleviate acute as well as chronic kinds of neuropathic pain effectively. Both Sativa and Indica strains can stimulate hunger, which can help mitigate the unpleasant consequences of illness, such as nausea and vomiting.

On the other hand, Sativas can provide a unique form of alleviation for persistent discomfort. Because of their elevating and stimulating properties, Sativa strains are frequently used to treat nausea brought on by chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and medicines for HIV/AIDS. This is a common usage for Sativa strains.

What Is The Distinction?

The primary variation between products is found in the nature and quantity of their active ingredients. Cannabinoids exert their influence not just on the body but also on the brain, and they are primarily responsible for the effects that cannabis has. Most people are familiar with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), two of these substances that have both played key roles in current scientific studies. Tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol are found in cannabis.

The euphoric benefits of this substance are mainly attributable to the cannabinoid known as THC, which explains why it is so famous for recreational use. On the other hand, it is also effective as an antidepressant, a mood booster, a muscle relaxant, and a pain reliever. It can trigger either pleasant or bad sensations in a person, depending on the quantity and how that person reacts to it. On the other hand, CBD has a sedative effect and very few psychotropic effects, in contrast to THC.

CBD hemp capsules

It also has anti-psychotic, neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, and anti-anxiety benefits, which is the frosting on the cake. When it comes to medicinal marijuana, this is where things begin to take an intriguing turn. When it comes to cultivation, dehydration, and everything else, the law mandates strict regulations. It is cultivated in sterile circumstances, devoid of any contaminants that can impair its efficacy or tolerance, and it is not contaminated in any way.

In addition, its composition, as well as the number of active components that it contains, are examined to ensure that it is effective and to exclude the possibility of any changes in its quality. Analyses of impact, dose, and side effects are made much easier to perform with these templates, and it is more probable that optimal treatment outcomes will follow from these tools.

The Bottom Line

Cannabis capsules are usually made of gelatin and filled with oil flavored with cannabis. Cannabinoids and terpenes from cannabis can be taken in by the body in a steady stream. In contrast to smoking joints or using vaporizers, taking cannabis capsules is like taking any other kind of nutritional supplement.

Cannabidiol pills are another name for cannabis capsules. Cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol, both psychoactive parts of marijuana, may be in these pills. Tetrahydrocannabinol is what THC stands for. Taking THC in tablet form is an easy, safe, and precise way to get high and keep the effects going for a long time. This article looks closely at THC tablets and what they might be suitable for in the medical marijuana toolbox.

There is no inherent difference in potency between ingesting cannabis as edibles or capsules. How firm a product is directly related to how many cannabinoids are in it. It's possible that cannabis is still illegal in most parts of the world because there is no recommended dose for cannabis consumption. On the other hand, nothing can stop you from making or taking capsules where each serving has a different amount.

Tablets are a safer and more accurate way to take cannabis than smoking or vaping, and they come in a wide range of formulas to meet the needs of a wide range of patients. Pills are a great choice if you want to take THC often but don't want the extra carbs and calories that come with edibles. Because they are small and easy to carry, the tablets allow people who use cannabis for medical reasons to keep doing so even when traveling.

If you don't breathe in smoke, your health will be less likely to be hurt. Even though studies have shown that inhaling marijuana smoke is less dangerous than inhaling tobacco smoke, people who do it are still exposed to carbon monoxide and other toxins in amounts that could be dangerous. On the other hand, taking a pill is the most accurate way to get the right amount of cannabis. Because they aren't as obvious as smoking a joint, capsules are a much better choice for people who want to keep their identity secret.

THC pills can be swallowed with or without water, just like any other pill or vitamin. People who have never taken it before should start with a single 5–10 mg low-dose tablet. Because eating could delay the start of the effects of THC pills by about 30 minutes, taking the pill on an empty stomach could speed up the time it takes for the effects to start to kick in.

There are many different strains of cannabis that can be used for medical reasons. Most people who want to use cannabis for medical reasons choose to inhale cannabis flowers. You can use a vaporizer to get rid of the cannabis flowers. On the other hand, the most common ways to take medical cannabis are through cannabinoid-based medicines and full-spectrum extracts. Since the active ingredients are usually absorbed through the oral mucosa, you can tell when the drug starts to work by waiting fifteen to twenty minutes after taking it.

If you take cannabis as a tablet, it could be a standardized way to take it that is easy to use and lets you get the correct dose. People may also be more open to medical marijuana if they can get it in tablets, which are easy to hide and used by many people. If cannabis treatment were standardized in the form of tablets, costs like those for medical marijuana could likely go down.

Disclaimer: This material is for informational purposes only and should not be relied on for legal, medical, financial, or any other form of professional advice.

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Spend an evening around the campfire with friends or watching your favorite show with our ultra-relaxing Hashtab. Each swallowable tablet contains 25 mg of ice water hash.

Brands: Care By Design, Cannabis Type: CBD, Effects: Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Pain Relief, Flavor: Coconut Oil
Relax, soothe your body, recover from exercise, or promote a restful night’s sleep with our 1:1 ratio of soft gel capsules. The 1:1 ratio includes full-spectrum cannabis that is equal parts CBD, THC, and contains the minor cannabinoids THCa and CBDa in a convenient, simple capsule. Easy to dose, and potent, the 1:1 is perhaps our most popular ratio. Designed for experienced cannabis users and those looking for unwinding in the evening or needing a good night’s sleep. We’ve included coconut oil into our formula to support absorption in the body.
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Discrete, flavorless, odorless high-potency soft gels. These pharmaceutical grade soft gels are infused with Buddies award winning distillate. Easy, precise, consistent dosing. 

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200mg THC per capsule. Long-lasting, Discreet Relief. Precise and Potent Dosing. Potent THC cannabis oil in an easy-to-consume, precisely-dosed soft gel capsule. Batch-to-batch consistency of active THC in a price-effective solution for everyday use. 200mg THC is considered the highest dose of THC available, recommended only for experienced cannabis users.
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THC+ 8mg is for users with a medium to high tolerance, who seek the medicinal benefits of cannabinoids. For individual dosing, please consult your physician.
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Each swallowable tablet contains 25 mg of THC and takes effect in 30–90 minutes, with a duration of 2–4 hours. For a lighter dose, you can easily split one in half.

Effects: Mellow
Brands: Care By Design, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Stress Relief, Flavor: Coconut Oil
A favorite for those looking for all-day relief or an easy way to unwind at the end of a long day, our 4:1 soft gels are loaded with CBD, a moderate amount of THC, and minor cannabinoids THCa and CBDa. Designed for more experienced users, the 4:1 ratio is a great option for those who want occasional stress relief or whole body wellness. This ratio has enough THC to cause some psychoactivity depending on your sensitivity to THC. Designed to be dependable and consistent, the 4:1 is a powerful dose.
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Cannabis oil in an easy to consume, precisely dosed gel cap. Ideal for long-lasting relief. High-quality organic coconut oil (MCT) is added to aid absorption of the cannabis oil for optimal benefits.
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Proof’s 1:1 full spectrum capsules are equal parts CBD and THC and provide a balance of mind and body, with all the benefits of CBD and the psychoactive impact of THC. Vegan, sugar-free, and gluten-free, these capsules are mixed with healthful raw coconut oil for maximum benefit and absorption. This product is great for those seeking stronger relief. Proof’s 1:1 is unique in the market with its very high potency of THC and CBD per bottle, and is always compassionately priced, so that the products combine real affordability along with high potency and unmatched quality.  All Proof products are vegan, sugar free, gluten free, and...
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A favorite for those looking for all-day relief or an easy way to unwind at the end of a long day, our 4:1 soft gels are loaded with CBD, a moderate amount of THC, and minor cannabinoids THCa and CBDa. Designed for more experienced users, the 4:1 ratio is a great option for those who want occasional stress relief or whole body wellness. This ratio has enough THC to cause some psychoactivity depending on your sensitivity to THC. Designed to be dependable and consistent, the 4:1 is a powerful dose.
Cannabis Type: CBD
Effects: Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Stress Relief
Flavor: Coconut Oil
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Buddies Brand, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Calming

Discrete, flavorless, odorless high-potency soft gels. These pharmaceutical grade soft gels are infused with Buddies award winning distillate. Easy, precise, consistent dosing. 

Brands: Buddies Brand
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Calming
Brands: Buddies Brand, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Calming, Sleepy

These pharmaceutical grade soft gels are made with Buddies strain-specific, 100% live resin for a full spectrum cannabis experience. 

Brands: Buddies Brand
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Calming, Sleepy
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: ABX / absoluteXtracts, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Sleepy, Uplifted, Relaxed, Flavor: Cannabis Oil, Coconut Oil

ABX Sleepy Time is formulated with potent THC and a supporting blend of terpenes in an easy-to-consume, precisely-dosed gel capsule, designed to promote restful slumber. 

Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Sleepy, Uplifted, Relaxed
Flavor: Cannabis Oil, Coconut Oil
Brands: Care By Design, Cannabis Type: CBD, Effects: Good Sleep, Relaxed, Calm
Need comfort on the go? Our full-spectrum CBD 40:1 gel capsules offer a simple addition to your wellness routine. Take in the morning with a healthy breakfast to feel calm throughout the day, or before bedtime for a restful night’s sleep. Featuring our newest and most relaxing CBD-focused ratio, the 40:1 gel capsules are perfect for precision dosing. We have formulated this ratio specifically to be minimally psychoactive, making it great for those who have little to no experience with cannabis. Our formula includes minute amounts of THC and THCA, as well as CBDa in order to amplify your CBD wellness. Perfect for soothing temporary...
Cannabis Type: CBD
Effects: Good Sleep, Relaxed, Calm
Brands: Procana, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Pain Relief
These capsules are a great option for beginners looking for pain relief. The capsules is swallowed and takes about 30-60 minutes for activation in the body. Brings anxiety relief, reduces pain. 5 mg Capsules (20-count) 14 mg CBD, 1 mg THC per capsule
Brands: Procana
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Pain Relief
Brands: Procana, Cannabis Type: CBD, Effects: Sleepy, Stress Free, Relaxed, Flavor: Cannabis Oil, Coconut Oil
Vegan, sugar-free, and gluten-free, these capsules are mixed with healthful raw coconut oil for maximum benefit and absorption. This product is great for those seeking stronger relief.
Brands: Procana
Cannabis Type: CBD
Effects: Sleepy, Stress Free, Relaxed
Flavor: Cannabis Oil, Coconut Oil
Weight: 0.5 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Flav, Effects: Energetic, Flavor: Lemon

With a tantalizing tart jolt followed by a satisfying sweetness, these convenient little confections from Flav are long-lasting, melt in your mouth bliss.

Brands: Flav
Effects: Energetic
Flavor: Lemon
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: ABX / absoluteXtracts, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Sleepy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Flavor: Cannabis Oil, Coconut Oil
 Sleepy Time is formulated with potent THC and a supporting blend of terpenes in an easy-to-consume, precisely-dosed gel capsule, designed to promote restful slumber. Premium distillate cannabis oil and high-quality coconut oil (MCT) aid absorption of the cannabis oil for optimal benefits.
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Sleepy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed
Flavor: Cannabis Oil, Coconut Oil
Brands: ABX / absoluteXtracts, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Pain Relief, Uplifted, Relaxed, Flavor: Cannabis Oil, Gelatin, Coconut Oil
Cannabis oil in an easy to consume, precisely dosed gel cap. Ideal for long-lasting relief. High-quality organic coconut oil (MCT) is added to aid absorption of the cannabis oil for optimal benefits.
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Pain Relief, Uplifted, Relaxed
Flavor: Cannabis Oil, Gelatin, Coconut Oil
Brands: Papa & Barkley, Cannabis Type: CBD, Effects: Sleepy, Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Flavor: Vegan
Our Releaf Capsules are an easy and precise way to medicate on the go. Our Capsules encase our triple-tested whole plant oil into a precisely dosed capsule.  Each vegan capsule contains 30 mg of full spectrum cannabinoids. Available in 7 count and 30 count bottles. Directions We recommend a starting dose of one capsule daily and that it is best taken with food.  Please store the product in a cool and dry place. Use only as directed by a physician.
Cannabis Type: CBD
Effects: Sleepy, Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed
Flavor: Vegan
Brands: Procana, Cannabis Type: CBD, Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Joy, Joyful, Motivated, Sleep Soundly, Uplifted, Relaxed, Tingly, Happy, Flavor: Coconut Oil, Cannabis Extract, Vanilla, Cannabis Oil
Capsules are  a smoke-free and low-calorie way to ingest cannabis . Ingredients: Infused coconut oil, vanilla.
Brands: Procana
Cannabis Type: CBD
Effects: Motivate Your Mind, Joy, Joyful, Motivated, Sleep Soundly, Uplifted, Relaxed, Tingly, Happy
Flavor: Coconut Oil, Cannabis Extract, Vanilla, Cannabis Oil
Cannabis Type: CBD, Effects: Sleepy, Stress Relief, Pain Relief, Balanced, Relaxed, Calm, Flavor: Coconut Oil, Cannabis Flower
Proof’s 20:1 vegan and gluten-free capsules are a compassionately-priced, minimally intoxicating product with very low THC concentration and a generous amount of CBD. Mixed with healthful raw coconut oil for maximum benefit and absorption. Perfect for those new to cannabis or all-day consumers looking for the beneficial effects of whole-plant, full spectrum CBD. Ideal for anytime, easy, highly effective relief. Also great for pet owners looking for relief from anxiety or pain.  All Proof products are vegan, sugar free, gluten free, and cruelty-free, made by hand in their small facility in Northern California. Proof is a woman-owned and...
Cannabis Type: CBD
Effects: Sleepy, Stress Relief, Pain Relief, Balanced, Relaxed, Calm
Flavor: Coconut Oil, Cannabis Flower
Sold by : 1 seller

Gently alleviate aches and pain. Each swallowable tablet contains 25 mg of mildly psychoactive THCa and takes effect in 30–90 minutes, with a duration of 2–4 hours. 

Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Care By Design, Cannabis Type: CBD, Effects: Pain Relief, Relaxed, Flavor: Coconut Oil
Made for precision dosing.  18:1 soft gel capsules have been a long-time favorite of our customers, and we can’t blame them. The 18:1 soft gels are packed with CBD in a convenient supplement that can be taken during the day or evening. Typically this ratio results in little to no psychoactivity. The18:1 soft gel is perfect for calming occasional stress and supporting a sense of wellbeing throughout your day . Coconut oil is included in the formula in order to enhance absorption.  18:1 is designed for novice or expert cannabis users who are seeking relief. Whether taken at day or night, it can be your everyday comfort companion.
Cannabis Type: CBD
Effects: Pain Relief, Relaxed
Flavor: Coconut Oil
Brands: ABX / absoluteXtracts, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Calming, Happy, Flavor: Cannabis Oil, Gelatin, Coconut Oil
Cannabis oil in an easy to consume, precisely dosed gel cap. Ideal for long-lasting relief. We add high-quality organic coconut oil (MCT) to aid absorption of the cannabis oil for optimal benefits. (Use Caution: As with any edible, the intoxicating effects of this product may be delayed by up to 2 hours).
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Calming, Happy
Flavor: Cannabis Oil, Gelatin, Coconut Oil
Brands: Buddies Brand, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Calming, Energetic

These pharmaceutical grade soft gels are made with Buddies strain-specific, 100% live resin for a full spectrum cannabis experience. 

Brands: Buddies Brand
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Calming, Energetic
Brands: Procana, Cannabis Type: CBD, Effects: Sleepy, Balanced, Relaxed, Calm, Flavor: Cannabis Oil, Coconut Oil
Vegan, sugar-free, and gluten-free, these capsules are mixed with healthful raw coconut oil for maximum benefit and absorption. This product is great for those seeking relief. 
Brands: Procana
Cannabis Type: CBD
Effects: Sleepy, Balanced, Relaxed, Calm
Flavor: Cannabis Oil, Coconut Oil
Sold by : 1 seller

Indica Hashtab by LEVEL. Each swallowable tablet contains 25 mg of ice water hash and takes effect in 30–90 minutes, with a duration of 2–4 hours.

Brands: Care By Design, Cannabis Type: CBD, Effects: Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Pain Relief, Flavor: Coconut Oil
Relax, soothe your body, recover from exercise, or promote a restful night’s sleep with our 1:1 ratio of soft gel capsules. The 1:1 ratio includes full-spectrum cannabis that is equal parts CBD, THC, and contains the minor cannabinoids THCa and CBDa in a convenient, simple capsule. Easy to dose, and potent, the 1:1 is perhaps our most popular ratio. Designed for experienced cannabis users and those looking for unwinding in the evening or needing a good night’s sleep. We’ve included coconut oil into our formula to support absorption in the body.
Cannabis Type: CBD
Effects: Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Pain Relief
Flavor: Coconut Oil
Liquid Diamonds Soft Gels. These pharmaceutical grade soft gels are made with Buddies strain-specific, 100% live resin for a full spectrum cannabis experience. Ingredients: Gelatin, Glycerine, MCT Oil, Cannabis Extract
Brands: Buddies Brand
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Buddies Brand, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Calming

Discrete, flavorless, odorless high-potency soft gels. These pharmaceutical grade soft gels are infused with Buddies award winning distillate. Easy, precise, consistent dosing. 

Brands: Buddies Brand
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Calming
Brands: Procana, Cannabis Type: CBD, Effects: Sleepy, Inducing Appetite, Good Sleep, Dreamy, Balanced, Relaxed, Mellow, Calm, Flavor: Cannabis Oil, Coconut Oil
 Full spectrum cannabis extract. this unrefined extract maintains the full cannabis plant profile for maximum effects. Lab tested, the benefits of THC and CBD and cannabinoids for an enhanced Entourage Effect. 
Brands: Procana
Cannabis Type: CBD
Effects: Sleepy, Inducing Appetite, Good Sleep, Dreamy, Balanced, Relaxed, Mellow, Calm
Flavor: Cannabis Oil, Coconut Oil
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Sold by : 1 seller

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