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What Are Cannabis Concentrates?

Like the orange juice concentrate in the back of your fridge, cannabis concentrates are a condensed form of the plant's most prized components. Without the plant matter, they contain all the cannabinoids and terpenes of cannabis flowers. Compared to an ounce of raw cannabis flowers, the concentration of cannabinoids and terpenes in marijuana concentrates is far higher.

Cannabinoids and terpenes are responsible for the various effects, aromas, and smells associated with cannabis. Microscopic, sparkling structures called trichomes can be found throughout a cannabis plant. Concentrated cannabis is a more focused form of the trichomes that grow on the plant. Pick up any premium bud to see for yourself. Each and every part of the plant is covered in these frosty appendages, but they are most noticeable on the developing flower buds.

Because of their varied textures and consumption methods, cannabis concentrates make it possible to enjoy the plant's best qualities in a wide variety of contexts. Depending on the final product, cannabis concentrates and extracts can be consumed separately, added to a joint to increase its strength, or measured and incorporated into various foods.


Cannabinoids are chemical compounds that interact with the endocannabinoid system, which is found throughout the human body and brain. Cannabinoids have been extracted from the cannabis plant in 113 different forms by researchers up to this point.

One of the primary active components of cannabis is called THC, and it is primarily responsible for the well-known high that cannabis produces. Then there is CBD, which is responsible for many of the medical benefits that are associated with the cannabis plant. The cannabinoid profile of a cannabis strain has a significant impact on the strain's signature qualities.


Terpenes are a class of chemical compounds that can be discovered both in plants and insects. They give off a pungent odor, which probably serves to defend plants by discouraging potential predators and luring natural foes that feed on these invasive species.

Cannabis Terpenes

Over one hundred twenty distinct terpenes have been isolated from the cannabis plant thus far. They give different strains of cannabis their own unique flavor and can enhance the psychoactive and medicinal properties of the plant. A high-quality concentration is maintained for each of the cannabinoids and terpenes that have been extracted from the cannabis plant.


Terpenes and cannabinoids are present in the cannabis plant's trichomes, where they are also synthesized. This refers to the white crystalline hairs that cover the surface of the plant's inflorescences. They contribute to the buds' sticky stickiness. The term trichome is derived from Greek and means "hair growth."

Trichomes are thought to play a vital function in protecting cannabis plants from insects as well as the effects of the weather. Trichomes seem crystalline, but when handled, they release the resin they contain and become sticky. They are most typically seen in the calyxes of cannabis plants.

Cannabis has two types of trichomes: glandular and non-glandular. Cannabinoids and terpenes are produced by glandular trichomes, which are classified into three types: tuberous, head-shaped without a stalk, and head-shaped with a stalk. Tuberous trichomes are the tiniest, measuring 10-30 micrometers. They are evenly dispersed over the plant's surface.

cannabis trichome

The next biggest is stalkless head-shaped trichomes. These, however, are normally only visible under a microscope; they are frequently seen on the underside of the fan leaves as well as the little leaves that sprout from the cola. Finally, head-shaped trichomes with stalks are the most intriguing to us; they appear in vast quantities on the plant's blooms and can be seen with the naked eye at 50-100 micrometers.

Concentrates Of Different Types: Solvent Vs. Solvent-Free

The main distinction in concentrates is the contrast between extracted and non-extracted concentrates. For example, hashish is a well-known non-extracted concentration. Extracts are concentrations in which the active component of interest is dissolved from the cannabis plant using a solvent. Extracts can be further classified based on the finished product's consistency and if a solvent was employed. The most well-known extracts include budder, wax, and shatter.

Concentrates comprise a diverse range of items. The preparations and even the intake required to vary on the sort of concentrate you intend to manufacture. First, you must determine whether you want to test a solvent-free concentrate or a product that is created with the use of solvents.

Concentrates Without Solvent

Solvent-free concentrates are precisely what their name implies: they are concentrates produced without the use of solvents by the application of heat and pressure. Or, to put it another way, they aren't extracted. It is somewhat perplexing because water is not considered a solvent in cannabis extracts. As a result, concentrations made with water are not considered extracts.


  • The most straightforward concentrate
  • Can be gathered in a grinder
  • Trichomes pure
  • It can be smoked in a bong or spliff

Kief is the most basic type of concentration. It is made up of trichomes removed from the plant's blooms. Because trichomes are easily detached, kief is often produced inadvertently when buds brush against the wall of the container in which they are housed. You might take advantage of this by purchasing a grinder with a kief section, which would prevent the detached trichomes from being wasted.

However, you may produce kief on purpose by thoroughly shaking cannabis flowers through a fine filter. After that, the kief may be scraped off. Before you begin, place the cannabis flowers in the freezer for a few hours to let the trichomes fall off more easily. A pollinator with a spinning drum is an easy method to automate this procedure if you have the resources.

Kief may also be created by placing your cannabis flowers in the blender and covering them with cold water. Mix everything thoroughly and set aside for 30 minutes. After that, strain the mixture into a glass using a fine strainer. The water and kief will be separated from the rest of the plant material. After this, strain the kief water through a coffee filter to separate the kief and water. The kief can then be dried by squeezing the coffee filter.


  • Produced from compressed kief
  • Other cannabinoids besides THC are abundant
  • Aromas distinct and earthy
  • Known for producing a calming high
  • Making it quite simple

Hash is essentially a compressed kief. This raises the density and potency of the chosen trichomes even more. Hash is a traditional concentration that is popular all around the world. It is still the most prevalent mode of consumption in Europe, while bud consumption leads the pack in North America. The shoe technique is one approach to preparing hash.

Wrap the kief in cellophane firmly and store it in a plastic bag. The bag should be sealed and should not produce air bubbles. Place the bag on your shoe's heel and walk around with it. Within 15 minutes, a new product will be created via heat and pressure.

The longer you walk on it, the more concentrated you will be. Another option is to press your kief into a hash using a pollen press. This method relies heavily on physical force, allowing you to simply and inexpensively press your hashish talers. Using heat and pressure yields the greatest outcomes.

Wrapping your kief with organic cellophane or baking paper is another option. Soak the packet in warm water for ten minutes before placing it in a 175°C oven. Remove the package and apply the required pressure with a rolling pin or a pollen press. This method can be done numerous times to improve concentration.

cannabis kief

Furthermore, the kief can be wrapped as described above and pressed using a wine bottle filled with hot water. Pay attention to the color of the kief; if it changes rapidly after coming into touch with the hot bottle, it signifies you don't need to roll it over as firmly as possible to compress it. More effort will be required if the color changes take 30 seconds.


  • It is made from fresh buds
  • It is commonly smoked in a chillum
  • The "hand rolling" approach is employed
  • Very sticky

Charas is quite similar to hashish. The primary distinction is that Charas is created from unprocessed fresh-cut leftovers, whereas hashish is made from dried cannabis buds. Charas is quite popular, especially in India, and is generally marketed in the form of balls or little sticks.

It is smoked in a chillum, a pipe used by Hindu monks. Many Hindu currents worship Charas, believing Shiva to be the greatest god and Charas to be a portion of Shiva. When Charas is manufactured skillfully, the finished result is glossy and like glass marble.

Charas is created by rolling trichomes between your palms. First, wash your hands with fragrance-free soap. Then, take your preferred strain's new buds and softly work them between your fingers. Apply just enough pressure to release the resin without losing it. After you've worked the buds off, lay them aside and continue rubbing your palms together until the resin has formed a ball or stick. And your charas hash is ready.

Bubble Hash

  • Because it is produced from water, it is not an extract
  • Known for its high purity value
  • Delicious
  • Gaining popularity

The creation of bubble hash is becoming increasingly popular. Because water is not known to be a solvent, bubble hash is not referred to as a concentrate. In order to make bubble hash, cannabis flowers are put in a bucket with water and ice cubes.

The mixture is then agitated and filtered through numerous sieves of varying densities. Bubble hash may also be created in a washing machine. A more extensive explanation may be found here. Bubble hash has a very strong reputation due to its high-quality final result and purity, as well as the little chance of contamination.

The term "bubble" refers to a popular testing procedure used to determine the purity of various varieties of hashish. When smoked, high-quality hash should melt and start to bubble. This indicates that the product is made of trichome resin. If hashish begins to burn when heated, it includes both plant material and trichomes.

Rosin Hash

  • Resin removed with no solvent
  • Extracted with a smoothing iron or a specific equipment
  • It separates the resin from the petals
  • The risk of chemicals evaporating at high temperatures

Rosin hash is quickly becoming another scene favorite. Rosin is made by simply extracting the resin from untreated flowers. The finished product is believed to be remarkably similar to butane hash oil, but the contentious butane gas is not employed in the manufacturing process.

You'll need a straightening iron and baking paper to make raisin hash. When the iron has achieved a temperature of around 160°C, lay the buds wrapped in the baking paper between the heated surfaces and push them firmly together. To keep your hands safe, use oven mitts or a towel. After a few seconds, remove the straightening iron and baking paper.

Terpenes and cannabinoids evaporate at greater temperatures and higher pressures. These are lost, but the yield is higher. Remove the baking paper to reveal little chunks of amber rosin hash on the interior. If the hash does not readily scrape off the baking paper, place it in the freezer for a few hours, and the raisin will come out nicely. Cannabutter may be made from the remaining plant material.

Concentrates On Solvent

A solvent, as you may recall from chemistry class, is a liquid that dissolves a solid and transforms it into a liquid solution. Alcohol, butane, propane, and CO2 are common solvents in the cannabis industry. Water, as previously stated, is not considered a solvent. Extracts and, in most cases, hash oils are the names given to solvent-based concentrates.

cannabis concentrate

Extracts are frequently classed based on their consistency (wax, shatter, budder). However, the consistency is unrelated to the extraction process. The same extraction procedure can create numerous consistencies with the same beginning material, depending on how dry the starting material was and what end result you're targeting. As you can see, the extraction process and starting material are more relevant determinants of the extract's quality and texture than its uniformity.

Butane Hash Oil (BHO)

Butane Hash Oil (BHO) is a hash oil used to produce shatter, wax, budder, and many other types of hash oil. While this chemical is immensely popular, it is also recognized for its hazardous manufacturing. Because butane is required, home manufacturing can soon become hazardous owing to the fire threat - some home BHO studies have already ended in explosions.

BHO Variations


  • Solvent-based extract achieved with little agitation
  • Also known as "sap" or "pull-and-snap."
  • Extremely brittle
  • Frequently transparent

Shatter has a hard, glass-like consistency, as the name indicates (it means "to shatter," among other things in English). The concentrate is frequently translucent, although contrary to common assumption, clarity does not indicate purity.

Snap refers to shatter having a soft, liquid consistency, whereas pull-and-snap refers to elastic, toffee-like shatter. To create shatter, use one of the previously stated extraction techniques, but avoid any extraneous movement of the extract throughout the process to keep the glass-like consistency.


  • Produced in the same manner as shatter but with much greater agitation
  • All soft, non-transparent extracts are referred to by this name
  • Uneven molecular density

Wax is a general term that refers to any extracts that have a pliable and opaque substance. In most cases, the difference between shatter and wax is not attributable to the content of the extract but rather to the amount of agitation that was applied to it throughout the manufacturing process. When there is a lot of agitation, the molecules inside the extract are compressed in an uneven manner, which makes it more difficult for light to get through.

You are free to use any of the aforementioned methods of extraction when it comes to the manufacturing of wax. However, throughout the course of the production process, the extract ought to be agitated by shaking or by beating. You can find instructions that are more in-depth under the Honeycomb/Crumble and Budder sections, respectively.

The Sight And Feel Of Wax

BHO Honeycomb is a visually appealing concentration. It resembles a honeycomb because it is perforated with numerous holes formed by the suction created during pump cleaning. It is high in lipids, which give it a waxy look and render it solid and entirely opaque. It can also absorb terpenes extremely effectively, making it the greatest form of all BHO extracts. Honeycomb has become highly popular in recent years due to its unique taste.

A Glass Of Amber

  • Stunning amber appearance
  • Extremely pure
  • Aromas that aren't overpowering
  • To the touch, it feels firm

This may be the most gorgeous BHO extract. Nonetheless, its popularity has waned in recent years as other types of extracts have supplanted it. Amber Glass, on the other hand, was formerly one of the most popular BHO processes.

It is created via the hibernation or winterization process. All waxes are separated using cold water after extraction but before purification. This results in an extremely pure extract. This degree of refinement has benefits and drawbacks. While it is high in cannabinoids, it lacks other elements that many users prefer, such as tasty terpenes. Furthermore, some individuals feel that the small amount of terpenes reduces the entourage effect.

Terpene (Terp) With Diamond Sauce

  • Adaptable smoke
  • Exceptional purity
  • Clear, gel-like look

Terp Sauce, or BHO Diamonds, is an extract that isolates the THC-A (Tetrahydrocannabinolic acid) molecules and terpenes from everything else. As a result, users may create their own concoctions by combining different concentrations and intensities.

THC Acid

The THC-A molecules detach from the resin due to the pressure during cooling. As a result, there are two concentrates: one with THC-A and one with terpenes. It is then up to the user to decide whether or not to smoke them together and at what concentrations.


  • On a hot plate, it is gently whisked.
  • Regarded as a decent beginner's extract
  • A buttery texture

Budder refers to wax with a creamy, buttery feel. Budder is a suitable "beginner's extract" since it is easier to work with and more tolerant of errors than shatter. Shatter may be turned into a budder simply by moving it back and forth on a heated plate. The secret to producing budder is to work it gently yet energetically for a long time while it is still hot.

Remember that consistency requires more skill than effort. Therefore it may take some time to achieve the desired level of consistency. Even if you don't get it quite right, the concentration is just as strong and will accomplish the job as effectively.

Live Resin

  • Begin with frozen flowers
  • The terpene profile is quite rich
  • Producing is difficult

The variety of chemicals improves the entourage effect. The resulting product has a considerably richer terpene profile and is moister. The enhanced terpene content results not only in more powerful tastes but also in a broader spectrum of health advantages.

The downside of living resin is that freezing necessitates specialized laboratory equipment. Liquid nitrogen, which is maintained at -196°C, is frequently utilized. This effectively eliminates the possibility of producing Live Resin at home. Because of the additional complexities of the extraction process, Live Resin is often more costly than conventional extracts. Despite this, Live Resin is the best option for eating a terpene-rich concentrate.


  • Instances of BHO-like Manufacturing
  • Terpenes have greater longevity
  • Dangerous own production

PHO is similar to BHO, only it is made from propane instead of butane (thus the names - propane hash oil). PHO, like BHO, poses a fire hazard when made, although it's generally agreed that PHO poses less of a risk of contamination. Price-wise, PHO is preferable to BHO.


  • The ability to extract without introducing foreign materials
  • Different compounds can be isolated during the extraction process.
  • The process is quite complex.
  • Carbon dioxide at its supercritical state is used.

If you've ever used a vape pen, you've inhaled CO2 oil. CO2 oil is now dominating the industrial hash oil market because it has many advantages over other extraction methods, such as a contaminant-free extraction process, a high yield, and, most crucially, the ability to separate different cannabinoids and terpenes during extraction.

By adjusting the temperature and pressure of the supercritical CO2 used in the extraction process, the desired cannabinoids and terpenes can be isolated. Now, then, what's the catch? CO2 extraction is impractical for home usage since it necessitates costly equipment and laboratory knowledge.

Solvent-Based Cannabis Concentrations

More than a hundred cannabinoids, terpenes, and other components of the cannabis plant can be extracted using a variety of methods. Utilizing different solvents, including butane, CO2, propane, or alcohol, allows for the production of concentrates with varying concentrations and purities. The majority of these methods, however, call for specialized laboratory equipment and trained technicians. Butane and other solvents with high flammability potential might present fire hazards and require special attention.

Butane Extraction

Due to its adaptability and effectiveness, BHO extraction has quickly become one of the most popular methods. Besides these, you may utilize BHO to create shatter, wax, budder, and honeycomb. The THC content of BHO can exceed 90%, making it an extremely potent substance.

To make BHO, put cannabis buds in a container fitted with a screen or mesh and press the buds through the openings. Butane gas passes through the screen in the container, picking up cannabinoids and terpenes as it travels. Butane's non-polar hydrocarbon nature makes it well-suited for extracting compounds like cannabinoids and terpenes while leaving behind polar molecules like chlorophyll.

Cannabis oil extract

As the butane evaporates from the solution, it is transferred to a vacuum oven. Since the desired extract is eliminated during this process, it is sometimes referred to as purging. The use of butane in the production process leaves residual butane in the final product, which is a drawback. How harmful it is to inhale butane is unknown to us.

However, neopentane and hexane, both of which are known carcinogens, are often added to the gas in order to reduce its concentration. If BHO is extracted properly, the residual butane content in the final product should be negligible. In addition to BHO, consuming plant skins poses a health risk. The shiny appearance of peppers, for instance, is due to the thin plant skin that covers all plants.

When smoked, this coating disappears without a trace. According to research, vaporizing BHO exposes users to the wax layer, which can be inhaled and lead to the development of granulomas in the lungs. Some BHO makers employ unique methods to get rid of this wax coating. Granuloma's risks are largely unknown.

Dabbing, on the other hand, is thought by many experts to destroy the layer before it reaches the lungs due to the high temperatures utilized. The process used to remove BHO also carries some dangers. The BIC lighter in your pocket is evidence of how flammable butane is, and home BHO extraction has caused countless kitchen fires. The extraction of BHO is a dangerous process that should be left to experts.

There's also the issue of BHO's supposed potency. The effects of this extract are said to be more akin to LSD than those of cannabis. There have been reports of persons experiencing hallucinations and mental breakdowns. Starting with a low dose of BHO and increasing it as needed is the best approach.

Nonetheless, if you buy your BHO from a reliable expert provider, you can sidestep most of the pitfalls associated with this product. If you can find high-quality BHO that was produced in a safe manner, you may find the advantages to be worth the potential risks of performing this extraction method on your own.

Extraction Of Propane

Hash oil made using propane (PHO) is produced in the same way butane hash oil (BHO) is produced, with the exception that propane is used instead of butane. The pressure used in propane extraction is higher than that used in butane extraction, and the two methods yield different chemical compounds from the cannabis plant.

This process can help produce an extract with a lower wax content and improved terpene retention. Evaporation temperatures can be kept lower when working with propane than when dealing with butane. The final product has a buttery texture and fewer impurities because of this process. Propane, however, is a little more expensive than butane.

Creating PHO at home is just as dangerous as making BHO. Due to its high flammability, propane can cause an instant explosion if purifying procedures are not carried out by trained professionals or with sufficient safety equipment.

PHO's high terpene content results in a much more delicious high that is yet potent. PHO's primary shortcoming compared to BHO is that it can only be used to make budder consistent. On the other hand, if you're in the mood to sample a wide range of flavors, PHO is an excellent option. Find a reliable vendor, like BHO, to make your purchase from. Keep butane and propane in mind, as they are often used together in the extraction process by commercial manufacturers.

Alcoholic Extraction

Alcohol-based extraction involves soaking cannabis buds in alcohol to remove cannabinoids and terpenes. Polar alcohol molecules destroy water-soluble substances like chlorophyll, making alcohol-based extraction more challenging than other methods. The chlorophyll gives the extracted substance a grassy flavor, which is a dealbreaker for most dabbing enthusiasts.

However, there are means whereby you might forestall this. To begin, decide whether to use isopropanol or ethanol for the extraction process. Since ethanol is safe and pure, you can use it. Decarboxylating (as opposed to grinding) your cannabis before beginning the extraction procedure will minimize the likelihood of plant material dissolution and increase the availability of desirable compounds.

Bake the cannabis in an oven preheated to 106°C to 120°C for 30 minutes to an hour. Put the buds and ethanol in different freezer bags. Alcohol extraction allows for a greater concentration of terpenes and cannabinoids to be retained while decreasing the risk that chlorophyll and other plant components will be lost due to the lower temperatures required.

When the temperature of the alcohol and the buds reaches -17°C, take the containers out of the freezer and pour enough ethanol over the buds to cover them by 5 to 7 centimeters. The alcohol will soak into the food if you stir it enough. After three minutes, strain the solution to remove the plant matter and keep the alcohol.

Buds should not be submerged in alcohol for too long, as this can lead to the dissolution of unwelcome plant components. As soon as the plant material is dry, it can be utilized to make cannabutter or undergo a second round of alcohol extraction. Now comes the time to refine the ethanol. This can be done with a professional filter with a 12-40 micron screen or a regular coffee filter.


Put the filtered substance into a glass mold halfway filled with water. To release the solvent as bubbles, heat the mold from 70°C to 80°C. When the massive bubbles have deflated, sift the mixture once more. This time, you should wait until the tiny bubbles pop. It's possible you'll need to repeat Steps 1–2 again. A water-based extract can be converted into an alcohol-based extract by filtering the final extraction water.

The approach is safe to try at home, as you can see from the detailed description. However, ethanol is a highly flammable liquid that requires special precautions during storage and transportation. Alcohol extraction is a delicate process that requires careful attention to detail and ample time. It could take a few tries before things start functioning normally.

Differences Between Cannabis Flowers And Concentrates

Unlike the cannabis flower or bud, which is the plant's basic material, concentrates isolate the trichomes and concentrate them through the application of heat, pressure, and sometimes a solvent. The relative potency of cannabis flowers and concentrates is one of the most notable differences between the two forms. Because during processing, all but the most psychoactive components of the plant are removed, concentrates are always more powerful than buds.

A high-quality shatter or raisin may contain between 50 and 75 percent THC. CBD extracts, likewise, may consist entirely of CBD or may include both CBD and THC in varying proportions. With just a dab or a puff on the vaporizer, recreational users can experience the full effects of concentrates.

During the concentrate production process, the more delicate and uncommon cannabinoids and terpenes can be removed. Therefore, the flavor of cannabis flowers tends to be more pronounced. To preserve the full cannabinoid and terpene profile, the optimal extraction method employs unprocessed plant material (live extraction). To add, rosin has a remarkable ability to retain flavors.

The Bottom Line

Cannabis concentrates, like the orange juice concentrate in the back of your fridge, are a concentrated form of the plant's most valuable components. They include all the cannabinoids and terpenes found in cannabis flowers without plant debris. Compared to an ounce of raw cannabis flowers, marijuana extracts contain considerably more cannabinoids and terpenes.

Cannabinoids are organic compounds that interact with the endocannabinoid system of the human body and brain. So far, scientists have isolated 113 different cannabinoids from the cannabis plant. One of the essential active components is THC, which is largely responsible for the well-known cannabis high. Then there's CBD, which has many of the medical benefits of the cannabis plant. The combination of cannabinoids in a cannabis strain greatly determines its distinct personality.

Terpenes and cannabinoids are found in the trichomes of the cannabis plant, where they are also produced. This refers to the white crystalline hairs that cover the inflorescences of the plant. They add to the sticky stickiness of the buds. Trichomes originated from Greek and signify "hair growth." Trichomes are thought to have an important role in protecting cannabis plants from insects as well as weather influences. Trichomes appear crystalline, but when handled, they exude resin and become sticky. They are most commonly found in cannabis plant calyxes.

The primary distinction between concentrates is between extracted and non-extracted concentrates. Hashish, for example, is a well-known non-extracted concentration. Extracts are concentrated forms of the active component of interest that have been extracted from the cannabis plant using a solvent. Extracts are further categorized based on the resulting product's consistency and whether or not a solvent was used. Budder, wax, and shatter are among the most well-known extracts.

Solvent-free concentrates are exactly what their name implies: concentrates made without the use of solvents through the use of heat and pressure. To put it another way, they aren't even extracts. It's odd because, in the world of cannabis extracts, water isn't considered a solvent. As a result, water-based concentrations are not considered extracts.

As you may recall from chemistry class, a solvent is a liquid that dissolves a solid and converts it to a liquid solution. In the cannabis industry, typical solvents include alcohol, butane, propane, and CO2. As previously stated, water is not considered a solvent. Solvent-based concentrations are known as extracts and, in most cases, hash oils.

Several hundred cannabinoids, terpenes, and other cannabis plant components can be extracted using various methods. Using different solvents, such as butane, CO2, propane, or alcohol, concentrates of varying concentrations and purities can be produced. However, the majority of these procedures necessitate the use of specialized laboratory equipment and skilled specialists. Butane and other solvents with a high flammability potential may pose fire threats and necessitate additional precautions.

Butane is transported to a vacuum oven as it evaporates from the solution. Because the desired extract is purged during this process, it is also known as purging. The usage of butane in the manufacturing process results in residual butane in the finished product, which is a disadvantage. We don't know how dangerous inhaling butane is. However, neopentane and hexane, recognized carcinogens, are frequently added to the gas to lessen its concentration.

Propane hash oil (PHO) is made in the same way that butane hash oil (BHO) is made, with the exception that propane is used instead of butane. Propane extraction uses higher pressure than butane extraction, and the two processes yield different chemical components from the cannabis plant.

Concentrates, as opposed to the plant's core material, the cannabis flower or bud, isolate and concentrate the trichomes through heat, pressure, and sometimes a solvent. One of the most noticeable distinctions between cannabis flowers and concentrates is their potency. Because all but the most psychoactive components of the plant are eliminated during processing, concentrates are always more potent than buds.

Disclaimer: This material is for informational purposes only and should not be relied on for legal, medical, financial, or any other form of professional advice.

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Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Cannabiotix, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Chemical, Pine, Coffee
Through the process of hydrocarbon extraction our solvent-based concentrates consistently deliver a single-sourced high quality experience that captures the essence of some of our most unique in-house genetics. We have adopted a variety of tools and methods to ensure that all the indoor flower we use for our concentrates is harvested at the appropriate time, freshly frozen, and immediately processed at cryogenic temperatures to capture the full flavor of each extracted strain. Our extracts then undergo a low temperature, low vacuum purge process, to clean our concentrates of all remaining solvent while also preserving the highest level of...
Brands: Cannabiotix
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Chemical, Pine, Coffee
Weight: 1 g
Brands: Raw Garden, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Hybrid, Effects: Happy, Giggly, Get Active, Motivate Your Mind, Uplifted, Energetic, Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Slymextreme Live Resin Slymer x Extreme OG Sativa Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier consistency...
Brands: Raw Garden
Cannabis Type: Sativa, Hybrid
Effects: Happy, Giggly, Get Active, Motivate Your Mind, Uplifted, Energetic
Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Orange, Citrus, Berry
Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier consistency than Raw Garden Sauce.
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Orange, Citrus, Berry
Weight: 1g
Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Hungry, Flavor: Honey, Mango, Blueberry
Live Rosin badder combines fresh terpenes and a potent cannabis profile ensuring a smooth hit. Cresco Labs created Blueberry Space Cake as a combination of Outer Space with Alien Dutchess.  The top reported aromas of the Blueberry Space Cake strain are berries, tropical fruit, and spices. Its flavors match with a palate of pineapple, blueberry, and pepper.
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Hungry
Flavor: Honey, Mango, Blueberry
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Punch Edibles & Extracts, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Flowery, Strawberry, Berry
Strawberry Jelly is a tasty cross between Strawberry Banana and Jelly Rancher. About this strain: Strawberry  Strawberry is an enigma of a cultivar with unknown genetics and an unknown breeder, though most online sources agree this strain was born in the Netherlands. Those who have sampled Strawberry claim it tastes like sweet, fresh berries with an earthy finish and smells of pungent fruit.
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Flowery, Strawberry, Berry
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused, Creative, Happy, Flavor: Woody, Coffee, Sweet, Chemical, Pine
Our Curated Live Resin captures the true essence of the plant in extract form. The whole plant is cut and harvested then immediately flash frozen, preserving the full spectrum of cannabinoids and flavor. This process delivers the pinnacle of potency, flavor and consistency. WHITE WALKER / INDICA · Taste: Pine, Sweet, Woody · Feeling: Relaxed, Focused, Creative · Description: This relaxing yet focused hybrid is ideal for your daily recharge. White Walker provides a satisfying smoke with a piney finish. About this strain: White Walker OG  White Walker OG (not to be confused with White Walker Kush) is a California native created by the...
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused, Creative, Happy
Flavor: Woody, Coffee, Sweet, Chemical, Pine
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Bear Labs, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Energetic, Cerebral, Euphoric, Flavor: Creamy, Skunk
BEAR Labs Cold Cure Rosin Biohazard OG a Tier 3 full spectrum live rosin sauce, it is a 50/50 hybrid that gives a strong cerebral euphoric boost with a nice energized high but soon turns into a couch lock sedation. Would recommend for evening & night time consumption. The aroma when you open the jar is a pungent diesel gasoline smell with some creamy cookies undertones, a great funky terp. The flavor profile is like the scent, has a creamy cough dough with some diesel on inhale, then a skunky herbal taste on exhale. It is a very saucy consistency so scoop once when you are going to put it on the heat source. A real nice yellow color with...
Brands: Bear Labs
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Energetic, Cerebral, Euphoric
Flavor: Creamy, Skunk
Brands: Dripp Extracts, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy, Happy, Flavor: Spicy/Herbal, Mint, Lemon, LINALOOL, myrcene
Dripp Extracts Live Resin Kush Mints Badder is made from exclusively high quality Cannabis flower frozen immediately upon harvest, never dried or cured. The result is a high terpene full spectrum extract of the highest quality. The widely recognized Kush Mints strain exhibits a full-bodied floral flavor paired with a tart aromatic finish. The terpenes found in Kush Mints, mycrene and caryophyllene, contribute to a nostalgic profile of classic Kush. About this strain: Kush Mints Kush Mints is a cross of Bubba Kush pollen and the clone-only Animal Mints strain bred by Seed Junky Genetics in Southern California. The experts at Seed Junky...
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy, Happy
Flavor: Spicy/Herbal, Mint, Lemon, LINALOOL, myrcene
Brands: Raw Garden, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Lift Your Spirits, Euphoric, Creative, Energetic, Happy, Flavor: Citrus, Lemon, Fruity
Lemon Gas Live Resin Chemdawg x 4 A.M. x Triangle Kush Sativa Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a drier...
Brands: Raw Garden
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Lift Your Spirits, Euphoric, Creative, Energetic, Happy
Flavor: Citrus, Lemon, Fruity
Brands: Imperial Extracts, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Energetic, Happy, Flavor: Grapefruit, Citrus, Lemon
Pink Lemonade Shatter by Imperial Extracts [ 1.0 g Shatter] - Contains THC 83.00%, CBD ND% Extraction yielded a glistening resin, golden and savory... the zest of fresh cannabis flavor packed into a dab of 80/20 Indica dominant goodness About this strain: Pink Lemonade  Pink Lemonade (Unknown Breeder).Pink Lemonade is a bit of mystery and not to be confused by Annunaki’s Pink LemonAid or Mosca Seeds Pink Lemon-Aid, there’s also a Pink Lemonade strain that has mysterious origins. This fruity strain comes from unknown parents that some sources online report as Purple Kush, Lemon Skunk, and a third strain that is not disclosed. No seeds...
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Energetic, Happy
Flavor: Grapefruit, Citrus, Lemon
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused, Creative, Flavor: Earthy, Sweet, Berry, Vanilla, Blueberry
Beginning with fresh frozen specific genetics and only the frostiest hand-picked tops, our fine-tuned solventless extraction process produces clean, high-quality concentrate that represents the pure full flavor and sensation of each specific cannabis strain. Our Live Rosin Jam is cured for just the right time and temperature, ensuring consistent quality to bring out the natural terpene and flavor profile. BERRY PIE / SATIVA · Taste: Berry, Sweet, Earthy · Feeling: Uplifting, Focused, Creative · Description: Berry Pie is an uplifting sativa marked by sweet, berry notes, perfect to keep your day moving.
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused, Creative
Flavor: Earthy, Sweet, Berry, Vanilla, Blueberry
Weight: 1 g
Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy, Flavor: Tropical, Mango, Sweet
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy
Flavor: Tropical, Mango, Sweet
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Happy, Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed, Flavor: Apple, Fruity
Apple Fritter Refined Live Resin™ Diamonds Sour Apple x Animal Cookies Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Made from pure Cannabis flowers. Wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Refined Live Resin™ Diamonds are 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Raw Garden Live Resin™ Diamonds contain...
Brands: Raw Garden
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Happy, Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed
Flavor: Apple, Fruity
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Diesel, Earthy, Berry

Our diamonds are carefully curated to be of the highest quality and functionality, making them perfect for any cannabis lover looking for an elegant and sophisticated addition to their stash. Whether you're a consumer looking for a luxurious treat or a professional seeking the best possible product, our diamonds are sure to please you.

Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Diesel, Earthy, Berry
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Giggly, Get Active, Uplifted, Energetic, Happy, Flavor: Lemonade, Lemon
Lemon Tart Live Resin Key Lime Cookies x Lemonade x Badlands Walker Sativa Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Giggly, Get Active, Uplifted, Energetic, Happy
Flavor: Lemonade, Lemon
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Korova, Cannabis Type: CBD, Effects: Happy, Flavor: Chocolate, Sugar Sweet, Sweet
Exceptional flavors and convenient dosing make Korova’s mini cookies an easy choice for customers looking for single doses of 10mg THC. Our Chocolate Chip Cookies are made from an award winning recipe. Exploding with chocolate chips and brown sugar, these sweet buttery treats are sure to please! 10 per pack. Sweet buttery treats, with chips and brown sugar!
Brands: Korova
Cannabis Type: CBD
Effects: Happy
Flavor: Chocolate, Sugar Sweet, Sweet
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Happy, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Euphoric, Flavor: Cannabis Flower, Banana
Banana Cookies OG Live Resin Banana OG x Kimbo Cookies x Dos y Dos Indica Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and comes in a...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Happy, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Euphoric
Flavor: Cannabis Flower, Banana
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Crown Genetics, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Skunk, Mint, Earthy
Silver Haze shatter made by the ReUp brand. About this strain: Silver Haze  A classic sativa strain with THC levels averaging at 20-24%, Silver Haze is considered one of the most potent sativa strains on the market. Its effects are frequently reported as heavily cerebral, uplifting, and energizing. Silver Haze has two origin stories.  Origin 1: Silver Haze by Sensi Seeds This Silver Haze originates in the 1980s as a hybrid of Silver Pearl x Haze. Silver Pearl is a hybrid of Early Pearl x Skunk #1/Northern Lights.  Origin 2: Silver Haze by Shantibaba and Mr. Nice This Silver Haze originates with breeders Scott Blakey (AKA...
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Skunk, Mint, Earthy
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Almora Farm, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Happy, Talkative, Relaxed, Flavor: Earthy, Sweet
Almora Solventless Live Rosin Concentrate is single-origin, single-harvest rosin, brought to you by California's most trusted sun-grown flower brand. High-quality cannabis buds are flash-frozen and bathed in ice water to gently separate trichome heads, delivering incredible terpene profiles and powerful cannabinoids for the truest expression of the flower. Sweet tooth? We’ve got just the thing. Dos Berries is the tasty result of crossing Brr Berry and Do-Si-Dos. It’s a happy strain that smacks of berries and sweet earth, relaxing your mind and easing your body in equal measure. While Dos Berries is firmly in the Indica camp, some...
Brands: Almora Farm
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Happy, Talkative, Relaxed
Flavor: Earthy, Sweet
Weight: 1g
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Focused, Creative, Flavor: Earthy, Sweet, Berry

A strain of weed with a unique genetic profile, BERRY PIE sativa is a medium-sized plant with a shape that resembles the fruit of the same name. This sativa has a sweet and fruity flavor along with a high that delivers an uplifting and euphoric effect.

Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Focused, Creative
Flavor: Earthy, Sweet, Berry
Weight: 1 g
Flavor: Apple

Apple Fritter provides a calming and uplifting high that will lift your spirits, kill any anxiety or stress and allow you to maintain a mellow mood. 

Flavor: Apple
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Get Active, Uplifted, Energetic, Happy, Giggly, Flavor: Floral, Tea, Citrus
Lemon Blossom Live Resin Super Lemon Haze x (Slymer x Sour Stomper) (Citrus / Floral / Tea) Sativa Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7%...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Get Active, Uplifted, Energetic, Happy, Giggly
Flavor: Floral, Tea, Citrus
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Spicy/Herbal, Garlic, Spicy
Our first press Live Rosin badder combines fresh terpenes and a potent cannabis profile ensuring a smooth hit. STIIIZY’S hand-crafted solventless line of extracts starts with premium flower. We combine ice, water and flower then gently agitate, separating the ripe trichomes. Once separated, the delicate trichomes are immediately frozen then dried. Then we sieve and sift, keeping everything cold throughout the process to ensure maximum quality and taste. At no point do we use any type of chemicals during our extraction process. GARLIC MINTS / INDICA · Taste:  Musky, Spice, Diesel · Feeling:  Calming, Happy, Relaxing ·...
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Spicy/Herbal, Garlic, Spicy
Weight: 1g
Brands: Twenty Two K / 22k, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy, Flavor: Vanilla, Sweet, Berry, Ice Cream Cake
From Sun Fed Flower grown on the hillsides of Mendocino County. The rich soil, Mediterranean climate, thick morning marine layer, and vast temperature ranges make for a unique flavor to the finished herb that many believe to be the reason California weed is the benchmark. Expect that quality to shine through our extract line. Exciting the taste buds in true 22K fashion. About this strain: Ice Cream Cake  Multiple breeders have a cultivar named Ice Cream Cake in their genetics library. Ice Cream Cake by Mad Scientist Genetics Ice Cream Cake by Mad Scientist Genetics is a cross of Cheesecake and Dream Cookie, two cultivars with GSC...
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy
Flavor: Vanilla, Sweet, Berry, Ice Cream Cake
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: NASHA, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Lemon, Sweet, Berry, Vanilla, Pungent, Citrus
LINEAGE: London Pound Cake X Kush Mints TASTE: Sweet, Dough, Spicy FEELING: Relaxing, Euphoric FARM: Whitethorn Valley Farm PLACE GROWN: Lost Coast Appellation, Humboldt County, CA CULTIVATION STYLE: Regenerative Soil, Sungrown Red: It has a greater amount of oil than plant material. It is very sticky and oily, giving smooth and flavorful smoke. About this strain: London Pound Cake  An indica-dominant hybrid from the breeders at California-based Cookies Fam Genetics, London Pound Cake is a cross between Sunset Sherbet and an unknown hybrid strain (the breeders have kept the strain's true lineage under wraps). With a THC content of...
Brands: NASHA
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Lemon, Sweet, Berry, Vanilla, Pungent, Citrus
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Pure Vape, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy, Flavor: Earthy, Sweet, Berry
Pure® Dabbables is a potent concentration of activated THC made from Premium  cannabis strains.  Pure® oil is extracted and purified then blended with our unique terpene profiles to create a fully edible and ready to smoke product. You can now enjoy 1000mg of all natural Pure® oil.  Dab it, eat it, roll it up and enjoy it!
Brands: Pure Vape
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Relaxed, Sleepy, Happy
Flavor: Earthy, Sweet, Berry
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Energetic, Happy, Lift Your Spirits, Euphoric, Flavor: Orange
Citrus Slurm Refined Live Resin™ Crushed Diamonds Slymer x (Slymer x Cherry Slurm) Sativa Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden™ is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Our Crushed Diamonds are pure THCa and contain varietal-specific terpenes from Raw Garden’s fresh frozen flowers. Crushed Diamonds deliver the same power and purity you’ve come to expect from our...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Energetic, Happy, Lift Your Spirits, Euphoric
Flavor: Orange
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Dripp Extracts, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Relaxed, Aroused, Euphoric, Flavor: Grape Soda, Grape, Earthy
Dripp Extracts Live Resin Grape Soda Sugar is made from a combination of fine THCa crystals drenched in live resin, cannabis derived, terpenes. The size of these crystals allows for maximum saturation. Therefore giving this extract a very distinct and robust flavor, to go along with its high levels of THC. This is perfect for a consumer looking for something potent without having to sacrifice the fulfilling pleasure of great flavor. This strain carries rich grape nectar notes with a mellow, woody body. A minor constituent terpene of Grape Soda knowns as alpha-ocimene has been studied for its novel anticonvulsant properties. About this...
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Relaxed, Aroused, Euphoric
Flavor: Grape Soda, Grape, Earthy
Brands: West Coast Cure, Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Spicy/Herbal, Pine, Earthy
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Spicy/Herbal, Pine, Earthy
Brands: Raw Garden™, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Elevated Experience, Happy, Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Kosher Kush #10 Live Resin Kosher Kush Pheno Indica Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from Cannabis flower grown by Raw Garden in Central California using entirely organically-based and Clean Green-certified farming techniques that is...
Brands: Raw Garden™
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Elevated Experience, Happy
Flavor: Cannabis Flower
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: 710 Labs, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy, Flavor: Chemical, Diesel, Earthy

Introducing Gummiez! A delicious and potent hybrid with 78.05% THC; perfect for those looking for a medical marijuana strain that will have you feeling like you're in a candy store. Composed of Sugar Plum, Strawberry Haze, and OG Kush genetics, this Indica-dominant hybrid is said to provide a euphoric high that's perfect for treating chronic pain and insomnia. Whether you're a recreational cannabis consumer or a healthcare professional looking for a powerful treatment option, Gummiez is an ideal choice.

Brands: 710 Labs
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Happy
Flavor: Chemical, Diesel, Earthy
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Jetty Extracts, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Happy, Relaxed, Euphoric, Flavor: Flowery, Citrus
West Coast OG creates a euphoric full-body high accompanied by a mouthwatering floral and citrus aroma. Grab a friend, watch the sunset, and be reminded why the West Coast is the best coast! Similar to the consistency of cake badder, Live Badder is whipped to perfection. This homogenization technique results in a harmonious marriage of terpenes and cannabinoids.The craft approach is taken to concentrates with small batches made from premium fresh frozen cannabis. We aim for big flavor and broad terpene profiles, and never start out with a set menu. That means a variety of concentrate types like rosin, badder, sauce, sugar or diamonds, and...
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Happy, Relaxed, Euphoric
Flavor: Flowery, Citrus
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted
Beach Party 2 Live Resin Cindy Punch x Slymer x Kosher Chem Pheno Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. These products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Live Resin is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 4-7% terpenes and...
Brands: Raw Garden
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Motivate Your Mind, Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: NASHA, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Vanilla, Earthy, Sweet

Wedding Pie is the perfect hybrid for your special day. With a mix of Wedding Cake and Grape Pie, this strain will give you a sweet, lemony, and gassy high that will put your mind at ease. The Red Pressed Hash is incredibly sticky and oily, providing smooth and flavorful smoke.

Brands: NASHA
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Vanilla, Earthy, Sweet
Brands: Hash and Flowers, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Energetic, Happy, Flavor: Diesel, Citrus, Lemon
Live hash rosin made from single source whole plant fresh frozen. Lemon Goji Sour Diesel is a cross between lemon goji and sour diesel. The lemon is subtle and the sour diesel is heavy. The terps are straight old school funky sour diesel. About this strain: Sour Diesel  Also known as Sour D and East Coast Sour Diesel (or ECSD,) Sour Diesel is a prolific strain with somewhat tumultuous origins. According to online sources, Sour Diesel gained prominence in New York in the mid-90s when breeder AJ (short for A**hole Joe,) accidentally pollinated a Chemdog 91 female with pollen from a Super Skunk he acquired during a trip to Amsterdam. The...
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Energetic, Happy
Flavor: Diesel, Citrus, Lemon
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden, Cannabis Type: Indica, Hybrid, Effects: Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy, Flavor: Cannabis Flower, Banana
Lava Island Live Sauce Lava Cake x Banana OG Indica Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Our products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis. Raw Garden Sauce is 100% Cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from 100% cannabis flower grown using mindful and sustainable farming practices. Contains approximately 7-14% terpenes and comes in a wetter consistency...
Brands: Raw Garden
Cannabis Type: Indica, Hybrid
Effects: Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric, Sleepy
Flavor: Cannabis Flower, Banana
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Sputnik, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Energetic, Happy, Flavor: Pine, Mango, Earthy
King Louis XIII Badder Indica Sputnik is committed to extracting premium cannabis to bring maximum quality and taste at a consumer friendly price. King Louis XIII will have you reminiscing about your last camping trip; its terpene profile has an outstanding smell of pine and musky earth. With a 89.9% cannabinoid profile ; King Louis XIII lives up to its expectations as an Indica leaving your body and mind relaxed and feeling like you are in a Euphoria. King Louis is a great mood booster , with a great advantage of leaving you feeling happy and uplifted. This strain helps aid the following symptoms: -Mood Stablizer -Anxiety -Tension /...
Brands: Sputnik
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Lift Your Spirits, Uplifted, Relaxed, Euphoric, Energetic, Happy
Flavor: Pine, Mango, Earthy
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Sativa, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused, Euphoric, Happy, Flavor: Strawberry, Diesel, Berry, Tree Fruit, Spicy/Herbal
Our first press Live Rosin badder combines fresh terpenes and a potent cannabis profile ensuring a smooth hit. STIIIZY’S hand-crafted solventless line of extracts starts with premium flower. We combine ice, water and flower then gently agitate, separating the ripe trichomes. Once separated, the delicate trichomes are immediately frozen then dried. Then we sieve and sift, keeping everything cold throughout the process to ensure maximum quality and taste. At no point do we use any type of chemicals during our extraction process. STRAWBERRY DIESEL / SATIVA · Taste: Fruity, Diesel, Herbal · Feeling: Euphoric, Uplifted, Focused · Description:...
Cannabis Type: Sativa
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused, Euphoric, Happy
Flavor: Strawberry, Diesel, Berry, Tree Fruit, Spicy/Herbal
Weight: 1 g
Brands: Big Chief
Chief OG Live Resin Diamonds
Brands: Big Chief
Weight: 1g
Brands: Imperial Extracts, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Tingly, Flavor: Banana

Banana Breath shatter is an incredibly potent wax concentrate made from the fruit of the banana. This cannabis concentrate is excellent for those searching for a high THC range strain of cannabis. It contains 83% THC and 0% CBD, making it a potent strain ideal for recreational use.

Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Tingly
Flavor: Banana
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: West Coast Farms, Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Euphoric, Sleepy, Happy, Flavor: Pine, Orange, Nutty
A cross between Grapefruit, Blueberry, and African Sativa, this Indica Hybrid is great for treating insomnia, anxiety, and pain. It’s got a sweet aroma and will leave you feeling relaxed and happy. West Coast Farms Sugar is 100% cannabis – no additives, fillers or artificial flavors. Made from cannabis flower grown by West Coast Farms all organically grown and Cryogenically Flash-Frozen. Contains approximately 8-14% terpenes. About this strain: Diablo  Diablo was created by the pros at British Columbia-based Next Generation Seed Company when they combined Blueberry, Grapefruit, and a handful of South African sativa landrace strains....
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Euphoric, Sleepy, Happy
Flavor: Pine, Orange, Nutty
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller
Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused, Flavor: Grape, Diesel, Pepper
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Uplifted, Relaxed, Focused
Flavor: Grape, Diesel, Pepper
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Raw Garden, Cannabis Type: Indica, Effects: Sleepy, Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric, Flavor: Natural
Gorilla Funk Refined Live Resin™ Crushed Diamonds GG4 x Leeroy OG Pheno Indica Hybrid Raw Garden™ aspires to a higher standard. It’s for when you want to experience more. Do more. Celebrate more. Unwind more. Products are made from pure Cannabis flowers. They are wonderful to taste and are rigorously tested to the most exacting quality standards, which is why Raw Garden™ is the most trusted and best-selling brand in Cannabis.  Crushed Diamonds are pure THCa and contain varietal-specific terpenes from Raw Garden’s fresh frozen flowers. Crushed Diamonds deliver the same power and purity you’ve come to expect from original Refined...
Brands: Raw Garden
Cannabis Type: Indica
Effects: Sleepy, Happy, Sleep Soundly, Relaxed, Euphoric
Flavor: Natural
Sold by : 1 seller
Brands: Connected Cannabis Co., Cannabis Type: Hybrid, Effects: Relaxed, Focused, Happy, Flavor: Tropical, Earthy, Sweet, Chemical, Creamy
 Live Sauce version of our Guava x Gelato 41  This strain is steeped in creamy, tropical aromas. The buds take on a dense structure that is representative of its parental lineage while emitting an aroma all its own. Guava 2.0's effects are indica-forward, which makes for an effective strain when combating stress and pains. A cross between Stardawg with Afghani indica, the cannabis breeder Flavour Chasers are the original creators of the indica-leaning hybrid Guava. According to the breeder, Guava carries a fruity and tropical flavor found on both the plant and buds, and provides THC levels of up to 21%.
Cannabis Type: Hybrid
Effects: Relaxed, Focused, Happy
Flavor: Tropical, Earthy, Sweet, Chemical, Creamy
Weight: 1 g
Sold by : 1 seller

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