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Facts About CBD

What To Know Before You Try CBD

Weedbates Contributor

Not all people know CBD, its benefits, and its side effects. People have many misconceptions regarding CBD, and we will discuss many details on the subject matter in this article. Please note that anxiety patients might be aware that CBD used to be illegal, but now, many countries, including the U.S., have legalized it.

The medical name of CBD is Cannabidiol, an element derived from a plant named Cannabis, which also contains THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol. The THC leaves a high effect on anxiety patients, whereas people also take it in the form of recreation.

The difference between THC and CBD is that the former is a psychoactive compound, whereas CBD has non-psychoactive qualities; however, both are similar in terms of medicine. However, THC has some adverse effects compared to CBD, which by contrast, does not make you feel stoned and ends up arguably producing more benefits.

Benefits Of CBD In Certain Medical Conditions

CBD oil is becoming very popular, but you need some research to see if it is legal in your state or not. Many mental issues get relief through CBD, like anxiety, schizophrenia, PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder.

CBD is also helpful in some physical issues such as arthritis, such as CBD oil is greatly helpful in relieving joint pain. At the same time, CBD cream has anti-inflammatory properties.

It is also helpful in early epilepsy that occurs during childhood. You can also treat seizure issues through this substance. According to some research, CBD also reduces the adverse effects of chemotherapy. However, this research is not sufficient as there is more to go to find the role of CBD in several physical and mental disorders.

Various types of CBD

You can’t take CBD in its original form; instead, experts converted the plant into oil, cream, tincture, lotion, pills, edibles, capsules, as well as vaping. People use them according to their needs or in the case of any health issue. Let’s explore these types in detail.

CBD As Medicine

CBD in the form of pills and capsules is also quite common, and many doctors suggest them to treat various digestive problems. In addition, the medication named Epidiolex also helps treat seizures through its high strength. 

Research from trusted sources shows that CBD pills are highly effective in several mental and physical conditions. However, pills affect faster than capsules, so you can take pills if you want quicker treatment. In comparison, you can go for CBD capsules to slowly cure any disorder.

CBD Liquids

This type of CBD includes oils and tinctures, and both have specific methods to use them. You can pour the CBD liquid under your tongue where the capillaries can instantly sock it. This form suits those who don’t like pills and capsules or any other form of CBD.

Its capsules contain oil that you have to take orally. However, a mixture of CBD oil and some lotion can also help reduce muscle stiffness or aching. Whatever CBD form you use should come from a reliable source and contain a complete list of the ingredients.

Topical CBD

Topicals include creams to apply externally on the affected body parts.  CBD lotions are also topical, and you can rub them in an area that leaves you with pain or skin issues such as psoriasis and eczema.  It is highly beneficial for arthritis-related pains, and many men and women use this type of CBD.

What Are CBD Edibles?

The most common and delicious CBD edibles are gummies. This is because they don’t cost much; besides, their portability makes them more attractive. Moreover, you are clear about the doses instead of having to guess. CBD edibles are readily available in the form of biscuits, spices, etc.

What is the Vaporized CBD?

Vaporized CBD allows you to inhale it as oil, instantly affecting the body. E-cigarettes are available in this case that youngsters often take or those who don’t like any other forms. 

The Vaporized CBD enters your lungs, moving to the blood, producing instant results. However, there is a debate regarding vaping CBD, and some say it has adverse effects on the lungs, which is why some oppose this statement. Therefore, more research is required on vaporized CBD.

The Right Dose Of CBD

Now that you know various types of CBDs, you have to keep in mind the quantity you consume. In the beginning, take a minimum amount of CBD, but you can increase it slowly. Besides, CBD comes from different sources, which also makes it challenging to determine the correct dose, so be careful in this case.

“You should see your body’s reaction after taking CBD and should proceed accordingly. Most CBD dosages went through research studies, but still, we need more research to find the right dose of CBD according to the issue”, stated Lindsay Slowiczek.

You can choose the dose according to the product package or ask your doctor. Don’t increase its quantity until your doctor recommends you to have it. Those having liver problems should take a small dose as CBD can become adverse. It would be good to avoid CBD in any liver disease altogether.

The reason for taking CBD also determines its dose. For example, experts of the Arthritis Foundation recommend low doses of CBD initially, particularly a few milligrams once or twice a day. However, you can increase the quantity after one week if the pain is still there. Moreover, the dose may vary in the case of some other health condition. 

Ask your doctor if you are already taking any drugs as CBD can react with it, affecting your health.

What To Consider While Taking CBD

Those who want to treat seizures with CBD should consult their doctor about the correct dose. Likewise, your doctor would also suggest the best product among many others available in the market.

If you take oil in a dropper that contains one milligram, it means you are sure what you are taking. For instance, taking two drops means you are taking 2 milligrams, so everything is clear about the quantity you are consuming. However, each product has its individual label and amount per drop that you should consider.

As far as gummies are concerned, one gummy means 5 milligrams of CBD. So, you can select your dose accordingly or ask your doctor in this case.

You can’t be certain while taking the vape oils, as it involves more guesswork. Thus, be sure to have vaporized CBD in small amounts to avoid any potential side effects. Likewise, the content of CBD oil also matters.

CBD lotions or creams are less risky in terms of dosage because you apply them topically. However, you have to be moderate while applying them to the skin for eczema.

Which CBD Is Legal

CBD comes from different sources, and those having a minimum amount of THC are legal, like CBD having only 0.3 percent of THC. The federal government allows such CBD, but several states don’t allow it. Recreational CBD is available in many online stores and dispensaries.

On the other hand, CBD taken from marijuana is banned by the federal government, yet many states legally allow it. So, if you live in the United States, you will have to see what your state allows. Likewise, if you are in a foreign country, check that country’s laws about CBD.

Keep in mind that the FDA does not approve non-prescribed CBD, but if a product label says that it’s legal, it might be a misleading claim by the seller.

Some More Facts About CBD Oil

Many people use CBD oil to cure arthritis or joint pains, and they find relief, but how did researchers find its positive effects? The first research, in this case, happened in 2006 when researchers found that Sativex minimized joint inflammation when the patients took it for five weeks. 

Sativex is a medicine containing Cannabis. Researchers also studied that it helped sleep well, with very few side effects. 

In 2008, researchers conducted another study and found that CBD helped reduce chronic pain and insomnia without any adverse effects. Whereas another study from 2016 involved the CBD gel, researchers applied it to the rats. Experts found that it reduced inflammation and pain in the joints and had no side effects.

Even though these studies have produced favorable conclusions about CBD, more research is necessary to find the role of CBD in health conditions, especially the effect of CBD oil in joint issues.

The Function Of CBD Oil

According to experts, CBD oil has specific effects, but they don’t produce any feeling of highness as with THC. The reaction occurs when CBD oil meets with CB1 and CB2, which reduces joint pain and inflammation.

CBD oil also enhances the immune system; eventually, your joint pain reduces. Joint pain happens when the immune system destroys the joint tissues, so that’s why you can successfully treat RA with CBD oil.

Besides, CBD oil has anti-inflammatory properties, which slow down the soreness of arthritis. Not only does it help with arthritis, but CBD oil can also reduce several other inflammations like fever or fatigue caused by arthritis.

What Is Negative About CBD Oil?

Although CBD oil has minimum side effects, you have to take care of its dose. For instance, the oil sometimes has a mild impact on beginners. Besides, the side-effects might occur among those taking RA medicines and CBD oil together, such as fatigue, low appetite, nausea, and diarrhea. 

You should better consult your doctor about CBD if you are already taking any medication for some health issues. The same is true about supplements. There is evidence of severe reactions caused by CBD and grapefruit if you take them together. Therefore, you should read the labels to see if the supplement contains any grapefruit contents.

How Much Time Does CBD Take To Start Affecting?

The type of CBD determines its function, like the edible CBD or gummies have to get absorbed in your body before they work, so you need more. Whereas the tincture has an immediate effect as it instantly gets dissolved in the blood.  It generally starts working within 20 to 45 minutes after taking it.

Edibles start working after two hours of eating. In contrast, topical creams and lotions start working within 45 to one hour of applying. On the other hand, the vaporized CBD effects after 15 to 30 minutes of inhaling it.

What If CBD Does Not Affect You?

Some people overdose on CBD and get affected just because they don’t see the instant effect after consuming it. However, even some people can easily tolerate a high amount of CBD, and you still should not increase the dose.

According to many studies conducted on rats, an overdose of CBD can cause several side effects. Therefore, the thumb rule for taking CBD is to start with little but increase it after a week. After that, you have to give it time to start functioning before taking another dose.

For How Long Does CBD Stay Functional?

Depending on the usage and quantity, CBD’s effect remains for two to six hours. It also depends on your response to CBD. How your body responds to CBD depends on various factors, and you should take their notice while consuming this plant. You should keep in mind the following considerations.

  • How much CBD do you have, and in which form?
  • When did it start affecting, and what was its intensity?
  • Until how long did you feel its effects?

All these questions will help you set the desired dose of CBD and the duration of its effects.

Difference Between CBD And Cannabis, Marijuana, And Hemp

Cannabis or marijuana has a high content of CBD or cannabidiol, but it is taken from hemp, a type of marijuana. Thereafter, manufacturers develop CBD from hemp, like in their labs. 

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), unlike other components of marijuana, CBD has mild effects. Pure CBD does not cause any health issues, according to preliminary evidence. However, controlling its dose is still necessary, and you have to be moderate in this case.

Many sellers are there with various CBD products, and you, as a beginner, don’t know what to choose. Several states allow you to buy it online or from other places, like dispensaries, restaurants, or cafes. You must know which product is suitable and safe for you.

What Should Newbies Know Before Taking CBD?

If you are going to experience the magical effects of CBD, you should follow the guidelines outlined below for safer use. Besides, it will be more effective than harmful.

Go To A State-Owned Store

Several dispensaries are permitted to sell CBD, so it is legal to buy. The dispensary staff can also guide you about any product and its dose. Always choose a genuine and reliable place for this purpose. Remember that CBD should not contain THC.

Choose Certified CBD Products

A certified product is the one that was tested in the labs and approved by the concerned federal departments. Such products come with the right ingredients and dose, so they are deemed safe. If you do not see any COA or certificate of analysis with the CBD products, don’t buy them.

Read Product Specs While Shopping Online

Each product has some specs, including its ingredients, expiration dates, benefits, dose, etc. Several brands give info on CBD extraction, its origin, and its development. Additionally, see if online stores show you the lab certificates. All these factors will lead you to the correct type of CBD.

Beware Of False Claims

Some products that contain health claims are alarming if the FDA does not declare them legal. For example, some companies claim that their products can cure arthritis, cold, fever, pain, soreness, and other issues. However, any false or misleading claims can affect your health, leading to severe problems in some cases. Don’t forget to consult with your doctor if you want to have a new form of CBD or a beginner.

Take Professional Help

Always ask a health professional while having CBD. Your doctor knows your health background to give you a better suggestion. The salespersons also know a lot about CBD, but they can’t be your doctor and provide you with thorough advice.

Keep in mind that CBD often causes drowsiness, which is another reason to ask your doctor before having it. Make sure to take it before sleeping or when you are not at the office or college. Follow this advice until you start understanding its reaction to your body.

Vaping Is Not Good

Vaping can affect the lungs that can turn to infection. Moreover, there is less information regarding the vaporized CBD, so avoid it until more research appears in the area. However, other forms of CBD are not generally dangerous, but the dose still matters.


What Is CBD?

Then manufacturers develop CBD in the labs from a strain called hemp. It does not give a high feeling like other components of marijuana. Instead, it helps treat specific health issues like pain, inflammation, anxiety, etc. CBD has natural anti-inflammatory properties.

Which CBD Is Safe For Beginners?

Beginners can take CBD in any form except vaporized CBD as it affects the lungs since the dose is not precise. However, they should start with a small amount of CBD and increase when their doctor recommends.

Can I Take Lots Of CBD If I Don’t Get Any Feeling?

No, you can’t take another dose of CBD if the previous dose did not affect you. Wait for a few hours to see how CBD affects your body. Then, depending on your needs, you can increase the dose after a week or more.

Where to Go To Buy CBD?

It is available in online stores, as well as in local dispensaries. Recreational CBD is also available in cafes or restaurants. Make sure to check the product labels before buying any CBD.

Certified or Non-Certified CBD, Which One Is Better?

A certified product is the one that is tested in the labs and is approved by the concerned federal department. Such products come with the right ingredients and dose, so they are safe. If you don’t see any COA or certificate of analysis with the CBD products, don’t buy them.

Can CBD Cure Cancer?

No, CBD can’t treat cancer, but it can reduce chemotherapy’s adverse effects, a type of cancer treatment. But, there is no such clear evidence in this case. So, researchers have to conduct more studies to find the role of CBD in cancer.

How Can CBD Oil Help Reduce Inflammation?

CBD can help reduce inflammation by applying it to the affected parts. You can also take CBD capsules filled with oil, but they affect slowly.

When Is CBD Bad?

Even though CBD has minimal side effects, you can’t take it in large amounts. Significantly, vaping CBD can damage the lungs and tissues because the right dose is not precise. Besides, it can also affect the liver if you take it with certain medications.

The Bottom Line

Many CBD forms are legal in the U.S., including recreational and medical CBD, however, some states don’t allow it. Generally, it is safe because it has a minimum THC content that causes a high feeling. 

Doctors recommend CBD in several conditions to treat joint pain, anxiety, schizophrenia, and others. It is available in different forms, including oil, creams, lotions, edibles, capsules, and others. You can buy CBD from online stores or a local dispensary, depending on your state laws.

The beginners should start CBD with a low amount but can increase it later on if the doctor declares it safe. CBD from marijuana is more effective than hemp, but it is not legal in all states. Besides, marijuana is not available everywhere, but hemp-based CBD is readily available.

It can react with specific supplements and drugs, so users have to be careful. CBD has a strong reaction if you take it with grapefruit juice or some supplements.

Many research studies were conducted on CBD to find its benefits and health effects. Although several studies find CBD helpful for specific health conditions, more research is required on a larger population. So far, most CBD studies involved rats, the results of which were considerably helpful and improved many people’s lives.

Disclaimer: This material is for informational purposes only and should not be relied on for legal, medical, financial, or any other form of professional advice.


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