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Marijuana Detox

Marijuana Detox: Myths, Facts, and Tips to Get Weed Out of Your System

Weedbates Contributor

Before delving into marijuana and detoxing from it, we must understand what marijuana is and what detox entails.

What is Marijuana?

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), Marijuana is a green and gray-colored blend of the dried flowers of Cannabis Sativa. It is colloquially called weed, pot, ganja, Mary Jane, and a host of other names.

Marijuana can be consumed in a vast number of ways. Marijuana is smoked in joints (handmade cigarettes), blunts (cigar wraps), or bongs (water pipes). Medicinal marijuana, which is quite beneficial, may be brewed as a tea and added to brownies and cookies.

The primary psychoactive chemical found in Marijuana that is used during detoxing is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, known as THC. It induces a hallucinogenic effect which is why people use marijuana recreationally.

What is a Detox?

A detox (short for detoxification) is the method of eliminating toxins from your body. The human body is designed to organically remove toxins via the liver, kidney, and intestines. However, certain chemicals are difficult to expel. 

The detoxification can be through the food we consume, the air we inhale, the cosmetics we apply, and other agents. Some of these chemicals can be pretty detrimental, so detox is vital since it aids the liver and kidney in flushing out these toxins.

Detoxification involves making healthier lifestyle choices and taking better care of your body. Detox is generally used as a course correction to follow a better diet, although it is done for other reasons.

What happens in a Weed Detox?

A marijuana detox will require refraining from its consumption and making better choices. It can be a difficult choice, especially for those who consume marijuana regularly.

A detox may lead to uncomfortable symptoms like anxiety, headaches, irritability, or depression. These may be classed as marijuana withdrawal symptoms since THC effectively leaves the body.

Some suggest that this could be the re-emergence of issues removed by using (medicinal) marijuana. This is just one example of how marijuana has become a contentious subject, mainly since it was legalized in most states in America.

Marijuana Detox Misinformation

Likewise, there are a lot of misconceptions about doing a weed detox. One of the primary reasons for writing this article is to debunk some of these myths. There is no quick fix when you're looking to abstain from marijuana, and an abrupt detox may have dire consequences.

For instance, take one look at the internet and you'll find solutions like vinegar, cranberry juice, and detox teas. Surprisingly, some websites suggest using bleach, which should never, ever be ingested! All of these solutions should be taken with the proverbial grain of salt because they're simply not true.

If you have to pass a drug test at a new job or you're just looking to stop using marijuana, you may need a marijuana detox. However, it's pivotal not to follow any unreliable approaches.

The reality of marijuana detox is that it is a time-consuming process that can be difficult for those involved. There is no juice, tea, or vitamin that can magically eliminate marijuana from your body.

The truth about weed detox

Evidence suggests that THC can remain inside the body up to a month after consuming it. Most tests use urine samples, although a person's blood, saliva, and even hair may be tested for the presence of THC.

There is no fixed period that determines the amount of time marijuana stays in the user's body. It is variable and depends on multiple factors, like how often the person consumes marijuana. Your metabolism rate, how often you exercise, and your body fat percentage are other contributory factors.

Naturally, active people who exercise frequently, have a higher metabolism, and most importantly, smoking less will eliminate THC from their system faster. Anyone looking for a marijuana detox can expedite the process by eating well, exercising, and drinking excess water.

Ultimately, a clean break from marijuana consumption can be done through natural methods that take up to six weeks to detox marijuana from the body entirely. In terms of efficacy, there is no better way to perform a marijuana detox.

There are various methods of executing a natural detox, all of which can be done simultaneously. The advantage of using this approach is that all habits involved are beneficial long-term.


Of course, the best approach is to refrain from marijuana consumption entirely. Going cold turkey can be challenging for users, mainly those who enjoy marijuana regularly. The other option is to abstain gradually and incrementally in phases.


Exercise is perhaps the most important habit that an individual can develop. Even in the case of a marijuana detox, exercise is vital. It is because THC accumulates in the fat cells of the body. This is primarily why a detox takes longer if you are overweight or obese.

For instance, cardiovascular and weight training are beneficial because they burn fat quickly and improve metabolism. Therefore, making the detoxification process more manageable.

Exercise is also crucial because it augments the production of anandamide, which is the body's molecule that helps enhance a person’s mood. This explains why people feel a natural high after going for a run outside or why they are highly motivated after a session at the gym.

It’s important to note that exercise also diminishes detectable cannabinoids from the body and streamlines the transition process with endocannabinoids.


Water is hailed as the natural purifier, and it can help when you're ascribing to a weed detox. Drinking water cleanses the body. Hydration comes in handy when exercising and terminating toxins from the body.


There is a common saying that abs are made in the kitchen. Although exercise plays a pivotal role in developing abs, the value of a healthy diet should not be underestimated.

Making logical decisions about your diet will help eliminate marijuana from your system. For instance, refraining from foods with high sugar, fat, and sodium levels goes a long way to making a detox successful.

Foods like junk and red meat are ill-advised for two reasons: They slow metabolism and increase water retention in the body. If either of these transpires, shedding THC metabolites becomes more difficult.

On the other hand, adhering to a high nutritional value diet full of vegetables, fruits, and lean meats expedites a marijuana detox. Adding greens to your diet improves your metabolism because they contain many vitamins and iron.

Adding spinach, kale, and other greens to your diet will help eliminate marijuana traces from your body. The same can be said for food rich in fiber. Examples include legumes, beans, whole wheat, and peanuts.

All in all, the foods mentioned above can accelerate the detox process. Some of them also have additional advantages unrelated to the detox, which are an added benefit when one has an objective to detoxify.

Mental health

Mental health has become a pertinent topic in recent years and with good reason. It is essential to consider the psychological effects of any activity and not just focus on its physical impact.

It is pivotal to know how you feel and what you feel. In the case of a marijuana detox, people may experience apprehension and annoyance. This is why during a detox, one must concentrate on mental health as well.

Each person can do things differently to look after themselves mentally. Exercising is an important part of the detox process. While some people on a marijuana detox may prefer going for a run in the open, others may be more inclined to meditate or participate in yoga classes.

Regardless of your favorite exercise option, being actively involved will help stabilize your mood, which is critical when you're making a tough decision like detoxing from marijuana. If you still feel burdened, you may opt for therapy. Talking to a professional may alleviate some of the stress you're feeling.

Nurturing yourself

Finally, an important step when initiating a marijuana detox is to nurture yourself. The concept of a detox is quite rewarding since you're making informed choices that significantly improve your lifestyle.

Taking a holistic approach when on a detox is recommended since it may change your perspective entirely. Considering this period as a vacation of sorts and not being overly concerned is ideal for detoxing.

Simply giving yourself more time to enjoy what you're doing will benefit you both physically and mentally.

The Bottom Line

In sum, a marijuana detox may seem challenging, but that doesn't have to be the case. All you need is to avoid the common myths and follow a provable and workable clinical approach to shift your lifestyle towards a healthier one.

Of course, there are other ways to perform a marijuana detox, such as using products like bentonite clay. However, the best detox is almost always a natural one.

Disclaimer: This material is for informational purposes only and should not be relied on for legal, medical, financial, or any other form of professional advice.

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