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Handling the Impacts of Being High

How to Handle the Impacts of Being High

Weedbates Contributor

If you ask a cannabis consumer about the feeling they don't like, the answer will probably be, "I am too high." The situation of getting high differs from person to person. Maybe the consumer might have smoked it for the very first time and deeply felt the impact. Or the other way round, the person might have a low tolerance for the compound. 

Several reasons are the attributes of being high, but once the condition is established, it renders the person uncomfortable. Even with the seasoned cannabis lover, the so-called marijuana "high" frequently because of uneasiness and unrest. How long you stay high after you have smoked marijuana depends on several factors. These include: 

  1. Consumption method
  2. Amount of consumption 
  3. Individual attributes that may cause different reactions from person to person 

Generally, the long-lasting effect of weed refers to the high potency of the cannabis plant. This potency is because of the most effective form of cannabis concentrates. Additionally, the flowers and edibles effect also contribute. This information signifies that DAB requires longer to sober up compared to a bowl smoked. But ultimately, the chemistry of the consumer's body and the dose decide the longevity of the effect.

It is also noteworthy that an everyday smoker has a high tolerance for weed compared to an occasional consumer. Thus, indicating that coping with the situation is easier and faster for a daily consumer.

The cannabis effect usually lasts between half an hour to two hours, with the chemical activity at its peak. However, some lasting effects might persist for a specific time after the expected duration. Though in certain situations, the state of high might last for much longer. Fortunately, the ways to moderate the excessive consumption of cannabis and feelings of discomfort are well-known. 

What are the indications of being too high?

A list of a few tell-tale signs is available that indicates whether a person is too high or not. Check out the recommended signs if you think you have over-consumed. Though everyone loves to enjoy a good time with friends, the necessity for cutting down the intake is seriously felt if the following signs are visible:

  • Panic
  • Anxiety
  • Confused thoughts
  • Paranoia
  • If your body perspires more than usual

Ways to cope up with the feeling of highness 

Some of the famous and well-adapted strategies for coping with being high are discussed below. 

Do not panic or be anxious

The rule of thumb that should be considered first is not to panic. According to the famous book, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, "don't panic, and you are fine, and everything is okay."

Most of the symptoms of gulping too much cannabis subside within minutes or even hours. However, long-lasting effects often do not persist, except for little grogginess, which takes some additional time to vanish completely.

It is important to note that a common misconception associated with cannabis consumption is death from overdose. However, there is little evidence, if any, that overconsumption of marijuana can result in death. 

So how sweaty you get or how freaked out you are, the chances are that you won't end up dying due to cannabis overconsumption. Writing about it does not mean it should be taken as a challenge; instead, it is to make you aware that accidental overdose will unlikely cause any serious harm.

Consume water and snacks 

Whether you are more comfortable with water or juice, hydration is the key to overcoming the feeling. Consume in and hydrate your body with non-caffeinated drinks as much as possible. Hydration prevents dryness of the mouth. Moreover, getting involved in physical activity can keep you focused.

It is noteworthy here that hydration does not mean consuming alcoholic beverages. You should stay away from alcohol if you are experiencing the aggressive effects of the strain you consume. Relying on alcoholic drinks for hydration purposes increases the THC concentration in blood. 

Comparably some people find light snacks like nuts, fruits, or cheese to be more effective in keeping them within their comfort zone. They find it helpful for the coordination of the body and mind. 

Keep in mind your tolerable level before consumption

The basic rule is to prepare yourself to follow your tolerance level before going for a cannabis session. This idea might not be helpful if you are already an extreme marijuana user, though it can prove beneficial in avoiding uncomfortable situations in the future.

Always hang out with those friends you are comfortable with to reduce anxiety levels. Moreover, do not overpressure your body with consumption that your body can't handle.

When consuming the weed in the form of edibles, the intake should be slow. Usually, the recommended dosage is 10 mg or 5 mg, followed by a gap of at least an hour or two before going for an enhanced dosage. The same strategy is applicable when inhaling the compound. Avoid the smoking circle puffing for about one hour if you are accustomed to occasionally taking hits.

The Black pepper trick 

If you feel anxious or paranoid, consume black peppers. Black pepper is a simple and everyday use kitchen ingredient that works best to relieve the sensation of being too high. The black pepper trick is magic since instantaneous relief is provided when chewing a few black peppercorns.

Rest and breath strategy

Rest and breathing activity can do wonders. Keep a check on your breathing sounds. Please take a deep breath through your nose and move it out by your mouth. The intense discomfort feeling will subside ultimately.

Similarly, sleep might help to cope with the sensation of a solid high. But it is not easy to shut the brain and have some rest. Just find a quiet place to lay down and relax if you feel like sleeping, take a little nap, and refresh yourself. However, if you cannot get some sleep, the key is just to lay down until the condition of drowsiness wanes, and you feel better.

Go for a walk

If you cannot turn off your brain, the best recommendation is to go out for a walk. Look out for some natural environments in your close vicinity. It will help with the pumping of blood, which in turn will rejuvenate your body and mind.

It is advisable not to consider exercising this option if you feel anxious or convincingly paranoid. Instead, you should rely on option 5, as mentioned above. Similarly, if you feel drowsy or lightheaded to the point that you cannot stand, refrain from walking. Instead, lie down for some time.

Bath or shower

This option might not be applicable if you are at a friend's place or somewhere else. But if you are at home, go for a pleasant and relaxing shower or bath that will help you to alleviate the feelings and effects associated with a high smoking concentration of weed.

Change your focus

Certain activities might appear entertaining and maybe a good option for distracting your attention and focus. Some of the recommended actions that you can do while you are high are as follow:

  • Listening to your favorite songs
  • Playing video games
  • Watching funny clips or cartoons
  • Try adult coloring
  • Eat something tasty

The activity you adopt should be a familiar one. It should get your brain involved. Thus, generating warm and positive feelings and emotions. Therefore, consequently, reassuring the feelings of being safe and sound. 

Some other methods to try to avoid the feelings of being too high on weed

CBD helps counter the effects of high weed smoking

One of the excellent anxiety-fighting compounds is CBD. It helps counteract the effects produced due to high THC consumption. It works by modifying the THC receptor signaling.

Use a lemon to alleviate the impacts of elevated weed ingestion

The citrus fruit lemon has anxiety-reducing effects. Using lemon can help lessen the consequences produced due to high weed smoking.

Take an ibuprofen tablet

A study has indicated the effectiveness of ibuprofen for neutralizing the effects of THC. Taking ibuprofen may help combat the side effects of cannabis high if problems persist. Therefore, a safe dose of ibuprofen can help you cope with the state of being too high.

The Bottom Line

The impacts and effects of being high or too high vary from person to person. Some consumers might feel the high sensation for a shorter period than others, who might be new to the substance or whose bodies are not well adapted for the reaction thus generated. As such, the duration and combat responses do vary individually. 

The consumption method depends on the consumer. Some prefer smoking, while others recommend having an edible product. One should control the interval between the ingestion to avoid the feelings and sensations associated with being too high.

In this article, we have listed some popular strategies and techniques that can help relieve the effects of high weed consumption. They involve the conscious awareness of the body's reaction to the substance. The consumer must be aware of the levels that their body can take and thus tolerate. Likewise, understanding can help the consumers better cope with the situation. These practices are essential and should be accessible to every cannabis consumer.

Disclaimer: This material is for informational purposes only and should not be relied on for legal, medical, financial, or any other form of professional advice. 

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