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Grinding Weed Without Grinder

How To Grind Weed Without A Grinder

Weedbates Contributor

Weed, derived from hemp, is a type of plant that belongs to the cannabis family and has been around since the third millennium BC. In fact, it can be used for a wide variety of uses, including that food, decorative plant, medication, oil, and many more. On the other hand, weed is most likely most recognized for its use as an intoxicant and/or narcotic, specifically hashish and marijuana. But what exactly is it that causes one to become intoxicated?

Marijuana plant

More than four hundred different active compounds can be found in cannabis plants. Cannabinoids are compounds found in cannabis that have been identified as having a psychotropic influence on both human senses and human minds. Tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as THC, is a psychoactive chemical that is produced by Cannabis Sativa plants, but only the female plants.

THC is responsible for the intoxicating effects of cannabis. THC has an effect on your feelings, perceptions, and behaviors, as well as your memories, moods, and states of consciousness. The amount of THC present might range from low to high depending on the strain of cannabis utilized and the portion of the plant that was taken. However, as a result of breeding, there has been a considerable increase in the population in recent years.

It is not an easy time for adolescents, particularly those who are going through puberty. They experience anxiety at school, their relationships with their parents are strained, and their bodies become rigid. Therefore, it should not come as a surprise that weed has an appealing influence on them.


Why do individuals choose to use weed? Many people simply want to try it out once and then forget about it later. Others "smoke weed" to relieve tension, alleviate boredom, or divert their attention from issues at school or at home. Therefore, there are many different reasons:

  • Intoxicating effect as well as a positive effect (chilling out and switching off, intensification of feelings and sensory perceptions).
  • "Others do it too" (friends, acquaintances, family members)
  • A desire to satisfy one's curiosity, fascination, or want to try something new
  • Simply to relieve boredom and for pleasure (recreation and habit)
  • Avoiding conflict, escaping from responsibilities, and forgetting about issues
  • Group experience
  • Willingness to experiment
  • Time stress

Learn About Variations

Cannabis, a psychoactive substance, can take the following three forms, depending on how it is processed and what components of the hemp plant are used:


Marijuana is also referred to in slang as weed, hay, pot, weed, ganja, and Mary Jane. These are all slang names for the drug. It is by far the most frequent method of consuming hemp compared to the others. The THC level ranges from an average of 5 to 15%, but it can be significantly higher in kinds that have been artificially produced. As a direct consequence of this, the effect is now more strong.

Drying, grinding and crushing the flowers, leaves, and stems of the hemp plant are the three primary steps in the making of marijuana.


In addition to hashish, other frequent names for products that are derived from the resin of the hemp plant include hash and dope. Hashish is one of these names. After being treated into a sticky, black substance, the resin (which is sometimes combined with powdered plant parts) is then pressed into sheets. The types and hues are not all the same because they are dependent on the place of origin and the cultivation area. Because it contains between 10 and 30 percent THC, the impact is significantly more potent than that of marijuana.

Cannabis Oil

In the same way, as hashish is made, the sticky, dark brown liquid that is taken from the resin of the hemp plant is vicious. The production process, on the other hand, is more challenging and typically involves either distillation or extraction. Because of this, cannabis oil is not used by nearly as many people. The effect of the oil is significantly more potent than that of hashish or weed due to the oil's THC level, which ranges from 50 to 80%.

Cannabis Oil Extract

The contamination and pollution that occurs during the cultivation of weed as well as during its transit is a significant issue. As part of this procedure, the products are either stretched or colored with additional substances (like henna or shoe polish, for example) so that the sellers may make more money. Sometimes sugar and spices are also used in order to improve the taste, or sprays (fertilizers, fungicides, and pesticides) that include chemical residues are sprayed on the crop in order to treat it.

Consumption In Its Various Forms

There are many other ways to consume weed, including smoking it (in the form of joints, blunts, and pipes), inhaling it (by hookah, bong, or vaporizer), drinking it (in the form of tea), and eating it (cookies, different cakes, gummy bears ).

"Smoking pot" is a slang term for the practice of smoking joints, which are also known as stoves, hashish cigarettes, or packs. Smoking joints is the most frequent method of ingestion. Hashish or marijuana is typically ground up and combined with tobacco before being rolled into a cigarette during this step of the process. It only takes a few minutes to feel the effects of smoking or inhaling weed, because the THC passes directly from the lungs into the blood after it has been inhaled. The duration of the effect ranges anywhere from one to four hours.

The Duration Of The Impact

The use of cannabis in beverages and foods is uncommon but is becoming more widespread. Because it is impossible to accurately estimate the required quantity when the food is being prepared, there is an especially significant potential for an overdose.

After thirty minutes to two hours, you will begin to feel the effects of oral ingestion, but the state of intoxication can continue anywhere from 4 to 14 hours.

Because it is more difficult to measure or dosage the appropriate amount, the duration of the impact that is produced is also more unspecific. In addition to that, it also is dependent on whether or not food or drink was consumed earlier and in what quantity.

Weed baggies

It is possible to determine whether or not a person has consumed weed for varying amounts of time, depending on the frequency of their use. The breakdown of THC takes significantly longer than the effect it has. A blood test can determine acute cannabis usage and whether or not someone is intoxicated within six to twelve hours after using the plant.

 Even if the consumption took place several days or weeks ago, cannabis can still be detected retrospectively for up to three months with a urine test. This is because cannabis' residual substances accumulate in fatty tissue and in the liver, where they are only broken down slowly. Even if the consumption took place several days or weeks ago, cannabis can still be detected. With the assistance of hair analysis, detection is even achievable up to six months after the last use of the substance.

Insights From The Experienced

For young people, in particular, the long-term effects of marijuana use on cognitive processes including memory, learning, and thought are a major cause for concern. Adolescents who began smoking marijuana experienced a three-point drop in IQ on average, according to research published in 2012.

Since smoking is the most prevalent form of ingestion, there is also a risk to the lungs and other areas of the body associated with tobacco use. Wheezing, shortness of breath and persistent coughing are all symptoms that may worsen with weed use. There is conflicting evidence on whether or not marijuana use raises cancer risk, according to a review published in 2015.

People continue to use weed for a variety of reasons, despite the known dangers associated with doing so. According to the findings of several studies, people use marijuana to get high:

  • a state of stress or tension
  • to get away from the stresses of everyday existence
  • relieve boredom
  • a state of happiness or euphoria
  • fit in with society


Different Methods Of Consumption

As the market for marijuana used for recreational purposes has grown, numerous forms of cannabis consumption that were formerly on the margins of society have rapidly attained public popularity. Despite the increased availability of marijuana flowers, the most common method of consumption is still smoking the plant. As a result of the legalization of marijuana for recreational use, however, many people who use the drug are becoming accustomed to different forms of it, such as concentrates and edibles.

The Most Common Method Of Consumption

Smoking weed is the primary method of consumption for the vast majority of cannabis users. This technique is not only the least complicated, but it also calls for nothing more than a roll of paper and some dried marijuana flowers in order to be finished. There is no denying the fact that an ever-increasing number of people are moving toward more refined approaches to the consumption of marijuana. Undoubtedly, many people find that the most enjoyable aspect of cannabis is passing around a joint amongst themselves.

Over the course of many years, numerous improvements and new innovations have been introduced into cannabis smoking accessories in an effort to improve the standard smoking experience. As a result, there is a huge range of ways that marijuana can be smoked. The development of rolling technology is to thank for all three of these products coming into existence. The use of specific glassware, such as a pipe, bong, or bubbler, is required in order to consume weed in this manner.

Another Popular Way Of Consuming Weed

The establishment of a market for the recreational use of weed in states where it is now legal to do so has resulted in a significant rise in the use of cannabis vaporization, commonly referred to as steaming. The inhalation of vaporized weed is comparable to the inhalation of vaporized tobacco in a number of important respects, including the utilization of batteries and heating elements in electronic cigarettes.

When using concentrates, vaporization nearly invariably results in the concentrates taking the form of water or oil. It is also feasible to vaporize cannabis herbs, however, this process is both less effective and more expensive than manual vaporization procedures.

weed oil

It is simple to comprehend the factors that have contributed to the rapid rise in popularity of inhaling vaporized cannabis. This approach is highly covert and does not produce any of the typical 'herbal scents' that are commonly associated with those who use cannabis.

Portable vaporizing pens and other gadgets are both easy to transport and convenient to use. They do not contain many of the hazardous components of the cannabis plant, such as tar, which are known to be harmful to the health of the lungs. In addition, more and more businesses are becoming producers of marijuana cartridges that are flavorful, of good quality, and come in a variety of cannabinoid compositions.

Weed-Infused Edibles And Alcoholic Beverages

The culinary masterpieces that have developed from the culture of cannabis have always been a source of immense pride. Because of cannabis' adaptability in the kitchen, it has captured the attention of both aspiring and experienced cooks alike (it may be used in anything from traditional "cakes" to cutting-edge gastronomic techniques).

However, ingesting dried marijuana flowers is just one method of partaking in the cannabis experience. Other methods include: Crushed marijuana flowers are subjected to fatty compound activation and extraction in order to obtain THC and other cannabinoids. These fatty compounds include oils and fats.

weed edibles

After the process of decarboxylation, also known as the "activation" of the cannabinoids in marijuana through heat, THC and other cannabinoids become fat-soluble. The term "marijuana brownies" has persisted throughout the years due to the fact that the lipids found in chocolate and butter are excellent absorbers of the cannabinoids found in the marijuana plant.

Another approach is to consume cannabis in liquid form. To impart the flavor of marijuana into a beverage of your choice, a concentrated form of the substance, such as an oil, tincture, or another form, is typically employed. Drinking cannabis is a more practical and smoke-free alternative than smoking it, regardless of whether your beverage of choice is coffee or lemonade.

It is essential to keep in mind, however, that the metabolism of THC that has been swallowed detracts from that of THC that has been inhaled. The digestive process results in the production of a variety of THC known as THC-COOH. This form of THC is more stable and potent than other THC metabolites, and it also lingers in the brain for a longer period of time.

Products That Are Applied Directly To The Skin

Some industry professionals believe that the most beneficial application of cannabis is in the manufacturing of skin care products. These products often contain either cannabis that is rich in CBD or cannabis that is high in THC. The effects of some skin care products can be seen very immediately and continue for several hours, whilst the effects of other treatments may take longer to appear or may not appear at all.

Topicals and transdermals are both terms that refer to products that are applied directly to the skin. While topical medications are typically only effective in the area in which they are applied, transdermal products are specially formulated to penetrate the skin and reach deeper layers of tissue.

cbd creams

Even if they include THC, the vast majority of topical therapies do not produce any damage to thinking or memory. Because of this, those who are new to cannabis have to start with topical products. However, other components in some topical cannabis products may promote the absorption of THC and CBD through the skin and into the brain. This may be the case for products containing both of these cannabinoids. When you use a topical THC product for the first time, you may encounter some peculiar sensations and ideas.

Cannabinoids are delivered directly into the bloodstream through the use of transdermal cannabis patches, with the intention of providing systemic relief to the individual. Because these products have not been adequately researched in people, the outcomes may vary, both from one product to the next and from one person to the next. If a cannabis patch contains THC, then the user has an increased risk of developing certain disorders.

What Are The Most Effective Ways To Lessen The Dangers Of Weed Use?

The most prevalent short-term adverse effects of cannabis usage are feelings of nausea, anxiety, and dizziness, along with a host of other uncomfortable consequences. Prevention is essential if you wish to be successful in managing these unpleasant feelings.

As a general rule, the more THC you consume, the greater the likelihood that you may experience effects that are undesired. Because of this, it is recommended that only a little amount of cannabis or products with a low THC content be used.

weed anxiety

If you do get intoxicated, you have nothing to worry about because the consequences won't endure forever. Because THC's effects wear off over time, there are no immediate medical problems that come from taking too much marijuana. Cannabis overdose may not be fatal, but it certainly isn't a nice experience.

When you're feeling excessively high, taking a few simple precautions can be helpful. The following are some of the ways that are recommended most frequently:

  • Consume much water
  • Lying
  • Play some calming tunes
  • Taking deep, calm breaths via the nose can help

Identifying the Signs of Excessive Use

Because frequent use of cannabis causes tolerance to build up over time, you may find that you require cannabis products that are either more potent or contain a greater quantity of the substance. When faced with conditions like these, it is possible to build up a tolerance to the effects.

When tolerance develops, it is best to reduce the amount of cannabis used or abstain from using it altogether for a while. When one's tolerance level rises, the likelihood of developing a physical dependence on cannabis as a result of its use also rises. This means that, much like when you stop using nicotine, you will suffer withdrawal symptoms identical to those caused by cannabis if you stop using it.

  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Desires associated with marijuana use
  • Lack of sufficient sleep
  • Lack of appetite

stopping weed

It is recommended by professionals in the medical field that you take breaks of at least 48 hours on a regular basis. You will lessen the likelihood of developing a physical reliance on cannabis if you do this, and you will also keep your body open to experience the therapeutic effects of the drug.

Grinding The Weed: What Exactly Is The Point Of Grinding The Weed?

To prepare to smoke, it is necessary to grind the flower particularly if you are going to roll in a joint. If the buds are broken up into small enough pieces, the cannabis will burn more evenly and cleanly. Grinning your cannabis is recommended if you want to pack a high-quality joint or blunt with adequate airflow and a means of ignition.

There are a few ways to smoke cannabidiol, but grinding it is the most effective. A constant and long-lasting burn is achieved using ground cannabis in a pipe, bubbler, or bong bowl, as opposed to a thick chunk.

bong hit

To smoke weed through a device such as a bong or pie, simply place it in a bowl and put it on fire. Those who have attempted this before can anticipate the complications. To squander time smoking through high grass is a waste of time. The central green of the nug is unharmed by the flame since there is less of the nug to burn. If you keep smoking from the same nug, the weed will eventually lose its flavor.

Simply using your fingers to crush cannabis is a method that has its supporters and critics. To begin with, it won't spread uniformly as the ground would. Second, if you handle quality weed, you'll end up with sticky resin on your fingertips. The terpenes and other components of cannabis are lost when fingers become stuck in the resin.

How To Grind Weed Without A Weed Grinder

At some point, every pot smoker has reached for his lighter only to realize he forgot to bring his grinder. Although a grinder is not strictly necessary, finding some other method of grinding cannabis is essential. Also, "You don't need a grinder," says Julian Webb, director of Nectar Cannabis in Gresham, Oregon. "It basically simplifies and organizes everything for the better."

Cutting the flower up into tiny pieces, he explains, makes for a more even burn. You can't light up a bud that hasn't been injured with either method. Uneven combustion occurs when a whole bud is rolled in rolling paper. Even though Webb acknowledges that smoking from a bong with unground buds is possible, he thinks doing so might reduce the quality of the smoking experience. He was holding this idea regarding the weed buds with sticky weed.

Several methods of grinding are available for use in an emergency; many of these need little more than common household items. For grinding weed, you don't need a cutting board. Using homemade weed grinder and chopping board are another case. So, you don't need a sharp knife for grinding or a weed grinder, all you need in this step is coffee grinders.

Smash Things By Hand

This is the least complicated choice to make if you're strapped for cash. Webb says it's because "it's convenient and doesn't require any more resources." The consistency won't be silky smooth, but it will get the job done.

It's easy to use a censer: just clean your hands, remove the flowers from their stems, and sprinkle them in the censer. To make rolling a joint simpler, you should be as diligent as possible in your pursuit of the tiny pieces of the flower.

Use A Coffee Grinder

If you have a lot of cannabis on hand, you can use your coffee grinder to pulverize it. Webb notes that, "a coffee grinder or electric grinder smashes the flowers too fine for my liking," but that such tools are "an excellent option if you need to prepare a higher amount of flowers."

The blades of the coffee grinder can't quickly reduce the flowers to powder if you use too many blossoms. There is no universally correct recommendation for the thickness of the cannabis you grind; rather, this is something that should be done according to your own preferences. Some smokers prefer finer grinding so they can pack more flowers into the same-sized joint or bowl.

Once the coffee grinder has been cleaned, you may remove the flower from its stalks and place it within the grinding chamber. If your coffee grinder has several thickness settings, you may experiment with different amounts of bloom to get the consistency you want. Keep the lid on and turn the grinder's handle until the cannabis is broken down into uniformly sized pieces. The herb may leave a sticky residue in your grinder, so be sure to give it a thorough cleaning before using it for coffee.

A Cheese Grater Can Serve As A Great Help

If you don't have a grinder, Webb says a cheese grater will do just fine; in fact, you can buy special graters designed just for cannabis. If you have a box grater with many blade sizes, choose the smallest one.

Put the buds on a smooth surface and rub them vigorously back and forth across the grater's blades to break them down into a powder. People who have trouble with dexterity or arthritis can benefit greatly from this method, but take care not to hurt yourself.

The Usage Of A Mortar And Pestle

A mortar and pestle might be employed as a last resort. A bowl (mortar) and a club-shaped, blunt object are what make up this apparatus, and they're used to pulverize foods and herbs into a powder or paste (pestle).

Webb recommends using a mortar, which is less convenient than other options because it is not standard equipment, but it does produce the greatest results with drier flowers. The pestle has certain drawbacks, but it does a good job of crushing trichomes on cannabis flowers.

The herb's flavor, aroma, and psychotropic effects come from cannabinoids and terpenes, both of which are found in the trichomes. To put it simply, kief is the fine powder that settles to the bottom of a regular grinder. This method produces a consistency similar to kief rather than the typical ground flower pieces. Depending on your tastes, this may be helpful, but keep in mind that you will likely lose some herb in the cracks of the device.

If you have a mortar and pestle and are willing to put in the effort, it's worth a go. To grind the flowers into a fine powder, place them in a mortar and use a pestle to do so. Scatter as much of the ground-up flower as you can on a tidy tabletop or into your pipe. Next, clean the mortar and pestle, which may be made of stone, wood, ceramic, or other materials; in this case, employ the methods best suited to the particular type of mortar and pestle you have.

Shaking The Pill Bottle With A Coin

If you don't want to use your hands to ground the cannabis flowers, you may use a penny and an empty pill bottle. Simply shaking the container causes the coin to bounce against the sides, opening the capsules.

Even while it's not quite as effective as other methods, Webb insists this is the only do-it-yourself solution that effectively separates kief from the flower, much like a commercial cannabis grinder. "It can be quite useful for removing trichomes from the flower. Since the bottle has a static charge, kief sticks to the inside. 

Remove any dirt or germs off the coin with a clean wipe before you start. Some users have noted that using this method causes their herb to lose flavor or take on a metallic smell, but that this is easily remedied by cleaning the coin beforehand.

A dime or penny will work, but the weight of a nickel or quarter will give you better results. Take an empty pill bottle and place a penny in the bottom to use as a bottle stopper. Put just enough whole flowers in the coin so that the bottle contents may sway back and forth. When you're ready to dissolve the cannabis, replace the cap and give the bottle a good shake.

To prepare the flower for smoking, dissolve the kief in the bottle and then scrape it from the inside with your finger or a little brush. In order to avoid any potential health risks associated with storing cannabis in plastic, you should smoke all of the ground weed immediately after purchasing it.

The Bottom Line

  • Many ways to take weed include smoking (joints, blunts, pipes), inhaling (hookah, bong, vaporizer), drinking (tea), and eating it.
  • "Smoking pot" is slang for smoking joints, also called stoves or packs. Most people smoke joints. In this procedure, grind cannabis and mix it with tobacco before rolling a cigarette. After inhaling weed, the THC enters the bloodstream directly from the lungs.
  • Every pot smoker has forgotten his grinder when reaching for his lighter. Finding another way to mill cannabis is vital. "You don't need a grinder," says Nectar Cannabis' Julian Webb. Everything is simplified and organized.
  • Cutting apart the blossom gives for a more even burn, he says. Both methods can't light uninjured buds. Rolled bud causes uneven combustion. Webb admits it's feasible to smoke from a bong with unground buds, but he thinks it would be less enjoyable.
  • Many quick grinding procedures involve only household items.

Disclaimer: This material is for informational purposes only and should not be relied on for legal, medical, financial, or any other form of professional advice.


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