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Smoking Weed During Pregnancy Hazards

Hazards Of Smoking Weed While Pregnant

Weedbates Contributor

Weed is a plant that is a member of the hemp family. Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC for short, is the primary psychoactive component of cannabis. There is a receptor for the active component in the human brain, which explains why cannabis has a psychoactive effect. This can dock in the human brain. However, the amount of THC that is contained in the numerous types of hemp varies widely.

Hashish and marijuana are the two forms of cannabis that are used for consumption at the highest rates. Hashish is produced from the resin that is found on the inflorescences of the cannabis plant, whereas marijuana, often known as grass, is made up of the plant's crushed leaves and flowers. Both hashish and marijuana are typically smoked, typically in the form of joints.

Can One Become Dependent On Cannabis?

Cannabis use on a consistent basis can lead to addiction, which is now a well-established fact. There is no guarantee that anyone who experiments with marijuana will eventually become dependent on it. However, beginning use at a younger age and smoking more than one joint each day both considerably raise the likelihood of developing an addiction. Typical side effects, such as mild irritation, joylessness, sleep difficulties, lack of appetite, and a strong yearning for the substance, also manifest themselves during this time.

Does It Bring On Psychosis When Consumed?

Marijuana usage on a consistent basis is related to an elevated risk of mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. However, so far only a correlation has been established to exist, and it has not been demonstrated that joints actually cause the mental disorders themselves.

The situation is the same with psychoses, where it is also hypothesized that weed promotes them, particularly in persons who already have a genetically unfavorable predisposition to them. The situation is similar with regards to psychoses. A smoking habit can bring on the disease two to six years earlier than it would have otherwise appeared.

How Quickly Do You Start To Feel The Effects Of Smoking Weed?

Some people find that smoking weed is the best way to unwind and relax. Consumption of cannabis can serve as an introduction to the world of illegal drugs for certain people.

The user's tolerance, the amount of cannabis consumed, and the mode of consumption all play a role in how quickly the drug begins to take effect. Cannabis takes effect almost immediately when it is smoked, and the high starts to set in within just a few minutes. If you take it by mouth, it may take up to two hours to take effect.

When cannabis is smoked or inhaled, the psychoactive compound known as tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC for short, which is responsible for the high it produces, enters the bloodstream immediately. 

THCV molecular formula

The effect of smoking a joint can be experienced in a matter of minutes at most. Patients suffering from pain should notice a reduction in their level of discomfort. On the other hand, the effect can be too intense for you, in which case you might experience vertigo, lose the ability to have conversations that make sense, find that your ideas repeat themselves endlessly, or just feel nauseous.

How Long Does It Take For The Euphoria From Smoking Weed To Fade Off?

The effect of smoking it as a joint starts within a few minutes and lasts for at least two to three hours before wearing off completely. When eaten in the form of a hash brownie or hemp cookie, the effect takes longer to manifest itself. The high can begin to take effect after a delay of two hours, and it can continue for as long as five hours.

People that consume cannabis through smoking have a greater degree of control over its effects. If a user feels that the effects of their drug of choice are becoming too intense, for instance, they can simply stop using it. When it comes to baked goods like cookies or brownies, the rules are different: if you eat more than you should by mistake, there is no way to take it back.

How Long Does It Take For Cannabis To Be Detectable In The Blood Or Urine?

The presence of THC in urine can be detectable for days or even weeks after the last time the substance was used. Even after the effects of the high have faded off, people who drive after smoking marijuana put themselves in danger. This is due to the fact that during a check, the level of THC content rather than the level of intoxication is utilized as the basis for making an evaluation.

THC can be detectable in the body three to six days after a single ingestion of weed, depending on how much was consumed. If someone uses cannabis on a consistent basis, the psychoactive component known as THC can even be seen in their urine for up to two months after use.

Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you do not get behind the wheel so soon after smoking a joint, as this puts both you and the other drivers in danger.

What Can Enhance The Effect Of Cannabis?

It is possible to intensify the effects of cannabis by drinking coffee before smoking a joint or smoking while one's stomach is empty. It's been reported that the numerous ways of taking the substance make the effect even stronger: opinions vary on whether cannabis is best consumed in the form of a brownie, a vaporizer, or a joint.

Man falling asleep after cannabis

Consuming an intoxicant on a consistent basis will, without a doubt, result in the development of a level of tolerance to its effects. The effect of this is that the consumer needs to smoke an increasing quantity in order to achieve the desired high.

When weed and alcohol are consumed together, a person's ability to react quickly and accurately is reduced. If you are unable to evaluate risks and continue to drink excessive amounts of alcohol, the next day you will have a nasty hangover or, in the worst case situation, you could even die from alcohol poisoning. This is not initially a concern for the human body, but it becomes one when it comes to action.

What Kind Of Changes Can Occur In A Young Person's Brain When They Start Smoking Weed?

Children and adolescents should not consume the drug under any circumstances. This is due to the fact that marijuana usage at critical stages of brain development might cause irreparable harm to the user.

According to a number of studies, between the ages of 15 and 17, the brain has a period of rapid growth. The brain undergoes a process of self-reorganization throughout this stage of development, and key neuronal connections don't even begin to take shape until adolescence. If weed enters the brain at this stage, there is a possibility that it will have long-term effects. Cannabis usage on a consistent basis beginning at a young age is thought to cause alterations in the hippocampus of the brain. Memory resides in this part of the brain.

In addition to this, there is always the possibility of developing psychosis. One study found that the likelihood of developing psychosis was increased by a factor of two in young people. Therefore, young people who smoke marijuana are more likely to suffer from mental illnesses such as delusions, hallucinations, anxiety, and even schizophrenia in the worst possible cases. Adults who are experiencing psychotic symptoms or have problems with their mental health should likewise avoid smoking weed.

Is There A Distinction Between Hashish, Weed And Marijuana?

Cannabis is known by a variety of names, including ganja, marijuana, weed, and others; however, these names all relate to different parts of the cannabis plant. Marijuana, sometimes known as weed, is the name given to the dried and smoked flowers of the female cannabis plant. Hashish is a substance that can be extracted from the "resin" that is produced by cannabis.

Hash oil

The THC level is especially high in the flowers of the hemp plant, often known as the flowers of the marijuana plant. As a result, the only components of the female cannabis plant that are typically picked and dried are those mentioned above. Hashish is another substance that originates from the hemp plant, although it is significantly more difficult to acquire: It is made up of the resin produced by the plant, which can also be located on the stem in addition to the flowers.

The process of drying and then cooling the plant in order to extract the resin from it. During the procedure, the resin will come off, and once it does, it will be sieved and then pressed. When compared to the THC content in marijuana flowers, cannabis resin can have up to two times the amount of the psychoactive cannabinoid THC. Even in small doses, one can experience a potent level of intoxication.

When Is The Usage Of Cannabis Particularly Dangerous?

Because of their physical or mental condition, certain groups of people are at an increased risk if they consume cannabis. These persons fall into one of two categories: Children and adolescents, as well as pregnant women and nursing mothers, patients with heart and lung conditions, those at risk for mental disease and people who already have mental problems, and teenagers are all included in this group. But there are also increased dangers associated with cannabis usage in the following ways:

  • the more often it is consumed
  • the more is consumed in a short time
  • the higher the dose
  • if other drugs, such as alcohol and cigarettes, are used at the same time, and the more the usage of marijuana feels like an important part of everyday life

Hazards Of Smoking Weed While Pregnant

The consumption of weed during pregnancy and childbirth is still a controversial topic. There has been some published material in the scientific community, with results that are inconsistent. On the other hand, there is evidence to suggest that cannabis can alleviate morning sickness for some women, in addition to the discomfort and labor that are typically associated with pregnancy.

The subject of whether or not it is hazardous to use cannabis while pregnant has produced a great deal of controversy over the past few years. This is due to the fact that the helpful weed is becoming more accepted both medically and socially, with consumption rates continuing to grow.

The general view among medical professionals is that extensive cannabis usage during pregnancy might result in a lower birth weight for the baby and may raise the risk of certain disorders, such as preeclampsia. Nevertheless, the level to which this may occur may vary depending on the kind of use as well as a number of other factors.

There is a considerable amount of information that contradicts the findings of a significant amount of scientific research that warns against the risks of using cannabis while pregnant. Some people believe that weed can improve the birth experience by lowering pain and providing a new perspective. This view is not shared by the majority of people. Many people think that they're high risks of pregnancy complications in case of having substance abuse.

A Connection Between Weed Use And Developmental Issues 

Small doses of cannabis may be safe to use at specific times during pregnancy, and if you choose to consume it in a manner other than smoking, you may lower the likelihood that your unborn child may have developmental issues. However, a study that was conducted in 2012 indicated that even minute shifts in endocannabinoid levels can have an effect on the development of an embryo during the very first stages of pregnancy.

Researchers observed that the rate at which new placental cells (especially trophoblasts) develop and migrate to the uterine wall may be influenced by either inhibiting or boosting endocannabinoid (anandamide) signaling via the CB1 receptor in pregnant mice. This was the finding of the researchers.

Because the function of the endocannabinoid system in mice and humans is so similar, the researchers were able to draw the conclusion that "exposure to cannabis products may affect early embryo development, which then continues later in pregnancy," despite the fact that their findings could not be replicated in human patients.

An Increased Chance Of Miscarriage As Well As Subsequent Developmental Problems

In a typical pregnancy, trophoblasts combine with the endometrium to produce the placenta, which is responsible for supplying the embryo with the essential nutrients it needs to develop normally. It is possible for there to be anomalies in the process of fetal implantation when there is a reduction in the rate at which trophoblast movement occurs. This can lead to an increased chance of miscarriage as well as subsequent developmental problems.

Pregnant woman in pain

Early trophoblast dysfunction has also been linked to decreases in placental activity and fetal growth in later miscarriages (certain types), which can occur before to the fetal mortality that ultimately results. However, in order to arrive at results that can be relied upon about the connection between endocannabinoid levels and trophoblast malfunction, additional research is required.

Weed Use In Early Pregnancy And Brain Dysfunction Later In Life

Weed usage during the first few months of pregnancy may have an effect on the early stages of brain development due to the intimate connection between the endocannabinoid system and the neuronal activity in the central nervous system. It is generally accepted that THC, which is able to pass through the placenta as well as the blood-brain barrier of the developing fetus, has a significant impact on the maturation of a person's cognitive capabilities.

A study that was conducted in New Zealand found that even though the use of weed by a mother during pregnancy was associated with a significantly lower birth weight, the reduction in average birth weight was only 90 grams, which is considered to be statistically insignificant. Furthermore, the study found that there was no association between cannabis use and either miscarriage or postnatal impairment.

A study conducted in 1986 looked at the possibility of racial distinctions and came up with some really interesting findings. White women who used cannabis on a regular basis throughout pregnancy had a significantly increased chance of having a baby with a low birth weight or a small body size, in addition to an increased risk of the baby being born prematurely. On the other hand, nonwhite women did not face any additional danger beyond that which was already associated with their ethnicity.

A study that was conducted in 2018 indicated that the use of cannabis by mothers was not connected with psychotic symptoms in their offspring.

Weed Use During Childbirth

In the past, cannabis and hemp were used to naturally deliver babies, stop bleeding, reduce pain, and begin the process of nursing. These medicinal benefits were also gained from using these plants.

While some women report that cannabis use during labor and delivery brings on feelings of worry and even possible paranoia, others report feelings of relaxation, humor, curiosity, and openness as positive side effects of cannabis use.

Ina May Gaskin, a Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) in the United States who has been referred to as the "mother of real midwifery," stated in an interview that having a sense of humor and laughing during the labor and delivery process are both very useful. In addition to its effect on hormones, weed may also have a substantial influence on the frequency and intensity of labor contractions. Additionally, it might provide a fresh viewpoint on the processes of pregnancy, childbirth, and fertility.

The majority of the processes that take place during labor and delivery are driven by instinct and take place well below the level of conscious awareness. Weed has the potential to boost a woman's confidence in the labor and delivery process, allowing her to focus less on her anxieties and enjoy the experience more. In addition to this, Ms. Gaskin brings up the idea that women should be encouraged to listen to their own intuition during labor and that childbirth should be made as painless as possible.

Individuals who used cannabis on a regular basis during pregnancy had a considerably increased risk of having a baby with a low birth weight or a small body size, as well as an increased risk of having the baby delivered prematurely. On the other hand, nonwhite women did not face any additional danger beyond that which was already associated with their ethnicity.

The Inevitable Dangers Of Using CBD Oil

CBD oil is currently being used in an increasing number of ways. Many people who have tried it claim that it helps them relax and settles their stomachs, and it is widely regarded as a far safer alternative to THC. But even if this is the case, the question remains: is it risky to ingest CBD oil while pregnant?

In a study that was conducted not too long ago, researchers gave CBD to pregnant mouse moms. They then discovered that their offspring had facial abnormalities, similar to those seen in fetal alcohol syndrome. Other animal research has demonstrated that a child may absorb CBD through breast milk, demonstrating that the issues do not stop once a child is born and has left the womb. Although the presence of CBD in breast milk is not certain to result in adverse effects, there is still the possibility of danger.

Concerns About The Presence Of Unnatural Chemicals In CBD Oil

Having said that, it is impossible to know for sure what is contained in some CBD products on the market today. There is no question that it contains CBD, but the fact that many of the manufacturers don't pay attention to impurities means that other chemicals, such as germs and pesticides, can be found in the oil and other goods that they produce. Ingesting such substances would most certainly result in complications, as a matter of course, regardless of whether you are pregnant or nursing your child.

Some Studies Confirm The Risk Of Cannabis Use During Pregnancy

According to the findings of a study conducted on 314 pregnant women who used cannabis and more than 4,700 pregnant women who did not use cannabis, the former group had children with a lower birth weight than the later group.

  • Cannabis users had a significantly greater rate of premature births compared to non-users of the drug.
  • This study is flawed because it used a control group that was unreasonably large. For example, a study with 5,000 pregnant drug users and 5,000 pregnant women who did not take drugs might provide more credible results.
  • The results of a study in which pregnant rodents were given CBD oil, it was discovered that the offspring exhibited altered behavior and had facial abnormalities. However, this does not prove that the impact occurs in human beings, thus more research is required.

Low Birth Weight As Well As The Risk Of Premature Birth

A study that was conducted in 2020 and published the following year suggests that there is, in fact, a correlation between cannabis use and complications during pregnancy, despite the fact that there are cannabis supporters who claim there isn't. Over 5,000 pregnant women were monitored by researchers from different parts of the UK, and these women were separated into five groups:

women who had never used cannabis , those who had used it solely before pregnancy , those who used it right before becoming pregnant , those who used it but stopped before 15 weeks, and finally, those who used it after 15 weeks of pregnancy.

After following these groups through pregnancy and birth, the researchers discovered that infants whose mothers smoked up until 15 weeks of pregnancy had a lower average birth weight and a higher likelihood of being born prematurely compared to other infants whose mothers quit smoking before 15 weeks of pregnancy. However, if the moms quit using cannabis before their children were 15 weeks old, the outcomes for their children were not significantly different from those of infants whose mothers had never used cannabis.

It is important to point out that although the sample size is a strong indicator of the reliability of this study, the women were not randomly assigned to groups of identical proportions. Only 314 of the more than 5,000 women who participated in the study were discovered to have used cannabis in any quantity at any point in their lives. A control group of more than 4,700 people is excessive, and the overall size of this study could lead someone to believe that it is more representative than it actually is. Although this is still more people than humans normally see in a study of cannabis, it is still less than the typical number of participants.

Think Of It As A Break In Your Level Of Tolerance

It's understandable that the idea of giving up can make you feel depressed. Maybe you had a wonderful time with weed, and provided a significant amount of relief at times of high stress.

All stoners take tolerance breaks. When you take lengthier gaps between puffs, marijuana is just as effective at knocking you unconscious as it was when you initially started smoking it. If you take this perspective, you are not "quitting," but rather pausing your cannabis use so that you may get the most out of it after you have your baby and finish breastfeeding.

If, despite this, you believe that you require it throughout your pregnancy, particularly if you are a patient who has been prescribed cannabis for medicinal purposes, you should consult with your primary care physician about an appropriate treatment strategy before doing anything else. It doesn't matter that it's medical marijuana, you should always think about your child health outcomes. Before taking CBD products while pregnant, you should consult with your healthcare provider first and only utilize products that have been well researched and evaluated.

The Bottom Line

Weed is a type of plant that belongs to the same family as hemp. Tetrahydrocannabinol, more commonly referred to by its abbreviated form THC, is the major psychoactive component of cannabis. The fact that the human brain contains a receptor for the active component of cannabis is what explains why it can cause psychedelic effects in users. This has the capability of docking in the human brain. On the other hand, the amount of THC that is contained in each of the many different kinds of hemp can vary greatly.

The most common of cannabis are hashish and marijuana, both of which are derived from the cannabis plant. Hashish is generated from the resin that is found on the inflorescences of the cannabis plant, whereas marijuana, which is also commonly referred to as grass, is made up of the plant's crushed leaves and flowers. Hashish is a popular form of cannabis-based psychoactive substance. Hashish and marijuana are primarily consumed by smoking the dried herb, and joints are the most common delivery method.

Over the course of the last few years, there has been a significant amount of debate about the question of whether or not it is dangerous to use cannabis while one is pregnant. This is as a result of the fact that the useful plant is becoming more accepted in both the medical and social communities, leading to an increase in the rates of consumption.

The consensus among those who work in the medical field is that heavy cannabis use during pregnancy may lead to a lower birth weight for the baby and may increase the likelihood that the mother may have certain conditions, such as preeclampsia. On the other hand, the extent to which this may take place can change based not just on the type of use but also on a variety of other aspects of the situation. So, the amount of marijuana use is considered as diverse prenatal marijuana exposure.

There is a substantial quantity of evidence that runs contrary to the findings of a substantial amount of scientific research that issues a cautionary note about the dangers of consuming cannabis while pregnant. There is a line of thought that holds that consuming cannabis prior to giving birth might lessen the intensity of the labor pains and open one's eyes to new possibilities. The vast majority of people hold a different opinion than this one. Thus, many people hold on to the belief that marijuana use during pregnancy can cause a lot of pregnancy harm.

Disclaimer: This material is for informational purposes only and should not be relied on for legal, medical, financial, or any other form of professional advice.

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