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Guide to Growing Magic Mushrooms

How To Grow Magic Mushrooms

Weedbates Contributor

Since the beginning of human history, people have used psilocybin mushrooms, naturally occurring life forms containing psychoactive properties, for religious or ceremonial purposes. They are a type of organism that belongs to the kingdom of fungi, as their name would imply. Fungi are distinct from other types of life in that they are not classified as either plants or animals but rather as their distinct kingdom of living things. On the other hand, the DNA of fungi has more in common with creatures than with plants.

The psychoactive compound psilocybin's presence distinguishes this genus and species of mushrooms from all others. One of the most powerful naturally occurring hallucinogenic compounds is called psilocybin. By affecting the individual's central nervous system, it modifies their behavior and perception of the world around them.

Psilocybin has the potential to alter or heighten a person's sensations after ingesting it in a dose. For instance, colors might appear more vibrant, noises might sound louder, and one's sense of touch might feel different. Psilocybin can alter a person's mental and emotional condition, causing them to feel amazement and wonder. After taking magic mushrooms, many people claim to have experienced a mystical and religious mental state and a more positive attitude toward life.

What Do You Need To Know About Magic Mushrooms?

Evidence shows that people have been using magical mushrooms for thousands of years. There are around two hundred different types of magical mushrooms. It can be challenging to differentiate between the various kinds of mushrooms since many species look very similar to one another. People have been known to mistake dangerous mushrooms for magic mushrooms and eat them.

Psilocin and psilocybin are the chemical compounds responsible for magic mushrooms' psychoactive effects. As psychoactive substances, psilocybin and psilocin are subject to regulation. In many countries, the sale, possession, and production of anything with magic mushrooms, psilocybin, or psilocin are unlawful.

The Food and Drugs Act regulates psychoactive substances such as psilocybin and psilocin, found in magic mushrooms (FDA). Both psilocybin and psilocin are classified as hallucinogens, and their effects are comparable to LSD. Hallucinations and other altered states of consciousness are common effects people who take magic mushrooms feel. The effects can be felt in as little as 15 to 45 minutes and typically continue for between four and six hours.

Psychedelics high

It's possible that different people will have different effects from eating magic mushrooms. In addition, the effectiveness of different types of magic mushrooms can range widely. The effects of magic mushrooms may vary depending on the dose that is consumed as well as the type of mushroom that is consumed; this is since different mushrooms may contain varying concentrations of the active component.

"The Meal Of The Gods"

Terence Mckenna, a well-known anthropologist and psychonaut, once referred to a particular substance as "the meal of the gods." However, in many countries today, possession of that substance is illegal. On the other hand, researchers have been granted permission to examine the chemicals to determine the effects that they have on the human brain and how the compounds cause those effects.

Psilocybin mushrooms

Psilocybin may have potential applications in the treatment and alleviation of a range of mental disorders; however, research is still in its early life, and much of it is rigorously banned; yet, encouraging results suggest that psilocybin may have such benefits.

Psilos are seasonal plants that thrive in a wide range of climates and can be seen growing in several places across the world. However, the season might be rather short in certain locations, and people who search for these fascinating mushrooms run the risk of running afoul of the law as a consequence of their actions. 

On the other hand, there is yet another way to acquire these mushrooms, which is to cultivate them within the safety of your house. It will just take a few things and the right approach on your part.

Is It Safe To Use Psilocybin?

Even though additional research is required to verify psilocybin's safety, the investigations that have been carried out up to this point indicate that the substance is not dangerous in and of itself.

Psilocybin has the potential to create uncomfortable side effects in a person, such as a headache, dizziness, nausea, anxiety, sleepiness, or hyperreflexia in certain individuals.

In this particular scenario, the use of psilocybin in conjunction with the guidance of a therapist is advantageous. People might receive guidance from therapists not only when they are experiencing side effects, but also when they are preparing for them in advance.

hallucinogenic psilocybin mushrooms

In order to obtain the full benefit of the psilocybin experience, a person may need to face and conquer some worries or concerns. These feelings, while unpleasant, should not be dangerous if they occur in a safe and controlled atmosphere.

In a sense, some emotions of worry are part of the therapeutic effect. It's similar to cognitive behavioral therapy and exposure therapy. Part of the therapeutic function is to suffer the discomfort and, on the other side, realize that everything is going to be alright.

The Opinion Of The Experts

Indigenous peoples of North America and Europeans have looked to magic mushrooms for spiritual and therapeutic guidance for thousands of years.

Since ancient times, people have associated eating mushrooms with enlightening spiritual experiences and coming into one's own. Many people have the misconception that natural substances like mescaline, magic mushrooms, and marijuana are sacred herbs that can be used to reach a higher spiritual state. Others consume magic mushrooms to achieve exhilaration, a sense of connection, and a distorted perception of the passage of time.

It is believed that the psilocybin in the mushrooms is transformed into psilocin in the body and that this affects the levels of serotonin in the brain, which results in altered and odd perceptions. It takes between 20 and 40 minutes for effect to kick in, and it can continue for as long as 6 hours, which is the same length it takes for psilocin to be metabolized and released.


Different Methods In Which Mushrooms Can Be Prepared And Eaten

The dried whole mushrooms or mushroom powder that are sold without permission are both considered to be illegal. There are many different methods by which mushrooms can be prepared and eaten, such as:

  • consumed either raw or cooked
  • leaves are steeped as tea or added to other beverages after being crushed.
  • in capsule form;
  • inhaled as a powder through the nose (sniffing)

There is never a good reason to inject magic mushrooms intravenously. The medical literature records cases in which intravenously injected mushrooms caused substantial injury, including septic shock and failure of several organ systems.

Psilocybin and psilocin are also created illegally and sold in the form of powder, tablets, or capsules. Illicitly made medications are not subjected to testing and could contain additional harmful ingredients.

Short-Term Effects

Consuming magic mushrooms can have short-term effects on both the user's mental and physical health.

Consequences On A Psychological Level

People who ingest magic mushrooms report feeling happier and more creative as a result of the intensification of their feelings and experiences that the mushrooms induce. They might find themselves giggling or laughing a lot and have a sense of mental and emotional clarity.

  • Hallucinations and a distorted perception of reality are two additional effects that can be brought on by eating magic mushrooms.
  • Creation of a distorted perception of reality for people (they see and hear things that are not there).
  • Overwhelming and misleading the senses (they think they see music or hear colors).
  • Change the perception of the passage of time.

Hallucinogenic mushrooms

The use of magic mushrooms has been linked to some potentially harmful psychological effects:

  • Shift in an emotional state
  • Dizziness
  • Anxiety and sudden episodes of panic
  • State of bewilderment and disorientation
  • Anxiety and/or a sense of paranoia

Effects On The Body

The following are possible side effects of consuming magic mushrooms:

  • A feeling of numbness, particularly in the face
  • Rapidly beating heart and elevated blood pressure
  • Dry mouth, which might lead to nausea and vomiting in certain people
  • A lack of muscle strength along with spasms or cramping
  • Very rapid responses
  • Increased sweating and warmth of the body, which is frequently followed by chills and shivering
  • A loss of control over one's urination

Effects Of Taking Magic Mushrooms Over A Long Period Of Time

Currently, no studies have been conducted to investigate the long-term effects of repeated consumption of magic mushrooms.

The potential dangers of consuming magic mushrooms are:

  • It is possible to have what is known as a "bad trip," particularly when taking large doses of the substance. Paranoia, a lack of boundaries, and a warped view of oneself are all symptoms that can accompany these terrifying events. Impaired judgment during these so-called "bad trips" can lead to dangerous behavior, which can then result in severe injuries or even deaths.
  • It is possible for users to have frequent or extreme psychedelic experiences, which might result in unexpected flashbacks or the reliving of earlier experiences.
  • Combining the consumption of magic mushrooms with other substances, such as cannabis, amphetamines, alcohol, and so on, raises the danger of significant adverse effects and side effects.
  • People with a genetic predisposition or a mental disorder may have a greater chance of experiencing adverse effects. This connection is currently being looked into more thoroughly.
  • In patients who already have cardiac problems, even seemingly harmless short-term consequences like an elevated heart rate and blood pressure could be dangerous.

Advantages Of Magic Mushrooms

The effects of magic mushrooms go further than hallucinations (although hallucinations can sometimes be very good). The health benefits of magic mushrooms can be broken down into the following categories.

1. Depression

Psilocybin is a hallucinogenic molecule that can be found in magic mushrooms. In a study that took place in 2022, researchers evaluated the effects of psilocybin on 27 individuals with long-term depression. Between August 2017 and April 2019, participants got two separate doses of psilocybin, each one spaced out by two weeks.

Depressed woman using shrooms

Following treatment, the individuals' depression levels remained low at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months, according to the researchers' findings. Despite this being encouraging news, the researchers noted that additional investigation into the connection between psilocybin and depression is required. In particular, there is a need for clarification whether or not treatment can continue for more than a year.

2. It Can Assist People In Giving Off Their Dependence On Drugs

Researchers are investigating whether or not psilocybin can assist individuals in kicking harmful habits like smoking, drinking, or drug abuse.

Researchers explored the use of psilocybin as a potential treatment for alcoholism in one of their more limited studies. They discovered that psilocybin helped reduce alcohol consumption and the desire to drink.

Psilocybin considerably boosted the possibility that smokers would continue to be smoke-free after 12 months, according to the findings of a short experimental study conducted by the researchers.

Some evidence suggests that psilocybin may also be useful in treating other types of addiction to psychoactive substances. However, a significant amount of research is still required before it can be established whether or not it can assist in reducing drug usage and cravings.

3.  Headache

According to the findings of a study that was conducted in 2017, psychoactive compounds like psilocybin may be useful in the treatment of cluster headaches and migraines.

Psilocybin mushrooms for migraines

Psilocybin may be responsible for headaches, according to the findings of a single, limited investigation. The researchers discovered that the severity of the headaches varied depending on the amount of the drug. But the symptoms were neither severe nor disabling.

4. The Condition Known As Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Researchers found that giving mice low doses of psilocybin helped lessen their fear response in an experiment conducted on animals. It suggests that using magic mushrooms to treat PTSD and other disorders may be beneficial. Nevertheless, additional research conducted in humans is required to study this connection.

Psilocybin for PTSD

In addition, a number of studies have found that the effects of psilocybin on a person's mental state are highly variable. As a result, it is difficult to say whether or not magic mushrooms are useful in treating PTSD one hundred percent.

5. Fear

There is a chance that psilocybin could help reduce anxiety; however, additional research is still required.

Psilocybin was administered in doses ranging from extremely low to extremely high to 51 cancer patients in a life-threatening stage of their disease. The high-dose group significantly improved their feeling of purpose, level of optimism, and overall quality of life. The fear of death was also lessened compared to the group that received the low dose.

6.  Enhanced Openness As Well As Other Beneficial Improvements To The Personality

People are born loving, open beings ready to connect with others, discover new things, and develop their sensual selves. Throughout the entirety of life, humans are bound by experiences that have the potential to cause us pain. One clear effect of experiencing heartbreak is that it makes you less receptive to potential future love partnerships. People who have had many negative experiences linked to a certain aspect of their lives are more likely to draw inward on themselves, which can be detrimental to their ability to experience new things in the future.

Psilocybin for mood enhancement

Of course, there are occasions when this can keep them safe. Still, more often than not, it can cause us to restrict oneself more than is required and lower the potential in life by preventing a person from engaging in new activities and taking advantage of new chances. Therefore, psilocybin is useful in these kinds of situations.

Openness is a psychological concept that characterizes a person's attitude toward new experiences. It is related to attributes such as imagination, creativity, and the ability to appreciate art and beauty. According to the findings of a study that was conducted in 2011, the researchers discovered that "a high-dose psilocybin session dramatically boosted openness." Not only did openness generally rise throughout the psilocybin session, but it also stayed significantly greater than at base in over 60% of the subjects more than a year after the session.

7. Ego Elimination And Boost Of Creative Potential

Psychedelics, in general, can do this, but psilocybin can do it particularly well. Psilocybin, in particular, can assist situations in which the conscious experience of the universe is freed from attachment to a particular ego, which can be an imaginary construct. According to a study completed in 2017, there are certain circumstances in which it may be beneficial to temporarily let go of one's ego. These expansive and, at times, life-altering events empower us to feel more profoundly connected to others and more fully alive. Additionally, they encourage creative thought.


According to one study, people who self-medicated with modest quantities of psilocybin could minimize the severity of their cluster headaches without experiencing any of the euphoric effects of the drug.

Microdosing uses a very small drug dose to test its advantages and prevent unwanted side effects. This approach is sometimes referred to as "microdosing."

Psilocybin mushroom microdosing

Self-medication with psilocybin is not something that researchers recommend since it may be more difficult to control anxiety in a non-clinical setting when intoxicated (which can lead to a bad trip), it may result in an overdose, and it may be difficult to determine the purity of the drug if it is obtained from an unregulated source. It is important to note that researchers do not recommend self-medication with psilocybin. In addition, those who already have a history of a mental disorder may be more susceptible to the negative impacts that psilocybin has to offer.


What Effects Do These Magic Mushrooms Have?

These are the most typical effects associated with the consumption of magic mushrooms:

  • Enhanced energy and strength, eternal joy and contentment
  • A state of happiness or ecstasy, a sense of complete happiness and fulfillment that pervades one's entire being.
  • Transformation of the truth into fiction; a fresh viewpoint on the world as it currently is. obtaining a glimpse behind the scenes.
  • A false sense of both time and place; perceptions of time and space are distorted. Small distances might seem like kilometers.
  • A sensation of extreme and overwhelming excitement; everything fresh and wondrous can be.
  • A feeling of connection or unity with the entire cosmos. A journey with such a profound spiritual impact is comparable to the platonic ideal of travel. You have a sense of complete unity with every other living thing.
  • Hallucinations both in the visual and aural fields; objects can suddenly shrink or enlarge and bend and curl in unexpected ways. Sounds begin to warp, and the music develops an almost intolerable exquisiteness.


How Long Do The Effects Of Magic Mushrooms Typically Last?

On average, the hallucinatory effects of magic mushrooms often take effect approximately half an hour after eating. A typical trip duration is between four and six hours, but the effects might linger for much longer. It is contingent on the quantity consumed, the strength of the mushrooms, and your tolerance level in general.

In addition, when you are under the influence of alcohol, you may have bodily symptoms such as:

  • headaches
  • drowsiness
  • dilated pupils
  • unable to move about
  • slurred or jumbled speech
  • sickness and/or throwing up
  • rise in either the pace of the heartbeat or the blood pressure

Where Do Magic Mushrooms Grow?

The answer to the question "Where do magic mushrooms grow?" is usually "closer than you think," unless you live in a polar or subarctic zone. In that case, the answer is "far away."

Magic mushrooms that contain psilocybin can be found growing naturally all over the world, with some species being particularly widespread in places like North America and Europe. Another kind of Psilocybe mushroom, Psilocybe cubensis, can be found across tropical regions. This particular species is one of those that, in many circumstances, is one of the easiest to cultivate at home.

If you want to go mushroom hunting in the wild, the ideal places to look are in locations that are heavily forested and located close to water bodies (including standing water from recent rainfall).

Growing magic mushrooms

Fungi require only two primary components to flourish in their natural environments: moisture and the nutrients released by decomposing organic materials. As a result, magic mushrooms are typically found in damp, thickly wooded places (where they 'feed' on decaying logs). However, certain magic mushrooms can also grow in wide fields and meadows, particularly cattle pastures, which have rich soil full of nutrients.

Before you even consider going out into the woods to gather mushrooms, you have to be one hundred percent certain that you can recognize them. Some species look like magic mushrooms but should not be eaten because they contain toxins. These species are capable of causing a wide range of unpleasant effects, from moderate nausea to even death. If you are unsure as to whether or not a mushroom is harmful, do not eat it!

Why Do Individuals Choose To Cultivate Mushrooms?

There are a variety of reasons why people cultivate magic mushrooms. Most importantly, mushrooms cultivated at home are superior to those grown elsewhere.

For the beginning, the likelihood of being arrested for drug dealing or possession is significantly reduced if you are the one who supplies your drugs. On the other hand, when you cultivate your mushrooms, you have complete control over the types of mushrooms utilized and the components that went into their production. For many people, the cultivation of mushrooms is also a means of connecting with the spirit of this sacred medicine's capacity for healing.

Even though it is illegal to do so, thousands of people who enjoy eating mushrooms continue to cultivate the plant in their homes, just like people who use marijuana do. Scientists and amateur mycologists have spent several decades identifying new mushroom types, cultivating them, and exchanging information through decentralized local groups, online forums, and anonymous listservs.

People should be able to cultivate their own medicine or food, but that's a different issue. This cultural development has led to a radical mycology movement centered on the idea that people should be able to grow their medication.

Exploring The World Of Growing Mushrooms

Psilocybe cubensis, sometimes referred to as 'cubes,' is the species that is responsible for the cultivation of the vast majority of kinds of magic mushrooms. More than one hundred different psilocybin-containing mushroom strains can be found within a single mushroom species. Some of them have been brought in from the wild and given the names of the countries or continents from which they originally came, such as Colombia or Cambodia. 

Along the same lines as the evolution of the names of different cannabis strains, magic mushrooms have been given slang names that are likely to cause embarrassment, such as APE (for Albino Penis Envy). Mushroom growers also like to grow medicinal mushrooms.

Psilocybin magic mushrooms grown indoors

It could feel a little strange and confusing when you first start exploring the world of growing mushrooms at home. However, some people believe that producing your own magic mushrooms has unquestionable benefits, including the therapeutic benefits of ecotherapy. The cultivation of magic mushrooms is, fortunately, not a complicated endeavor; yet, despite the fact that the practice has been decriminalized in several nations, it remains technically unlawful on a national level.

Instruction On How To Cultivate Your Own Mushrooms

As the do-it-yourself mushroom movement gains popularity, more and more places in the United States are offering workshops and classes on how to grow magic mushrooms. The fundamentals of mushroom cultivation are universally applicable, and this holds true regardless of the species of fungus being cultivated.

The only way to learn about the anatomy of mushrooms, the dangers of contamination, and how to properly cultivate, fruit, and harvest mushrooms is via practice, experimentation, and failure. It is not difficult to understand but rather quite intricate.

There is no reason to limit yourself to magic mushrooms when other edible mushrooms can also be a delightful testing ground that has a lower risk of adverse effects. Some people start growing magic mushrooms after first learning how to produce beaked or mistletoe mushrooms, both of which are simple to cultivate, are permitted to be grown, and, to top it off, are delicious.

You can acquire mushroom growing kits online from dozens of different sites nowadays; however, before making a purchase, it is important to read customer reviews to ensure that you are purchasing the kit from a reliable vendor. In a strictly legal sense, it is not against the law to purchase spores of magic mushrooms (except in California, Georgia, and Idaho).

Introduction To The Cultivation Of Magic Mushrooms

Mushrooms are fruiting bodies, which look like a dense network of white fibers beneath the cap of the mushroom. The mycelium serves as both the brain and the heart of the organism that is the mushroom. This creature reproduces by producing fruiting bodies (mushrooms) that release spores (seeds). This refers to magic mushroom spores. However, reproduction is not the only mechanism by which mycelium spreads throughout the earth. In addition to this, the organism expands by moving into neighboring areas as it does so.

Magic Mushroom cap

Fungi can be cultivated for the aim of assisting the fungus in its growth, allowing it to absorb the food that is made accessible to it, and ensuring that the fungus has the energy and health to grow more fungi. Although it might not seem like it at first, bacteria and other kinds of fungi are also competitors for the same food source. 

While the risk of contamination is at its highest during the first few weeks of cultivation, it should be noted that contamination is always a possibility while cultivating mushrooms. Once the mushrooms have been tainted with undesirable bacteria, they are rendered useless and cannot be used again.

In order to reduce the likelihood of contamination as much as possible, you should ideally create a simple unit that only contains a few facilities. These include HEPA filters and fans, large plastic containers to act as temporary sterile rooms, and enough isopropyl alcohol with a concentration of at least 70%, although some growers swear by 91%. Also included are large plastic containers to function as temporary sterile rooms.

You can find all of these things on the internet or at large hardware stores, and there are a lot of tutorials on YouTube that walk you through the process of making an improvised mushroom laboratory. As soon as the mycelium is established and has outgrown its rivals, the risk of contamination decreases. This is because mycelium has a strong immune system and is able to spontaneously eradicate some hazardous microorganisms. Thus, you should consider the provided magic mushroom information and magic mushroom cultivation basics.

Fundamental Steps Involved In The Cultivation Of Magic Mushrooms

The first step in cultivation is to obtain a sample of the liquid culture, a live specimen, or a prepared spore print. A syringe is the most common container for liquid cultures; however, tubes or hermetically sealed vials may also be used. These many places of departure are analogous to the seeds of a plant; the next step is to plant them in something that will act as either soil or food for the plants so that they can continue to grow and multiply.

The nutrient-rich agar that has been created in a petri dish or a glass jar is the most typical food source for the mycelium that is used for starting a culture. The mycelium is allowed to grow in the Petri dish before being moved to its primary food supply, which is typically sterile grains stored in large jars with wide mouths. The mycelium is started from a very small "seed."

Further Essential Steps

It is not essential to expand the mycelium on agar if sufficient liquid cultures are available; instead, the culture can be given to the substrate immediately by a technique known as inoculation. If adequate liquid cultures are not available, it is necessary to expand the mycelium on agar. This initiates the spawning step of the process.

Once the mycelium has been 'placed' in the Petri dish, it will begin to grow on the surface of the medium and eat nutrients. This process will continue until the agar is covered with a thick network of fuzzy white threads that resemble root hairs. The cultivator, working on the assumption that no other fungus or bacteria that might be competing have become infected, places the agar and the pieces of mycelium directly into the huge jars with wide mouths that have been sterilized and contain the grain.

The mycelium is allowed to "walk" or develop in these containers while the temperature is carefully monitored and maintained at a constant level. The term "spawning" refers to this procedure.

Fruiting Body Growth Can Take Several Weeks

At the moment, different growers have access to a variety of different paths. The containers can be emptied into a bath or tank that has been prepared with compost and nutrients for growing fruit once the beans have been completely infected with healthy mycelium. This allows the fruit to flourish. The fruiting chamber ought to be set up in an area of the room in which the temperature and humidity levels may be adjusted.

When the mycelium is exposed to the appropriate environmental conditions, it will begin to "grow" and eventually produce mushrooms. Some people build little fruiting chambers in auxiliary bathrooms or pantries, preferably in locations where the temperature is more consistent, and the probability of being disturbed is reduced. These are both good places to put the chambers.

Light is essential for the growth of fungi. However, this may be replicated in a laboratory by employing temporary grow lamps. The growth of fruiting bodies can be a process that takes several weeks to complete. Growers employ a wide range of lamps, sprays, and fertilizers, all of which are selected according to the preferences of the individual varieties. Growers may select a single plant in order to cultivate multiple 'buds' from a single harvest depending on the type of cannabis and the environmental factors present.

The mycelium from the jar can be transferred to large bags or containers containing substrate in order to achieve higher yields. It will go through one more cycle of development before entering the environment in which fruit will be produced, which is typically a separate room.

The preparation, on the other hand, can be relatively easy if you follow one of the common do-it-yourself procedures, which involve using liquid cultures and rice bags that have already been prepared; and, if everything goes well and smoothly, the magic mushrooms can be produced within nine weeks.

The Bottom Line

There is a growing number of places across the United States that are providing courses and classes on how to cultivate magic mushrooms in response to the popularity of the do-it-yourself mushroom movement. The fundamentals of mushroom culture are relevant to the cultivation of any species of fungus, meaning that one may grow mushrooms using the same techniques regardless of the type of fungus being grown.

Practice, experimentation, and the acceptance of defeat are the only ways to get an understanding of the anatomy of mushrooms, the perils of contamination, and the best methods for mushroom cultivation, fruiting, and harvesting. It is not hard to understand but rather sophisticated in its structure.

There is no reason to limit oneself to magic mushrooms when other edible mushrooms can also be a lovely testing ground that has a lower chance of harmful effects than magic mushrooms do. Some people start growing magic mushrooms after they have first learned how to produce beaked or mistletoe mushrooms, both of which are easy to cultivate, are allowed to be grown, and, to top it all off, are delicious. Other people start growing magic mushrooms without ever having grown beaked or mistletoe mushrooms.

Nowadays, mushroom-growing kits can be purchased online from dozens of different websites. However, prior to making a purchase, it is crucial to read customer reviews to confirm that the kit is being purchased from a reputable retailer.

Disclaimer: This material is for informational purposes only and should not be relied on for legal, medical, financial, or any other professional advice.

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