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Duration of CBD in System

How Long Does CBD Stay In Your System?

Weedbates Contributor

CBD can be ingested in a variety of different ways. You can take CBD in a few different ways: by eating a CBD cookie, placing a few drops of CBD oil or tincture under your tongue, or using a CBD vaporizer. These approaches come with their unique set of benefits, and the amount of time it takes them to become effective can vary widely. Continue reading, and you will look at the distinctions between these various modes of consumption.

New users frequently inquire about how long it takes to feel the substance's effects and how long it remains in the body. Because the absorption and excretion of CBD depend on several factors, including body weight, metabolism, and the way it is consumed, there is no definitive response to these inquiries.

To begin, you'll look at the various ways to consume CBD and why some of these methods produce effects more quickly than others. In the following sections, you'll get the necessary information on how individual physiology might alter the amount of time CBD remains in the body.

Several factors can appropriately determine the length of time CBD stays in the body. These are the following:

  • The amounts used
  • Method of consumption
  • Frequency of consumption
  • Activity levels
  • Physiology of the body
  • Body weight
  • Metabolic rate

How CBD Works

The endocannabinoid system is a regulatory system that ensures optimal physiological function and is the primary target of CBD's therapeutic effects. CBD, unlike other cannabinoids, does not bind to SEC receptors directly but instead exerts its actions indirectly. 

Because CBD can be administered in a variety of ways, and this variability significantly affects the compound's metabolism, the issue becomes more nuanced (how it is broken down and distributed throughout the body).

CBD must first travel through the digestive system when taken orally before it can have an impact. However, CBD works faster if taken sublingually (under the tongue) or breathed using a vaporizer.

How Is CBD Processed?

As soon as CBD enters the bloodstream, it goes to the liver, where it is converted into various molecules that the body's cells can utilize. The same set of enzymes metabolizes around sixty percent of all pharmaceuticals. 

CBD Tincture

Cannabidiol (CBD) metabolites are distributed throughout the body from the liver and can bind to different receptors there.

Use Of CBD Regularly

If you have only taken CBD once or twice in levels ranging from low to moderate and have not consumed any other cannabis-derived products, the cannabinoid will stay in your system for a maximum of a few days and, for most people, for no longer than 24 hours. If you consume CBD for at least a week, the compound will remain detectable in your system for at least a month and possibly longer. It will take between 30 and 40 days of refraining from CBD consumption for the substance to be eliminated from your system. 

On the other hand, not everyone will experience the effects of CBD, at least not immediately. Some people require a consistent dose of CBD for the drug to have long-term effects, and their bodies may require a certain amount of CBD as a base in order for the substance to be beneficial. It is necessary for these individuals to consume CBD on a consistent basis in order to enjoy the benefits, which implies that the chemical will remain detectable in the body for an extended period of time, possibly several months at a time.

Why Is The Method Of CBD Consumption Important?

Isn't CBD just CBD all the same? Does it really make a difference whether you opt to vape extracts or take capsules? Is there a significant difference in how it will affect you, whether you put it under your tongue or mix it into your morning beverage?

It's easy to get confused when you consider the fact that different methods of intake have diverse consequences. In the end, CBD passes via the liver and into the bloodstream, where it is then carried to various organs. The molecule has been shown to interact with receptors of the endocannabinoid system, as well as vanilloid and serotonin receptors, and appears to have an affinity for these receptors.

After passing through the blood-brain barrier, CBD is able to interact not only with receptors that are situated in the brain but also with receptors that are located in the neurological system, immune system, and various other cells and tissues.

The pathway that CBD follows on its way to these destinations has a significant impact on the amount of time it takes for CBD to stimulate or inhibit these receptors. In the following, you'll find out the most popular methods of consumption, along with specifics on the speed at which the effects will occur and the processes that will be utilized in each technique.

Smoking And Vaporizing

Some users choose to smoke or vape CBD extracts, while others prefer to consume dried hemp flowers. The cannabis enters the body through the same pathway regardless of which method is used, which is the pulmonary alveoli. People frequently choose to vape over smoking because it does not involve the ignition and does not include any toxins that cause cancer. When CBD reaches these minute air sacs in the lungs, it begins to diffuse into circulation.

CBD Vape Pen

When CBD is inhaled, this substance only needs to pass through a small barrier in order to reach the bloodstream; as a result, the benefits of CBD are practically immediately felt after consumption. Although it is obvious that smoking and vaping are not methods that appeal to everyone, there are people who like how quickly they feel the impacts of these methods.

Because CBD that has been inhaled has a high bioavailability, this indicates that the vast majority of the CBD that has been inhaled enters the bloodstream and has its effects.

The manner in which CBD is ingested plays a role in determining how long the compound stays active in the body (measured in terms of the amount of time required for half of its constituent atoms to break down). After inhaling 20 milligrams of CBD, the substance's half-life is between one and two hours.

Oral Ingestion: Eating And Drinking CBD

Consumption of CBD can be accomplished through the use of capsules, extracts (such as tinctures), as well as meals and beverages containing CBD. Taking CBD in this manner is discreet, simple, and does not need the use of one's lungs. As a result of the increased demand for this cannabinoid, there has been an increase in the number of companies that sell a wide variety of products, ranging from candies and cookies to sparkling water and morning cereals.

CBD Edibles

Although consuming CBD through food or drink is the most pleasurable way to transport the cannabinoid to the cells, this administration technique is also the one that takes the longest to have an impact because CBD must first travel through the digestive tract in order to enter the bloodstream, which is why it takes longer for it to take effect.

Before the products can enter the bloodstream, they must first be chewed and swallowed, at which point they are immersed in a mixture of acids and enzymes, travel through the digestive tract, and be digested by the liver. When contrasted to inhalation, this process moves at a glacial pace. At a minimum of 20 to 30 minutes, CBD must interact with the receptors in order to exert its effects. When taken orally, CBD typically has a half-life of between two and three hours.

Consuming CBD in this manner offers a few distinct advantages. It is simple enough to incorporate into one's daily routine, and it is also adaptable enough to function as a component of a meal. Those who require quick doses of cannabis may not find this method to be an ideal choice; however, the effects of this method tend to persist for a more extended period of time than other methods.

Sublingual Dosing: Applying A Few Drops Under The Tongue

When administering a dose sublingually, a few drops are placed under the tongue. When serving this function, oils and tinctures containing CBD are used most frequently. In the field of medicine, this mode of delivery is utilized to speed up the process of the substance entering the bloodstream. When CBD is administered sublingually, it is not allowed to go through the digestive system. This results in an increase in the substance's bioavailability.

CBD tincture tongue consumption

By placing a few drops of CBD under the tongue, the substance is brought into contact with the lining of the lower portion of the mouth, which is the most sensitive layer. This layer is very transparent, which makes it more likely that the molecule will be rapidly absorbed. The compound then travels through the capillaries to the bloodstream.

The effects of taking CBD sublingually might be expected after roughly 15 minutes. Simply place a few drops of the oil or tincture beneath the tongue and then wait for it to be absorbed. CBD's half-life is very sensitive to the dose when it comes to this form of intake, which results in a wide range of possible outcomes. It can last anywhere from 1 to 10 hours at doses ranging from 5 to 20 milligrams.

CBD Can Be Applied Topically By Applying It To The Skin

Applying CBD-containing creams, lotions, or balms directly to the skin is referred to as a topical application of CBD. When administered in this manner, CBD does not typically absorb through the skin. Because cannabis has to travel through seven cell layers of the epidermis before it can enter the bloodstream, only topical absorption of the substance can take place. This is because the skin serves as a barrier against the effects of environmental factors.

CBD Topicals

This particular mode of absorption is somewhat slow. It could take anywhere from 25 to 45 minutes for the effects to start taking effect. The most effective treatment for skin issues and athletic rehabilitation is the use of a topical solution. CBD has been shown to alleviate symptoms associated with a variety of skin diseases, including eczema, psoriasis, and acne. This cannabinoid may help reduce inflammation, which may, in turn, assist athletes and other physically active persons in their recovery from intense exercise.

How Long CBD Stays In Your System Affects Everyone Differently

The manner in which CBD is consumed does not have a single effect on the effects and absorption of the compound. There are also a lot of physiological factors that come into play. Due to the fact that every human body is distinct, the effects of CBD will vary from person to person.

Body Weight

One of the most important things that determine how CBD acts within the body is the total amount of weight that a person carries. In general, a person will require a greater quantity of CBD in order to experience its effects if they weigh more. A man who weighs 100 kilograms will require a higher dose of cannabis than a man who weighs 60 kilograms in order to get the same effects.

Body Composition

The composition of the body is not the same as the body weight. It does not refer to the weight of the body as a whole but rather to the levels of the various tissues that make up the body. Adipose tissue, more often known as fat, is one of the components of body composition that has a significant impact on the appropriate CBD dosage. The circulation, digestion, and elimination of chemicals can all be affected by the amount of fatty tissue that is present in the body. People with more body fat typically require higher doses of CBD in order to enjoy the same effects as those with lower body fat because the removal of chemicals is higher in people with higher body fat.

Metabolic Rate

The rate of an individual's metabolism can differ from person to person. This rate is an indication of how quickly the body can burn calories in order to produce energy. Even if the level of physical activity performed might cause an increase in the number of calories burned, everyone has a number that serves as a base. In point of fact, the majority of the calories that are burned by the body are utilized during rest periods for the performance of fundamental physiological tasks.

People whose metabolic rates are higher are able to break down and utilize chemicals at a faster rate. Because of this, they will require higher doses of CBD taken more frequently in order to keep the effects of this cannabinoid going strong.


The effects that CBD has on the body will vary depending on how much of it is consumed in each dose. It will take a greater amount of time to process and get rid of a large dose, regardless of the mode of administration. Despite the fact that CBD that is inhaled or applied sublingually acts significantly more quickly, the effects of either method of administration can be enhanced by taking a higher amount.

CBD Compounds

As it has only been relatively recently that people's attention has been drawn to this chemical, there is a lack of studies conducted by scientists on the appropriate dosage of CBD. Consuming CBD in a manner that involves beginning with a low dose and working up to a higher one over time is a sensible approach. It's possible that some people will feel the benefits from relatively low doses, while others will need significantly higher levels. All of the aforementioned considerations are taken into account when determining the initial dose.

According to the findings of a study published in 2019, treating anxiety with medium doses of CBD proved to be more beneficial than either greater or lesser doses. A dose-response curve that looks like this is referred to as having an inverted U shape. This study is a wonderful illustration of the complexities around CBD dosage requirements. Personal experimentation will be the most effective method for determining the appropriate dosage for you until additional research has been carried out on the topic.

Diet And Exercise

The body will metabolize CBD more quickly if it is taken on an empty stomach rather than immediately after a meal or while the stomach is already full. Cannabinoids like CBD and THC may be metabolized more rapidly in the body of cannabis users who engage in frequent physical activity.

CBD exercise

When people exercise and regularly take cannabis, they often report experiencing a more intense version of the "runner's high." This feeling arises due to the fact that fat cells contain cannabinoids, which, when the number of physical activity increases, are released into the bloodstream.

What Is The Durability Of CBD In Different Tests?

It is possible to determine how long CBD will last by using a variety of testing methods; for example, CBD can be found in the blood or in the hair. In most cases, CBD on its own will not show a positive result on a drug test. Products containing CBD have trace amounts of THC, which is the active component that can be identified through testing. THC is what will be found when testing is performed. THC is the psychoactive component of marijuana and is responsible for producing the high.

Very trace amounts of THC can be discovered in products that legally contain CBD. It is helpful to have an understanding of the many spectra of THC that are present in the body before attempting to explain the presence of CBD in the body. Full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and isolated CBD are the three primary categories of CBD product composition. CBD isolate products are among favorites for many people.

THC is one of the natural components that are included in full-spectrum CBD extracts because those extracts are derived from the same plants as THC. The difference between full-spectrum CBD and broad-spectrum CBD is negligible. However, the CBD content of these types of CBD products is removed in the manufacturing process. Products containing isolated CBD consist entirely of CBD and contain no THC in any form. Of course, there are also many hemp derived CBD products.

As was indicated previously, THC is the active component in marijuana; hence, the federal government considers it to be a controlled substance when it is present in significant quantities. You might, however, go for THC, which is less dangerous. Choose CBD that is generated from hemp rather than CBD that is derived from marijuana if you want to consume full-spectrum CBD, which obviously includes THC. CBD extracted from hemp typically has a THC content that is lower than 0.30 percent. The following are the CBD detectable ways, the drug tests that you can take into consideration.

Examining In The Laboratory

It's possible that CBD will stop having an impact after it leaves your body. Having said that, this does not necessarily mean that it has been eliminated from your system entirely. The effects of CBD will continue to be felt even after it has been cleared from the body, which is a longer process than the simple elimination of its effects. Therefore, blood tests are able to reveal its presence over this time period. In most cases, the half-life of CBD ranges anywhere from 18 to 32 hours.

On the other hand, throughout this time period, laboratory testing can reveal its presence. It is important to highlight that the active component of marijuana, THC, is what is looked for in laboratory tests, not CBD.


The most common and widely used technique of drug testing is a urine test. In most cases, THC may be detected in the system by testing the urine. These molecules, similar to certain medications, might not show up in a test after some amount of time has passed. It can take anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks after the last time you used CBD for the substance to no longer show up in urine tests.

To clarify, the capacity to detect CBD is dependent on a number of factors, including the method of administration and the amount consumed. Researchers have found that CBD can be discovered in the urine of regular users up to 15 days after the last dosage of the compound.


The hair follicle test is a procedure that is recommended by certain authorities. The results of this test can be very helpful in establishing whether or not a person has been using drugs for an extended period of time.

The presence of THC in CBD products can be determined by hair follicle tests for up to three months following administration. However, in contrast to testing for other substances, examining hair follicles for cannabinoids like THC and CBD is not as prevalent.


Blood testing is another method that can be utilized to identify THC and CBD. However, due to the quick elimination of THC metabolites from the bloodstream, these tests are not considered to be the most trustworthy testing. Metabolites of THC and CBD normally stay in the plasma for about 5 hours under normal circumstances.


Saliva can also be tested for the presence of CBD and THC. Nevertheless, this test is not performed very frequently. THC and CBD can be found in the saliva up to around 36 hours after administration, and the detection time starts within minutes after ingestion. Again, the lifespan is influenced by both the dosage and the frequency of the administration. Consumption in large enough quantities is simple to identify.

Both Your Body Mass Index And The Manner You Consume Play An Important Effect

It is also essential to remember that CBD dissolves in fat. This indicates that it remains in the cells of your body's fatty tissue rather than remaining in the cells of your body's water tissue. As a consequence of this, your Body Mass Index, often known as BMI, has an effect on how rapidly CBD is digested. To put it another way, the length of time CBD remains in your system is directly related to both your body mass index and your weight.

In addition, the manner in which you take CBD into your system can influence both the effects it has on you and the length of time it remains there. At the moment, the following are the most typical ways to make use of CBD:

  • CBD oil
  • Vape
  • Dietary supplements
  • Edibles

If you smoke CBD that has been extracted from dried flowers or use a vaporizer cartridge, the compound will enter your circulation very quickly. In this manner, the effects of CBD on the brain are felt more quickly, despite the fact that lesser amounts are consumed.

It will take some time before you feel the effects of consuming a dietary or consumable supplement that is high in CBD. Your metabolism and the foods you eat have an effect on how quickly you will experience the effects of the drug. On the other hand, symptoms are typically experienced within an hour of having consumed the substance.

The effects of CBD might linger for anywhere from one to three hours after consumption, depending on the manner in which it was taken.

The Use Of CBD Has Been Shown To Have Positive Impacts On The Health Of The Body

It is effective in the treatment of anxiety and can provide relief from stress.

The majority of people who turn to cannabis for medical or wellness purposes do so in order to reduce their levels of stress and anxiety. According to the findings of a poll of 8,000 people, more than forty percent of people who use cannabis have made the decision to alleviate their anxiety. After this came the therapy for sleeping disorders as well as the alleviation of depression.

CBD against depression

A man takes a dose of CBD oil, which is well-known among consumers for its several beneficial effects on health, including the alleviation of pain caused by arthritis and migraine headaches. In most cases, the primary factor responsible for sadness and anxiety is neuroinflammation.

It has been demonstrated that CBD can reduce inflammation of nerve tissue in the brain, which in turn can calm the nervous system. In addition, CBD oil can naturally raise one's serotonin levels, which contributes to the oil's ability to have the same effects as antidepressants. The part of the brain known as the hippocampus, which plays a crucial role in learning and memory, can also have its health improved by CBD.

In many situations, a bad state of the hippocampus is strongly related to anxiety and depression. CBD can help improve this condition. A study that was published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology indicated that CBD helps patients who suffer from social anxiety by reducing cognitive impairment and anxiety.

An Extraordinary Potential To Alleviate Chronic Pain

One of the most widely recognized advantages of CBD for health is its extraordinary potential to alleviate chronic pain, a condition that affects over 25 million individuals in the United States. Although neither marijuana nor hemp is effective enough to alleviate severe pain (such as that caused by a broken bone or after surgery), they are both very good at easing the discomfort of chronic pain.

A study evaluation from 2018 that included 4,743 participants found that approximately 29 percent of cannabis users who experienced various types of chronic pain reported a 30 percent decrease in their pain level after using cannabis. Cannabinoids alleviate pain by modulating the neural circuits in the brain that are responsible for processing painful sensations. In particular, cannabidiol, or CBD, possesses anti-inflammatory qualities, which aid in the process of alleviating chronic pain.

Patients point out that the plant also has the power to alleviate muscle tension and discomfort in the body, and it has been demonstrated to be an excellent tool for relaxing muscles. Marijuana has also been shown to be an amazing option for relaxing muscles. Cannabis is a substantially safer alternative to painkillers, which is one of the reasons why it is becoming increasingly popular.

One Of The Many Benefits Of Cannabis To Health Is An Improvement In Sleep Quality

According to the National Sleep Foundation, anxiety and persistent discomfort are two of the many factors that might contribute to the development of sleep disorders. There are as many as 70 million persons in the United States who suffer from some form of sleep disturbance. Cannabis could be a useful sleep aid for those who have trouble falling asleep and wake up frequently throughout the night. These people tend to wake up in the early hours of the morning.

CBD for insomnia

It has been demonstrated that cannabis is useful in treating sleep disorders such as insomnia, and the relaxing effects of cannabis may also contribute to an improvement in the quality of sleep experienced. Cannabinoids like dronabinol and nabilone are being investigated for their potential to treat sleep apnea in the short term, as shown by some preliminary studies. CBD shows potential in the treatment of sleep problems as well as situations of excessive daytime sleepiness.

Patients Suffering From Multiple Sclerosis May Potentially Benefit From Its Use

Patients who have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS), an autoimmune neurological disorder of the central nervous system that can lead to impairment, have demonstrated one of the most startling positive effects of cannabis use in terms of its medicinal properties.

According to the findings of a survey carried out by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, as many as 66 percent of people living with MS make use of cannabis and the medicinal properties it possesses in order to alleviate the symptoms of this debilitating condition. Patients who are affected by this condition may experience a wide variety of symptoms, the severity of which is determined by the amount of nerve damage they have sustained. These symptoms may include numbness, weakness, muscle spasms, vision problems, spasticity, pain, fatigue, and difficulty walking or moving.

Cannabis can assist patients with multiple sclerosis in better managing neuroinflammation, which is one of the major issues produced by diseases that are permanent in nature like this. Cannabinoids, which are powerful anti-inflammatory agents, are of tremendous assistance in the treatment of the majority of the symptoms that are linked with multiple sclerosis (MS).

Cannabinoid Effects On The Body Are Beneficial For Patients Suffering From Crohn's Disease

Approximately 1.6 million adults in the United States are affected with the incapacitating and painful disorder known as Crohn's disease. It is one of the two forms of inflammatory bowel disease, which both entail chronic inflammation of the digestive tract, but IBD is the more common of the two.

The amount of clinical research that describes the health advantages of cannabis as well as the impacts of cannabis on the body is expanding each and every day.

In most cases, those who have Crohn's disease will experience bloody diarrhea, bleeding from the rectal area, abdominal pain, and fever. The results of some recent studies conducted in Israel suggest that CBD oil may be able to provide relief from the symptoms that are experienced. According to the results of a trial in which patients were given a placebo instead of cannabis, over half of those who used cannabis as a treatment achieved clinical remission after approximately eight weeks.

Patients Suffering From Arthritis Can Benefit From It

Cannabis could be an effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, according to some findings. Even while researchers are still debating whether or not cannabinoids deserve additional study, millions of patients already rely on cannabis as a treatment for aching muscles and joints. Patients suffering from arthritis can get relief from persistent muscle and joint pain by using cannabis, which is a powerful pain reliever.

According to a study that was published in the journal Pain in December 2017, the capacity of cannabidiol (CBD) to reduce joint inflammation and protect nerves could help prevent joint neuropathy and the pain associated with osteoarthritis.

Cannabis In The Treatment Of Cancer

Last but not least, patients affected with cancer may find relief in the calming effects that cannabis has on the body. According to experienced cannabis researchers, the answer to the decades-long argument on whether or not cannabis helps prevent or cure cancer is unequivocal: it helps with various symptoms, but you shouldn't bet your life on it curing the disease.

There is currently no evidence to suggest that the effects of cannabis on the body may totally assist in curing cancer. However, a small number of laboratory experiments conducted with animals have shown that cannabinoids can decrease the growth of cancer cells and inhibit the spread of cancer.

Cannabis, on the other hand, has shown some encouraging outcomes in the treatment of cancer-related symptoms such as pain, lack of appetite, difficulty sleeping, and anxiety. According to the findings of another group of researchers, it can also help alleviate nausea and vomiting produced by chemotherapy, in addition to being an effective treatment for neuropathic pain and a beneficial treatment for neuropathy.

More studies are being conducted in the medical field to help people get a better understanding of the impact that cannabis has on the body. The fact that cannabis use has been shown to have a number of positive health effects is what compels governments all over the world to legalize marijuana for both medical and recreational use. This, in turn, supports the expansion of the cannabis business.

The Bottom Line

Consumption of CBD can take place in a variety of different ways, like eating a CBD cookie, inserting a few drops of CBD oil or tincture under your tongue, or using a CBD vaporizer. Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. The amount of time that it takes for each of these strategies to become effective might vary greatly, and each one comes with its own collection of advantages.

The time it takes to feel the effects of a substance, as well as how long that substance stays in the body after it has been ingested, are two common questions asked by new users. There is no one right answer to these questions because the body's ability to absorb and eliminate CBD is contingent on a number of elements, including body weight, metabolism, and the manner in which it is consumed; therefore, there is no definitive answer.

There are a variety of different factors that may be used to accurately calculate how long CBD will last in the system after it has been ingested. The following are some of them:

  • Amount used
  • Method of consumption
  • Frequency of consumption
  • Activity levels
  • Physiology of the body
  • Body weight
  • Rate of metabolism

Disclaimer: This material is for informational purposes only and should not be relied on for legal, medical, financial, or any other form of professional advice.

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