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Effects of Magic Mushrooms

Do Magic Mushrooms Go Bad?

Weedbates Contributor

Individuals who are interested in personal growth, as well as those looking for relief from anxiety and despair, are increasingly turning to psilocybin mushrooms, which are also known as "magic mushrooms." There are a lot of people who are curious about whether or not hallucinogenic mushrooms have a shelf life and for how long they can be preserved.

Magic mushrooms, like other types of mushrooms, can go bad, but how they are stored impacts how long they will keep and whether or not their psychoactive components will remain viable. If you put them in paper bags or Tupperware and put them in the refrigerator, fresh mushrooms will last for seven to ten days. However, drying or freezing them will considerably increase their shelf life.

The freshness of the mushrooms must be maintained at all costs so that they do not rot or grow lethargic as time passes. This is the most essential step. Various methods, including drying, freezing, and storing mushrooms, can be used to keep them from going bad and losing their medicinal value.

Advantages Of Fresh Mushrooms

When it comes to flavor, most people find that fresh mushrooms provide the best experience. They are mainly composed of water, which contributes to the reduction of the bitter flavor. In addition, the power of fresh mushrooms has remained maintained by the drying or storing processes that occurred after they were harvested. Chewing dried mushrooms results in a harsh taste and rough texture, whereas chewing fresh psychedelic mushrooms results in a taste that is quite similar to that of conventional mushrooms. 

Even though drying mushrooms is the method that allows them to be preserved for the most extended amount of time, you should still keep them fresh if you intend to consume them within the next two weeks. 

When mushrooms are dried, their many active components oxidize, which reduces the effectiveness of those substances and causes them to lose their power. Generally, fresh mushrooms not only have a higher potency, but some also argue that fresh mushrooms give the impression of being more visually appealing. However, this is something that may be debated.

Fresh magic mushrooms have been shown to have a better overall appearance. However, it is possible that fresh mushrooms merely allow the customer not to start their acquaintance with mushrooms with an unpleasant taste in their mouth, both literally and figuratively, which may affect the result of the acquaintance for the better.

Around 180 Different Kinds Of Psilocybin-Containing Mushrooms

Mushrooms that grow in nature and are known to contain the hallucinogenic chemical psilocybin are referred to as magic mushrooms. There are around 180 different kinds of psilocybin-containing mushrooms that may be found across the globe. When taken, these mushrooms can cause hallucinogenic and/or psychoactive effects.

Psilocybin mushrooms

Psilocybin is metabolized in the body to create psilocin, a molecule responsible for the mushroom's psychoactive effects. Other compounds include baeocystin and norbaeocystin, which are typically found in trace concentrations, but it has yet to be discovered to what extent these molecules contribute to the overall effect.

Psilocybe semilanceata, often known as the tiny and potent liberty cap fungus, is most likely the species found most frequently and in the greatest abundance across Europe. Although psilocybin is responsible for the psychoactive effects of all types of magic mushrooms, various species of magic mushrooms may have different psychoactive effects.

Scientists are still researching how these effects may vary by species and in potency between different types of mushrooms.

What Are The Various Forms Of Magic Mushrooms?


Magic mushrooms come in wide varieties, and they are found to grow naturally in many parts of the world. Psilocybin mushrooms are natural mushrooms that grow on the ground or from mycelial spores and contain the psychoactive compound psilocybin. Some individuals pick these mushrooms for their psychoactive properties. However, the process of obtaining these mushrooms might be risky.

There are over 10,000 different mushroom species, some of which are known to be harmful to people. Suppose you are not familiar with the various species, varieties, and risks associated with mushrooms. In that case, it is simple to confuse one mushroom with another and pick one that will put you into a coma rather than one that will cause you to have a psychedelic experience.


Because mushrooms consist of 90 percent water, the drying process causes them to shed 90 percent of their total mass. This indicates that the same quantity of dried psilocybin mushrooms weighs approximately ten times less than the same quantity of fresh magic mushrooms.

During the process of harvesting, if the mushrooms are not kept dry, they have a high risk of swiftly rotting, which results in the loss of not only the mushroom itself but also the psilocybin that it contains. Consuming spoiled magic mushrooms is not a good idea since mold can induce severe gastrointestinal problems that are not accompanied by a psychoactive experience.

The market for psychoactive mushrooms, sometimes known as "magic mushrooms," is unlawful and uncontrolled because the substance is outlawed in virtually every country. The risk involved in purchasing any variety of magic mushrooms, whether they are fresh or dried, is that, unless you are an expert in the field, you will not be able to determine with absolute certainty the variety you are purchasing.

There are a large number of distinct varieties of Psilocybe mushrooms, each of which possesses a unique psychoactive effect. Taking a dose of a substance of which you are under the mistaken impression that it is of a weaker variety can have unanticipated and unfavorable consequences if it is actually of a different or more potent type.



Powdered forms of magic mushrooms are also commercially available; typically, customers can purchase them in capsule or powder form. The risks associated with buying psilocybin in this form are far higher than those related to purchasing the substance in its fresh or dried forms. Because adding additives to the powder is considerably simpler, there is a significantly increased possibility that additives of unknown origin, quality, and the amount will be put into the psilocybin powder that is meant to be pure.

Consumption Of Magic Mushrooms

It is essential to understand that the power of natural goods can vary even within the same species and from one region to another. This is true even if they come from the exact location. Consumption of psilocybin mushrooms can be accomplished in a number of different ways, including eating them fresh or dry, preparing them as a sauce, incorporating them into recipes, grinding them up, or simply eating them.


Since mushrooms are almost entirely made up of water, the same quantity of fresh mushrooms weighs around ten times more than the same quantity of dried mushrooms. Magic mushroom microdoses are becoming increasingly common, although there is currently a lack of study on microdoses.

What Effects Do Consuming Magic Mushrooms Have?

Magic mushrooms can affect a person's state of consciousness as well as their mood, perception, and overall sensory experience. A psychedelic trip can last anywhere from two to six hours, and its name comes from the usual term for the alterations that occur. The amount of psilocybin contained in the mushrooms is proportional to the strength of the trip, which in turn is directly proportional to the dose taken.

Under the effect of psilocybin, one of the most common effects is that one's mind appears to open up more, and as a result, one's experiences might become highly strong.

This implies that things that a person would typically find visually appealing (art, nature, music, etc.) can seem much more wonderful under the influence of psilocybin than they would when they are sober, but it can also mean that typical experiences can become overwhelming for the individual.

Because of the vast amount of sensory information that can easily overpower the mind and senses, being in a busy environment, such as a street or a nightclub, can be challenging. This can make it difficult to concentrate. To get the most out of your psilocybin mushroom experience, you should consume them in a place that is both comfortable and familiar to you, has a low level of sensory input, and allows you to manage that input. For example, you may do this at home or in a calm, open area.

Primary Effects Of The Magic Mushrooms Experience

The primary effects of the experience are the following: starting to think uniquely, interestingly, or in strange ways; emotions that are much more strongly related to sensory experiences; looking at one's own feelings or character; time incoherence; visual and auditory hallucinations.

Psilocybin appears to connect different brain sections in new and intriguing ways. As a result, those who use it may find that they can have diverse, fascinating, bizarre, and even scary ways of thinking. The best way to prepare for a psychedelic trip is to ensure that you have a happy attitude and are in a comfortable setting before you start your journey, as there is very little that can be predicted about the path that a psychedelic trip will take.

Changes in the way sounds are perceived, as well as visuals seen with the eyes closed and open, can be some of the hallmarks of a full-blown hallucination brought on by the use of magic mushrooms of varying potency, variety, and quantity.

mushroom hallucinations

When one closes their eyes, they may see everything from fractal designs and vivid colors to dream sequences and profound recollections. This type of vision can take place at any time. Hallucinations of the surrounding world are possible when one's eyes are closed.

These hallucinations may include significantly brighter colors, objects that seem to undulate or "breathe" in front of one's eyes, designs that form, move, or spin as one looks at them, and many more. At greater doses, you may feel things that are not actually present, as well as the possibility that items and settings may transform into other things.

Sounds can become clearer, sharper, or distorted or take on a new meaning, all of which are examples of auditory hallucinations. Alterations in perception and enjoyment of musical or linguistic compositions are also possible.

An intense experience in which one's self-awareness (apparently) ceases to exist can simultaneously be scary, weird, enlightening, or all of the above. Users may suffer what is known as "ego death" when they take extremely high amounts. As ego death can be a highly emotional experience, it is not advisable to take very high doses of the trick, particularly for first-time users or individuals unfamiliar with the substance.

Is There Any Medicinal Use For Magic Mushrooms?

Mushrooms containing psilocybin can be used therapeutically for purposes such as therapy and even bereavement, in addition to their usage as a medicine for the treatment of psychological disorders and diseases such as depression, stress, alcoholism, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Magic mushrooms have been the subject of a significant amount of research, much of which has been conducted at Imperial College London and by David Nutt, particularly with regard to their potential efficacy in the treatment of stress. The findings of this research indicate a substantial relationship between controlled psilocybin experience and alleviation of depression in the participants, possibly from as little as one psilocybin experience.

mushroom microdosing

Microdosing mushrooms (at a much lower amount than that which would generate psychoactive effects) has also been found in studies to be associated with the treatment of minor diseases such as migraine and complex headaches. However, at this time, there is very little research done on microdosing, and many people assume that its benefits are little more than placebo.

It would be best if you did not attempt to use psilocybin for medical purposes on your own and should only allow licensed professionals to use it for medical purposes. Psilocybin therapy is currently the subject of active research.

Do Magic Mushrooms Go Bad?

There is not much difference with magic mushrooms. Almost all products and medications lose their effectiveness after being stored for an extended period. Unfortunately, mushrooms that have been stored for too long might get damaged, and other substances can lose their potency.

Therefore, the technique of preservation that is used is one of the most significant variables in keeping the quality of mushrooms as well as their safety and potency. The primary objective here is to maintain the mushrooms in the best possible condition for the most extended period.

Why Do Magic Mushrooms Go Bad?

Mold and rot can easily take hold of magic mushrooms, just as they do any other plant. When mushrooms get contaminated with bacteria or mold, it is not safe to consume them in their edible state. Those mushrooms that have lost their freshness are referred to using this word. They should not be consumed in their current form.

Even if mold or bacteria do not grow on the mushrooms, the hallucinogenic chemical known as psilocybin will degrade with time. Psilocybin is found in mushrooms. Mushrooms that have gone bad can still be eaten, but their medicinal value will be diminished compared to freshly magic mushrooms.

magic mushroom

Mold and bacteria can become an issue with mushrooms in general if they are exposed to moisture while being stored or if they are maintained in a fresh state. In most cases, heat, UV light, or oxygen are the agents that are responsible for the destruction of the active compounds found in mushrooms.

How To Differentiate Whether Mushrooms Have Gone Bad?

You'll learn how to differentiate whether mushrooms have gone bad, maintain their freshness, and properly store them so that you get the most out of them.

There are two clear signals that mushrooms have lost their safety rating: thinning and black patches. If kept for more than the recommended amount of time, magic mushrooms will go bad and become a source of bacteria, just like any other organic product would. Mushrooms that are very dry and shrunken are also potential symptoms of this condition. However, the most significant risk is posed by high humidity, which can result in the growth of mold as well as airborne soil particles that are contaminated with bacteria.

Another issue is a loss of physical strength. Psilocybin, the hallucinogenic compound found in mushrooms, diminishes with time, which results in a shift in the effect of the mushrooms as a whole. Even though there is no danger involved when psilocybin diminishes, the psychedelic experience cannot be completed in this manner since it does not fulfill its intended purpose.

Lifespan Of Magic Mushrooms

The shelf life of some mushrooms can be significantly lengthened by drying them. To stop mold growth and hasten the spoilage of mushrooms, you can let them air-dry instead of storing them in the refrigerator. The mushrooms will lose their moisture during the drying process, making them appropriate for long-term storage. In any case, storing fresh mushrooms and their lifespan is different from the lifespan of dried mushrooms and how you store dried shrooms.

Pickers of wild mushrooms are showing a growing interest in consuming dried mushrooms. This is because they are simple to consume and pack and have a longer shelf life than fresh mushrooms. The power of dried magic mushrooms is not diminished in any way, and they continue to be powerful psychedelics even after drying. Consuming dried mushrooms imparts a flavor that is distinct unto itself.

It is possible to make the mushrooms in the form of capsules, which will better keep the active elements. After the mushrooms have been dried, the psilocybin that gives them their psychoactive effects is still there.

psychadelic shrooms

Mushrooms deteriorate rather rapidly in moist environments. If the mushrooms have gone bad, you will quickly be able to determine because they will emit an unpleasant odor similar to mold or food that has gone bad. To keep fresh mushrooms fresh for a more extended period, it is recommended to store them in airtight canning jars or in the refrigerator.

The proper storage method is required to keep mushrooms fresher for an extended period of time. The shelf life of fresh mushrooms is often only a few hours to a few days, but if they are stored correctly and air-dried, they can remain edible for as long as three months.

Drying without the use of heat is an option for both dried magic mushrooms and canned truffles. However, exposure to high temperatures over an extended period of time might kill or degrade the active components in magic mushrooms, hence diminishing their therapeutic value. In an effort to get things along more quickly, many people fall victim to this typical error.

Following this step, the magic mushrooms need to be pre-dried to eliminate any excess moisture, and then they need to be entirely dried in a standard dryer. This eliminates all of the moisture that is required to store the mushrooms for an extended period of time.

Freezing fresh truffles and magic mushrooms is never a good idea since it compromises the integrity of the inner cell surface and drastically affects the efficiency of the mushrooms and truffles.


What Is The Shelf Life Of Dried Magic Mushrooms?

Sadly, no one rule can be universally applied to all types of mushrooms. The lifespan of the mushroom depends on the variety that you select, as well as its shape. For instance:

  • The shelf life of fresh mushrooms is only three to ten days at most.
  • The shelf life of dried mushrooms is typically between six and twelve months.
  • The typical duration of shelf life for microdose capsules is between 12 and 18 months.
  • Mushroom candies usually have a shelf life of between 12 and 18 months.
  • The shelf life of mushroom honey is between two and three years.

Fresh mushrooms are far more prone to rotting and mold than dried mushrooms. Therefore, if you choose the natural path, you will have little time left before the mushrooms are possibly hazardous to your health. On the other hand, the shelf life of fresh shrooms can be extended to ten days if storing shrooms in a paper bag and placed in the refrigerator.

Dried mushrooms nearly always have a longer shelf life provided they are stored under the appropriate circumstances. For instance, dried magic mushrooms can hold their potency for up to two years if they are protected from light, kept at a low temperature, and exposed to as little oxygen and heat as possible. Thus, being stored properly, a fresh mushroom can be kept till ten days. The only important thing is to store fresh mushrooms properly in order not to lose the potency of your magic shrooms.

Honey Made From Magic Mushrooms And Various Other Options

Many methods can be used to store mushrooms. Because almost all of them need drying the mushrooms first, and only a few last longer than dried mushrooms, it is arguable whether any of them can be regarded as preservation methods.

The shelf life of mushroom tea in the refrigerator is just about a week, which is far from the longevity of fresh mushrooms! When dried mushrooms are immersed in chocolate, however, it is not the lifespan of the mushrooms that is important; instead, it is the chocolate.

The shelf life of mushroom honey is significantly longer than that of dried mushrooms on its own, reaching up to 3-6 years under optimal conditions. Honey does not go bad on its own because its sugar content is so high that it causes microorganisms to dry out and die on contact.

Honey can cause mold to grow on fresh mushrooms when they are used together because the honey absorbs the moisture from the mushrooms and dilutes them, which causes the mushrooms to lose their antibacterial characteristics. Honey also shields psilocin and psilocin from the effects of contact with air. However, the mushroom needs to be dried and then crushed before it can be used.

If crystals form in honey, regardless of whether or not mushrooms are present, the honey should be heated and stirred to re-dissolve the crystals. This is because a significant portion of the honey's sugar is focused on the crystals, meaning that the honey liquid left behind has a somewhat lower concentration of sugar and is, therefore, more likely to harbor mold or even bacteria.

On the other hand, there are a lot of people who successfully keep honey that has crystallized for months or even years without any issues.

How Long Does It Take For The Effects Of Magic Mushrooms To Wear Off?

Psilocybin, the active ingredient in mushrooms, typically stays in fresh mushrooms for about one week. The manner in which you care for them, from the time you pick them up to the time you release them, will determine how long they will live. If they are properly stored, fresh mushrooms that are still in their entirety can keep their potency for up to 10 days.

If you wish to eat mushrooms within this time frame of ten days, fresh mushrooms can be the most convenient alternative for your trip. Why? Raw, natural mushrooms have the maximum concentration of active compounds, while dried mushrooms, which have been processed, have a lower efficiency level. On the contrary, dried edible mushrooms have a storage life that is significantly longer. As a result, you must consider each choice's benefits and drawbacks carefully.

psilocybin containing mushrooms

Dried mushrooms have a shelf life of roughly six months, but this is highly dependent on the storage circumstances. Although dried mushrooms can maintain their activity and purity for up to a year, they will lose part of their potency over time. However, the shelf life of culinary goods like chocolate made from mushrooms or honey made from mushrooms is the longest.

These snacks contain chocolate and honey, both of which shield the fungi from the damaging effects of heat, oxygen, and light that are caused by the environment. Honey can retain its maximum efficacy for two years, whereas chocolate's maximum efficacy lasts for only one year under optimal conditions.

How Should You Properly Store Your Magic Mushrooms?

When storing magic mushrooms, it is ideal to do it in a container that is as free from oxygen, heat, ultraviolet light, and any bacterial or fungal spores that may be present.

As long as they are kept in a cold and dark place, dried mushrooms can be preserved for a significant amount of time in an airtight container such as a canning jar or a zip-lock bag with a dehumidifier that is appropriate for use with food. While some mushroom foragers ground the mushrooms and mix them with chocolate to keep the psilocybin, others soak the dried mushrooms in honey for long-term storage. Both methods are effective in preserving psilocybin. Thus, if you are curious about how to store magic mushrooms, you should remember that dried shrooms can be preserved for a longer period.

How To Know If Magic Mushrooms Have Lost Their Potency?

It is essential to have the ability to identify mushrooms that have gone bad or are unsafe to consume, regardless of the method used to store them or the length of time they have been kept. Before consuming mushrooms that have been stored, it is essential to check for the presence of four things: visible mold, a sweet or strange scent, surface stains, and evidence of discoloration.

Throw away magic mushrooms if they have gone bad; magic mushrooms are not particularly expensive, and it is not worth the risk of ingesting potentially dangerous germs or mold if they have gone bad.

Mold Growth That May Be Seen

The mold that is obvious to the naked eye should serve as a warning sign that the mushrooms are no more fit for human consumption. You might observe a very slight growth on white, black, gray, or any other color of mushroom.

Any mushrooms showing any signs of mold should be thrown away immediately. This includes mushrooms that have been kept in the same container as those with mold. It is not worth the risk to expose yourself to mold because different kinds of mold pose various dangers.

'Bad' Smell

There is already a unique odor associated with mushrooms. They have an aroma that is slightly musty and reminiscent of dirt.

Bacteria or fungus have likely infected the mushrooms you are storing if they have a fragrance that can be described as intense, sweet, or otherwise unpleasant. Because certain bacterial diseases can be fatal, you should get rid of everything in your store if it has even the slightest trace of an unpleasant odor.

Soft Spots

The presence of soft areas on mushrooms indicates that they have gone bad. There is a good chance that these are colonies of bacteria or spores of mold. Sadly, this indicates that you should get rid of them.

Mushrooms that have been dried but have turned soft as a result of bacteria or mold can no longer be stored. You can throw them in the trash.

Discoloration Which Can Be White, Brown, Or Black

You should get rid of your magic mushrooms as soon as possible if their surface color has changed or if there are areas of different colors on their surface. Infections produced by bacteria, mold, or yeast can result in discoloration and pose health risks if they spread throughout the body.

Blue, however, is an exception because it is an entirely typical color. In point of fact, blue discoloration is one of the essential methods for determining whether or not a sample of mushrooms contains psilocybin.

Should You Avoid Eating Old Magic Mushrooms At All Costs?

If, after carefully checking the mushrooms for symptoms of infection, you do not detect anything that indicates that they may be unsafe to eat, then it is possible that even old mushrooms can be consumed without risk. This is especially the case if the mushrooms have been preserved correctly and have been kept free from any moisture during the process.

Psilocybin mushrooms, which have psychedelic properties, lose their potency over time as a result of their natural decomposition. Although it is possible that old mushrooms can be consumed safely, their effects might not be the same as those of fresh mushrooms.

magic psilocybin mushrooms

It would be best if you did not automatically assume that the influence of your previous mushrooms has worn off because this is a dangerous assumption to make. If they are preserved correctly, they have the potential to keep practically all of the psilocybin that is still active.

Many people who use drugs have incorrectly concluded that their previous supplies have lost their potency, leading them to take significantly higher doses than they would normally. This is a formula for a disastrous trick or an overpowering experience; thus it is always better to assume that old mushrooms have not lost strength when you dose them.

How Long Do Mushrooms Remain In The Body After Being Consumed?

Standard drug tests administered in the workplace typically are not able to identify the most common hallucinogens. Phencyclidine is one probable exception to this rule. On the other hand, contemporary laboratory techniques can be utilized to carry out laboratory tests that can identify any drug or metabolite, including psilocybin, in response to a request made by the relevant authorities, medical staff, or employers.

A urine test can detect the presence of the fungal metabolite of psilocybin for up to three days after it has left the body. However, the actual detection time may be altered depending on factors such as metabolic rate, age, weight, medical condition, drug tolerance, use of other drugs or treatments, and urine pH.

Are Magic Mushrooms Prone To Addiction?

Abuse can occur with any substance that alters a person's state of mind. Someone can develop a dependency on magic mushrooms. Similar to how not everyone who consumes alcohol develops an addiction or dependence on the substance, not everyone who consumes magic mushrooms develops an addiction or dependence on the substance.

  • An intense need for mushrooms that you can't seem to control.
  • Keeping one's use of magic mushrooms a secret from family and friends.
  • It takes increasingly more substance to provide the same results.
  • If you want more mushrooms, you'll have to make some risky decisions.
  • Using other substances in combination with the consumption of magic mushrooms.

When they stop taking the mushrooms, a person who has been using magic mushrooms for a significant amount of time may also experience withdrawal symptoms. This makes it abundantly evident that the individual is battling an addiction of some kind. Toxic withdrawal from magic mushrooms can cause a variety of unpleasant side effects, including trouble sleeping, confusion, loss of memory, and even psychotic episodes.

Before ingesting magic mushrooms, you need to really consider whether or not you are willing to take the associated risks. It is possible to develop an addiction, take too much, have a horrible trip, or experience long-term harmful side effects. That's why it's always recommended to consume magic mushrooms in low or medium quantities.

The Bottom Line

As with any plant, magic mushrooms are susceptible to mold and decay. Mushrooms are not safe to eat in their natural state if they have become damaged with bacteria or mold.

The hallucinogenic ingredient psilocybin degrades over time regardless of whether mold or bacteria grows on the mushrooms. Mushrooms are the source of the hallucinogen psilocybin. Although spoiled mushrooms can still be consumed, their therapeutic efficacy is reduced when compared to fresh magic mushrooms.

Mushrooms are susceptible to mold and bacteria growth if they are stored wet or kept in an unspoiled condition. Typically, the active chemicals in mushrooms are destroyed by exposure to heat, UV radiation, or oxygen.

Like any other organic product, magic mushrooms lose their potency and become a bacterial breeding ground if stored for longer than recommended. Thinner mushrooms and those with black spots on them are both signs that their safety rating has been revoked. Dry, shrunken mushrooms may also be a sign of this illness. However, the greatest threat is presented by excessive humidity, which can promote the formation of mold and the dispersal of bacterially infected soil particles via the air.

Loss of physical strength is another problem. The overall effect of mushrooms changes as the hallucinogenic ingredient psilocybin gradually degrades over time. There is no danger when psilocybin levels drop; however, this defeats the aim of the psychedelic experience, and therefore it cannot be accomplished.

Disclaimer: This material is for informational purposes only and should not be relied on for legal, medical, financial, or any other form of professional advice.

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